Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1926, p. 3

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un hhliu i mall ii him ib personals i thureh news 1 gillette college set j ii in velveteen lined black tompat m urif with ntitm hvr poltl border on over a b gold plmad gillatt- price 1 hftt ruor with hold plated blade bon and glllfitt ids binds cents 98 cents the razor used by millions of men d j matt he w dulc1s unl stat10nht local news hems thin wai court ifiy batid it arena to night hockey game tltmiil ij the drat bluing month st patrick ten saturday fuel id beginning to take drop cbeviol t demonstration sil irday it tnu to man e for iner sports our merchant no getting n their spring goods hebekali euchre and lance in the arenn friday night renv d mclntyro attended countj council at milton jtstei day j spnnn in aim out here the ground nogs nnd spring catalogues are out the regular meeting of town council will bo held on friday pveding cth anothev lucky number con test will bo bold the arena next saturday night the humane society wil meet m the council chamber od wed neaday march 10th mr walter braid of hsouea irjg re porta seeing a flock of mill ducks flyipg north um week rev dr dickie preached at the re opening of bdon mills united ohnrcb on sunday evening labrador herring manitoba white- ash rod balmon and all kindn of smoked fish at p w smith a batcher shop it miis dorothy graham of es queaing held the luoky number at the arena last saturday night and jvon a nice cottage bam ftomomber the st patrick tea in the pablto library on sat unlay march 18tb under snapices local council of women in order to insure insertion ii changes for advertisements matt be in our office not later than monday evening will our patrons kmdiy hear this in mind thank you a play entitled aunt sus an a visit will be given in the sunday school of the ashgrove doited cburoh on prrday evening march 12th admission 85c and 20c v see particulars later the sunday school clause mrs h p lawson and mr rosa cameron enjoyed a toboggan party on tuesday evening after which tbey were entertained at the hanae by rev and mrs maclean those who attende l the reci tal io the baptist cborcb last friday evening enjoyed the splen did program given by mr herbert pieroy assisted by mrs arthur black miss jean adams and mr i criohton the third form pupila of the high school entertained the staff and pupils of the school at a akat ing party at the arena last thurs dy evening after which they aer ved a liberal supply of good eats at the school if you like 100 vholo wheal bread get a loaf at our store we carry it id very small sizes as well as the regnlar sizes and you find our prices right we will appreciate a trial order from you h m kennedy ttw tprimc stylaa a r4j ton are cordially invited to in apect the correct styles in trim tried and tailored hata oo display no in oar showrooms and con tinning throughout the entire sea boo misbcb claridge herald block upstairs ants dataaaitrauda an mterestiug and instructive chassis demonstration and lecture on the chevrolet car will be put on by general motors engineers on saturday evening march gth at h p m at the show rooms oi 8 king chevrolet dealer george town all car o nerannd others are cordially invited lo attend ad mission free yaar ipriajr salt the tip top tailors represents luf will b at brill a store satur day march otb witb the newest models ot suitings a great idty of fabrics to select from not mibb these wonderful fkiihul all at the one staple price of 24 theyre tailored to meaaure loo products of the beat british and canadian mills d drill george town we have made arrangements with a large city bakerv for band ling their products in georgetown the quality ia the bent that can be obtained and- put up in modern annitarv way ou arc cordially invited to call and in ipect our display b m kennedy sulshiaa- fan j t sucnty ii tinberf of knox churdi guild hei i n sleigbino parly to the humi of mi and mrs alex flume on the ith line on idij cumin ixiicioos re fresh men t and a kood program mbined to niaki n most enjoy lie os en i dp dn ogata of tka church annual meeting for ibo