i atu i uirlw muiriiikihandl al sure i hiiraid for at tin folk win nitu itirthn 60c murriorth r iks i oc mi monnl cardii boi lr p r ixtrn for pot try tlib gl ortlrtonn hi ll born k1nc in titorgelown on monday 1 ibrunry ind lug to mr tin mm trunk king upon bordoi alfnd obituary rev mayes farewell is- c i ml rbnui aatb it il mil h r ctoi of funt ill mis- km81i doiil rrelted ihuii do iii if katharine mnud lam m only daughter of the ul llionmh and litthcimt autibtront of gtorne town whicl lookpliio il out lib general hospital on iiilhln f 28rd deceased was born lit cnim ington hurt six jiniri 1110 and came to gtciibttown with tier ir tntswhcn i fluid ror n iiiir nho was u fiiltliful emplniie of the barber and liowticul i n pi mills nndenjocd hit rested ami esteem of nil whulncvt lit r lnobrotbe messrs j tin and dart nee am strong rtmiiii to mourn iho dcnl of n bcloied mtitir her rfli iidccmt 1 btr mx cars and ip ihtid h months igu li t molb assort aw in the funeral look lftce on 1 nduj iifteronon hsl when bli ico was conduct oil in st georges church by rc mi uace after which inteimenttook pi wc inuretnwooj ctmeurj tie pull bearers were mebira charles dempse fnitlib ld ird ucrnci caledou latl uturltin isiac dornbj arthur bun pie and wtl 1 am mouuro among thorn wic oatribiitcd beautiful iloral offer mgh were provincial paper mills l la and daisy armstrong mrs morutt mr and mrs hemp ton toronto mr and mrs b 1 beldei caledontast mr and mrs artbur runstedler brampton mr and mrs wilfred parr mr and mrs chan dempsej and mrs chamberlain guolph mrs moore and mib hamilton toionto mr nod mra john mason mr and mrs f hraiibj and the family amress muttn intitlon ln lb lmrch was oct i el i 1 llie laitfe onrrtkfltion istpnel nitnj t in t i ml idlr hh fiom mr ilmoh who hiliuon ll f hues of the redo of a pinli allulum w long to ninnj f the hit inrisb during llii inst ji us of tbtit the mine prominent mich as tin ilinhngl d brii tiding s lcoiijt iiirip wll em itniam an a hllimhl iiriuintnl an 1 mtl libit lord of mr m iw h iikumbimu hut hu hold on the aitei tious of hit hoplt from lis dose pi raonsl touth with nil in the tnrtjil i kooiwdk fverjoio bj najnc even the diilihtn his liei inteient in nil thtu allaiih njoiting with tbeni thai rrjoicul mourning with tbejn hint uioumfd fl a tic that will lonfi endiue mr mnjemnii in mdtfitl hpoko of these tbiiiki ullhoiifch a n no who alwuh holdfl himnelf indor atronn tnntrol wahvmblj afftdeil and man of his bqareib also nincountof ho present itiou lomr and mr maji ij bt u ban h parish on mondaj of list vieek appeared in lheno colnmim on widjiesdaj kht but it in mtorcal iur to note that anions thoe win bore tribute to mr majos in tboir addrebbca on that occasion woie right worsbipful bro 1 i bar radoush ddgm of the district in graft masonry and also rigbt excellent coini inion o lorke grund suiicnulcudcnt of this dis lrictin rojnl arch masonrj owing to the high legard in which mr majcs as a maaon is hod bj bin masonic brethron it was not unlooked for that flome public honour should bo paid him and therefore halton chapter of royal arch masons attended the evening nervier in a bod in full cgalitt preaching from thn last verse of about forty of the f mends and neighbors of mme leslie and miss holmes gathered at tboir home on edith street on wednesday evon ing of last week to express their regret at their removal from the old farm home the evergrec after einging the opening chorus mr r w reed hairman called on thomas giffen to read the fol lowing address after which harold heed presented them electric eadmg lamp dear friends on hearing of your taking leave of the old farm home and neighborhood we our friends desire to express our feelings of deep loss by your removal r wo are sure this step has been taken after careful deliberation and we hopt that in your now sphere of life in towr you shall still find fit ida for usefulness and service and so make for yourselves friends firm and true you have been jtind and obliinf neighbors your coun cil has been a guide to us your energy on inspiration and your faith in times trial a strength to all we reimcc y are stilt near us and we shall look for ward to meeting you often we can assure you that you carry with you the cat cm and best wishes of all and so we iukou miss holmes and miss leslie to accept this clcctnc reading lamp as a slight token of this esteem we trust that as it rays dispel the darkness it may remind you of the uourrc of light and real joj that you both may be spared in htalth and happiness to enjoy n behalf of die friend i and the corinthians to a congregation which again filled the church mr mayee spoke of the wonderful bor vices that bad already taken place daring the day when at the com bined churches 220 members had communicated he then addressed u courteous i welcome and congratulations on their standing id the royal craft to hie brethren of halton chapter and then for the laat time an rcc tor mr mayes spoke of the won derfully successful arid happy qvc years he bad spent in georgetown he thanked alflhoso who had held office in the church particularlj naming those who had been in ofnrte the whole time with him he referred id the highest terms to ladies organizations without which it would have been almost impossible to carrj on and fin ally ho opened his heart to