Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 29, 1925, p. 4

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fllk oroltllkloun likkll ii jl h 2dt1i 1028 breath of new mown hay uh tin i m 1 diul i in tin limit lawn h imle light aud uvntl biiil lu tlo bonfl of the in uh ilnrkl intent tilth t oh wutnt llio nil of the mock io inrit in tho twilifilits tony niiiuiih anil awcet ih tin iiho uf lho crjuui rill as it hluil- lluoiihli willow iniln uh h tllp i i hiiillmk lf tll uw blouhoiii tlmt hiuih on tho qui hwpiloi fur lo boul u u biciitli uf mv nirfwn liny hack p ir iuiinorjn welling tulp il floats mo to the bmnij iwaceful daja when mjburja mai e almmdod lire aqd rotio tinted all its wrjb once u bin n uirnuli liomtsteail grob i wuikkr neath tho harvest moon b brihht wliile ujtwaiil floating fiom lin alnrht nieinltt comes th breath of m w mown bay now as then 1 hmlt a ast ilreiini roans ion illumined with triumphs grand blight lealmaof the future ei ploie guided by a fair fitncj h hnnd ah those were dajn unalloyed delight and glndoead that could not last and bow roj euro worn spirit om to roam back to that enchanted mat i have outflown lho wildest fancied flight i have conquered in life s frnj earth ooddesaes of nowei and happinoeu at my feet their lanrels laj but oh 1 for the golden moonlight dreams in the djing hours of day when upward on an etpmng zephyr home came the breath of new mown bay dela mae downs hastings viy confusing a roan was arrested in ii ami i ton for atari nfl at woiunn the truth 18 that a good man women these dajb are made up to be star ed at but no doubt the hamilton police wanted to ehow that tboj could make an arrest to a young lady just learning to play golf the names of eotno of lho clubs are often very confusing the other da on a cor tarn course a young man told the young lady he was playing with tbat ho noticed she bad anew brassic goodness i bo replied blushing furiously where does it show hald flrat bands court albert blake leo stump and milton hauck all of waterloo were apprehended at a late houi saturday night by chief of police william marshall and might con stable fred coe of oraogoville a large sedan car in which the trio were travelling and 81 25 ounce bottles of whiskey were con berated by the odicnle they are the tiret prisoners to appear in pol ice court in ontario on sunday as they were brought before police magistrate hugh falconer at two oclock on sunday afternoon last an attempt waa made to secure boil but it could not be arranged bo the noe used will r main in jail until tomorrow whifj tbey will answer a charge of having liquet m other tbnn a nrnnte dwelling bur home may be stolen by fire lhtniqjj or wind storm jlakc it safe from financial loss with insurance stool elmer c thompson tasiruce service georgetown guelpe business college ommr bm gaclph ont for your ttmrongb training bfcaurp 1 it is nrlerttmtfl equipped 2 it has oil went business ex penenced intttiuclors 8 it keeps up with the rapid progress of buaincs 4 its courses are practical 5 ipditidu instruction 6 tts graunnteattfe- in demand a oumbor now attending have posit ion b waitinjhem fall term from aug slat make your arrangements now guelph business college a l bouck prifdiil ai prrlrir sebblon the estire year fire insurance j w aiaa wetm at ml for tone of ihe atrongnt com niet wtrtloginiuraoct vreyou protected taeniasisisthe name ilftl ash willi ii hitmhsv hum amm4lh shrvp imiltr mill luti r all subject tn ttarki kroui be tnie itnnii ll it llcul ulth tlili tilt- following dltnrruudluoni may rtsult from lapiwimu lutrsla lion 1 partial oi coniplctt- bl jtk inn of the lurou of mi lutratliii tills nmj caiine tuilc ur liiuatuuiuiory dlblurvftdcm 2 lirllulluh aoj dl- eaai of tile llvtr dm to ibv liuamijja of worms hiruiikh it wlj ducta luu the llvtr 3 irrllulloru of llie iuu loub luliubrsue uf lit itutstlm by the liouku u tlit ariutd prcla anaemia due to laklnk of ouur lohmnh from the iiijsjju in oie id tubllne 6otntral dtllllij of ilia anlmul due to tin ulturptlon of toilo matter that lias been xcrttid by lho paraalte 6j tht cystic forui or tapej worm cbuaes the condition hnowo u meanly pork and beef the ton ko lug ruinrka wlu indicate how itrlous a peat thla aeldom ifen intefnal bant- alu la to certain ut