Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 26, 1925, p. 3

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9 tflb qrodustown itkiiaill amibmt jjclir 102 1 matthews 1 school supplies d j matthew dituus mid stationery ulinrf fsb bena feni rej local news hems schools re open tuesday exhibition opens saturday georgetown old boys from toronto will attend the fur at georgetown on sept sotb meals and light lunches can nw be bad at kennedy a beataor- aot higb in quality reaaon able n price mr w j boney has purchased the old hotel property at silver- creek and baa started a chicken ranch master boy cole had lys left arm broken jut saturday he tell on the pavement while playing with borne other boys st george a sunday school hold their annual picnic to eld or ado park on saturday last all report having an enjoyablo time satnrday special good aa aortment of chocolates all regular 40o ind 60c lb for 80a another special treat which you can see in our windows on friday and satur day at mo lb the reeve and members of lsqneamg council and their wives motored to niagara falls on tuea day and viewed the illumination a the evening tbey report an enjoyable outing l0 l no 846 glenwilliams will bold their annual church par ade on sunday august 80 tb 1985 to the united church all mem bora are requested to moet at the hall at 0 so pm sharp master bobert saunders was b truck by a traok but saturday afternoon and had a narrow escape front serious injury he was un conscious for some time but ib retting around ajl right again an attendance of vjflqqnex pected on manufactures day sat urday september 5th at the can adian national exhibition heads of industrial plants the province over are cooperating to make the day an outstanding one in exhibi tion history yes the new woman re marked i am greatly troubled 1 want to get married joat to prove that i can and i dont want to get married just to prove that i don t have to if i dont they ii say i cant if 1 do theyll say i have do more in depend ance than any other other woman thoughtful precaution a woman went to the bank and ask for a new check book i ve lost the one yon gave me yesterday she amid but it doesnt matter i took the precaution of signing all th checks aa soon as i got it ao of course it won t be any use to any one qlse boots of every description look in our bargain window notb ing over 76c our onitomera know we cannot be beat for good boots at tow price repairing wo men s boots bait soled sewed with rubber beela v 1 00 j boney tbe lowest priced place for good boots in ontario fitp a new era of expansion will be inaugurated at tbe canadian national exhibition on opening day when premier fenfusou will lay tbe corner stone of tbe new ontario government building to net 600000 witbm three years other boeldings coating 8000000 and a monumental new entrance will be added to the c n e qu tm ui dum there will be a tea and dance at the golf links oil thursday afternoon and evening august 87 s tea served from 6 to 6 dancing from 8 80 to 18 o clock lad golfers are requested to be at the club house at a 80 sharp intltau the regular monthly meeting of the georgetown women a inati tnte will be held at the borne of mra wm sinclair charles st wednesday september sod at 8 pm come prepared to answer to the roll cau with some good recipe all ladjes welcome cuvcallm a collision between a studebaker aitd a ford coupe took place at the corner of guelph sud jobu streets on saturday afternoon fortunately no one was injured bat the cars were considerably damaged the ford suffered tbe worst and will need numerous re pairs h w btat gift ikayim jewel rj watches ctocki china cut glass brooaea porroromi etc fine gifts tc- repairs a special tr expert ork optical parlors far testing eyes dr hay ward of toronto will attend here every wednesday 10 am to 6 p m to examine eyes and fit glasses fifteen years experience in tor onto guaranteed satiifsctlon u having purrhasod the wholesale cigar rigaretu anti tobacco buii ness pf mr fallie brampton 1 have disposed of a hull interest my billiard and pool purlers to mr frank mcdonald pthrons are assured the earno cordial ricop tion and treatment in tbe future that they havo recened in the past i 1 bughey georgetown dr fat- blurt dud after an illness of some month h duration dr peter stuart one of ontario a moat successful phyuio tans and bucko on a died at bis into residence 170 woolwich st hiielpb on tueadaj august 85th in hie 67th year deceased was well knowp in georgetown and vuinitj and bis death is deeply rep retted i tbe funeral service mil bo hold on thursday al 1 to p in inter ment at milton alaaaat laaotunt a gentleman in town was re turning home by way of the nor val road in biacar onooemng last week