Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 24, 1926, p. 4

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tmc otomntoxw llhiim mlt ii miolll ihb tonmiil and ah iuld repine and hearl ir 1 should dip id you nhoulil crloc and thai i owe 1 might arlni li it i ahoufcl din tonight and ou ahould come corpsn and kneel crispins my bier lu sh i jou reel i dt n should it il and you ahould come tn there and thru pven wat bout udyln me t blight aria the wtilk but i d drop dtnu ognln auction sale 21 head of horses the undrraigucd has been iimruclcil b t s f brnoam i iattfield alia to sell b public u tioo m lot w toth ltnr hkquesing mr llaiold bingham s i mile from gcimki- mfosdmy march s9 1826 al one o jock 21 ueuof bdfin weigh kg ram 1 1 ix ibt to tmolhs au youok broken i liar ncai 1 md condition dooltail to ire them il jtn hh i i good horse termscash uole salvia lor it ar njed ben lfcth au i ooccr credit auction sale or faro stock and implements the uoderagned has received inatruc- bonsfroni james bebvxox jr to aefl by public auction at lot 4 con cession 2 esquesuur on 151k l2t ai uo oclock sharp llw entire stock consisting- of horses cattle picb fowl brain harness im aao at the same time and place there rfl be offered for sale the farm con bating of 100 acres wore or lea being lot 4 eon 2 fisquesmg 20acrea alsikc 14 acre wheat 28 res fall ploogfaede balance in bay and pasture will bs sold subject to a reserved bid term and eonditioca mack known day of sate terms 1bj and under cash over that amount 8 rflflfeths credit on ap proved ioint notes 6 per cent off for cash grain and fowl cash j mcajtton ben petcii oeht auctioneer auction sale household furniture and effects of h bigneu- norval iq consequence of the premises be ing disposed of the following goo u wiu be sold on friday march 26th 126 at t oclock sharp consisting of three piece bed room suite white enamel oak dress cr and stand 2 chest of drawers 3 wash stands brass rail beds and jpnnja night commode several sets toilet ware glass sideboard mahog any comer cabinet corner whatno targe leather couch 4 small tablet oak extension table 12 docen dining chairs oak corner cupboard uphol otered conch easy chair urge wick er chair kitchen cabinet 10 yard stair carpet linoleum 4m x 2 a parlor heater acme cook stove with warming closet 2 gong clocks quan uty of paint sanitary lavatory 2 pairs stops 1 wheelbarrow light spring wagon cutting box stove with shelves a fine 3 tube peanut radio act in cabinet victrola en cabinet about 100 records hall stand and other articles too numerous to men tion ad in first class condition terms cash ben fetch auctioneer l adtes saumtnc aucaunc imamibk nmnc tun sbkonc try ns our prices are reasonable mrmrsjohuijico aptftawamab rhme 278w ft i hereandthe canada has off hallv invited th itrttrh lotninun- an i coloniei am ii for lend world poultry conjrre al o which h to be held from jul august i 1927 three thi delegate ire expected ti alt ca t iliu n construction co n tract for the month of januar totalled 112669 000 as compared with 18 vu 00 in januarj 1935 thi rec ord for january indirates that win ler construction l rap dl inereas in in faor mardi frai celebration- at que bec larked off along ihe line tha hat made the ancient capital fn mou throughout the continent thi ymr th sftitlies t rendrrcl even more interesting bwthe fac thai the cm now at the lii xf il wintpr mrt- reebrati n the i ilm of the tthrat crop of sankntrh nn nus 6i cw 000 in 1031 or ulisuntiall more than inlf f ih 10i1 ii nu non value a hlnrli vlel jin lence of ib 6 luhl lt u r or 4 total of 40 551 oil luvhel 0n f tli mom n marjbl cape- from 11 id n irith v need nt ailnir jut bet her chauffeur ttenipted to deal rain to thr alnier rml priw and rejchi 1 ihi irarl iht save dollars tin drite 1 in- naxi 1 pais thrcntn from ihe c were unahlr it tpcak on accoui the shock and fricht the ntherwnpe uninjured david r brown and j a rullertt died at alirouver day februarj- 10 they were i of the best known fururen connect c with the early hilor of vancoun snd the eonhruetion of the canadw pacific railaj brown was tl flrt apent appointed b tht panj at port mood in 1r8g whik fullerton lerved thirt tears in montreal with the old alien 1 me jroing to vancouver in 18sm for the first time in tht hiitory of momnf picture he canadian timber olf to be filmed on hii native heath rrsnk uouderm bi jrame hunter and trapper and jos eph j ssrton both of brookln parsed through montreal recently on their wa to fabre near the kipawa river and lake temiscam ng whtr they intend to hunt trap and film the timber wolves which are the scourge of the eme of that country a little my hnired lady nearly seventy years of aire and totally blind arrived from swift current at winnipeg given into the care of stationmabter ruff of the cana dian pacific raitwa to transfer to the outgoing train she wai mads comfortable and assured that iho would have no other chanjtet to make mr ruff also ascertained that she