Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 3, 1926, p. 4

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tup none l llpliun miii him march rod and gnn auction sale a handsome apccial bcltioii m tmniur tho wmomk ihologriip of the amateur photo ontel i ccnlly conducted b rod nnd gun i in an interesting feature of hie i march issue ot tins rotujuiinti whnh has been just published tut months atones inclddo a trj liw arluioby george ii charlb who recitettnn enu ruimng nnmitito ol a tenderfoot hunt in tho wilds of british columbia nt wtll uh othrrhuntidr and fishing onrralitc the regular montblj cutureh nr good and raymond 1 liomphon con tinnes iiib eeriph in the uic w iit uf uaondn with the fov iamnj whilb a brjnn williiiuib linsai other tioud chnntcr ot the seuif breezes from the wist bounj- coatlo dale deals with tameia hunting do the grcfll i irrens of nova scotia hod and 0m i uh iisbed month lv w j ujlor limited vood strut out farm stock ndi rnirneil has riccitd i bedndioo in fuel prices hist uradi amcrunn okcnul eixe s1s00 per ion dihrered in town btbturade nut hize pot a bautoe special iireuffred for dam estic use 13 00 per iod delivered id town f itorprn a co phone 180 georgetown bentleuiad to ladj bitting on hie bat excubo me miss hot do jou know what jou ro sitting on well i ought to i ve beeo silt ing od it for twentj vears a scotchman was fouud dead id front of a one teat punching machine tho coroner found that death had been caused b over exertion investigation disclosed a bird reading your pconj re turned if jod hit hard enough for three wireless performances one of which he rave recently with great success sir harry lauder the famous scotch comedian r j the record fee of 176000 w a wilson ben iktui clerk aucionee wood for sale ilnrdwoott body maplt- 1 in 00 per j ii sh phrim 81 rri m ifkeln wood fo 81 1 hl recured a urk quantity of dry beech anj maple dclit 4 00 rcr load rail al s3 00 per load nd mixed wood al jj0 pet load alio ca rola parsnips and box 190 geor beef j liranchofd lown phone 135 r 4 i plan now for thai padllc coast and alaska trip von la lend lo take neil summer l a q i e s j shampooing mutceluntlij and curling fbizzmc and singeing try us our prices are j 1 reasonable mr mrs jb lillico aaaolnlahah phoae w8w s brills mens wear news in the spring but already mens thoughts have lor several weeks past been turned to thoughts of clothes it the last of our februarys business can be taken as an indication we now have in stock the bulk of oui showing of mens and young mens spring suits and top coats the snltb in a very fine range at from 1500 to 18500 the top coats in new delien at from 91500 to i900 f th d t clothes we ate ahowinga large range of samples in ihe newest radio tweedb as well as blue and grey serges and worsted sin plain check or stripe prices to order from 13000 to 4500 complete our hat cap and haberdashery showing for spring it worthy of particular mention oar shoe department is showing new styles in astoria and slater shoes along with other lines at attractive prices which should prove of particular interest to those requiring new shoes we are also as usuahn a position to meet your heavy work boot requirements wilh some of the best lines on the market at popular prices d brill co main and mull sts georgetown ford garage in georgetown our salcs and scrvlcc station le ofhe st lawrence river in quebe is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires as oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage dominion stores limited canadas largest retail grocers where quality counts goourts ofthesc uwbeucfe peas tomatoes choice quality no 227c225c corn choice quality 2 21c tea ytmwluuftatlitw wfcana yo barf yoar tea at a doonlsioa scon rrchmell079 select 69v dsx bslk s9 berriifiatmtaissaacs 23c kipper stacks 4 for 25c aylner spinet 15c rmtmbcmkivz3c jtkas sariati 3 far 5c caaed apple saace beechams pills 25c hayfield bxand thaaa pric la oigact for wfc fre olaf i bacon 43c lb i tb struna far boluac 29c lb that first highway into the unknown continent of north america legends tn which are minfied bits indian dupcrautlon french coatomt and religious beliefs in the time of the early explorers tho brave men who dreamed dreams which led them on and oterthe bright waters pait4ark islands purple hills and shining cliffs until they settled in canada these legend were reverenced now howeve while large canadian pacific itautmhips