elee tion of otwrs was held in st george b bebool hooiu on monday evening president mrs k it tdnanlc icc president misb ao thompsou secretary miss adams and tr asnrer mica aileon bradley with ao increaa ing membership lbs members look forward to a tery successful year s work j awl noftitnsi la pauia ufa miss jessie mcphersoo daughter if the late re hugh mcphemon for eight ycaih minister of knox cburcb acton was the speaker at wealej united ch ircb toronto on sunday evening miss mcpher iow the secretary of the ontar n mi is work hoard acton was hei bnthplace her theme on sunday evening wnn onng vi onion h service bm tkaat wodnefdaj march hrd lov ire to quarantine chapter 8 of the fighting ringer comody buster be good friday march stb the gaiety b rl adapted from tbc inheritors starring mary philbin comedy break tbo ice fox news saturday march 6lb matinee at 8 p m the fool based on the slago play of tho aame name by chan ning pollock comedy hello uoodbyel felix cartoon com son of bib father by har old bell wright lcco ouweauruia one of the pleasant events of the season was tho skating party given by the 1 c u c class of the doited cburcb on wed evening last they had ss their guoets the young people of the church and members of the town band after spending a cnople or hoars at the arena all adjourned to the basement of the church where a bountiful supply of delicious re frefib merits were served and the baud played several selections over 150 young people who were present pronounced it a splendid ovening mayor of madiolaa hat an old georgetown boy io the per fen of isaac bullivant is now may or of medicine hat he was elect ed by a good majority over hib two opponents in the recent municipal lections in that thming western itv mr bullivant is a son of the late thomas bullivant and nephew of our respected townsman messrs isaac and william ballivant he spent bib boyhood days in george town and went west over twenty five years ago referring to bis election the medioino hat news says the peoples choice mr bullivant is acitieen of longstand ing and high repute in business oi re i ca and baa had previous ex penence on the city council prabal r1v a delightfully pretty wedding took place at the home of mr and mrs e rigby on saturday last rhen tbeir only daogbtnr hilda winifred was married to mr irwin august prabel of detroit id the presence of n large gatbeiiog or friends many coming from taot points in the c 8 for the oc casion tbe home was very taste fully decorated the prevailing col ours being deep pink and white j tbe bride looked charmmq in peach georgette over satin heavily beaded carrying a bouquet of pale mauve orchids pale pink roses and lily of the valley and was attended by mrs sharp of pittsburg pretty cons n or the bride as matron or ex juisitcly gowned blond georgette over satin trying a bouquet of pink nweel ptnaand ro tie groom wa pportcd hy bis brother mi aithur propel the bride entered arm of i er father to tht atraii of mendelsohn b wedding narcb played hy miss jessie rolle- roj of toionlo tbe ceremony performed by the rev i crawl mayes under an arch of flowers and terna mrs f rigby mother f ihe bride was attired in tjtaek sco r gelt over black and white and mrs- prabel tbc groom s mother wore black satin the guests eluded miss wiettee of detroit and mibs wiley of perry point man land following n buffet luncheon served by mrs- stone of toronto mr den i ron mtse mildmd flock aod miss irene thompson and mrs prabel left by motor for hamilton en route for detroit so a lcccssfully eluding the confetti laden guests that no description of the brides travelling go w a can bo given tbe two charming fun lor attendants were miss betty tod miss margaret deniaoi l t4 lit w i i i i i i misagnes mi he i f li ml vnsa riiest nf mi w n xon itt week misa jpaei bint ilnon sauu at the orange it im il ot it concert last toning lbh i ilhxi logrum of the on torio hospital nursing staff lon don spent tbc we u i i at hei hoinrt here r in mr- 1 itlvtl aud fan ily ind mi w 11 llridg of loi onto hima s i x nitb mr slchltlbolmi mr an mo w ii v ilkon wert at hamilton on monday at tcidini tbc funeral of tin late