Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 2, 1925, p. 1

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the georgetown herald i ihy nimh yl alt or puj1m0at ion georgetown wednesday evening- september 2nd 1925 i a iviiihi 2 00 to u s the georgetown herald j h moore hubllker ud proprietor hnr caid wavklf nai pbpar association on r tlnetble 1uinu mhf 1rthbi lt i mail 1nscnner mail pnusciiktr mttioitler sim day going wkut ptumenger mini ptiaaenjjur iuhnuiikur 1twneliyor mint rnihiiifior slmhihv 001nu s0u1i1 miul mull going houttl mail mail 7 ihu jiju 7il in 7 ci hi 10 10 ii n 2 1 1 u i 4 60 ii i bun 7 oh i i w i5 i n 1024 h t a oo hi 4 ss pi 1 1 aa a i 7 jo i i unauaa nauonil electric hallways toronto 8aknrb rllw ea9t10uni w km oljn daily ijiulj tnon train no 2 8 01 a in no 1 7 21 u hi 4 1004 tuu 1 521 am 012 04 ihn 61121 am h ioi y in 7 1 21 ii iii 10- 4u4 li in 9 3 21 ii in 1 12- 504 inn 11 fl21liuj 11 h04 im u 7 21 pni 16 10u4 niu 16- 921 nil lhlholaro 17 iai6ani tram nob 1 run 4 run daily cscept sunday directory shilton vvallbridoe dale garrtiwra solisitora ele toronto and onrietowi offlca kennedy block i bo dale in chato ol uor wwii gfflo a o meir barntlcr suliciloi fclc office mill si ueorgcloiir llounsm icsp n open weineuuy and salurday tv clarence h wiooims omrrtaur solloiuir notur famle uroca oxeux blocs georcfltowi hour jam loipm ojieii cannula and salurday r nn t mortam torn t toloau teixfhome h8 ft drt n makoejllus phylician nd surfleon modlcal omeer of health otoc hour- i to ami t to i p m fcx dr o f w robs j hym au and sariui i bite i georgetown 1lion house surgeon grace houp toronto 22 dr o v wiujamb iliyicaii anil surgeon office and keaidcoce queen wrci office hour 1 luani 1 1 and6hj i uo by appoint inem r r watson n u s m p 8 gorasatwb oibm haarai- b to ft exotpt tkandat aitwoob fltheath los d d 8 dantiat 3mca in luna block ona door lortl sf onallla carrta factory hour 4 a m to p m- chiropractic h madlolaa baisjwy otcopatfcy or elactrlolty stnlffat cblnptsouo mouroklonutor ladt attekdavt aw the roost complete and uto cai office ehiropraclically in ontario heilsen th chiropractor falauonluu 13 jrbaxpaniboo office new lo o nelll gr wednnda salurday 2lo 57 to 9 p m other day und hour by appoinlmenl pbooelsow relpiice 24gw atmutaa llione 21 j tueadny ami fnday 2 to 9 pm c service ben j petch llcanaad aucuomr or hal ton atio pmu olanwllllan poal oflloa salo eonduetad ntlataotorllr and at re aonabla rataa ordara laft at lh oeorsalown harajd oojca will racel coal best anlbracile coal always on hand nut and stovt coal small egg coat large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town abo coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown fire insurance j h kennedy cwfehrf ag hit or lome o the hi jfn1 i m are you protsced alarm clocks at popular prices finely nickel plated large dial with secoml hand- good timeket per plain dial fijl hfto enmlnou diol at jh a b willsons jeweller 1 oltt i hjwn canadian national exhibition toronto 47th anniversary the annual worlds fair eclipsing anything previoualjr praenim unique monutnetfe tal among ezpoaition aug 29 sert 12 inclusive georgetown creamery we are now paying 37c for butter fat ice- inlnrul tnun put of llic lou nl 25c per largo block -cartage- wnlimr n truck fttlk ptinippfil for ctitimi monni nnil uiiik ilihtntit limiliiik at mcht rt iihon ilili i ilr opeo monday wednesday and salnrday evralngs we will pay you the highest market prices for your eggs fowl and wool georgetown creamery co m saxe manager erwiiugoluliams meat market choice fr and cure meals quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown plme no 1 micil h forstersl cash and carry store a fbli lim or ra choice fresh groceries i provisions etc fj i lil it in si so royal city ice cream and aellsons chocolales pro- dodrced ihe best by all who bave irled i hem swills cooked ham and cured heals al rlgot prices forsters we owe it to ourselves ami i our customers to have banting relations only tilh people of good repute who ate honeit and prompt in heir buildups obligations to make a fair profit on the service we render to customers so that the bant can grow in strength and usefulness