when some one in a passing car threw an apple and struck the windshield immediately in front of the driver he was blinded foi minute by tbe force of tbe im pact and tbe bespattered wind shield and a aenoue accident was narrowly averted it is to be hoped the guilty party will see the senouanesa of such conduct and not repeat it fultkmtn wednesday aug 26th hua bands and lovers drama chap ter 6 pf tbe riddle rider com edy love sick friday aug 88th the foolish virgin star nng elaine hammerstein com edy great guns felix car toon fox news saturday august 29th matinee at 3 p m orphans of the storm by d w griffiths starring lillian and dor othy giah comedy giddan felix cartoon coming girl spy starring harold llojd kura4 ftb trip wt r and mrs g say era return ed home last week after a pleasant trip to the west they viaited at the home of their son mr fred sajers and other relatives and bad tbe pleasure of motoring over ioojoilee through manitoba and saskatchewan and visiting numcr towns the crops looked flue e grain fields being over 200 e in site w el ismond farms 1180 acres thomas iemond 810 w ismond 640 and fred say era 810 acres those are a few of the wlfo have been successful since going west guwt oualnl ud duos on tuesday evening september 1st a street carnival and pavo ment dance will be held in hilla- barg when tbe new pavement which has been recently put down ill be formally opened tbe pop nlar goelph jaic band has been engaged for the occasion and great time is in store for everyone adherents of the square dance will be provided for in a separate section of the pavement with a special orchestra of old timo lid dlera booths on the street freo parking for oars pavement spec ally illuminated for the occasion prises for carnival and dancing dr reynolds chairman commit tee j w turner secretary hut in at awidut herbert hogg fust line west cbinguacouay had soveral ribs broken and was badlj abnken tip an automobile accident that happened sunday alter hood at victoria a busy intersection on tbe centre road about 10 miles north of brampton mr uogg was proceed in g east and elgin delaney driving s f flemings oar of brampton was going north when the latter car struck the eastbound oar with such tern do force tbat it knocked it 80 foot to tbe ditcb the brampton car made a complete turn from the force of tbe collision mr hogg who was alone in his car was thr own into tbe fence with mr do laney was bis parents and twi others but no one was hurt in the heavier car both care were bad ly damaged motor traffic on the lentre rood wasvorj hea at the time of tbe accident church news unitbo chow n bv dr dickies subject at thi dotted church next sunday morn ib aog 30th will be christ tli tbe only way to the father bev mr cldell e subject for sunday will be the doom or the wicket llr mill mm frank umi mid ik clifford ami doimlfc or bt ihitumri h tbe utrk end with their aunt mm a dovoruau uiiuullor and mrs o c camp hill ant miss campbell motored to ningain fiiiih and thorold a and spent uik wrik cud rut itb fin mis jamos j tunc ih visiting with frauds at ml forest and itu vc knrwmnf uiffmd as a vihilur at mi jtistph wuuon on morula dr and mm b watson le tumid homo fitfiu muskolia on liiihdai mrs jaitief amciuii or colling wood ih tititiiik with ht t mother mrs lido mi lnrl uuniulei spent n few da 8 in lowirlimt week before ri tuniiug to nc mm urnco m u phprion of toi onto imltd frieudi in the scott li block hist week mib grnndj of neu market visiting nt tho home of her brother mr a m crumi mra a m grand returned home siuurditj fioni h mbit at her homo in ouorville r and mrs w bunt an i son tfld at hurt pills kpent sunday with relstits in town nnd mr wallacn ingra mrs wilfrid s c mihhcs 1 lira hcth and i the i nml mnter ikith sumc mpent thi wck did at uraoehndkt mihh lly mrcnlloilgh or the hmg hliift or owen hound pub 3i hool iirh returned after spend ing lifr vnrntion with her mater mra w a wilson mr and mrs h uarrop norval announn the eoragement of their dntigbter glndh i rent to mr g clnin iatlicrstoue ford son of mr and mth james g ford milton ontiuio thomarrmgo to take place eaily m september tmiajumes henry and sons jim tind jul are visiting with mr and mm l d curno mrs c hnrles davis and daugh ter mrs w j poile itl grand dim glit era boaa and jusophibe ioilo armed home from visiting her daughter mrs f b newman nf h shcx where tbey hao bipn for tht litht three weekn mr and mrs a g green and family left jesterda for their now homo in burlington the wore good itixontand wo are sorry to i oho them may health happiness und prosperity cootiniie to he their lot in their new home m the wish of cioif town i ihn ni mil miss annn n w j rud bqtd ofonelphtis town during thi mr w m cole mr alfrei