he dr scan lon mr thorns itotwie who ubh aeitrdy injured when bo slipped and fell on the ice iftat sauinla is impromngnircly mra morton or lckcaur 1 og land hoia spending tbn winter ontario minted the misses oiiug mam st for n few layt mr aithur mcguigan wlm uu dlrwent nn opeiation at christie street uoipital toronto laatniek is improting nicely mibh ruth mcniihy pupil of mrs r b iiaird successfully passed the tlomentary iano e ami nation held recently at the tor onto conservatory of mus mini k d ryan returned home from toronto on mondnj and ik greatly improved in health her mauy friends were pleased to see her down town on tuesday miss annie ryan returned home from montreal on suodaj where she won rafted last week on ac count of thesenoia illncaa of her nephew dal ton ryan the sick lad is nnw improving mceh at the recent conservatory ex ams in toronto miss margaret c kennedy passed her junior pano miss margaret wallace primary piano master john bird honors in primary piauo all are pupils of miss matthews at the recant examinations nt the toronto conservatory of mas miss marjone mckaue was successful iu pasbing her introdtic tor piano with honors miss mc kane is a popilof miss annie puck enng of terra cotta mrs w n hntt southern pines n c has been a guest at the home if mrs h w kennedy during the week mrs huttia the editor of the women s depl of tbe prog re b farmer the most widely cir culated weekly farm journal of tbe mted states among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late mande armstrong on friday last were mr edw berney cale- don east mrs moore misses dorothy and roseline moore and mrs hamilton toronto mr nnd mrs charles dempuy mrs wil fred parr and son lloyd and mrs chamberlain guelph mrs jamep davidson ten cotta and i ienc j c blow i terra colta always buy salada green tea the little leaves and tips from high mountain tea gardens that are used in salada are much finer in flavor than any gunpowder or japan try it hue u ii lull 11 dnnhti mrs lulu or th etut tb borne of mra n ii last week and presented i little and mibh annie lttlemtli an electric iron nn i tnaste pr or to their rciuo il to georgetown an addreahtviih nnd by mra john mcnnllj ni 1 tb proaentat on nns m ide b mm win diwson tin eminguiuhini nf a ttimll hlan in j 1 crnini store last neck averted a sci oua lire bcn petch conducle t i mic pcaafnl sale toi mr r i ittlc laat week female help wanted apply to smith stone ltd georgetown i auclku sa c h swaek jl hammer 1 miles north of acton jj will hold an extenaive clearing i saloof 20totch bred shorthorns bartfhlns in town properties u u o ub imiim i i nroieoiem i t 2000 00 ii m x fiul ii root i irani i o at i ii 1 1 i oi t s fl ceiling ui i htaim i fl tellings d u htaii tieooamill i iyt cntttaun bi ledrii iihiii it r price n nm i to auit jiirchnacr see or call york hops oxford shoe seed ben ham grain certified potatoes farm i i i stock implements on t loaday t to buj i n cc home for little mone u ft nnd march lflth at 18 o ctock terms t ollerproimes 10 montin r j kerr ft t amos i phone 164 georgetown box 490 corling notes somebody atarted something at the curling club this past month there is something doing every night to bring out the best dividual curlers prizes are be ing donated right and left and many and varied are the conditions under which tbey are to be played for it is this sort of thing that promotes tho sportsmanship good fellowship that is tbe object of our club the club is tobe con gratulated upon having so many large hearted members on its rost er on monday feb h2od a com petition was held for a price or one half ton of alberta coal don ated by mr j b mackenne tbe coal was won by councillor georgt campbell on saturday feb 27th fonr nee kties were donated as prices by messrs r y wemysa and d livingstone tbe inoky wir sen of this competition were e melntyre n tuck r b fouh and h hamilton on monday march 1st the presidents com petition was held mr e mowbir ter tbe president of tho clnb don ated lour neckties at prises for tbe players winning the moat games and having the largest scores they were woo by messrs wemy ss groat goldhnm and feller on