to make loans with the utmost care and upon approved security to the end that the funds of die bank and its depositors will be safely and construe lively employed it is to the interest of every depositor that we strictly observe these principles without which no bank can be strong and permanently helpful rank of montreal established over kk years tot assets in excess of s7booooooo r biro falls hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps ih unit a 10 ft nl l 00 wiitl hw unit tiuhltn llhl wult njtiji 110 unit nilro 200 watt nilto irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irona guaranteed s years 575 ord rs la ken for ranges and appliances of all office town hall good pumps at right prices buy a toronto pomp from me toronto pumpe are sturdy prac tical the product of thirtyfive years in the pump business and i know the quality of materials and workmanship used in their manufacture no matter what style you want in a hand pump whether for a deep or shallow well i can supply a toronto pomp which will give every satisfaction at ft reasonable price drop in and let me show yon the toronto pump line w j alexander i georgetown hunt r fir skill i murk a m ltulk1 o m illi ulhn ihuli fluttrjil to i w i thou i ompluiii fluff of f ith rs anl mi oj n in 11 rt in or thih pk of lif u din tic lss on inrth lnn truil lus a tmj lut of m rjy iroaml j m of liumly lost a ui no still l irutli ami he iut will rtf i thi ir lilil i lb thro all s i ami bloo1 lust shall no mort i wnrll benight wl n m n v ho kill for sport sinst thi wron ami know th eholi hat stops thu flinui flight kilu not u bird but inoit a soiti f th critn l nnav- if it is n inn vins or trnnrmirutiiin proliloni tnur wotnth put u lion inn diknqc ii tt ill pilmti jour iiicimiii i m lilcmi ailvitf tin sht tiinw piukuitt insurinh or xlontik kucn firo llfcrpnns oiir riitloiiiprn georgetjwn our t phone 171 w n snyder cartage and w5tahce hwjun- farming on sunday to s rukni 111 hljlt u1im ll nuin ilo so on sunlnj is sut ommon vtnt thut u com who witncsm 1 it not jnuny rr h i wiih so nnprmsiii or so i nit bi lomm nli j upon it to 1 sunday is it plrmiimiblc to pluj lf on bumla und morally laron to mk 11 ftivorabli opportunity lb ami duj to mttirr in a harmif tolf is lourattri on thi jtrouml that it i u iiuiet kamt anil disturbs nohoily gutlnrink ha is ijuiit work anil ills turba noboil yit tin farmtr who lukes udvaiitiiki of a tint day to jcath ir in his crop is look til upon as 1 doiluas tnuturi thi wiathtr maj iun bun bail rain rna bi a en anitj on momla far bitti r lliut thi jwncr should jump into hu car ami ilrivi to thi kolf toursi than that hi houil iksicmti tbt sabbath lay bj riseuinjr his nop from lh mxt iluy s coniirninf thi snnctit of the sab bath ministers ruvtr fail to uphold fonfalbirs js jiarioiik of mrtuc models of conduct for today ls penally la thi old prcubyurian htanri aril refemri to anil thi departures from thi old scottish sabbath an ik nlon i thi scottish sabbath ustl to biaurribli itplnulici thi window bl in is in thi housl wort drawn to rivi itmoapli re of solemnity to uil onlj kootl books miftut bi quntly only hymn tunes wen rid on thi harmonium or piano ami thi boy who so far fornot him self as to whist k was brought to his stiuch with a box on thi iar pious piopk 111 kill but in many parti of scotland if a fim sunday intorxenid in rainy wuithir church sinices in thi morn win shortened so that thi countryside ujht be off to rather in the bartst thi farmers prayed for fine weather they took full advantage of it i it cume thly believed that thy iiiihi thi iorri belter by ram tint the haneft ht sent than by iittmi still and worrying about thi that would dumufri it on the mor hut in these i ix days which hear so much about tbcix in also a narrow mindedness which makes a who would nscue thi peopk s or who would turn thi hose on gods willini flowers wiltimt aftir 1 icorchinc sunday sun thi subject of neighborhood gossip he is con kmned for watt nnt his front ranlcn but not ciin his minister will be bold enough to say thou must nol pla golf in som wayi the old timi rs raljiil man common sense with their lirion than is doni today postal change owing to the enormous