Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 24, 1926, p. 3

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personals important ill tin victor phonograph co ii i 3 ih to inn on a special snlo ciinininliou 01 rj february 16th of n pl uilid nni inu nt u i victor jrecords f at tho low piioo of hw ffl 39c or 3 for 1 s a ou orlkl records and a good lilt of 12 tn ulll fl record rftlso or 2 tor 150 kfl a this oiler may be wllharawn at soy lime anil an early im x selection is desirable 1 d j matthew uhuobmit stationlr u i loioo lo spent hit mr j w kcnncd tuesday m mr una mm j u 1 ro hhi of mr si price oer tl eek ei mlh vnme itjun rt ciiiliii lo montieal on moodn owing lo tin serious illness of lier oephrw dal ton rrti mr hen ivuli win in loiotl urtl saturilm iitluiditif tin tin oral of his totmin the into mr bliitchfori mi and his i coohnu r turned homo after upend dii cjlit weeks wsitinfc fneodn in mouin ul at bun a and toronto mis 11 1 law son mid mm mnry lnwaon loft on tuesday morn i nu for bos auk1ob californ in white tbe will npnnd it couple institute sociables oi i iimiilv neumn ul i im 1 k tlm li liffmhi u ik n iiihi1 il im it thi mm ul mm i ihul liu n mid j ii i lyn ii it lhen followed ink it noil w tints in whkli hi uik j ul illir ln u rt dninu liuxli us mui the fresh flavor of delicious fin local news items last week in ftbmuij hand ol artfuii to night riuchronnd jance march 5tb cheer up spring will soon bo here si patrick tea at the public library marih lutli jeanal jean m the bap tist cburch on fnda tvenuag ioepoctoi j m donyea ib pay dg an official visit lo our public sohool tbia week another luck number prize will be given awa at tbe arena uext saturday opening the moat fastidious need not bo afraid bvei at the aretoa booth everything clean and wholesome have iou taken advantage of tbe two weeks sale at wombb 5c to 1 00 store et lota of apeciala left yet tbe local council of women will bold a ten and salo of bakiog in tbe public library on haturdaj march ltb children 3 goloshes 7 to 10 1 88 ladies silk and wool hosier at 70o per pair w c bartlett georgetown 11 dr 0 t walker eye special ist will bd at watson s drug store on wednesday march 8rj make your appointments now william logan lot u6 con 9 csqneaing will bold a o i taring auction sale of arm atook on march 17tb full particulars later graham clements hate ta ken over tbo hardware bnainess or j w kennedy boo and are now in charge see their adv t tn this lesne the mls club wan enter tamed to a delightful little party and luncheon laatthursda after noon at tbe home of mis thomiia sykefl easter bunds occurs on tbe sunday following the first full moon after march elsb- and ma therefore occur as early at march sand or ft late as april 2lbt this ear we obeerve it on april 4th mr e r maglougblen bar ber who has beed confined to bis borne for the past three weekb is now able to be around ogam and is attending to business ae usual auhls bnrbering parlors on mill street dr barnard oyesigbt special ist who is permanently located at hinton s jewelry store has air end a lot or satisfied patrons if jour sight is bothering you in any way or your glasses need adjusting call on dr barnard young men of toronto navor think of aaktog their partner to have light refreshment after skat ing with them georgetown joung man are mora thoughtful tbe always take tbeir skating partners to tbe arena booth for a bot dog or a bottle of crush the ladies or the w a of st georges church beld a sowing bee at tbe borne of mrs sleightholme queen bt a dainty luncheon was served during the afternoon and a pleasant tinje spent mnsioat ml eotions by mrs smith were mncb enjoyed maw sprln btylaa an eu4j you are cord mil invited to in spect the correct stylos in trim med and tailored hats on displaj now in our show rooms and con tinoingibrongbonttho entire sea son misses clandge herald block upstairs shot f uvar butk pax one morning last week mr cuton rogers of no 1 erin cap lured one of tbe finest aiker black foxes that bas been seen in thia localit for years the pelt is or xilver blaok from the nose to the tail and wben rkinned measured 54 incbea from tip to tip ontisuiti iaiutml tbe ooorfiuonn women s id -stituto- will bolil ther regtilat monthly meeting on wcdnesdaj march 3rd at s o lock at tbe home of mrs m l near when a good program will be given district president mrs agnetv will addrcpa the meetinr all ate welcome hsitkwlr wednesday rob ihh night life in new york starring dor otby gist and rod la rocqne chapter 7 of the fighting ran ger comedy speedy