Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1926, p. 2

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blrtlm mfirnu burgul fur m ilirlfis nc m fioc mi mcirui x wkrji j masonic night ij vt hv vt at georfldown most norshlpjuf bro john a rowland b a a guest ol credit lodge kctiv bo ramsay indxi mnrcllfimi lii in mr huwiiril l runway u mm ltuddylnionjiton m march i7th 1928 to mr uinrliu b xiiddv n tn i ky mnrk died loopfcltallurunto n m jtllh mabel luimr r glcnwllliamn millar- liinnrval n in 10th 1jzd am in milln wilt of itoljurl millar igi rumrnl thursday ufurno nevinsinuorkitown march tb lui katli laren widow of ihu lu nevirio in her dml tar church news ui mm bill m john v mntloi a a m lor iiuut voillllg iii hi ll 111 st mol woirillllf rowland ha lilt i nu r it 11 til undnj ninrninj tho if uimdi ilu- n memoriam rokghavfc in loving miniur of on dear ion and bnlhir bpr r j for grave whodied of wouinlaln franc march ton 191h in his iuili ymr asleep in jesus far from thet fhy kindred nnd their graves may u ntillod thori kim n h the sunday hohool ditnik thin holy nook rev ii dilkiiia hiving ii mrtitp soiit on monday inty united ouelnli on riiobiliiy h the uuited ubuicli acton on wednesday evening lio will ho nt thii l iiiou of melville mid wi t chinches in feigns on turn dnj imningiii dublin st uuited churcli and on fridaj evening uiin but thine is still a blew n which n t wake family gknwiliiams obituary j townllotianil manlii unx mil by it w bro l ltuiniiuinli nlg m f wei lintittin dmlnit no 7 and oh coittd to tin lodge rooms w here lio rotonlii n right loynl dentin from winnbipfnl mattel lira w h lonu oflkrruutid mombirh nf outdit liduo iindviribinrbretlimi from loionlo until h fergus umu d cbnrcb foorgetovvn eloru acton and other surround umpfi cnuhcrt lllfhol 8f iho holy communion will bo the grand master limnkod the l the united church brethren for their rtpkodid rtcep ne cv t tion after hid major grant ttaol p w b oldest living member of crtdil widnosdaj mllkblllbtrt7 4cpoi lodge on behalf of tho brotbren j new il be recey tedgrand muster ro mite john lw annie kelly mft of job pas sod away at hoi late residence 08 spruce street toronto on bun day marcb sbth in ber obtb year born m ireland alio enmn to tor onto more than 40 years ago sbo was a merabcr of st paul a rom no catholic cburcti she is survived by ber husband two daugbtei e alice and cecina and one boo james the fa no ml wan held an wednesday moroinf at b 80 from st paol s church vith interment m mount hope cemetery decent edwasa sister of miss kelly and the late mrs john lanfiiin of georgetown john aitutmtoht deatb removed anotber esteem od resident of our town on tues day marcb 28rd when john arm strong passed away deceased was born in ballmamnllard ireland coming with bis wife to citnada 44 years ago since which time be baa resided id georgetown and vioidity be leaves three dangbt era mrs merritt lyla nod daisy to mourn the departing of a faith ful kind and loving father do ooaaed was at adherent of the united church tbe funeral fer vices on tbarsday iioro conducted by rev mr caldwell and rov dr dickie interment in gi eon wood cemetery the pallbearers wero john bingham archie stewatt john stewart fred tost fred bmisby harold oleave tbo many beautiful floral tributes bespoke tho esteem id which deceased was beld the spmpathy of the entire community ib oa tended family in their heavy bereavement by tbe death of a beloved mother and father wiumi the short apnio of two weeks among thoao froiu out of tonn were mr thomas uollaa mr j cook mr wm gardam brampton mr alf taylor toronto miss a and will stalker acton mr and mrs mitcbel ltmehouse mr f tost hamilton stonnrt bras mount donuis katharine mclaren after a long llness katbonne mclaren widow of tbe late sam nel nevens passed away at her borne here on thursday march 25 in ber 62 tar deceased is eur vived by one bistor mrs w ter gusoo niagara falls n v and threo brothers james and william molaren of niagara falls n y and john mclaren of toronto tbo funeral took plare on sat urday afternoon to st ueorge a church the aorwep being con dncted by rev mr brown of gaelph tho pall hoarers were harold cleave w pitt clifford molaren fred armptiong uairy no vi ob 1ercy blackburn tbe remains wore interred in greenwood cemetery beside those of ber late bnsbnnd who passed away on jan 8tb mlbb mabei cooprli after an illaess of bflt i lew bonrs mise mabel cooper dnugbt- of mr arch io cooper formerly of qlenwi hama passed away at her homo in toronto on monda mar 28tb the fanaral took place this afternoon to qodwdliams ceme tery ujtb beautiful botjiiet of r ilvor banket vening wa purelj h si itohgf hchuiu ii oood friday sornrls at 10 30 iui and 7 30 pm special pieacb 3i at evening service ilev canon morlpj st alban s catbedrnl tor law lhe evening wa purelj a hocjbi uvent nod aftoi disposing of a few preliminaries m the lodge rooms tbo gathering adjourned to the onio large assembly room at tbo arena lasler uol communion hand where tbo junior warden assisted 11 am choral lvensong at 7 by the- wivea of home of the mason 1 m rev c c stone trinity ic brethren bad prepared a magni college toronto will assist n flcent banquet and will preach at eveni after all had partaken of the special music by tho norval the oung people s society mot in tbe school room of tbe preabj terian cburcb on monday evening mr john raaeoll