cole and miss mordant mcdonald aro liolidaing nt noilh bay mrssr a 1 foiiioh and char lea mcalliotfir of eorouto spout tiicsda at dr mcallisters mrs bobert drwin mrs u goldhnm and children are visiting with friends in hagerhvillo tr minnie coflen of toronto was a mat nt the homo of her son mr p b coffen lost week mihb noreen bonnott of millers corners 7ih line is visiting her t mra conovor at lrmdale lr and mm l pa no and daughter beryl of appm mo via ting wilh dr nod mrs mcallister mr and mrs i j bennett of orduo man ftro visiting relatives id fi tends id town and vicinity dr thomas wriggle- worth of kudaire win is vniting with ins brother mr qeo wrigglesworth r and mrs j stewart and daughter of toronto spent sunday ith mr and mrs a j lindaa dr g- mcgtiiro and mm b mcguire of simeoo apeot sunday with relatives in town and vioin tj mr and mis jamas uendorson of tottonlmm were guests of mr and mrs m l near over the week od mr and mri j a mcmaitor and children of dntroit spent the week nnd with friends in ton and vicinity miss annabel mclaughlin of irnl bus boon appointed assist ant teacher at glouwilt nms pub c school mr gordon spncn is spending woek with ins undo and aunt lr and mrs charles s ponce bracobridge mr arthur hnnumont is boh drting in quohen and the man i provinces r and mrs vv u willson and i joseph mo willson are en joying a motor trip through tho noith country miss alice miduiro who has boon toothing school in england for tho past yenr returned to to- nto on mooda ex warden john mcgibbon and mrs mcgibbon of man bo wood are isitmg at tho home of tboir son mr s b mcgibhon r and mrs s kirk wore at buffalo last wcok attending tho annual convention of tho amen can florists ans3ciattou mrs j c cmoron and miss rosemary havo returned home iter hohdairtg with her brother mr t w smith quoen st mrs northrup miss gladsaud masfer kenneth northrup of koch ester n v sic visiting with mr and mrs g w hornohton mr ro b annfttter who has been attending the summer school at queens dnivcmity kingston has returned to neville bosk winter wheat facts ttae cont is mora than repaid th homuii fly in ontario o a c no 104 winter wheat irawlng hubam sweet cloter tttlh oats the department at chemistry on tarlo agricultural college during the past year carried on experiments in eight counties to show the effect of lime and phosphates od fall wheat sieded with clover thosphatm essential tor fall wheat from obiefvatlan during the grow idr season and from yields the ollowlnq points are noted 1 plioapbatea gtue an increased yield in every case averaxlne btt per cent 2 the catch ot clover was woo dcrfully improved by the phosphates 3 aiie and quamty of pram was increbsed aa wll u yltld by phosphatib tht coat of 400 pounds of acid phosphate pot acre was more than covered leaving a substantial profit in erery case s it la oatlmated that approxl mately bait of the phoaphate remains in tho soil for succeedlos crops liming nxes little difference to tho growth and yield of fall wheat its effect will undoubtedly be seen on iho stand of clover tho following farmers are well advised to apply cold phosphate superphosphate to uielr fall wheat at from two hundred to four hundred pounds per acre the ttosauui my in ontario in each of the past four jears thf hessian fly has been working mor or less in the winter wheat crops of ontario in tho held husbandry department at the ontario agrtcul tural college the ravagca of this peat han been studied in each of forty varieties of winter wheat the hu mated average percent age of plants containing hessian fly was 3 in 1110 36 in 1911 7 in 1911 and is in 1813 the susceptibility of the dlf ferent varieties varies considerably the imperial atobor o a c no lot dawson s golden chaff and red ttock were below the average and tho early red clawaon kanred gold coin or no f and early qeneaae olant were above tbe average for an feated plants in the last our years tbe percentage being 4 for the flrat and 11 for the but of the above nam ed varieties corn the unusual weather conditions that hate been iperivnced in south western ontario this tar emphasis lbs value of the com plant aa a fod dtr crop to a greater i item than in ncent years corn will all the stloi as in past years ivrn if hi iiay crops tuvr falud to nil un barns ii it weri not for corn itiui j arms would be si on ot callle i id lur the coming wlnlt r lorn la c rlainl worth re alnlng as a crop i i ontario stock firms thirt is i o i a substitute do our dut in i i on conditions uitatu labli to- i t iho mu and the i h n all it is not lux ii 1 n that lays the most ikk i l m tr fiuble it is tin inn ihi i whin prlcm are 1 r ii at show the httlint prolll 1 out of th lay lng cutnp tltlun u 1 i tll stood fifth in ih i