was to be met by her son at toronto and assured the feeble passenger that she would be looked after and every sre given her if i had not had faith in you boys i would not have taken the journey came the tribute from her the canadian pacific social and athletic club of regins contributed 7fi to the leader post chriatma cheer fund of this sum x25 was a the 0 folks home at wolseley ts to the orange orphanage at in dian head 25 to the salvation army girls home on the first day of the christmas school holi day santa claus arrived at the re glna station on a cpr tram ani distributed candy to 3500 children who were alto taken to various thea tra all this was arranged bj of- ticera of tbe social club ft brills mens wear news in the spring but already mens thoughts have or several weeks past been turned to thoughts ol clothes it the last of our februarys business can be taken as an indication we now have in stock the bulk of oui showing of mens spring suits and top coats the svita in a ti floe range at from 1500 to 18500 the top coats in new design at from s1500 to tss00 for those demanding tailoredtomeaaure clothes we are showings large range of sample in the newest radio tweeds as well as blue and grey serges and worsted sin plain checks or stripe prices to order from kbooo to 14500 complete our hat cap and haberdaahery showing for spring is worthy of particular mention our shoe department is showing new styles in astoria and slater shoes along with other lines at attractive prices which should prove of particular interest to those requiring new shoes we are also as usual in a position to meet your heavy work bool requirements with some of the best lines on the market at popular prices d brill co erwingoldhanis me mar homekilled lamb veal beef and pork special on pure bulk of- lard this week only per lb vv dressed chickens wanted coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps 25 watt 40 watt 32 60 watt 3 100 wfctt tangsten 6t 100 watt nitro 65 150 wtt nitro jt5 800 watt nitio 1 15 irons guaranteed lgyear 475 hydro irons guaranteed 6 years 575 orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall 40 cords hardwood foot lengths deliveied while sleighing lasts 12 per cord no order too large none too sm tfct lest ft is ttws murrays phors kru oiokoetowif j sanford stewarttown is your subscription paid esunato oetrmy civu rant 84 r 11 coal best d l w scranton coal fn all size also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval station pbotw 62r84 fire insurance j w kennm ccwidnn aml fix ton of ihe rttwjceu m prota voting nmraore are you protected try the new star four or the new star six up the steepest grades through sand mud and snow you will see a demonstration of power unequalled by any other moderately priced car the red seal continental motor u your guar antee not only of power but of rapid acceler ation durability and fuel econom the new star is supreme in the low cost field ask for a demonstration durant motors of canada limited toronto lewde ontario see new modeli at t j speight sale rooms guelph street gmpfettmwzwe beststockfeedofall onl hani fwnl sb ulil rw i rl and i lrl k m ltallahlo import- h wiilsoni undsrtmker and lioenaed jsmbalmer mala st oaarstew ifaira 1- lr toui iliirfa of mbht i it to quarti r of th ip was crude pro aturalb dwrcas- georgetown lu lilh u ib p r mailer that la lr luattrrul i in leln tbe muoui n as ihi plaam malurtd due to tha development ol llie flbre bul in iha 1 uluuomlcl hlati it found av falfa uulalncd ou il average is rnt of crude proii in or 1 1 1 par ol dlgetlble crud uroleln taj culated to water m bus la lu tha bay coudltluu ur dryuaa llenrj and llorrlaun in reeds and r reding- the prr ceut of lljemtlbl p ro le u in bonje of lit conitnon loldura as follow alfalfa 10 8 red clover bay t timolol haj 3 ii coru all- aso 1 1 and aiuuni the grains oata s t com 5 barter 3 0 nd wheat bran 1 6 it wrfl ihua be aeea why ll in nut dwfsary to teid so much itraln ur ioottiilratrii when alfalfa la uaed as the fodder fuctlvruiore ihe alfalfa uv valu able fur 11 a and 11 vltamlnra and lis anli co men i it tuar not be better in lheae respects than iho cloven but it baa a recognised talue when fed with concentrate the ontario farmer a feed problem is beat solved through the production and use of the greatest possible quan titles of met class ponic brown roughage which obviates the neces sity of using a largf proportion of expensive con centra let in his rallona host home grown concentrates and of the roughages are car bona ceo us fevdnwhlcb in theiusthea exen in nilxturm do not make for projwrly balanced ratlonn and consequently there b always a mr demand for pro tein rich feedm nucb as bran short middling oilcake meal eotionneed meal glutiu meal andpiher similar feeds these fetda are ilwnjs more or leas expensive and it is souud rarin eeonomlrs to ntlempt to produce snb- te for them in so ar an posalble the farmer und ralands ih situation and nslunill turns to h kumlnous