our dumeatlo anltnalh hito uutory of tapeworm moat ot the taenia undergo a ser ies ot complex mctainorphlc change involving larval and sexually mature parasitism in hosts of different u pe des whin an egg is swallowed by a suitable host the shell la digested and tbo embryo liberated the em bryo pierces the intestinal wall and by way of the blood and lymph la carried to the particular organ of in body specific for itn further develop ment where it become inclined this forms a bladder cyst the stage that gives the meaaly pork and measly beef condition well known to meat the next stage is the formation of the cepbalocyst which is dune by a budding from the bladder cyst wall it is the development of the sea lex or head if at thla time the bladder cyst la swallowed by a suitable host the head becomes separated from thfl bladder like cyst and attaches itself to the mucoua membrane of the in testlne where it develops into an adult tapeworm a sexual pore is present on either one or both mar gins or each segment the segment is virtually an egg pouch and usually contains many eggs it breaks away aud passe from the body of its host on becoming fully developed tna head or scalex with developing seg ments remaining in the intestine un til expelled by drug treatment the tapeworm has no alimentary or in testinal system the food tbat it take passes directly through the surface of the body in most species there are two drainage canals extending trom the head to the posterior seg ment these worms are or teat interest because of their remarkable process or development in early stages the immature worm exlata at a bladder worm living in the body tissue or an intermediate hoat tn tha second stags the mature form la found in the intestine of the deflnlt sheep these animals are quit frequently affected with either ona of two species if lambfc show such symptoms aa emaciation arrested de velopment lota ot appetite lanltuda and diarrhoea the aheepman should be suspicious of the presence or tape- poultry few or many birds in a flock may show algns of infection early symptomi are a ravenous appe tite exceaalve thirst and later food may be entirely refused there la a general unthrlftlnesa and wasting un til the birds become weak and ema ciated a yellowlah white diarrhoea may be present the comb and wattle become yellowlah or pink the most seriously infested birds will mope around with drooped wings separat ing themselves from the flock the farm dog dogs are mora frequently infested with tapeworm than any other farm animal mature dogs may harbor many tapeworms without recelvlag apparent injury mature dogs may harbor many tape worms without receiving apparent in jury young doga are much more ausceptlbje and if showing the fol lowing symptom you should be aus picious of the presence of tapeworm the symptom are those of gaatro in testinal catarrh hungry at time and at time refualng food penduloua abdomen retarded development ema ciation and reatleasness convulalona so me times occur an interesting point in connection with the tape worm that lnfeata the dog la that tta intermediate hoat is the dog flea if works like this the ilea eat tna fecal matter from the dog containing the tapeworm egga these egga nafeb within tha flea formlnt the bladderlike cyata or second stage la the tapeworm a life history tha dog then eata the ilea and the tapeworm head or scalex la liberated to to dogs intestine where it be cornea at tached to start the life cycle again ho rasa are rarely infested with tapeworm cattle and awlne aome- umea are but fortunately not very frequently i stevenaon dent of extension o a college the estimated cost of supporting the rats that prey on our food pro ducts on the farms and in the home la f6 000 000 per annum tola fa a very heavy burden to carry aad w would be better off without tu rat which is entlralr harmful j sanf0rd sheet metal worker mi- general tinsmilhing stewaftttown fkuellri ladies smnp00mc httceumc and cuu1m nnzmc an sdkeok try us oup prices are reasonable mr mrs jhlillico anutbeilsrfememt how teachers federaiiojefwill tour canada stable ventilation uf nlllnlli i i it nlli i hnjhit vvlulb ii uh 1 hit rjotd jt will unit n y in ipornitlinir it ri and biiitlmi it i il h ii t mid unliiinlbftm i com mini to jin in mi ulmiiili rt