Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 17, 1926, p. 3

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till hroimi town ii h hv mtf mi itm wi important 1 ik victor phonogi aph co h u 1i101 i ih t nt on i special sale nmim in n n tuesday fobrnary 16th of it 1 l iswinuiit nl victor records at the low price of 39c or 3 for 1 on original t5c records and a good lint of 12 iu record at 79c or 2 foi 1 eio this oiler may be wilbdrawd at any lime and au early selection is desirable d j matthew drugs and stationhri local news items fins vb ir fin relhlt il nutm rin duna maid r one of our i ml merchants taught a butterflj labt week georgptown m itkelj tu bine another new induntr shortlj ahtebncn l mecnunnli has started on bis rounds for 1121 bind nl the arena on wed nesdaj nud faiiturtiaj etcnidga tbie week induction serucon al i inon irebbtenan church thursday feb 1811 at 80 p m ihe arena co thank the mer niiants for the splendid prizes iboj donated to tbo carnival lost week mr anglinono oi tbo provin oial high school inspectors visited georgetown high school on mon daj the herald appreciated ery much a basket of fine snow apples from reeve appelbe of requeuing last week the members o the women loetitui hfore entertained at the home dt mrs roht frwm on tuesday afternoon rov percnal may 6a mc au interesting talk on masonrj at the fourth degree in tho lodge loomn inst friday evening tuesday mornmhb trains and mail were delayed a couple of hours owing to a freight train having jumped the truck at mnlton oar local curlers will compete for a half ton of alberta coal don nted by j b mackenzie at the arena or monday evening next reeve appal be and dep rei o leslie of bsquestng hae been ap pointed delegates to the good roads conventional toronto feb n to 28 rev dr lloyd smith of to rooto a former pupil of ieorgo town hilb school bun rccpned a call to grace united chinch brampton the regular monthly muting of the esqueaing women a inati tute will bo hold at tho home of mrs harry lawson oa friday feb 19th at 2 80 p m mr j t mollm of the 9th line elsquesmg near glenwilliams will bold a clearing auction sale on wednesday march 3rd see particulars in this issue a meeting of tbo local coun cil of women will be held at the homo of mrs ft r minims on thursday feb lftlh at h p m please note change of date tbo aahgrove ufo and 0 fwo clubs will meet at the home of mr jsbw bird on tours day evening feb 19th all mem bors ar requested to be present the average attendance of pupils in the poblio schools of- the county last jear was as follows acton 288 georgetown 280 mil ton 126 burlington jlfi onkville cog the second degree will he e emphfled at the regular meeting of orion lodge no 100 i o o f neit monday evnmng feb 22od ah oddfellows are rcouested to be present the local branch of the ana dian bank of commerce recited noma coirespondencc on vondaj which fame by the aereo mail aer vice from repuhhn de columbia south america since hearing the lecture of charles cook the indian entertain or on mondii evening wp under stand several iouor ladies in town have been looking tor sticks on their front larni a meeting of the oporgetouo football ctqb will be held id the council chamber on the evening of friday tho 19th februar at h pm all those itereatcd are re quested to attend the ladies ffttbl the eoigt town tinted chn ch wilt hold a ten and sale of home made baking in the sliiooi room of the church an bat feb 20th tea sorted from 1 to 0 a good program will bereodered dnring the afternoon the w a of st george cburcli held a sewing hep nl the home of 4rs mark cuib last thursday afternoon at the con elusion or the sewing refreshments were served hy mrs clark and no enjoyable social hour spent it is but giving recognition to the pnnoipal of anfet first to buy onlj at home and jiiij from regolai dealers alone inch pro eedure is nothing more than an expression of local loinltt which attribute can make a town and the want of which can unmake one joan va jean a recital under hit auspice ik women s soriitj mil be held jn th bajitikt church oeorgitonu on fiiduj ib 20 tim rocital will he gien bj herbert purcj nsaiati d by mrs aiohipbliul alto mihhjtao adams mitann mr j cnclilon pinmst program at 8 1 sharp admipsion go renin lucky kanbtr prlia auotbor luck isumbei prire will