hn hearers in a last review of bis un tiring labors as a simple parish priest nboin all things put his church and the souls committed to his charge first in eerj way and at all times mr majoa assumes chaigc ot all saints church niagara fid 1 1 next sunday march 7tb but his family will remain in georgetown until castor during easter week a social gathering hoe been ar ranged when the fioal parting be tween the congregation and their beloved rector will take place exceptional values just arrived a shipment of new house dresses best values we have ever shown the latest styles good quality ginghams new patterns nicely trimmed good workmanship at the remarkable low pnee of 98c to 150 seasonable garments for children sweaters pullovers suits mitts stockings a clearing in childs 4piece brush wool suits that will inter est you see the goods see the prices use your cash discount bonds to purchase difo new advertisements 215000 oi opr wash ers ia use ia canadian homes spring sale oi the lamous beatty white cap washer rpjte koswsssssss- sjfc-ssm5ss5sise-cs55ijr- pvaa f these 4 r ree valuable wash day accessories- 1 only 1 2 months to pay no interest added free demonstralion try belote voujiuy if you wish dhonw tor bu v ll lloe vr g i r 1 b u us j yn e mid uu pi r ru lw i n a id a k looker li tct r r 1 j lo call in and see jejie white cop electric washer work arrange tor a demon strf tion in your own home miss leslie od behalf of hersslf and miss holmes thanked the friends for their beautiful lamp she said as it burns we shall think kindly nf the old friends and expressed thi wish of still meeting them often short speeches followed bj reeve appalhe messrs barnes wriggles worth aod mcnabb and a musical program was rendered by mrs wright and miss ruddell misb alice leslie mr frank wilson and mr b palmer after which monj old songs were heartil sung by all after tbo social boar refresh meats wore served and the bapp gathering dispersed wishing miss holmes and mies leslie health and happiness in their new home id georgetown norval sociai night at the norval oiinu peopleb hocipty was largely at r tended the taeetinjr opened ith devotional exercises conducted by tbo rev mr mcdonald at the t loto of a short program there was an old fashioned spelling match several of the members taking part next monday night will be devo tional night and will be held in the anglican church speaia services in the presbj tenan cbnroh atll nm and 7 so p m oa bnnday march htb rev mr mtdodaldwiu be in charge don t miss the shamrock high tea in tho preshtorion chnrch an monday evening the llfteenth of march an excellent program is being prowded full particulars later sunday school and oud people a anniversary services at 11 am and 7 80 pm sunday march 7tb 1920 in norval united churob rev manson doyle b a secretary of reliflioub hduca tion will conduct both services glenwilliams mr joseph beanmonl left last week tor iho west indies where be will spend tho next few weeks enjoying the salubrious breoxes of the son thorn atlantic master ray bell spent tho week end with his friend fred kirby of brampton oar mills are busy and wo are nil looking forward to a good sum ujer id the glen jacksons georgetown forsters cash and carry store afdlllinlof choice fresh groceries provisions etc muit in slason royal clly ice cram d ndlsus omcalales pro nonneh ibe best byjj wkt kave tried them swills cooked ban ail cared heals al riant prices forsters r john andivietoru b hockey the game at the arena on hn day night in tho day off scries for thn harris cup between mtlton and georgetown resulted in a win for mtlton by tho score of 7 to 8 the play in the first period was evenly divided each team scoring one goal in the second period tho milton boys outplayed george town and scored five more before the end of the ponod the final period was a little id georgetown b favor and ihey succeeded in scor ing two while milton got one mak log tbo score 7 8 in milton s favor don t miss til j hockey game on thursday night aoton vs george town actnn will be strengthened by two plajors from the big six group georgetown will also have two new men on the line up in the acton qeorgctown game on thursday night john rentoer of windsor and t hillman of kitchener will assist acton and a cole parkdalo luh toronto and jock worthy of bramptun will assist georgetown imes j ballinafad the death of mr george f yemen in his 87lh ear occurred at the home of his daughter mrs j g reed munson alberta on feb 10th the deceased bad been blind for the past 12 years but had been very patient under his affliction he had been in very good health within a ftw days previous to his death the inte mr cmen spent most of his life on his farm lot 31 con 8 in tho township of esqueg ing in the year 1872 he married j annie coke of r nn who passed to j her eternal rest on february 22nd 1904 about 0 years ago neigh bors and friends were grieved to bear of his departure to bis new home at theodore 9 risk a daugh tor tho rev mrs c frnmpton bessie of theodore and two sons john and peter predeceased him a few years ago the latter being stationed as a missionary a manga t the foreign population at inftidgcn saak al the time of ins death he leaves to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father- mrs j g rood munson alberta mrs t baliday theodorr