that is d iiuicttvc it at f the oreat lakra nutt will fart wluja- part melltham 3 the ferrr beat meter prlacru ftlrlaa- krtww 3 the syerui trala which nak try robert louis stevenson crossed the pyrenneee on a dunkey he even enjoyed the trip whatever physical die comforts he had to put up with were more than compensat ed for by the amount or knowledge lie accumulated and by the deep pleasure he derived from com ins into close contact with the beauties and nondem or nature bji the don- ley vhatever his eood points may be is not now recarded nr the moil satisfactory means or transportation and we in pnnida have o decided preference tor the more com fori ah le and rapid conveyances depicted above the picture illustrates the general system by which the various points of the dominion have become linked up with one another by canadian pacific hi earners trains and automo biles it also shows the means by which dean laird s special party of schoolteachers will make their educational trip across canada from coast to coast leaving toronto on july 20th arriving at ancoirrer july 27th and returning to toronto early in aurusi a special train no 3 in the illustration will he til 11 lied and reduced rales ar being offered to teachers who desire aa it were to complete their own educa s a lake kwltur intbbaabue awalu ansm hlamrar 7 bubtaedak baa oaed at tri uon by increasing their personal acquaintanceship with the countrj about which it is heir duty to in struct the rising generation al though the tour is amnccd prim arily for the benefit of serool teach era it is not restricted to lacm nnd other professional and bunincu peo pie are taking advantage of the op porttmlty to tnako this combined pleasure and educational trip across the country the party will travel by rail vlth several stopovers to vancouver and rrom there will cross to vancouver island by a canadian pacirie ferry wek dilp fi nit ihtinp nr c it ulrli f r nl a c in uiloti not lo i 1 iir 1 t 10 much mr sji ice n mulukc ah the rock a common nilttnlu m nl ix tnn much ulr epnci p r iiiinnl tiip nom banff he irlo upon die in at n lli a m tl tmlnial tmdj in ninlirn hlabli i nnd under nlnlr nmliiliin 11 hns li n found wml 00 i i r00 ciililr t t f boot no 2 from there by train they will proceed from oneouver to nelson h c and thtnee i la steam er no e oier lake hoolenay to kootenuy inniiltif by rail again on to windermere from where thi nutomohllci no g bill come them over the famous binff winder mere highway lo itonff entraining once more the party will ko on to edmonton returning from there to port wlllhm from which nolnt they trael by one of the canadian pnci flc great iakes stcimem to port mcmcholl no 1 and complete ilia tour from there to toronto by rail georgetown floor feed mill rive rqim in 98 and 24 lb bags purity flour in on lb bans national paartry m 98 and 24 lb bags cbick feed and scratch feed tor boos chopped feeds all kinds baled hay and straw w c bessey phone 195 georgetown we pay higheit prioe for oata bargains in real estate 6 room frame iiouro on mam si all conveniences jararp anil ben botisc garden good fruit and a nice itiftn price h10 terms 600 down balance urmireti to null purcliaser seven room frame house nnd two lots price h60 1400 fi roomej cottnri m colloge iew on coiioro st for quick sale 1400 tormn nrrnngod to buit pnrcbanor for pnrlioulnrb apply to e a benham rhal lstati afpnt ibonc 104 tnottltovn nox 4sii whl6mjss4sms hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 100 gnaranteed lamps 2c nnttio watt aa 60 watt j 7 100 watt tungbten flr 100 watt nitro qj- 160 watt nitro 200 watt nilto j iji lonb guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed s years 575 otdeis taken or rangea and appliances of all kinds office town hall w w roe insurance broker f insurance in all branches f phone 05 oeobgetown if it is- 111 inoiini or ti uihpoit ition proli lion jou eng im im i i uh til ad ut 1 on nbiiiing pin hr fipp itfpipiites ourtntl n snyder cartage and distance hauling lv good pumps at right prices buy a toronto pump from me toronto pumps are sturdy prac tical the product of thirtyfive fears in the pump business and know the quality of materials and workmanship used in their manufacture no matter what style you want in a hand pump whether