be givon awn at the arona on saturdny evening the band will rend r a good musical program und a generally good time mantici pi tod bj skaters and spectators unjoj the winter hen son with us see jou at the arena saturday night tfox dabaton won in a debate last week at ball fad on the subject resolved tbat the world is better now than fifti years ago the affirmative won by 07 to 24 point k miss man van natter and mr clov of george town foi the affirmative miss looisosteen and mr d a rub aoll for the negatne lubehahi attention 1 the uipmberfl otvrdjin relink ah lodge no 1k4 ore invited to pond a social evening at tho home if mrs win wiley 9th line tuesday feb 28rd will all m i wishing to go pleabp leave name with mine doretta bell at livingxtone s hikery bo that aleighfl may be provided sleighs will leave lodge room at 7 do sharp enjorsd v also tin tm at th st valentino tea in knox church on friday evening be large and appreemtne audi ence enjojed a program of solos by madden toronto mrs ben nie and mr giaby and idatrument- alaby messrs clinch ton and kirk mias loavitt aod tbo sunday sohool orchestra also short ad oes by rov mr patterson of stiyner and major grant doga hut hato tnfi a deputation from the oumaoe society waited on the town coun i nnd complained tbat a nnmber of atray dogs were running at large town without cnl ars or tags i f on have a dog get a tag for him from tho assessor now on his rounds after the 10th april all nogs without toga are liable to bo destroed or their owner sum mooed boforo a magistrate low est penalty 5 00 and costs dlititd hu aaduaoa the concert given b mr lb as cooke tbe indian entertainer in the united chn roll on monday evening proved a rare treat for the largo audiooce present a splen did program of vocal selections and adings intermingled with humor le sketches delighted ali miss buck presided at the piano during tbo evening and mies jean adams contributed a solo to the program rev mr caldwell occupied tbe chair laid at iut tho remains of the late mrs charles caldwell were taken to laurel hill cemoterj bolton on 8a turds j for interment tho her vice being condusted by rev a maklilhvraj mrs caldwell was formerly mihb ella vannatter laughter of rrastua no natter of georgetown where she was born 40 years aqo she hnd resided in toronto since her marriage her husband charles caldwell form 1 of bolton and two brothers wesley of antigo wis nnl tc torbnrne minne rx thaatfv wednosdaj feb 17th beauty nnd the bad man a peter b rynestorj chaptei 0 of the fighting ranger comedj taxi war fndaj feb 19th- thank ou a slorj of the laming of a town of hypocrites slarridk jac incline logan and george 0 bneo tomedj a sailor papa fox e s saturday feb 30tb mati nee t i p m r tbe unknown by mar roberts rinehart star ring mrginia alli and percy mar mont comedj wh hesitate fein cartoon coming the midhhinman with ramon na 3 1 personals j1 m john maclaicn il loionto juiildhlh siitei mrs s piem 1 i si iel k ii u aojornoii 1 i of onto in lioliduing at tbo lionii ot mr nnd mrn a i robinson mr john t shanks of petta piece mau h visiting frienilt in georgetown h i i u mil mrs john lieoand miss irene pru are attending the decou price wedding at simcoe this week mr ldward j scott or hamil ton spent sundaj with his parents mr and ilh jih jstott npptr john st mi l i ri1iiiui wa tli i oipient of numerous i ongratulu lions hint wednesday when lie celebrated hit t birthdaj mr jobu masons uuiiitrouu friends were pleased to see ablclobodopn town on monlny after his recent severe illness mr and mrs 1 b an natter spent lbo yjeh end with mr and mrs rurtland conover gnndale mrn vannatter remained to sptnt a f i dins with lior lister church news mtfl i ii ik n ret caldwell s subject on sun da morning next will he broken hsrthenwaro rev dr dickie subject iu the evening will be flow tn reach men to da vrgforofchllii ii special lenten seniceon tburs day evening at hpm wben the preacher will be the re f o pashler rector of st bartbolo mows chord toronto uolr communion next sunday at 6 a matin- at 1 1 n clock antjftvenaong at 7 pm sunday school nt g 45 a a and baptisms at 6 p m hockey enrgetown intermediates and guclph oac team will nla at tho arena on friday night game at 8 15 aflmission 25c and 1fc no smoking allowed during 4le game tin intermediates wero defeat