tiih qi orartown he iuii si i rkmtn n 10th 10 hereandthere all tuurwlh rliords motor mnd train are iiuk broliti at 8m f al birla thin yoir more than 13 000 cur wen riirhurwi the first of august with the l j rush yet to con e an many its i 000 wire under canyaa at one tlmi hi the govern merit outu cam i ground maple- hui ar and maple syrup pro duction in uniida during the season of 192g amounted to 0 7 1 359 pounds and 1072 093 gal 1 una respectively with an aggregate value of 0825 410 this compares with an output of 93bdj1g pounds of maple sugar and 1 070 090 gallons of maple syrup during 1924 quebec province bc i counted for over 90 per cent of tin production of maple sugar and over half of the output of maple syrup production of the four basic in dus fries of british columbia during 1924 aggregated in value 210 692 793 as compared with 207 934041 in the previous year according to statement issued by the provincial government the 1924 production was made up m follows with 1923 comparative figured in brackets forest products 80 702 000 86- 674 400 agriculture tfltl 029224 59139 798 mines 48 704604 41304320 and fisheries 21266- 903 20 795 923 canada a ordinary revenue for the four months uf the present fiscal year ended july 31 last shows an in crease of 12 932 163 over the same four month period last year atftord lng to a statement made by the de partment of finance ordinary rev enue for the four months of 1926 amounted to 141 739 416 ordinary expendiiuns during the four month period show a decrease from 96 640541 in 1924 to 95s5fi fi92 this year george h ham known through out canada as the grand old han of the canadian pacific celebrated bis seventy eighth birthday on sun nay august 23rd and was the re cipient of a deluge of congratulatory messages from all parts of the coun try col ham has bein with the canadian pacific since 1891 and by hia social activities and powers as an orator has made for himself and for the company a veritable army of staunch and faithful friends butter exported from canada dux ing the twelve months ending june 1926 amounted to 26096 120 pounds valued at 8934 794 a decided in crease over the figures of the previ ous year when exports amounted to 13668379 pounds valued at 5031- 634 according to a report issued by the federal department of agricuu ture shipments were made to tha united kingdom the united states south america south africa west indies alaska china japan ger many belgium cuba holland naw zealand and many other countries jape oliver curwood the well- known american novelist who cross ed not long ago to europe on tha empress of france and returned a few weeks later to canada on the empress of scotland wirelessed the following message from tha scotland to the canadian pacific headquarters in montreal can never fully express my appreciation of the splendid treatment accorded me by captain gillies and captain griffiths and the staffs aboard tha empress of france and tha em press of scotland a party of british journalists is now touring canada at the in vita hon of president e w beatty of the canadian pacific railway for the purpose of raining- first hand knowledge of economic and indus trial conditions in this country they ara john a bulst glasgow herald a j jory london daily telegraph f b peterson london times h read south wales daily news cardiff captain e altham lon don morning post hugb martin london dauy nm b a cslwill western morning news plymouth w a renton daily chronicle lon don j f chapter westminster gaxette london john sayan bel- tut telegraph mm fcejtaulmk ftialr4 stand anthracite t scrantonl i coal i in all sizes t automatically screened and loaded t coal wood select lamp for domeetio and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal id fact icarry everything to be found in any npto date coal and wood tard john mcdonald ph0ne4s georgetown coal bear d l cv w scran ton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrsritwalkiiis norval station ibtrne 6jr8 our special anniversary prices jam 31b class jar raspberry mci dsc aaiirtnut pne s7 sardines crossed fish nokwegiam in olive oil ammterar7 pnce 16 peas new pack no 4 size sweet and temdei asttnreriar pnc 2 tins 25c dominion baking powder contains no alum reg price 21c special aiaovelsakt raice lib tin 19c specially blended tea special aaaitersary price dsl eec bulk oo lb select ccc blend 03 lb richmello 7cc tea lolb rolled oats fresh milled anamrury pnce 5 lbs 2oc find as celebrating the ctent id out 400 stores with more tban a milliod cusloiners a week our rrlkin mill stslnnlns canada brnl null ranr in uir ali rtan can ba iirrrtly attribntta i ana tsvr ftnmsl sanita tht ptrhupttfrtki r thr munmaaiit in attwini si all tlraaa la bay tha ball in feodablba al tba beat paulhlt prlcta ana paaalns this aavlnf alimt tow prk special anniversary prices flour 24 lbs white satin best for fine pastry anibytmry price 99 raisins california seedless is pkt auiraurr sale 2 for 23c pickles victory brand sweet large bottle aiiiveuarj pnce 47 christies soda biscuits anjtotersary pnce 1sc- coffee richmello blend tbis coffee is blended from tie highest grade coffee odtaidible and is a real delight to drink special aaaitemry price h lb q ctc tinoo cocoa richmello blend pure breakfast very special offer i lb tin special anniversary price 15 chipso quicksuds for clothes for dishes 3 pkts 25c sh1rrifps pure orange marmalade tin oj9c lib jar 25c wesellandreco magic baking powder rrassumradkotl ibuus beekist pure clover honey slbtpatl 75c palmolive soap 3 cakes 25c fm that school col coatimoh princess soap flakes 22c pkt comfort soap 10 els 59c ha wes floor wax lib tin 45c fm fine uuhdemhg lux oc old dutch cleanser loc holbrooks worcester sauce 25c hp7c saucec blatz139 halt am hop extract just add boojhg wate 100 glasses real beer for 160 buy a package from any of our stores and