quantity of letter and other mail received for rit livery and with the object of rpeeil ing up the sortation and delivery of mail hilrircbsrit to toronto thi post office department has divided the city of toronto into tin postal dis tncts rcnidenls anil businesk poople in is community having relatives friends or business connection in to ronto will be notified by their toron to correspondents of the number of the postal district in which they arc the postmaster general n qui si that the public throughout canada nist in malting thi new system which being introduced at toronto a sue ss by always placing the postal dis tnct numbir immediately nfter the word toronto in the arirircii whin ending httirt and other mail to that city ror example a lettir intindul tor id in r to a person nsiding in postal di tncl o 2 would bi addnssid mr john smith 1lfi college stmt toronto i ont mti nded for u livery in postal district o 3 the address would in toronto 3 district no 4 would ix toronto 4 and so on oni thing most important to i nembcr is that thi full stn t and lumber addreis mu t h given in i ry instance as hentofore othirwise lelninl rieltvirj or pi rhaps non d livirj will result phil forbes conversion th following mil n stinj i pitli is nciivcd last week bj polic ma rati moon from philip forties from ihe ontario hiformatoi whin hi is al pnsent mean i rati d to police mapstrate jrton ont duir sir i uii i nti need b jou iboul oni month ago at aclon polici ourt to six months in i oni thou mil dollars fini now sir i hnc ien this subject n full oi rhauling i him com lo th ultimali conclus fial th law of protrtc i m dollar illm off lh hint nn of 40 00 n i r maining imrtion w ithm thre iks if releaseil 1 am going lo cinsi mhking boon 1 also wish lo saj that m ifi ii alone and sick in hul and under mrdi ision ind os she cannot di alone 1 wish o present you thi pdilion in the sincere hojte thai ou will ji ihm your perional nl tintmn nnd if i fel thai n solu lion to th problm 1 am now in cin be jirrankiil so thai it will hi ip mi toward an i irl reliose 1 hopi sir you will underrtiin i thi fault of human nature and goierned by such knowledge you will gim- ihi p lit ion ihe correct nnnljsis permit- trie lo n main sir raithfullj vours philip forbfs phil k mite it fit i ng letter should hiive been ail iresseil to the attorney ct n ral or to the itoan of i icense com missioncrs of ontario the poll magistrate decision ii final o far as he is concerned when lh whirh the trial of the case was heard and the judgement girn adjourns- freer press mis haiiinafad imi mr join afil r f ul i u ii o mi s ii lc lulri ii inn ull j i pin lint i f w witks u ti mi auli it il an i ins sist i mumoii nl illiui n otler friends mis mil melim of luronto itlit u fw inj ijsi w i with hel brother anjus mdiin an i hi i iis lers of the tifth inn mr nji i mis jain s collin and mapolis m l s isit la john mikujinii and otli r film is mrs di udbnk of sl lath urines lulled riieiillj on thi hs miclure nnd h r trandinotbi i ml stmn komi ii of tin uehth line mr anil mr- wm rnrnell an family of 1 oronlo tp nt lait sunday with mr mi i mr a 1- inrnell we ail glad to hear that mrs dan lunj of a ton formerly of ii il fad wlio wit ill li impnieillt k i a uu bohdayint w lib n lain s in toror huf jackson of ortit i lit lu sduj with friends in t miss phyllis larki of e hk th w lh mi annn sliilkt r ml otb friends mr an i mrs 1 ii s j lift on sntunlaj for 1- ltin llou e muskok llir tli y will pn i u fortnight e tin it 11 til phnm o ar mstu l a ii swiuhboarl in th ir of fit n wllieh will iicommodat i 1 hi new in tal lower mil t ink fin e sprinkler sysliin now b mj in illnl it the tutiniriis ar ninniii compeiiun mr h p moon who iitu bun af flicted for si viral yi ars from an in ternal ailment which lias lati l be om awnnntil wuni u toronto giniral hospital on tuisday when an operation will be prformid mrs charles slwood lift on satur day for lur home in calnary after xp ndmj a eoupk of months at ibi homi of hir parents mr and mr- a h ieklin trie irss itlaki whlti of the promlicial sn is offir toronto has bei n spi ml i a fiw holi lays lure with his par mr gtorge sherman fily passeng r atent for w ibash kailway