Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 10, 1926, p. 3

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personals a t r t j i gillette college set h andthe mi ami mi nt iwmito npfii picrp if ihf mo tuii icd blai k compact ittivc gold bnrdri on ageuuln gold pi huffily roor with blade boi mid o tik taliil td qui do goldplmlml llottr uonbu 98 mi and m of uliuktun fchnf inut m wpuit snudii kith h a allioiip and mi itubul ian of roiotito silent simdiv mid mrs cliirkson s the razor used by millions of men i i in late mr in d j ma tthe w oiuki urn staiionlitt m local news hems irwhten mnrtli jlhh puliickb dllj mibh llo irish ntkiir tiled church on man t wed don t noival i 17th ml finnk smitli on lot 11 7th lino ketiueaidg will hold an auction hi te on march lhth don t dumb the ban j not nod concert in norval prebbjterian church on monday march 15tb we eipect a car of chestnut mebaid coal in last of thii week prire 10 50 per ton j b mm ken ie it aunt susan s isit in ash grove united church tridaj mar 1 2tli see announcement on patjo one brill co have apeuial an nouncements for men and women in thie issue it will pit ou to lead them ibe oddfellows will excmplifj the third degree at the regulai mooting in tho lodge 100m next monday evening banquet and coacert in pres bjtenan church norval monday war icth you are cordiallj in vited to bo present a tea and salo of home made baking will beheld on march 27th keep turn duto open and watch tor fnitber particular tho maplo leaf quartette of gait will give a concert in knox presbyterian church on fndaj evening apul otb the firat meeting of ashgrove women b institute will bo held at mrs fred morrisons on tuesdai march icth at 2 80 o slock out of respect for tho late w 0 buck ft former director of the company tho arena was closed on monday afternoon and evening will the party who took the ladys skates and boots by mistake from the arena last saturda mgbt kindly leave same at the arena office an indian never cracks a smile at the things most pleasing and amusing to us bat when mis fortune comes he laughs bn an indian the lucky number at the a ion a last saturday night was held by miae annie hickcy a roast of beef was tho prize try your lock next saturday hockey match fit the arena thursday uigbt acton n goorgo- town both teams will bo assisted by pi aye re from outside game called at 8 o clock people who have tried it tell us that our week end special un chocolates at 30c a lb is one dandy mixture bettor trj a pound your solf this week h m kennedy it john asked tho nagging wife astbo bed timo hour approach ed m everything hot up for the night that depends on jou growled mr heapeck everything olfiff is tho real difference between a man and woman is this the woman will talk about another woman any time but a man will only talk about anothor woman tit bis sleep mrs s bows of milton sccre tarv of indian work of the wo men s misiionarj society- board gave a splendid address to ibo local w m 8 in tho united church here last thursday escjuoaitib women s institute will meet on friday march 12th at the home of mrs john wilson stewarttuwn roll call answered by appl- recipo members bring in quilt blockn wo noticed the following on a poster advertising a dance girls may attend this dance but no drosses are to be worn above the knoes we tried to get tickets but none were to bo had about fifty jounr people from ijimcboune visited knox cbitnh guild on mondaj evening and put on a good program refreshments and community ringing complete n very enjoyable evening miss margaret mcdonald of georgetown and mr ac morcpy of hultonrthe i awarded grflt prize for ihe bent pair of skaters in costume at brampton carnival last wpdneb day make it a point to aeo our lino of pastry cakes and bread tfaia week the quality ti the beet ob tamable and the price ib right you are cordially invited xo call or phono in jour order aodwe will bold goods for j ou h m ken nod it 4 clnrkaon uf ottawa dtlkd on lnt iiusiii mr m clark son one dtij lant week when on his waj tn tin went mi p a lxpotitof st inllia riuet ijhb n utned home afur spending two wecka with hm ist er mrs a di vereauv 1 mr j c k utu has iclurnod i to holland fiuni fiomtho gene al uohpilul guclph after n nihcohh r ful operation mr i t shanks of peltiiiie man tv ho has been v siting friends i georgetown mid vicimt left tiing fur his home in tho auiid chntb mi thomas hewitt him hasid