crops nartlrularlj the clovers lo cut down his teed bills snd at the same time enrich bin soil he rralliei that hu homecrown tralih and his corn and roots are low in protein ilo known that protein rich runnntratea are high in price therefore he is interested more and more in an in creased sunpli or honi pndlced reed hlah in protein it id also n fact that these kguu inous fi ed are hleh production reproduction nnd pnn ral health in herdi and flocks and the best of them in alfalfj it is the most palatable or all alfalfa lia alfalfa ha stand it tlv head t the ha lilt in value for j fair covta sheep and lambe beef eaten growing oung cattle breeding bulla and may be used itllh care fov hornen espe- elall when the are idle or cowpara llvel so or course the uaj should be well cured preferablj by ihe oil metliod aud geuerall shaking tha second lulllni is of d i duality mia i ihe first jood alfalfa iiaj la just tn der wheal bran in dletstlbjotrudo protein but shows a bowl fhrei times as much fibre it is a roughage but some feed en forte that it is j rich roughage and throw too much of it to their stock a small forkfjl of kood alfalfa ha contain more roal teed value than a big bundle of i i ateragvtlmoth or mixed nav and o it should be red with more car to prevent ate or danger of uver- kedlnk allalfs hay corn allan and a faw roots make an ideal roughakq ration for all classes of cattle and aheep and man feeder bari cut down or rut out their corn acreasa where alfalfa does well kor dairy and beot cattle from one half lo one pound par day per hundred pound of live weight according o oihr ft in a led prove yer valuable in mixed rations por ahetp llher fat tealng lamba or breeding ewej from two to four pounds per day will ha rcllabed for horses not over one- half pound per hundred pounds io weight preferably mixed with other hay or straw 1s safer than too mueh and for ihe old sows it way nln i bo used as part of the winter ration alfalfa soilage a a lollaga crop nothing ic is alfalfa it grows rapidly and pro ducea several crop in a aeaaon liven alfalfa cut and carted to all atoik kept stabled during ihe summer pro vides protein rich succulence in tbe moat palatable form the crop will froduee more feed cut and fed aa a ouaga crop than in any other form mature cattle maj be fed up lo nrt or sixty pound pnr day of ihi gmu fmd along with other feeds cat en sad younger mock do exceedlnkl wall on alfalfa as greem reed show or fattening aheap can get no bett r feed and it la among the ver beat graan taads for all clasaea of nogs from the youngest pig to older braadlag stock grten alfalfa is not a vary satisfactory feed tar the work ins dorm because it ha a tendency to cans washiness alfalfa in inch form prorlds la ttaalf a narrow ration being ery high la mqttla and ahould bs fed along wtta hornsgrown grain a little har ar com slisc to cattle sheep will aaautla it whiout much dllbcultxand of eoara it naturally la only a sua- lamnat loas grain ration for hoga but as ineti it will rat doo th ooat of pork product i on very matar- lallr it fed gr to horse it ahatfd only compris s part of tha ration along with aom dry hay and gialn fthaa fasdlngto cattl and sheep it la wall to start artth a amall amount sad that dry aa there la some dan ger or bloat if larga qnaatltlei are fed wet la tha beginning aak for circular 41 on rardy al talfa and gt tha raat of lit story of high few- fsii the right combination lelk powdera id i lass nappie h for a imiiorud f radii and kippered herrings and haddock a 1 ih i afi saimoril lb tin 25 8b 15 salmon lb tin k jh slver cow coodensed milk 20 good brooms 39 lavoline 1a pearl too 4 pk u ammonia 4 pkfi 8u clothes pins 4 dog 10 aeb noap flakes 8 pkg 85 soireno shredded aoap apkg 25 choicest bofaemianhot 8 pkg 2 clarks bread try oar bread and yon will be convinced there is none otber jxiat so good ffhoneroritj ceriej4 orgttb fish chip cafe oysters and fish of best quality at most reasonable prices tb bewill rtme i sat wall papers our 1 926 samples to band we offer a splendid choice of interior decorations if you are going to re decorate any of your rooms do it now this is going to be a busy sea son act now and save disappointment ask to see my samples es timates given cao von command a good salary this depends entirely upon our training it must be practical guelph business college hmtx wrltatio gives you that training which will help you to become inde pendent ton oan start on monday students are now enroling for the new term after easter lwdci ittadsslasi rnsrietar e bludd pprrmacina oatalde wnd inaid palatine natural wood wntihlwa phone 5 r 5 pd do you believr in this kind of p the only ftrf protection for your property and home is- insurance elher c mmesm baarssce inker cemcnuwr miuio collections welmskcbeaissli ksmcte nothing too aid small large or hard for us to tarvie until isnaioqn 10 collection ico cbaror kelly aiken cmxectws orwacattu sai ovm twsbig

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