di s moines iowa visited his unck and nt mr an i mrs- h i sherman itossland pean n of the bank of toronto staff is havinj his holidays is spcndini a fi w of them at the j of his untie dr h ollop oiorgctewn j john j filman of son lown ship is exhibiting a sweet pepper be luei to bi a nconl for sin it atur s 1 i by id inches mr friri i diwar milton hah en appointed returning of f lei r for hnlton for th oominj gem ral uc tions for thu dominion mr morgan cnwson crewson s corners wishes to announce the en gaeminl of hiselilist laughter hhea mildnil to john leslie mfrachcm hciond son of mr james mctachcrn milton the nyirnog lo lake pliici ly in siplimbir hi form r erin ins rlhil marshall of giorg n is isiting with hir uncli and l mr and mrs wm graham liw higgins of toronto and mr clifford thompson of gioititown ip lit thi wekind with mr uml mrs j curry john cawthrop celebrated th h6th annm rsary of his birth uun tly ol his homa here on sunday the 21nl t hi enjoya fairly good hinlth d is abb to bi about daily miss mflcbell austin left last week for buffalo when she is joining a party which will visil a f w n thi imtri states and will by way of tjuilee and mon trial liile sunday funeral banned sunday film nils are no longer al ned in st cathnrinfs by special by law paseil by thi city council the i xc ption is m thi case of con us disease when burial must taki placi at once the chnngi was madi n the nqui i of both mimstirs and indertakers jnuro crop report farm rs an busy with thn shmi in i fall plowing fall wheat burl i ml oats nn y icidinl will above th ragi weatb rcontitions ideal fo orn which hits ftinilt splendid rowth tool crojl arc good winti r nnplis an i near- n port is i xuption i joo1 pastuns and fall wheat the bmrdo home aftir forty years work in cann iln or hornnnlo s hoys horn ha stopped bringing children into thi ntry owing to unfavorable cntie nnd the aclion of thi dominion inanition dcpartmint in prohibit ink thi importation of child re n undr fourtc n yars of age thi mom continui to look aftir ihi mti r or thi rhililren lhe hni air n k i r sioiisible for brinjine i cann mono town hip larg barn of ll ii tin calf i- borv kiultry uui jenr s tram a iuinlil of buy i part of this sn on imp mi- o consum d by th flam s th orikm of th fire is i inyst ry i n chores wer conipl l d il c 1 i cammm al fain in n ply lo mum run in juin which hnm hien n n i n r nnl to lamhhng ii mc al fall fair it t ntion i called lo sui ictmii 2 ol section ii of the airiciiltur1 sn ci lls act hap 17 kso im 11 which ral l follow the of ficers of th oi i t h il pnn nl ill immoral of 1 all t dice inrnc pi ois rotn tables ilraw lotteries or olh r lilegnl games nl plac e of hi 1 i ni lh exhibition or or wiihm 100 irds henof an association nr som ty pcrmittine sam shill forfeit ftll claim lo i igilatim unnt durini ihe yir i nsuing this section will be strictly enforced notes and comments llir imll aiions that uabis aim s ull b lwr hi ins of ihi uipui ft h om lioeil sietlon in ijiinlmn uh rli i for u leiuh r r e m i iv r ll ip ury elf 700 a yinr two jnr ao the same seetion paid a sal iry of si 100 unl last year jbo uuiung the fiften wetks thy bin lieen on strilii th oa jmitm foil miners have sacrificed in wjgs th immense sum of foul uml u b ilf m lliin dotlam in addition they hut lit tin most important part o the s ikon to by without production and v n if tiny take up their tools ubam soon lh y annot be sum of steady woiltj i man of tin big contracts for tin year an closed the rtnki bus bien a losinj eame for the men tun if li i win whieb does nol eem like lj doctoki i1a t lith gatln ruie st itisties on n ruus dtsinses amliheir leuibncy to shorten lift and have is ued u remarkable bulletin againul worrying so far as is known ihe bull tin says no bird ever tried to build more m sts than its neighbor io fox iv r fntleri because he had only oni hob in which to hide no iguirrel ivir riutl of anxiety lest hi fl louhl not lay by enough nuts for two winters instead of one and no iol nr lo t any skep over thi fact tl il lie did not huvc iiioulii bones lai i asi i for his declining years it thi lif is 0r variety of pub li it mor annoying tfian the many otliir variitjs it is