the lld aid hip busmcbs in own dom mrs thornton and will take jiohhchhioii on mondaj oet hi will give pillions pjit t and catefuucrvkentid deluei hh wist daily mrs rbointon thanks all customers for past patronage and mi and mis imnarf little and awks ehat the tamfbe gutit her mit8 litlk late of terra cotta faintphhor bine taken up thai icmdence in town and are now comfortably set- irlh t stard7 l lhpr homo on lotorin st patrick s dm in the after aui noon on siiturda maidi lfith in the public lbrarj hlep in for at the introductor r a cup of tea prettj irish col t toonto jonsenatoy of music loeos will berveyouadantj lunch ml8reh jcftn whilo tho strains of secl lnsb bton ire succebsful molodiobwll warnihecockclsofjcnn 8 bonois lhc art jour heart inspect the goodies llpl of ilim mm mimm at the borne baking table before i you leac come bithor comol come afternoon te026e demonstration and educational win crop jutffting ureal ski i i rfoord for ii lh wuild i p nf u0 terl w results of jnding in the standing hold ci op and acid gram compe tition of alton bouety halfn countv tor 1925 aro aa follows reid bros acton it r no 2 a i oh minabb roikwood r r no 4 joseph giaham roikwood r r no 8 r tuck campbell ville r r no 1 r kerr aclon r r no 2 c w swaikhammor alton r it no l troublof onr own tho puhlibhiug ot a newapapoi these dajs ib an exponsito pro po sition andevery time itjieldsto the impoitiinities of somo person or ashoiiation seektngfree publicit it is s i m pi j raising costs tho world ib full of causes that should be supported but it is din ult for a news paper to understand just why cverj thing in connection with these latibcs can bo paid for except newspaper space used ottawa buatr spou wo beg to acknowledge with thanks tho receipt of a cop of a handsome publication issued by the ottawa improvement com mission containing a large num ber ofbamjaomel illustrated viows of the capital s beauty spots which to anouc not acquainted with ot tawa will be ijiiite a pleasant sur prise as one could hardly imagine anything more beautiful than the plates shown in the publication bjoyablb and proaum craning the members of asbgrove u f o and d f w o club met at the home of mr and mis john qiffen on tbuiaday evening last in the absonce of the president mr w ruddoll occupied tho chair mrs henr wilson demonstrated tha mles nortb ot act0d making of puff pnito while men discussed topics af general olt ght demo nitration ov or 80 people attended a chassis demonstration and ovening in tho show looms of s v king last baturdaj proved chevrolet mo played on the floor and mr king introduced mr n s jones the lepicscnutive for this territoi mr jones lu his remaike stated tbat a aeries of eduuational meet ings woro being arranged through the medium of tho chevrolet deal era in canada for the general mo bile market to day he said is pro senting to the public in tho large majori t of casctt automotive transportation that is mving thorn hotter value than ever before mr ii g cowte and piol irwin technical engineers of tjie general motors staff at oshawa vvero pre sent mr cowie is an automotive specialist wbo ib in no small way responsible for the improved chov rolct as we know it to day he held bis audience for over an hour with an interesting and insti uctive address on tho mechanical features of the improved chevrolet fol lowing tho address representatives of s king and chevrolet motor compan snowed the visitors around tho cars and answered quos ttontt regarding the chassis etc valuable prizes were given to luck ticket holders messrs f erwin arobie kontnei and w h jfiiessei were the recipients q qoltrs absorb nt dr wannflof madoc will bo at wrights hotel statioo on mon da tho istb one day only to dom onstrato his remed no opera lions no illness no loss of time tell your friends auction sae c b swank- to rest including seeds school oon aohdation etc after an enjoyable mn sisal program a dainty lunch was served by the hostess rax thaatra wednoadaj cb 10th bo yond the border western star ring harrj carey chapter 9 or tho fighting ranger comedy captain sudo friday march 12th turmoil bj booth tar kington starring eleanor board man nod george hackatborne comedy mysterious myaterv with our gang fox nows sat nrday march 18th a son of his father story b harold bell wright stirring bessie lovo and warner baiter comedy soup i h to nuts kinorrams coming lid the gold rush with charlie o chaplin