for a deep or shallow well i can supply a toronto pump which will give every satisfaction at a reasonable price drop in and let me show yon the toronto pump line w j alexander i georgetown pumps specials lor this week mil dm nil 11 r tllntlon rturlnc tin thr r c hpttt willi proppr ulidiui thi pirl of the stable mi can ti kept rpiihoniilly diy ami pnra for only pnrt of hip icar add n vcntllntluj sybtim and ou nn i i ihi dmilklnc atmohphcrli pnndlllnni from luiur tn hour nltli little labor and mueli satisfaction h w in thr thrift of the hlnck 1 im nr r modplllnr the old atnhh or liulldh c r npir one pin wnijintlnn full c n alderntlon put in n hslirn put in loti nf ln hftim tin wludous lo opin limnnl frnm thi top nnd don t foikol hip dikoli doom i pt of eitcnlon o a coiiikc flmlph the rniitml of potato inscrti sprns or duuts thorouclily applied at llio rlfeht time are i iccllip for potato beetle 1 no calcium arnnate arm nnte of llmio 1u pounds to 0 miiioiib of wnttr or bordenui mixture or parh brnn 1 o 2 pounds tn 40 sollnns of voter or parlh rtpih 1 pound nnd ar- sennle of lead 1 pound in in nllons of water or bordeaux mixture any of the nbi lo mn bi applied in the form of a dust lint should b diluted with from 10 to 20 time heir own bulk of hdrnted lime applj with dustir or slink through hor flra luetic i m bordeaux mliture i in blue- ilogi 6 his hdraed lime nnd 40 knltona water nllti nni if tbo pola oii3 usid tor potato lijltlp fur leaf hnpm r i e bordeaux nilxtnn spray both aldts or iht lnf tboroimhlj for polnto 4hli lno black ltaf to as soon as tb aplils are et nil nuimrouh npra thoroufihly dipt of lxunalun o a lolleke guelph well at the mitral pipirlmeutnl farm ottawa belnit one of hie moat promihliir o ihi m west inrli ties it the eedllnak rhln nd t italnlnr thi inrlitles cuth bert paton herbirt klni nnd lon don the seed una plnlhul in 190s and the following j ir timm 200 plants wero net out for study two yearn lat r it wan poasllili iq mak a silictlon from tin best lit these it wrh thtn tbat sddtlnh niniimn no 23 wan recoknlieii lo pokhphu nuper- lor merit in 1916 and 1917 this arlety wa subinlrtid for furthir trial lo the f xptrlmi nlal farms whtro it rki nmoiie tho beat inrletlis ittliir lfitlfa considerable injur nin be dona to altaltalli ids b lati culling or pasturing in thi autumn tli alfalfa plants should bt fn to grow after september 25th cutlliik or pastur lng after this date is dot gnod prac tlce to stand the winter hie crowns of tho plant should be enured with a good rigorous growth ot leaf and stani when the snow comeh dept of extension o a college guotph take notice 1 irtti fa i i i f r i wild kllimlll jill 1 iii jll mlilll i s ill iikioi loin 10 20i 20 tllh i ful irfl ito sn s a 1 li mill pmnllrf nile illo oiio h ifion ii nut olnr palm oliu- nitinhf kik twin nr i fur itillu lilies fill ii l lllkh i in nti i i ihhll i iklllrifh of 1 wd ot ntm llilf fnii iukikpluitix ino unit f 1hu4 wantill mark clark bakery and groceries v lu mprorndil v dm loi ihloc n vlinrluilhi ihpothn alk nihlilbprl snrla r fhlrl r ft n i gpprrhon it1 tn turns lr r all k d of b lnk 1 hi itpoltmn mii trucking and- long dislanee hauling ftndllarf m vincj picnic parlies done bj hour nr 1 ronlmrt for irppr nml arinnci- mpntr mil or wi ite wm g roszcl ox 1116 i oxorqetowx hurlbuts grow with the growing feet 1 they can be rebuilt at fac tory and made a size larger 2 rebuilt shoes are worth more than the coat of rebuild ing 3 our rebuilt service adds months of wear to hurlbut hurlbut cushion- 1 l we not only sell but recom mend them 97 d brill co at sign and hah rtow we will send jou the information thitt oii should linio concern i ng this bfhool sign nni mail lliifi ruu lion nni we will bo fln to nut ion on tlio rilit truck start here begin now brampton business inslltnlc brampton porgetowli i no shore hint raqslred f standard i anthracite scranton i i coal i in all sizes coal iwood select lamp for domrntlc mill dirohlnnr imipobts smitliin unil cnnni 1 coul inful irnrrj oioijtlimk lo boftnnil in uny up to dntc coil unci wooii yftrj i john mcdonald phone 12 georgetown i coal btst d l fx w scranlon coal in all sizes also smithing andsteam coal mrs j walkins norva1 sriiod phone 68r24

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