un t atood urst in 1 ue ol i r cfcga farmcm are pretty well through witb tbeir grain harest in thib vicinity walkerton a tai rate is 2 mills actons rate is 44 milts ooets we havent much kick com log at canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anmvetsaiy the annual worlds fair bd anything pw aua29 sept 12 browns bakery bread is the best food money can buy why not buy the best 5 wo lute been t niigrntiihiti d limn titint on our i mid hiikc some nf our ciiitonu m limo tntd it in if of c t jtra 1 tho fait tlutl tho iiiirc mil llrunu milk lirml iimri thani vi r after tftiting oiiili itreml is i roved by the ineriniui demand see oar lino of candies beg hot ii for big illc b fur pure maple buds ul 20o 27o 43o willards ice cream 2higcnes 5c hiutssilt l n h brown prop phone 202 rennies grocery granulated bugar 1 i ilia fui 1 00 swifts bhortenidf f ib pall h9 shredded wheat t tor 2 rangoon rno 4 lbs for 10 ginger hnara 2 lbs fur 2g anion a powder 4 for 21 castillo soup 7 for 2g wool soiai 1 far 25 gilk per pit 15 walch windows lor further specials saturday vl delulb d rrennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery youll know that we know how to mill good flour after you order excelsior flour acton flour mills d h lindsay proprietor kosy korner kandy kitchen weekend special tho rjnalitj of our homo made baking is proved b tho increased demand why worry and tiro joursolf out wlun jou can be supplied with real home made atry at nurli a low price as we arc offering to jou for on metropolitans are more than dclicuoiti canada bread istlin hrood tr a loaf to diy wo havo tbe butternut loaf wholo wheat dr ilnll r ico p r- tho homemad o loaf and dantunaid on ken our candy department is more than busj theao dsj why t bocauso wo have the better kind try a pound our mnplo walnut jiuddir hi try a pound of caramels and flondurns etc f j deverson prop kennedys parlor neilsons ice cream owing to thr demand for iro cream in bricks wo will in future rarr a ram pie to sssort nirnt of thiee we unlicit jour pntroniio in thm imr ntst ii mnte iiiimt delim r dont forget to fcsk for yonr coupon worth 10c with every dollar purchase our range of to barcon in large nuil our storli is kepi fresh hj rnnsunt lurnoxer we would bo ver cled to have jnti tn utir goods we refund ourmane un an thing that in not right up u tho nmrk h m kennedy xobaqoos and confectionery phone 161 main st georgetown 10 days of g b august 19th to 29th rubber footwear 4 hulibi i hoots s rubber oxforin lolor tun whiu nnd black hojh whiti t tinas iiath mlsiei ilfintn 0 fords mid hi uiptrs hihlh ilont mid stipuers lidiis white cinvfth bootri sandals and slippers child m patent lent her sandulk frlu piunt ltutlilr sahduls misses patent loahci sindali lidio n pau nt unlhor sundalt lwlier 1 ik suidiild onl lul i 4 uul slinpem hjzob 7 ti 111 onl liliei kill riottsi shtnmri mtns hon wort rooti sin 4 7 lo ml onl men h tan ovforli onl lidmi mojnl oxford k and slipneih culors ian and iucde fi v fii ii 1j 129 100 1bs 106 1 b5 5a 85 sa7fl b80 the above prices for cash or produce only mcbeanco georgptown ja hu1tonville park i ta people a hop nlar i puyjisjond 7 friday august 28th also special dance i monday august 31st i balloaa dunce ipsolal attraction mar fan than abarralof aaon- ky i music supplied by i harmony orchestra i ad1iis5ion gnuom rree parking space a bl lnolsdlbk tax dancing every friday night come and bring your frierids i y t lljff57l grandysg specials np soap chips i ibi suphght p tl 0 napth comfort or piarl nupth iiuk m pkga star ammonia j pks jillox ior pkg y old dutch 2 tins irnponnl pint jar- er doz wint juart jars per doz imperial q lart i urn per do wine 1 2tnl jars jar rubhirs 8 dor metal rmgs per don pirownx iier pkg mid surprise 10 bars 10 bars aud 1 lubber apron 15 86 186 145 1c5 170 2fi a m grandy phone 75 n sadsladlor gnaranletd prmpl deliver tires ks buy the well known lire of supreme quality it will pay you to see us before buying our dticcb are exceptionally low high pressure and baloons stocked tn all 3izo3 first class repairing guannteed to give service f sinclair tbe tire repair shop phne kti i fflitss bargains in real estate i r n i tenl f in for rimini chirlens 10 ucrei on tho oot- t fik itx of norjetfln on n goo 1 hinvi 1 mad qool bank barn 2fix90 rnmii fruiio in snual ko id frml irees tin- pine ta onl bout r ii ii 1 in n from tho thmi ii ice f s p timi500 iiwi li tail i ninnpl to finl pu lin or j let tlarksin in oooigptovn g room frnmo house noaly j ininlod o iimio olortric ligliti fnrnaro and ftroplnro ootrlly 1 lorulcil line 20 for partirulnrfiftpilj to t a benham ill ati ibtatf afrvt ueoroetowk i lhone 1g1 box 480 n i v a

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