will bold an extensive clearing bale or 20 scotch bred 8ho thorns york hops oxford sheep seed grain certified potatoes farm stock implements on tueada march 16th at 12 oclock terms 10 monthn r j kerr r t amos auctioneers 2t auction sale -of- farm slock implement the umjemnned l received mum frank smith lo idl b publu auction hi lot 27 7lh line thursday march 18th bi one o cldch hrp ihe follou mg esvy draiifllil mmc 9 yrari ko ire nicd n chr i bred di 11 roan oow lupposed lo be n hookwood ttotorj barnsd calf red heifer 2 yr wtirfc heife 1 firo last saturday morning total i m c 8 m lydestroed the large stone tan- lupliamu m l tmoi neinmo nery of the vomer t smith com no nearly nc rubber i pany at roekwood a largo order 5 mo cul h rk ot goods packed and ready for ship j jharpoitomyul aliaifithdj consumed tho tmuiuy id all urns oi sllhl fiamea spread ao rapidly that 14 i and plocoa who were in tho build at tho lime wore forced to j ied exit not even ha nu time to secure the r clothing banging in an upstairs depnrlmefit the factor was recontlj used for udiifaclore of rubbjr boota and tires tho loii is ostima ted m ighhorhond ofjlbooo ln pft h am church news i mtrhclu iii ii rov di dickies biibjed in ibe l nited church net sundaj morn j ing the 14th inst will be the church and the outsider rev dr f j oateu will prencb at asbgrove at 8 p clock and at ueoraetown at 7 p m auction sale farm stock the undersigned hb received mslrur lions from wh b logan hi rll in jiuhlir auuimi ai lot 1 9ih lmr rtqueiiiiilr one mile above glinnilhami on wed march 17th at one o clock sharp the follow nig horheabioun mare toyra rltde grpj reduction ib foel prices i mo due march 22 durham ro d il i s dot ham o due april 21 llli dup maj ibbtark cob calf m lo ham o due mi 20 rlatk co d 14 durham cow tuopoied io be briudlr io nuppoiedlo be in c merrd durham qo due april i watered durham heiler- 10 monlh best grjide american cokf nut bizojir of per ton delivered in town beit grade nut size poea bantos speciall prepared for dom- ehtic use 18 00 per ton delivered i in town f rogers co phoce 180 georgetown the prime of walw u u duy inipminr the britnh iriduurna rair at birmingham r rijrlumi re cntly when in ihe coure of hi luur he came to the important ex hitul of the canadian fabric rail way he atoppad smiled and exclaim d good old cpr on leivina the ivinae vcrditt wn it in a splendid fair and i hope it mieti wlta the aiicee it deaervn shipped to tho governor of blerra leone ioulh africa before christ- mag in care of th dominion ex- pre company the receipt of two eaten of apples from the ontario de partment of agriculture has been mknovledsed by the governor ecretary the latter stater that tho apples baldwins and northarn spies arrived beautifully packed and in perfect condition fieneril meetings of the montreal railua officers have been hjd in montreal arraniiur for the forth comint convention of american rail road superintendents the conven tion la to take pi act on june 15 to 18 next and will b attended by railroad superintendent from all partt of the american continent in alt about eijht hundred or a thou and are expected with their wives with e w beatty preeident of th canadian pacific railway ai one of its patrons the red and white revue an annual musical show written i and acted entirely by mcglll student was offered to five capacity houses al his majestys theatre at montreal dur ing the first week of march this was the third edition of the revua produced by the undergraduate of mcgdl university one of the largest mid moil valu able collections t chinese jade that has ever crossed the pacific ocean was i iimcd off the canadian pa cific liner empress of russia when thfc vessel arrived at vancouver ro cetitly the entire collection is ha result of nine months excavation in the central and northwest provinces of china 1 he collection was brought by a w behr well kiown collector of new 1 ork city in the tea cup th full chtnn of salada isv jem hm is revealed the flavor is pure fresh and fragrant try it black mixed or green blenda iib8 bargains in town properties f a iik t roiim hi ki hmini inuili rn onu mences ptue 1300000- tims en- x tn iheoiitiklithnr liii- nul liii elr priou 5800 ti fi own a beautiful 7 rnom stone lihl itnd fin run o garng ntnhle not ipj oiphni 1 and hiniill fruit paid ioiii 700 to sukhi n voiir died 1 a i r mid ha- see or ctll a benham un t hi mi fix mil iiinm b f