ed at acton in an exhibition game monday night 4 to 1 tho 1cuc and high school hockey teams placed a tie gamo tbe arena on saturday evening alberta coal b ntw avauakle fer the getrfdaivn people j b mackenzie has a carload and ae a good canadian it is up to you to trj out this coal jib is deep stam toal froi drumhellcr and mr mookenrie visited this mine on his western trip last j ear accompanied by john a henderson a former aoton man who na the general manager of this company terra colla master fred fischett met with a bad accident recently when be fell off tho back doorstep on to a sharp stick cutting an ugij gash in his forehead mr gordon btriuger who has been quite ill dnring the past week now convalescing miss norma hooter of alton school spent the week end at her homo here tho farmers are busy getting in their supplj of ico for tbe bummer a number mm here attendd a social nnd parti at tho home of mr and mrs h mcdonald ingle- wood last week and report a er enjoyable time some of our joung people were kindly entertained to a social and dance at the home of mr and mrs j eaves on friday ovening tbe terra cotta orchestra very ably supplied the music mrs stringer of inglewood who has organized a vocal class here is meeting with splendid success our yonng people have great sport on the now arena here the above item i arrived too late for last issue promptness one of the chief characteristics of our delivery you will get on actly tbe fooda you order and ve will deliver them to your home iu time we believe ou should y us a wait wbj not call to day fineutocoamil er ih jjflc bulk tea per lb jiic tfic a 80c peanut butter nor lb 2gc baking powder moss rose 15c choice white bans j ihn 2so rice i ha 2o sunlight soap 10 ban 98c lemon toilet soap 8 for 25c pure caatilo soap 7 for 25c corn syrup 2 lbs 20c corn syrnp 5 lbs 40o bread and baked goods for quality of goods try buying j our bread and baked goods at clabe 8 bakbri mr fred watfon of hamilton tho champion checker player spent a few days dunogthe week with his friend mr allan leishman and mrs w h speight of toronto were m town on suntuy visiting miss lottie speight who has been so seriously ill lately mr f h bell teller of the bank of montreal has been transferred to the branch at mimic mr g l krauter o kingston u his successor on monday mr james anderson windsor brotherill law i mr wfllhwa harrison nlagaraon theiake con inns miss sarah campbell chehen ham co usui j mr and mn win mc nabb toronto and major lachlan grant georgetown after many years of long and var ied experience in railroad work mr w h grant general tie agent of tho canadian national itattwavj has retired from active service effective from feb lit mr grant has been awarded a long leave of absence and his retirement will date from august 1st of this year mr grant was born in acton in 1858 and was a son of the late alexander grant free press judging by the quantities of wood dg brought to town this winter there are not a fsw parson who be lieve that the oool strike will be kept up all next summer the home oi pure milk am prepared to delivei milk to nil parts ot i he town you will ice that my herd of cowt give rich milk rich in cream the tame high standard day after day our customers can depend on this try a quart or pint ol gillmans milk let the whole family en- wm gillman olaa tin fan pha 13ft r a ouxwixuah tea to one towimi i 1 ik- it iot i to lli wortmiui c ii h ii ulmi himil in nunii il timis thou me miiili 450 001 employee iinh i coinpt n ration in lb pi mu mid in tli iat i h vi ii y i hi i in re ii ivt iu ei 002 011 kiiitiih ii j mud in dicali i n im nit iwhtly in v cha t in iipnl i t n ri tin worker pei inn in in tl c hiitui olevrn y i linn ncic 4 h2m fil i htich in li umi motion b ill reprehciitn tin iivt ihm of id in 111 in ill lib pi i ll ill lint im i one i nioiiitikiuh ii hi t nl hie re pm in of ihc unrkmeii it m nensatlon hnai i iiiwrin hit ymr 191if is tbut uil di tth cases iu that eai hhontil a dcrcaw nf ifly seven fiom l tliorebiming lieen 402 ditlb uihch in 1924 an i ll in 1926 a flllthll 1 ieiu iii n mills accidents induing heath cases is humcthuih foi uhuh iy cm ploycr and oinjilujie u litduntry in ontario uui ioiim lentinual wirk willi iiiituil hntisrntinu mid lienelit don l comilhio nhout in nnl baby i ry nig nppone all