crowded with tourisu ply up nnd down the st lawrence the ipgendi sre no longer regarded pxcept as quaint fairy tales with komrwribt of a religious flavour not to be diircesrded or ridiculed but to be enjoyed as icminlacent of the olden dayjs when saints and dsmoot assumed mortal forms kathenne hale in an artistic little book issued by the csnadisn pacule railway recently ably depicts many of these stories one of the most familiar of these french canadian ofnnds li thaf of loupqarou pvidcntl drrived from th german attention try bhugheymcdonald g for cnt itnd pluf tobaoooa all kinds of plpea bind pipe rapadrs m a williams mgr g uh18t oeoa i f hot bed sash at a very low price read this open offer the moment ou see this lord and bo roll am sash if ou know cjpress and aaah oobtruotion nt all juu will realise it ih tho bent posaiblo buj for the money just put 2 and our name in ao envelope nnd mail to ua the saabdmpainted and unrlated will be aent to yoovbl once if it dopint euit write uh and ne will return the money to jou and x ln b wc nupplr boilers pipe beating fittiogeandqtber high urade kieonhoube materia i h aa ell aa complete grscohasea among our shoots are nome of the mot bucceasfo flotkta nnd gardeners in thp countrj send for the nev edition of our hand uandbnol 95 101 prices fob st catherines 2 to 10 ilea unglaied ii to 100 i90ea nniuxed l to60 i 87 ea unguxcd sslrs tax 5 percent extra lord iwnhamca fl urn led buaun orminm u4 mmlwrt f bwllar h4 ofbe u4 tmntmrj oatswrlamm oat huwt caawaalsatms 4lxis tarsat oat 1s4 trtmur mnat maatraal qanbax belief in supernatursl inmvintiun joachim crete a miller of besuiejour was not really a bad mm but he did jeef at church colleruonii and failed ui toy to convert his fted man mcrclj becauaehewasaucha good partner at i on christmas night they instead of going to church leyaven in a mood of de fiance set toemd xoingbsif itwermirord i n iu y night suddenly rackl and the mill topped working then the lanlern want out and the two men aere 1 it n trembling darkness i after that the hired man tumbled dawn stairs jnd the miller began to drink fast and furiouslyl preaentlj he heard a deep moaning and turned to sec a huii dog about to attack him then the miller knew it was loupgatou and he fed on his knees praying for fo giveness but he lunged at the dot- with a reaping hook and wounded um thatwastheiatfngofthehirrd man for according to the legend if you have been turned into the form of a wolf or dog because ot evil deeds only a bloody wound can restore you loupgarou is one of many xu 1 legends rihtf u 1 ti hoi k fortl nil minimi- foruit tin i bmimosh or profession nnd trip to wpntorn aniidn u i i liwst or alutu thei- futiou in him kind nf n tion a hwift jouiiir- tl ttdver- before hctn coiinli i uipo it b i mlid re no i l hull- niicn jou n ucb tho nmuli k kurkeoub vintabof lnk mil towering mountain pink- there ib net or hii idle moini m if you travel he canadian ntitiou al route on radio iimppcd lruma croabirjr tho vast prairie country tho gradury of the cmpiro ih nl ways interoetirirt thoo there in jasper national park and jasper park lodko of contmut wide fame there are mountains on nil i hidcw fiky pieroinu kihotn huh cnpixd niatmne mauj of nlndi uover been u died rom jaapei national 1aik ih a ueverendmu hucdtaflioutff inoun taina anil more mountain lnol valej turhulonti nvcrn od dnxh or waterfall until you tencli the coaet at ancouver or print e rup ert tpnialfo the iiiubi of onr trm jjia tobho tbrourh the nbolured scenic bean of tho north pacific should be taken from vmiloiiver to pnnce rupert or alaska on the voyage you will see from uplpodid seagoing uteaniers alluring iqlota towering headlands and tumbling loy at roam b and glaoiora od the return journey see kitwnoga and its totem nohlb mount robson the highest peak in the canadian rock tea and again to jasper national park xheae trips as mapped out h canadian national railwaia are not surpassed anywhere nnd ftirn leh a liberal education on anadn to oiircacadian people summer tourist fnres are effect ive betweeo may 15th and sept 80th with return limit of oct si at a minimum of coot make sure of your western trip ashgrove alignic hum h n inulituti w h willsoni i undoitftkr and licensed embalmer main st georgetown ho i ol ml c all on rndiivpeb llbh inn linuik pies nl irw atiftt o inpitd tle chit i mid itip in ret i n h ohned by hiiigiiit- uliht hi 1 he tie that hinds followed lij pray or lj mrs