mar riage fnhiy fob mtb love and glory stern dg madge bell amy and wallace mcdonald com edy bad boy fox nowb sat arday feb 87th matinee at 8 p m the midshipman starring ram on mevarro corned ring cot ton with lloyd hamilton fein cartoon u wan hu at aram tbeluk number tl tho arena inat siturdn iumng nns lipid h mr bnrt ilunlcr nonal nod he wai prtsentpd wjlh a hjtf b the mnnagement a lurk number prize will be guen nwiu next sat urdaj exeniug when tbe band will ho prcurnt nml plaj n flrnt class program d or prtjar tbe women s da of pruyor throughout tbo dominion foi i sions wns obborved ou friday last fob 19th the georgetown ladi met in the bnptist church when mrs dr dickie led the moot ing there wan a good at tendance aod a pleainnt and profit able time was spout slalch rlda and parly five bleigh loads of kthekdhs and their friends isited mr and mrs william wiley at their home on the 9th lino on tuesday the evening wrh wpont in muair games and dancing after which refieah ments were served it waaadeligbt fnl evnnt and a joll part that retnrned hnmo hi tin earl morn ing public library masting at the annual meeting of ucoigo town public library board on mondft evening the following ofil eera were eiected for tho edauiog year hairman j m moore treasurer ralph ross secretary j l thompson property cum mittee john mcdermid j 1 mo kcnzie j m moore book com mittee ralph ross rei kenneth mclean j l thompson eok and duos erdun robekah lodge no im mil celebrate its eighth birthday by holding a euohre and dance in tho arena on frtdaj march 6 tb cuchre 16 to 10 80 dancing 10 so to 2 80 thurstons orchestra ire round and birthday dan ces a butbdn cake contain og the usual birthday tokens will be cut and passed around during the evening admission- i7r phis sr a painfnl asoldant while operating a up saw in j n oneill a son h on fnda morn ing laat mr w g marshall met with a painful accident he wan ripping a narrow strip off a aleiph tongue when a portion of the strrp was caught by tbe san and shot back with such force that a sjjver about a half mob wide and quarter inch thick penetrated tbo palm of hia right hand going com letely throngh it after receiving i rut aid mr marshal as taken to guelph goncral hospital where tbe sliver was removed although he baa suffered severely with tbe injured band mr marshal is pro grossing quite favourably and nas able to return home last evening prloo dacou charming in its simplicity tbo marriage at 11 o clock fob 10th in st paul b presbyterian church simcoe or john david pnoe sod of mr and mrs john price of georgetown and misu norma e jounger daughter of the late a r docou and mrs decou was sol emmrcd by tbe minister dr a l howard in the presence of 20 guests and an at ton dance of friends rt tbe contractipg parties tbe brfae was given in marriage b her mother and was dressed in bois de iroust crepe with foi ruff and earned a bouquet of butterfly ros es there were no attendants mr leslie hearts organist played the processional and recessional and accompanied miss margaret sharp a rendition of because wbile tho contracting parties wit nessed b miss edna decou me ter of the bndp and mrs harry rous hamilton sister of tho groom signed the register after tie cer mony the bridal part and guests roturqed to the home of the bride b mother where amid most rbaate decorations a couple pf hours were aiient over a mist dainut prepar ed and epicurjsn breakfast tbe esteemed joung couple left b the wabash for buffalo and poinlseast the will reside tn simeon on thoir return from thoir bonpj moon among the guests were mrs price mother of the groom and his two staters miss irene price of toron to and mrs harr rous of qamii ton mr and mrs a g anderson and mr and mrs jack anderson of port dover dr nnd mrs w m mcouirc and di and mrs geo mcgtnre miss biggar dr and mrs a l howard mr and mrs l hearts miss margaret sharp mrs i w mclnaltj mte b b bailhe mias l rell tbe brde was for some years a valued mom ber of the soprano section of tbe church chou and a most highly esteemed member in a wide circl brunt faid eipositor little ada mother shall i run nut and post this letter 4 mother no child certain i not its raining in torrents and not bt to turn a dog out of doors let your father go mllia mr 1 h b mtcutlongh im lihhi of the weouin riview snsk una a visitor id town tin tnenda and made the herald n pleasant call mi watson winlleld w ho umlei went an opeiationit toronto cen oral ilonpital recent i ib reiovpr ing nicely aod hopes t0dn to be able to return home mr and mrs w f binillev and mis elmer