ibi motortsl who his horn as a ort of plaything these pi rsons are far too num s will be cvilent to all those who eotistatitlj having their peaceful unls broken by ihe raucous notes of the klaxons horns an certainly etssity on imy car serving as th do to warn pedestrians and other nnitonsls of thl cars approach but th typi of motorists wi nae in mind not confine his horn to these when calling at a party s house he will announce his nrmnl by a a of blasts which servi the pur of putting the wholi neighbor i into a state bordering upon ous breakdown the city of di troit has marie a very wise move in ing a by law under which such offenilirs against the peace of the mmunity can be punished it is to hoped that many other municipal s will follow this example and m ike the peace of the community snre from the attacks of theie irnspon sihl inconsiderate pests thousands of widows and orphans have in the past few years been drawn into the maelstrom of bo gus speculation in canada and the unit i states happy homes have been wrecked young men lund by thi tipsters and deceived by the man iulaton f stocks have bankrupted f ir canrs myriads of them have at only bn n ruinid financially they have bun broken in spirit and abandoned to despair men otherwise highly respectable form manipulating floou to boom stocks beyond their leg mate alui with one deplorable f it the unloading of holding on dupes thisc dupes too weak io carry their load break under the drain and not infrequently steal o cover thur loss the rigging of th stock market and the selling ot purely speculative stock ii despicable an business and men making any ntinse to respectability should be ilia mod to participate in it schemes that arc bound to add to the appalling aggregate of human wrecks should be shunned by all right thinking men no iter how eriticing ail not salesmen y make thi m appear montreal star canadians ar1 beginning to he inoyed by the flag flapping of manv untttil states tourists who arc inval ng the dominion at this season many of thi cars that have passid through ontario during recent weeks three stars and union jack was camel thu republics ensign was always more eminent than the canadian emblem many cases m fact in the maj o rit canadian flag was flown at all il on the highways many of the itora drove their cars at reckless speeds to thi annoyance of all con il canadians as a rule arc not proni to flount their colors hut our isms from the south seem to mak for this di ficiencv in their eager t lo show off the star spangled tint r in thi land of the maple leaf w much more pleasant it would m if our visiting tourists from over lint would just think of their sts a little bifore running up their ors international courtisy k i lids it hllott jd sutt th fifty seventh nport of onuno isons and n formatonts has been i sd th committals to milton jail thi year en ling sept 30th 1 924 numb red zi including six worn n wen listed as temperate nnd l intimperute 12 could n ilher n h tl c nls lions per pn numbrnnb the highway itsil nt mginerslire now rec n l meul numbers to hi placed on pols nlont the provincial highways numb rs ll also be placed on nols thrr imu rist should then hav f url finlm uu i npalt thi oksville hninipion onai george n i on to guelph kitchener atford for surma is no 7 hnhy police thi molor poluc are suppoid at ill imi to wmr ihi ir arm ban i whu on duly thi reason this nnlcr h i i n is mst by ihe d part mi nt is lo r enl nny one saying that they r ifnuri to slop because th man u thi molorcycli iii not have any i stintuinhinv mark and consequent ly tiny thni he was a highwayman to protrcl th public and also to pro le t ih pulie thi department insists that lh offcers wear the bands the motor polic in ontario arc aa a class hihl int iligent those that an ivrman nlly on the force have breti rh en for their ability to fulfil their tutie- sattifactorily whei tretcves of lughway must be pitrolled during th summer months only university students are selected for tha wort with due rrganl to their rjetlliar fit ncss th departm nt aelcomes any report of incivility or thcike on the part of the police from the rnotormir public

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