you can braw in your own homo a go full trengln bear twice- as strong aa 44 wm 14c lie special blend coffee ccc croundor roasted m iii i the jelly that iwtlltlllllllhb hakes other jellies f jell0us 16 delicious elavours 3 pkts 25c frvs pure breakfast c0c0as mclarens invincible jelly powders 3 pkts 2sc we recommend aylmer the all canadian soup 2 s 21c pure gold quick puddings icings o 9c large j pkts ac assortment w crosse abuceweus orange marmalade nb29c pure malt vinegar o 1 0th1 jlc miait rottle r lm0 the very latest ladies f now is the time to secure fall hats before the fairs misses claridge upslairs herald block poison ivy in k out for ha three jjealod ii iu r jnili out the fuujta and linn litem injurlea faidful ajul t iraswnt i hlrltirtemwuea monlrlb itlbio tarto uapartmanl of airkiuliur tuionla jfany inijulripb coim to this d- partm nt rikurdluk ie idantlfleatlon uf polaon ivy b11 ttl ireatuionl of injury frum it punt tim follow lug 1h mltctej from too principal iolionous plants or canada by rnlth fyles ma puhllsbud by tha d part meat or asrlculmre and front other sources uinitnoa names poison try is also recognised un dtr iho names pulsonoak sulsoa vinu end three i eared try description pulson ivy fa a low shrub which is propagated by underground branch as wll aa seeds it scrambles otir stumps or trees or aa in the case of the tarlut rd leans it climbs by means of atrial rootlets to soma height up fmc posts and trunks t tries the ioqk walked leaves are divided into tlirce distinct leaflets which are mooth ovate pointed eft tire or with a few irregular coarse tilth bright green above paler and uilfchuy hairy beneath changing to rich autumnal colors thi howcrs are small loconsnleu ous greenish or whitish loosely clnsj lered in the axils of the leaves as the dower cluster is surpassed by tho long stalked leaves it is seldom seen unless the foliage- is moved iiblds thi berries are greenish white or cream colored slightly shining round smooth with longitudinal ridges at intervals the flowers are in bloom from april lo june 1 1 1st r but cm ll is a cadre of canada attct u commonly tpund in hedgerows thick its and drj woods from nova scotia to british columbia whire it passes into a thkkir kuvtii and smoother form it ltdbirill small polionous lroertlc poison ivy ib- tin worst vegetable akin poison in america hundreds of people being portioned idtch year tho poisonous constituents itaie not yet been satisfactorily dttfrmlneil cases of poisoning are often reported n here thi individual has passed the plant vllbout coming in contau with il this has been explnlned by trie fact bat pollen grains mlnuti hairs and even exhalations from ii o plant am sufllckul to causi iruptlona ou the akin or susceptible poison may even bi i elothlni or tools of sot been in i the i the ntact will ni- who has tho poison th effect t appear for so f omlnt in contact with it him quite forgotten on hand many peoplt handle it frequently with no hi effect until cun tat m with impunity but doga nr pulsunid by it sjiupluliu in lain mation of the skin begins to ipp ar from lijhlitn hours to sev rul djyu aftir cunlamluauon aud la liaritolirlitd by i nt en ar irritation iid burultil swilling and ndnsi follonid by blisters and pain symp toms of intiriihl poisoning are burn ing thirst nausea fuintness delirium and convulsions itemed j and means of control many remedies have been suggest to allay thin burning and lrrlta tlon one of tin simplest being tho immediate washing uf the parts af fect td with good strong yellow laun dry soap on nturn from a day outing wbiro there was danger of meeting with polxon ivy the liberal uso of sucb a soap might prevent much nu tiering a plcci might even btt carried in the pocket an application of absorbent cotton saturatedwlth a solu o contnion baking soda is simple and efficacious id tin case of severi poisoning the uld o u pbsilun ttiuulu be ubiatued fciudlcrttliil thu 1eiit to proporl eradicate this pest the underground root stalks miiat be destroyed aa well as the flowering tops grubbing out and burning it b ssnutono who lit immune to the poison is the sunst means spraying with hot brln or caustic soda will kill it vw pound of caustic soda to two gallons of watur has been found most effective bernarr mac fad den has this to say page 22ge vol iv or his enciy cloopll of physical culture poison ivy and other poisonous plants named common in america owe their toxic powers to an odorless transparent oil that is found on the leaves twlge and bark and la insol iiblo in water it is gisjuumi among the irritant poisons the person who comes in contact with the growth auffini from cunicom itching swell lng and vesicular eruption in tx tnnu caiia th n ma bi vomiting tolkk pains fetir and dillrluui a portion or lite wholi bed may be utttctid by tho erupt lop 1 ratmcnt a solution of uetiate of lead aa pllid lolhi itchlnk nklu neutralising the poison la rccomminded by the u s department of agriculture the patient should last while the attack lasts tin free um of the enema the drinking of large quantities of water and wet pack sheet are of value very high authorities alao vouch or the claim that the irritating oil of poison ivy may be removed to five minutes through scrubbing wlu jot water and soap the hot school lunch has come ta stay u lets tho stomach help tha head ballon school fairs school fmrt mil be hld an the following dntatt nail at tlip fallow itir pliiwa nnssflrnweya sept 17tli hold nt rroovihe trafalgar sept 1bi9th h u at oakvilln brooto sept 22ait held at bronte naibod sept 24 th held rt low ville hornb bept 21th held at tiomb chsmplonbhip oct 1 2nd held nt milton dudinsujo oct c7tb hold at burlington we trust ovprjone will give school faint their support and co oppintioob extrit at traction a bnaeball ton main ent aheap aad wool ohibtl by the dominion go- eratirbbt