thompson vuie at otten soiled laat week atteudiug the fnnoral of their atnter the late mrs richard brandon the numerous f needs of mis e b aung who underwent n senoue operation at guelpli con oral hospital recently wilt be pleased to know that alio ib ui creaemg favoiabh mr r j mccartney had so i recovered from hia recent opei tion as to be able to return home from onelph hospital lastwcdm day hii numerous friends wish him n speedy restoration to health mrs dr dickie and mrs r ross have been appointed dele gates to the 12th annual meeting of tbe toronto presbytcnal w m 8 to be held in bloor street united church on thursday and friday fob 2gth and 20th a number of otber members will also attend the session card of thanks we wish to express our sincere thanks to the fire brigade orange and true blue ijidjes friends and neighbors for many kudnesses during my recent ill ness gratefully yours it j mccart ney wife and family 40 cords hardwood foot lengthb deliveied while sleighing lasts 12 per cord no order too largenone too small tbe btsl bay in urn murrays phone wrlfi georgetown ladies sbampooins marcelling and cuiuhgj frizzing and singeing try as oar prices are reasonable mto mrstjlh lillieo alaesls pbtaes78wa auction sale fakm stock and implements thr undersigned hai been instiucted by emery bradley to tell by public auction al loi 12 con 7 n s near hornby station trafatjiir on saturday feb 27th 1926 1 p m ihe following valuable firm lock and mplemenis iore heavy bay mare 9 f food rlter brown boor 9 cari rood worker bay driving marc h years brok i to all bameai dairy otlle durham con 5 years due march 3 durham low s yaars due march 5th durham ow i vear due march 6ih durham con 4 jears due match 30thi grade jersey m b jrara march 26lh black com 7 years due wo weeks red con j years drear jsth black cow 3 y ears rt may uili niilkuib well kritde ayrh re con j yrs due may 7lh m ik ing well jf hoi item cow a years due june 19th m iknr uell holitein cow i years m ik uell lippcnrd lo be in calf durham cun i yra milklna well luppoaed lo be n calfi purebred durham com 4 years m ikinj ii not bred durham rom j ears lkin well not bred red durhsm o 2 y earn not bred outix tattle ijjood durham 1eera ill n t year s koo durham heifera niuik years holsien heifer m ng 2 tears 2 bridle heifers rising rnr hogmdme chunk aboul ijfl lb a purebred tarns just neaned cru tow due march isih crksoudue april ml sheep 7 purebred oiford rei nuraber of gjod rrsde cnr p rebred onford ram bred hy ark ii implemenism ii b dor lunlo crrfp mao m k prn 1 deerln cuilvaior k nod as new hone apr ng tooth vwivtlr m tcrttii hape mrcor oi ck arid dr 11 11 disc nearly nen m h shape sulky rake tfl ft used mo sainn dam hay lujdet tngood jhaps de dr lerymke noodv prer ng hay ledder good at nev sieej land njler dr bolt am plow narrow wtam plow e new aim and engine onl fork i hay and gr n1 nolprenily bt s ions good timothy absi i 6 good alfalfa a quamt of straw lo b on ihe place ahoit 100 bun oat i 1 15 bua bu k wheal aboul so i us ba rbout 300 bus mined gram terra20 00 and under fath oml note hay k and half gon hogs to he carh s d biaaiav ben petch cuik auction u i- lnli tute li ii lln ii nliii innutliu mietnim m i n im inbuilt lj at tb iimix uf mm llny i s 00 vii i iii i a kiiklliv lini itihlikil eiiji llit instiiiineiiliiu hi ubh n n liiul t miaijeun rixiiiipsnn in iiohi jsaa val jean a recital iiiulei tin luisiue- if tla wuuion a soikl will bi in 111 in tbo bnptist chun li 1 m gt ti u ou tridft feb ti ihio ittitul will be giun by htibul pit ny fihsmtcdliy mis ah lnc black ultii misa jean adams mipiuuu mj j gricbton imuiflt program al hln harp adiiihioti r tenu atmndad big ha onion r rrcdgilmrrkiix loi inst inluiday rugbt attending ll big re union of eteraiie ofthe rn a canadian di igaonn at stanley rarrnekh ihere were it tiiann oftbrtf nnis among the 22s torn ides prefont and fred bad tbo pleasure of renew inj artiunintanceb mill many old nals with whom ered in the gieat wai promptness one of tho chief chitracleiiklkt our delivery yon will get ex actly the foots you oidor aod c delivoi tbi in to yom home m jig time we behove yon should usn unit wh not tiill to daj fineht cocoiuhit i ei lh ul bulk ten per lb li n hoc peanut butter nor lb 2ge baking powdei moss rose luc choice wlnto binns il lbs 2gt rice ft lbs 25n sunltglitsoap 16 bam 03c lorn on toilet sonn t for 25o pure castile sonn 7 foi 2go corn s nip 2 lbs 20c corn syrup fi lbs too bread and baked goods for ijiijilit of goods tn buying on i bread and bilked toodn at clabk h bakers