tuesday and wednesday march 2nd and 8rd a two day com petition is being held under rules n bit different from tbe other torn petitions there are twolve pnxen tor these games a drat prize for each player on the winning rink a second prise for each player on the rink coming second and a third prixo for each player on the third rink the first prices are donated by major l grant the seennd pnies by mr b wallace and the third prices by mr john kelly now comes the last competition that we know ol bo far on 1 hurs day march 1th tbe pn res will be bags of fl iur and two bags of sugar donated by mr w c fteiecj and mr frank laccy ah of these competilioi a nie open to all member of the club there is no entry fee ou j ist goto the rink win the games and take home a necktie a bag of flour a bog of sugar or one of the other price fitsy just like that announcement ladies and misses this is of vital interest to those who take pride enough in personal appearance to choose their wear ing apparel with fastidious care we take pleasure m announcing receipt ol our first consignment of ladies spring coats past experience having proved to ufl that local ladies dress as up- to date and are aa particular as the average better dressed tidies in the larger cit tea and true to our policy we endravor always to carry the class of goods ap precikted and approved locally theae coals have been selected with special care and foreknowledge of our customers demands and with the particular view of fitting all figures and suiting nil tastes prices are the lowest possible and we invite comparison shoes we also take this opportunity of announcing the new arrivals in our shoe department we have a large assortment of shoes in the newest styles including particularly good designs in the new appliques our spring lines o hurlbut cushion sole and pussyfoot shoes for children are also in stock dbrillco main afld mill sts georgetown mcbeanco if georgetown j mcbean co grocery j specials m ljii rl k lb hi i inn corn syiup i lb uu line lfin syr ip 1 20 ih iul pure lai 1 mh j po iulh ptr pk if- s h mly vmnomi fbr 1 lr 1 lnrs iill s irpriat comfort an t juick n l tl u bo i fl e nai thu pi t 1 ifiikty rrtuch suslilli soip 2j 1- ml brand ton leused milk l m cm nation milk baby tiie 0 ik 1 o bottlo oao ih ik tom ito t ut sup laric sixe i til scidlcis ra sto- a lbs l tho npsnn ipclless kiumdtt ib ii5s 1 lb ta j iliflnbir ji i y is toinatnt tatsui 1 intit k p june peay is is itobcrtn a mnnn abide 5 m little chip marmalade lio fp melagiima black 1c i tor lb 67 k hot mngc baking londtr io rennies grocery peanut butter per lb cream or wheat 3 bn lorn syrup 9 lbs coffee freshly ground pei lb jelly powders 4 for rolled oats 6 iu for extracts assorted 3 far ooking figs 2 lbs for canadian cheese per lb barley h lbs for d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 f or quick delivery gr andys i the pure food store specials 1 r i lit 1 111 i r card of thanks we hereby convey to our fnendi and neichbora oar nrytidcere thanks for tbe many klndneaaea and sympathy ex tended to uaid our recent iad bereave ment caused bv the death of later armstrong family ir beloved auction sale- h uorrop iot i 8rd line lnn 9 miles east or acton will bold an extensive clear ing sale of farm stock now im plementa bay and grain on tnes day march 9lh farm ia sold r j kerr auctioneer phone 36 acton it a reminder ourtfiprinc wffjksoft our slock princ samples arc now m and we wouldadvise jou to sclec is complete also our 10 percent special discount is continued f days on account of bad weather a deposit will hold an garment untit laster faster is only a few u garment now while iothei royal ladies ready-to- wear company l georgetown onjtario lieehn ileehn n i jell 1 ihckixe liin x n 1 i ctruikfoil i hul j inn p t 1 z lb tn ton iun mis frr linn it nn 1 1 out i ik ijctoile mstiurom or s i i olm butter in jai i n i lbb h 1 ii i ili rti peanut butt nt tl i leanut butter i j i i sandwirh s rr ei ji is bars cm tort sua t i 1 t 1 l lie s lb hiheti lea t cl a m grandy 12 purtnf 7k phone 75 satlsladlu surutth prabfm mivery a ef

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