you tooth were out you hud nn hni aod y mil le io weak you cnuldn t stand upon them mi d probably howl too high quality always salada 1 the choice teas used exclusive- i ly in salada yield richly of their delicious goodness saysalada r for sale beautiful 200 acres 18000 i mzij jl i3 if you are looking or a place to eat do not forget that there are only two places to eat here home light lunches on the shortest notice all kinds of ssuldwiehes tea ooftee sulk bovril hot ohooolmte or soup meat and potatoes to or der alio a regular dinner at is noon every day give us a call phone 214 pecketts haf cui ud bault painting decorating f paper hanging a speciality agents for the famous empire semi trimmed wallpapers also rtolleyg wallpapers bmlaps saifflles pressea as vanish ei tiles everyuuag la the la terltr deter allag use our charges are very moderate u oar wtrk is coirajjixil sptscial low rates until the end of march h morrow r wiggins p o baxcfi victoria st ouag viwi 3 1 walk itmb o k il pt close o georgelown und stalipn large basement batn good stabling piggery driving houae two silos ice house and milk house good seven roomed frame dwelling second house lot married help good orchard lota of water fajm well fenced soil nth lonm all under cultivation but twelve ncrcs hard wood bush this is a mo tie v making piopoeihon harm has nevrr been icnted and always used as a stock or dairy farm wx evans 6 go insurantk nt a will pay you to read the advertnementt in the herald browns bakery the home of milk bread t f you want the best bread in town and the best service have our delivery call on you phone us and we will call and guarantee satisfaction we carry everything on our de livery n h brown phone 202 herbalist here are you suffering from any disease mr murf1n the proprietor of the canadian herb gardenaand expert in herbs will be at the mcgibbon hotel georgetown one day only all day and evening tuesday march 2nd consultation free nervous diseases rheumatism bladder trouble olabeles bnghl s disease stomach liver kidney neuritis neuralgia blood pressure heart trouble constipation and all diseases there is an herb for every disease remember the date tuesday march 2nd logs wanted we are paying tash for pine hemlock and oak logs li log must be cut in lengths to suit pur- chfcsera georgetown lumber co phone 2so mcbeanco great clearing sale of mens and boys rubbers ladies misses and childs rubbers ladies plain itubbui miasen plain robberw unjeln plain kafaoera ladieh plain kubbern hiuh bee ih menu hear j lacotl rubhciit 2 76 to a5 moon a buckle rubbcm boys laced rubbare 11 to 11 1 411 boys laced rubbore 1 to 4 menaduok 12 m leather top a 40 mena oiornhoea 2 but lie 2 br menb overshoes 1 buckle 1 9ft meus kueo rubber boou 4 00 mena folt boota ladies felt boota 269 mn plain rubbers 1 18 1 20 miusos plain bahberk silr 1 1 laelies spatb is 1 i 1 26 mcbeanco georgetown rennes grocery peanut butter per lb oroam of wheat 8 lbs corn syrup iba coffee freshly r round per lb jelly powders 4 for rolled oate g iba for extracts aasorted 8 for cooking figs 2 lbs for canadian cheese per lb barley 8 lbs for d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery saturday treat jelly hearts will bo our special bis week this ia lovely candy and will pleaae too try a pound or two this week reg 40c satnraay treal 2k lb weekend chocolates the so chocolates are no good that it ih a pleasure for us to band tbem out at thin low price nnd to nee hon do lighted our ciibtotuprs are mth tbe in hnrd nnd soft contrei weekai ssedil 32c far a raal loaf of broad try ear potato loaf also our ho sb a mad braad diraet tna otaa and tfca aajaa prloa tfca ordinary braad grandysl the pure rood store s suggestions tor lent season jtlacarom in bulk 2 lbs 25c p tieinr baked beans nrilhnut pork cr tin 16c m ueinz spaghetti in tomato ri salmon i lb tins snlmon 1 lb tinn trosied pish sardiness tot millionaire sard inert 2 foi iobsier per lin campbell k sotm 2 tor loaf chpcse i er lb old ohoop per lb o clieifee per hi peai per tin orn per tin tomatoes r l in aunt jctnimn hi lhr t 1 aunt jemima pi i i 1 nnonk maple srup per liottli whole milk klimmi i in jo id j1s 46c i 20 2i i 12 ib i a m grandy phone 76 satbudlss curasletl xaaassssaieshiahbsi frsapl ddlver

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