salada green tea is preserved in the airtight salada fiacket finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada x for sale beautiful 200 aces 18000 1 lb bet lnr loin sw 20 lb pnlliir laid rape nutt pin pkg tlnudyajnmonia h fi bai hold sutprim l nod quick napth close to georgetown und stalion large basement barn f good stabling piggery driving house two biios ice house f icd frame dwelling md milk hou good seven rooi for maintd help good orchard lots o iin all under oulhval wood bush this is a money making proposition rarni hi vrr lie n rented and always used aa a atock or di ter fai but wtxvans6g0 insurangk c il litatl a4a it wilt pay you to read the advertisements in the herald mcbean co grocery specials enced soil wclve acres hard stocktaking over we are now ready for business having taken over the hardware stock of j w kennedy it will be our constant aim to carry a well- assorted stock of hardware eamet- ware and household necessities we wilt endeavour to bring this stock up to a point where we will have what you want when you want it graham clement successors lo j w kennedy s sob georgetown eats f you are looking or a place to eat do not forget that there are only two places to eat here home light lunelle on the horteat notice au kinds of sandwiohes te coffee milk bovril hot ohooolate or soup meat and potatoes to or der also a regular dinner at 13 noon every day give us a call phone xi pecketts isaahad candy asbd baklnar painting decorating paper hanging a speciality j agents for tbe famous empire semi trimmed wallpapers also bootieys wallpapers burlaps sulfites pressed and varnish ed tiles everything in be id lerlor dectrating line our charges are very moderate and our work is guamlf ed special low rates until the end of march h morrow r wiggins p o bo- so motor it mil vlawi 3 aala nlklnao x r dapot browns bakery the home of milk bread f you- want the best bread in town and the best service have our delivery call on you phone us and we will call and guarantee satisfaction we carry everything on our de livery n h brown phone 202 georgetown herbalist here are you suffering from any disease mr murf1n the proprietor of the jardens and en ivill be at the uiifuit white naptbu pit houi tti 1 1 uki s frouch cnstille bo tp 2d haale liiamjcondensiiijlrll ul cainntion milk bah in 07 1 0 bottle oxo in tomato latsup lare ui r a henlleis buihidi 2 llju id1 luoinpsatih seedless kitiaioa 1 1 lb olnss jnr ilitspberr jam by iomatoc uatsup pints ij lune 1eiih li bobertsou s maimahiile 2 little chip marmalade ta melagauia black tta per ib 07 12 0 manic baking pondei tit mcbeanco georgetown g rennies grocery peanut butter per lh oroani of wheat lbs corn syrup 9 ujb coffee freshly riound per ib lolly powders 4 for rolled oats 0 lbs for extracts assarted 3 for cooking flga 2 lbs for canadian cbeeao per lb barley 8 iba for d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery satuimy tteat sooul kipplesthis is a pure creamv cand just right for ejtiog doesu t stick to be teeth and is simply de licious wrapped in tbe form of kisieb usual 1 sold at hk salsriajtrtal jsxtt mfetaent odctutes are you in the habit of buying our weekend cboco- tatear if jou are not better start now you will be delight ed with them hard and 10ft centres weekeat sfedal ttc far a nsl it af bnal try dbt patsta laa alaa am- haait astasu brasvi allraat trsn tha onm auial tha sum prla aa thm rsumatry fcraasl 0 gnduhndi 58888ss88e8 tin irni ir n gr andys 9 i the fore food store- suggestions tor lent season c anadian hcrbxlardens and expert in herbs xlll be 1 mcgibbon hotel georgetown one day only all day and evening tuesday march 2nd consultation free 1 nervoui diseases rheumatism bladder trouble diabetes bright s disease stomach liver kidney neuritis neuralgia blood pressure heart trouble constipation and all diseases there is an herb for eery diseasr remember the date tuesday march 2nd macuiom in bulk i lbs 2r heinr baked beans mtiinut l l er ttti is hcinj spaghetti 111 tomato khu re per tin to noit ihh- salmon 4 ib tins 1 tli salmon 1 lh tfim tft i l 1 r roswtl fmh sard in pm i foi t5r miljiooftirs sardines l lot jt ijobater per tin doc campbell h soups fitor tfte loaf clieow per lh sof old cheew por lb 8v npn cheese per lh 3ur ioti pel tin 18 20 2 so corn poi lin it 1 toinntoi p 1 lin aunt letnimn bur win it pm ke llnr sot aunt jemima plum 1 incnk flu ir ioc maple syiup ei hottfe 15 ilk whole milk mini 1 ei til i a m grandy phone 75 satliladtta saaraslee rrwast sdlvtrj

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