sask george of mcgee saak mrs david glen dinning toronto joseph df lies pclcr and mrs peter cole of ball inafod residing on the old yemen homestead irlterment took place m slab son cemetery alberta keeping up with the times the modern and i inexpensive way to build a home he a t proofcold proof t i and 13 times stronger than with wood sheathing tlen tett insulating building board is an ideal struc tural material nail it direct to studding instead of using ordinary matched lumhsr sheathing and jou have a wall i 18 times stronger than if lumber ware used as well an the best insulation against heat and cold ten tent is rugged everlasting weatherproof manu tncturod lumber better and stronger than wood shoiithing f bettor than lath as a base tor plaster better than building v papers and us all of which it replaces thus making a real l saving in building costs yet giving stronger hotter walls e tightly sealed no knot holes no cracks perfectly innnlatod insulation means stopping the passage of heat r through your walls aod roof your ice box is insulated to r ktop the hent out your tireless cooker is insulated to keei heat in similarly in the walls and roof of your house ten test initiating building board keeps beat insido in winter ootiido in summer giving year around comfort and health and saving 50 to 150 yearly on join coal bills it actually costh more now a jdays to build an old f fashioned heat leaking vrinterhrvering house than to bn id r a modern com fort able healthy everlasting house with ten tent insulating building board write or literature to the t nrgotnwn l i nbnr lo limited georgetown oni f a test of tentest j at toronto university testing laboratory a frame sheathed with ten tost wns subjected to a strain egunl to n let ride wind or torondo and was shifted less than one degree in tho same test a frame sheathed vvith lumber was tacked t 18 times more than ten test pthia clearly demonstrates that a wall sheathed with ten test is many limes stronger in 1 mm p rigid than a wail ordinarily sheathed n th 1 urn her another test of ten test test of the insulat ng quarrties of ten tost insitlat ing build ng bnard showed one sheet 7 1g inches thick to be o i ml in 12 inches nf brick and mortar or inches of io1 d tentest r h thompson co main si georgetown for sail e wtx hehtri cmk u u die j i join mu to rut too cj ho uk ceil i rail la med elf jlrt lil wnicr ia ic slubleo prcm apply l htha 1 offirc i fo- sau 1orj 1 ourioj r n rooo ruiin ig ordr nd neii i res sacrifice it r qu cr ili ceiilrilur ceorgelow lip icon john st ncar l elph baking day i a real pleasure instend of a dnj of prohablu dnap pointment to the woman who knows what kind of firm u use for ber bread add cake muring b browne co get icady for your next hakim day norval ont r ordcr a bdr of flor h0w made specially for pastry kings choice brawd flour national patrr n mnnlclpij 3x7 r j norvtil bl nd coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coat small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of j the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown very i table fot half r lnd inh l dnyfoo farsauo bander apply lo j fsi 3 ticdiclau fmrmt vfamtod ii a id large alvi cheap rouih und blc rote ft realty to rtl a st toionio itjtbla txixt anil toll wmer oid garden and good cellar possesion now apply lo mrn j n ovi1 jlp for sale the greatest bargain on earth a 10000 estate increasing in value every day one small payment and its ah yours balance on small easy terms no lateresl to pay vve pay you ialtercst willi taxes special agreement protects you from loss of income from disease or accident no pnydtenti to make if totally disabled von draw 100 a month if totauy disabled and yonr payments are kept up for yon without charge your estate doubles at once to 20000 cash if you are accidentally killed and paid immediately to any one or more persons you name you get your 10000 when your payments are all made every dollar of it gjoea at onoe to yonr widow and children if ton ret it to day and die tonight the only thins yon can bay ok time payments yonr widow wont have to nniih paying for sold in units of 1000 and up the right combination jellv powders in mass nappies j for 10 imported fresh aod kippered herrings and haddock e 1 lb tin as salmon 1 lb tin 25 86 4g salmon lb tin so 25 js her cow condensed milk bo good brooms b0 j lavoline pearl ino j ammonia clothes pms neb soap flakes isoireno shredded aoap choicest bohemian hopt is t pkg 85 4pkg xu 4 dos 10 2 pkg 2c a pkg as 2 pkg 2c clarks bread try our bread aod you will be corymced there is none other just o good eats you arc looking ioi a place to rat do not forget that there are only two places to rat here home light jlnnohei on the shortest notice tbe sites ibveslmeal ever devised jiggle ii id yonr pocket at age co save yonr hoaey nw write or phone me at once all kinds of sandwiohea tea coffee milk bovril hot ohooolate or soap call and get a sample at georgetown lumber company phone 250 georgetown i please doul me haiti i eaa see yaaabont this h r mimms please give ne lost aae chance to nake yen happy wate day district manager mutual lite lnsuraaw umpanj el new york meat nnd potatoes to or der also a regular dinner at 13 noon every day write them right give us a call prone 114 georgetown ontario pecketts cudy d bakut