tub qvobgktown her a in utuii 17th 192ft all that wo hi c m b bucv li one thing holds firm nnd fn that into hi fnlcful hiup r lu the noul f man js cast auction sale will be hold friday march z6th 1026 al 1 o clock sharp consisting of thru piece be i room suite whiu enamel oak drona- or and stand 2 chest of drawers 3 wash stands brass rail beds and sprinja n ghl commode several neb toilet wore pi ami sideboard mahog any loftier cub net corner hatno large leather couch 4 small tables oak extension table 1 2 dozen d nine chairs oak cortitr cupboard uphol stored couch easy chair large wick er choir kitchen cabinet 10 yardi stair carpet linoleum 4a x 2 a quantity of linoleum carpets and mats 2 refrigerators ttadiant home parlor heater acme cook stove with warming closet 2 gong clocks quan uty of paint sanitary lavatory 2 pairs steps 1 wheelbarrow light spring wagon cutting box stove with shelves a fine 8 tube peanut radio set in cabinet victrola in cabinet about 100 records hall stand and other articles too numerous to men tson all in first class condition terms cosh ben petch auctioneer auction sale -of- farm stock iaplokiu thursday march 18th at one o clock sharp be following heavy draught old caws roao mail red cow bred dec 25 roan cow due june 13 roan cow supposed calf red heifer 2yrs white heifer 14 months 2 bead 8 months la m ii cream separator 4 nearly new rubber t red buggy cutter h h mower 5 ft cut hay rake seed drill 3ecllcn harrows hay quantily of alfalfa hay tsorasbhay sod all sums of 15 00 and mder cash over that amount 8 mm crcd t on approved jo at notes 5 per cent peraanumofffor cash 2t ben pet h auct ooeer notice f waverley sccarlues unite be rr enacted as by uw t of tbo aid company and n i hereby enacled as follow whbkbas the head office of wsverly securities limited now is at the ciy of toronto n the county of york and the province of ontario and whkkkas i has been deemed ex pod ent that tbo same should be changed to the town ol georgetowt n the county of hah on n the sa d pro occ therefore waverley betun es lim led enacts as follows 1 that the head office ef waverley secunt ea limited be and the same is hereby changed from the c ty of toronto to the town of georgetown 2 that this by uw be submitted w lb all du- despatch for tbe aancboo or the shareholders of the company al a general meet ng thereof to be called for coo aldenng same passed by the directors th s 21tb day of february 1926 e h brows 2t secretary feeding new chicks o a poutlly dipt this o its metllflsv- while ery young chirk mi i 1 1 lie fed wry uarefully ihr hr1 three llayn- contributed br onlr purl no feed la glcn tin- chick ui ii they are nearly three days old water may be ilven as a drink u the chill is taken off the cblckn for he drat few weeks should be fed about six times dally at regular intervals olu the nrst feed la the morning as rarlj aa the chicks can see to eat and the last at night aa lae sa possible ii growing chlcka in pobruary one feedf may be gives at night using srtk lal light w bare adopted the plan for th oral ave or six days td tbe brooder of weirding the teed an experienc ed feeder may not need to weigh tbe toed but the beginner generally does better by weighing it wi allow one ounce of the dry mixture for every dtiy ehlcka at each feed or sir ounces cutty chicks per day during th t ore days in the brooder tl e plan lollowod la to moisten th drat feed with canned tomato lb se cond with eggs and ihe third with minced hrer and then begin the aer ie over again the above amount will not satisfy the chlcka appetite they will create a great noise at feeding time but it lives the chick a chance to completely absorb the yolk after tbe ant period one should feed two or three times each day all the chlcka will eat we begin feeding sour milk when tbu chlcka are a boot a week old when tbe chicks the second week sprouted grains be fed also- a ttttle eraxkedgraii tender green grass if available and a little grain if leg weakness is noticed try and get the chlcka o side in the direct sun for an hour so eaeh day or if the weather la cloudy add two per cnt cod liver oil to the mash man dae hopper many people do verj well in log chlcka by using the hopper method the hopper method as com pared to the six moist meals per day method entalla much less labor and with some people tires aa good re sults wo have not been able to raise a high percentage of chicks on the hopper method but thry do grow fairly well ration for hopper method gronnd yellow corn sweet and clean so pounds middlings 45 pounds bran 6 pounds fine oyster shell s pounds fin dry salt 1 pound beef scrap is pounds thoroughly mix if not well mixed the salt may do mora barm than good to each 100 pounds of the mixture should be added one pint of cod liver oil it is well not to mix the oil in the feed to far in advance of feeding one week is the limit it tbe ehlcka have plenty of sunlight and tender green feed the cod liver oil may ba omitted we advise the use or cat alfalfa hay of good quality as a litter in the brooder it should be renewed in about a week or ten days feed the maat in boxes or trougba kept cdnatantly before the chicks have plenty of boxes so that each chick gets a chance feed each 100 chlcka about three desert spoonfuls of ana chlek feed such as plnbead oatmeal nad cracked corn each day sprinkle fn the litter that the chlcka may exerdse it milk u given to drink take 76 per cent of the beet scrap out of the ration given tf milk and water are both given hen reduce the beef scrap one half oeoaral advica it is beat to rear the chlcka on new round each year and never to brood two lota ot chick an the same ground in any ope year many chicks are sent in for examination eaeh year that have troubles due to land infec tion step the feed boards dean move thetn a little each day or better every faad that the ground may be sweet and clean ortt hi always in access of the chlcka itl la advisable and nsosasary to add a little oyster shell dust or one particle to the r lion dally a certain amount of lime ladies shampooing marcelling and cdrurtfil raizznrc and sokeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jhlillieo asswuiafeats phtic 378w ft mouldy feeds dirty feed boards and umaty litter are to be avoided moulds mil large number of chlcka aa the ehlcka get older the num ber of feeds per day may be reduced so that at aa age of seven weeks three or femr feeds per day are stiff dent la tact after the second week hoppers af crashed oats or dry maah may be placed in the pen where the moist maah system is need the feeds of moist maah being continued in what ever amount the chlcka will clean op poultry depl o a couege do you sell food products any concern anywhere will list en to yonr oher by long distance 75 of our flour sales are made by long distance wnutaudur hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for s 1 oq guaranteed lamps 26 watt 40 watt 32 60 watt 87 100 watt tungsten 66 100 watt nttro 66 16q watt nitro 85 800 watt ntlto l 16 irons guaranteed llyear 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 kinds order taken foi range and appliances of all office town hall