oilier iiipeitiih georgetown jww4mii1m4w4qit4 notice waverley securities uml led htit tfaiitii n by inv 2 of y md lomrnnj anil u is lierebj cnai uivai illoun wimnrvs ihe head oiti e o vaverj ami e of onlar isme nhouid bi therefore waver if sd uri ie ialsas follnn- that ihe mend ollkc f lecuntics limited 1c nod tin hereby changed from ihe city tounof georgclown 2 tlhttlnr bvuv he subm alljudemihfor hio santli wood wantad about 20 cord of four lool harduood beech and mnple must be body wood and ibs delivered in lnvri john ba browne fc co rxorval ont the planting of the wheat lo its deliveiy to jnu in the form of national flour the utmost are is taken b all w ho handlo it m its different stages of growth and manufacture whenjnihu tional flour jou can do pond uion ita bemfi the best that mo kings choice broad floor national paatry dei huaiclpal 321 r norvivl speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown lot battery expcils caro foi your battel th tough the w tei months we call for and deliver batteries fi having installed one of the litest tjpe of c irrrdtrtgnndei we are now in a position to do ro grinding work got onr prices on having jour motor re ground and fitted with now nmton and rings this winter om low prices will surprise jou we also bundle all kind- of ekttncal work including generators starters magnetoi otj acet lono welding und ficneinl machine work phone 280 day or night arthur r speight proprietor georgetown creamery we are now paying 46c for butter fat georgetown creamery co m saxe manager only open saturday nights w a wilson clsrk announcement ladies and misses this is of vital interest to those who take pficle enough in personal appearance to choose their wear ing apparel with fastidious care we lake pleasure in announcing receipt of out first consign nent of ladies spring coats past experience having proved lo us thai local ladies dress as up to- date arid are as particular as the average belief dressed ladies in the larger cit ies and true to our policy we endeavor alwayi lo cany the class of goods ap predated and approved locally these coats have been selected with special care and foreknowledge of our customers demands and with the particular view of fitting all figures and suiting all tastes prices are the lowest possible and we invite comparison shoes j we also lake this oppoiiunity of announcing trn new arrivals in out hoe department we have a lafge assortment of shoes in the newest styles including parliculatly good designs in ihe new appliques our spring lines o hurlbut cushion sole pnd pussyfoot shoes lor children are also in slock dbrlllco main and mill sts georgetown ben petchfa auctioneer i g mcb ean co i grocery j specials it n iirriisiu 1 lb llee ixve coin hjmu 20 lb iuil pure un finipo nuts pei pkg land ammonia 1 foi 1 bars gold suiprihe ciimbi nud quick naplhn soud u into nnptl foi iculch trench auillc soip ltgle d uml condensed mill uainntion milk hah ive 1 o hottfeomi lonnito calniip laifio hii seodlfr- illubloh ll1 ihompuns ui d lens llaisms 1 ii glass jin lluspherr jan tomato t nump pinln june iohh ruhertson s mannnhule little chip marmalade melugama black tea pet lb 12 o magu baking ponder 1 mcbeanco georgetown renmes grocery peanut bati- ln lb cream of wheat h lbs corn syrup v lba coffoe freshly ground per lb jollupetwders 4 for lolled oats c ibd for bi tracts assorted 8 for cooking flga 2 lbs for canadian choose per 1b barley b lbs for d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery satukday treat a very nine assortment of audulatcd drops winch come in different shape and fli vors reg 40l saturday treat 25c ib weekend chocolates oet jonr aupply of thnio chocolates and know that you nre getting tho best value ob tamable anwbeic hard and soft centres week end special 32c special for this week chocolate cnspettet row ioe for site qringtoncl gnduhndm mmmmt ptones9 ja grandy thepufte food store specials beehive 8 nip 2 ih un beehive s nip ib tin fsti jel linckagis ljnn allej corn 4 tins pi nnl tort lnrl jum pi ni i 1 lib 2 ib tin tomato h tins fm hem htnnn svilhotil pork i or ho irtitailo mararoui or s t i piikiies olive butlei in i n- 2c nnl libhj h dill picllo- pi rim peanut unit i in tins hie and peanut hitter in jus l ji uid sandwich spree er jar h bar- comfort hasp i ban p ml white t a m grandy phone 75 sluslidloi gssrulert pnosl dcvcry

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