aijuo mih aiijion thi ti itiiauietf the oiikiniuid wnrh of tho inntiluti giving an muliiii of pioirdun mihh 1 appleh nd mis meirj 1m spoke on tin woikorihew i huh wits nn loterohlng and ciionil h nil tho following oilmcrh weie ih ti eledd pieniduil mis clayton dick lstnopi mib u ttuihl 2ndile pre mrs p monihnn set i treni lrt v wldoii hoard of diiectoro mh inil wihoii mibi ohe ruddoil mih klliel brownndge dibrtut director mri claj ion wiluon audilom mrs plon me wright and mrs ueo a wilson prngiammo cogimittec mrs w wnggleawoi lh mrs wntl mrs geo currie 3ocial joiiimitlee mian pearl brnwnrrdgo mr j rul mrs w wilson luuili waa theji sci ved mrs mo r ib on kindly offered bor home for tho ooxt meeting which v ill be held march loth wall papers our 1926 samples to handjj we offer u splendid rhoicc ol interior decorations if you arc going to re decorate any of your rooms do it now and v get the special discount prices offered for the winter mpnths this is going to be a busy sea son act now and save disappointment ask to ace my samples es timates given 40 cords hardwood foot lengths deliveied while sleighing lasta 12 per cord no order too largenone too small the best boy id town murrays e bludd paperhanging paint ing etc phone 5 r s phoif e 99 r la geokoitown hydro electric system 60 watt lamp 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps 25 watt 40 watt uo watt 100 watt taogsteb 100 watt nitro 160 watt nitro 200 watt nitio the demand is greater than the supply since january 4tb we liave had two calla inrjielu uo were unable to supply all grnduatehare located talk to ihe mm or woman on ihe street in yoir lown who knows abonlonr work then act stirteols may slarl aoy day al guelph business college theres a good position for yon get be training come along on henay irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken for ranges and appliances of all itindb office town hall speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown let battery experts care for your batten through tho win ter months wo call for rod deliver batteries free having installed one or the litest type of cylinder grinder we are now id a position to do re grinding work got our prices on having jour motor roground and fitted with new pistons and rings this winter our low prices will surprise you we also handle all kinds of electrical work including generators starters magnetos oiy acotjleno welding ant general machine work phone 28b day or right arthur r speight proprietor bv-vxrjkkwj- jjess gasoline with the famous valve in head motor of the better mlaugnllnbdlck for over seventeen years the mclaughlin buick valveinhead motor has proved its worth to owners a positive proof that the valveinhead principle is correct the net result of the valveinhead con struction is more perfect combustion than any other type of motor less loss of heat resulting in greater power with less gasoline cortsumption improved carburetion and manifolding has contributed to the increase in power in the master six which is 75 h p and special six 60 h p only when you have driven the better mclaughhnbuick will you realize fully the power speed- and inexpensive performance one of the many reasons for the popularity of m claughl mbuick the dew low gmac financier purcasserj ot mclauthllnbuick no time see the better mclaughlinbuick at our showrooms libit to s v king dealer georgetown mclaughlinbuick 4 1 bovck principal and proprietor collections we bindle collection only no sideline nothing too old email large or bard for us to tankle m ytra la im ofllo jo collection no charge kelly aiken collectors 0 rune villa and owes son ad j sanford stewarttown plumbing stinsmilhing estimates cheerlnlly given phone 81 r i georgetown kk no coal best d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval station phono g2r24 painting decorating paper hanging a speciality a rental for the famous empire semi trimmed walipapebs alao renlleys wallpapers bnrlais suillles pressed hi vanish ed tiles everything la tae it trior decorating liac our charges are very moderate and our work is cnaraaleed special low rates until the end of maroh h morrow r wiggins p o baa so vlotoru st oeuc viewt 3 via walk lrom orb dapot bcnj petch llcartaed auctlonaar for halt on aofl pmu olanwlllupia poit 001m 8alu nduota aauatactorilj and at raa- wnabl ratam ordara laft al v oaorratowa barald ooc will rcwa croaut altaauon

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