in tbe chair opening exorcibes were conducted by tbe rev mr mcdanald essay on tbe lives of the three leading anoatles were given bv three of tbe members mrs mcdonald favored us vwtb a reeding nn mrs gordon brown solos all nuni bers being appreciated next monday eveoing ni4h be social night remember the euchre and dance under tho auspices of tho school fair on tuesday april oth in the pnbhc school a good lime is assured all who attend bountiful repast worshipful mas ter w ii long spoke word of welcome to mw bro rowland and tbe vieitink brethren and called upon r w bro e bar raclougb d d g m w ho announced the toast list nf the evening as follows kinr and tho ciaft proposed by tho worshipful mastei grand master and grand lodge of canada in the piovince of on tano proposed byr- w bro j b wallace response by m w bro john a rowland b a grand master most worshipful bro rowland was suffering from a bad cold but said id rising to respond that bo must make an effort after tho very kind words by tho proposer of tbo toast who bod made him feel quite at borne m fnot as if he owned tbo place on bob at f of tbo viaitiog brethren and himself bo expressed to tbo ladies apprecia tion of the splendid haouuet pa vided i masonry in canada to day ho said consisted of 115 000 men of good char actor from all walks ot life ind representing all shades of opinion who joined tbo order through true motives to be more useful to then fellow creatures the existence of this body of mo a means something masonry iu a great institution extending over tbe entire globe and a great moral force which has benefitted men in days gone by and will continue to benefit credit lodge is 1 of 600 wellington district 1 of 32 grand jurisdiction 1 of 8 in canada and one of many that circle tbe globe every man in credit lodge is a member of tine great fraternity on either side of tho globe when admitted be receives privileges hero nnd the earn become the passpott into tho confidences and friendship of millions of men tbo world over tbo lodge it indo pendeol but the fraternity if one whose unit depends on ideals not legislation that unity can only bo maintained by adhering to tho ideals that make tbia fraternity one we must play lbe game ao cording to tho rulos masonry has no strange belief or doctrine but is a great moral force trying to public school board the board met iicsent moved by menally riissoll that the follown be naid carried j b mckoozie fuel d j matthew wupplies hydro ekctnc georgetown foundry co georgetown lumber co j w kennedy i son tho board received 88 maicb 17th all nipinupi n d mr 140 00 7o 0 70 2 co g rfi 2h61 applica lions for a principal forjbe sobool it was tbouht best not to make a selection at present but to leavt the matter until a later meeting and in tbe meantime ask miss a ryan to take tbo principal s work until tbe end of june nt a salary of 1000 per annum fc march 21 th tho baaid met at the call of tbe chairman with all members prcnont moved by mrs evans nnd mrs roasell that missryan be engag ed to take theprincipal s york until tho end of june and that mrs e thompson take ryan s room at a salary of 1000 per annum carried moved by mcnailyand harrison that the following npplirants be asked to make a personal call on the board april 7tb at 8pm at unard meeting mr tateloronto mr harm weston mr wilson oodoncband mr ruttle dundalk carned moved by mrs russell nnd mr monnlly that mr harrison be ap pointed a delegate to tho trustees convention nt toronto haster wcik and llio trcas foiwnrd a cheque for 2 u0 registration fee to w m morris sec y troas of trustees and ratepaycib associat ion board then adjourned esquesing council stowarttowo mar 16th a special meeting of tho estjuea iq council was held at 1 30 p m loreceivf the nuditors report and for otbei business the reeve in nako men better not peculiar it i lbe chair members present messrs glenwllliams easter services at st albnn cburcb will be an follows oood friday 8pm easter day holy oommnnton 9 80 a m choral even nougat 8 pm rev j c blow of qrimbsy will be m charge of nil tbe above services special music will be given by tbo choir assist cj by mr jas pears of guelpb tbe ladies aid of tho united church will hold a baraar in the basement of the church on toes day april 6th everybody wel not a religious or political oi gnntzntion it encourages men to serve it is not a benevolent infla tion but inspires benevolence 110 000 being spent last year for benevolent purposes purely spired by masonry masonry uree of instruction in hvi mg to get tbe beat out of this life and receive reward in hfo here aftor it is a combination of art sojence and mystery art of regu latingour lives according to tbo laws of tho divine creator science of knowing those laws and the teaching of the same mystery tbe way we apply tboseteachinga in onr lodges each degree illus trntes principle wo should live a peculiar powor it shares with re iigion to lift man up that ho may get a brooder outlook and greater incentive truth and justice are tho only two things that can re sist tbe power of death masonry stands for truth nnd justice and will exeruse n great influence for good in tuture through the hveb of its members tbe more e study masonry tbe better we are entitled to take it unchanged and unim paired and pass on its message and principle to others our gucats proposed bj w j bro 8 kirk responded to hy r w bro ptfold w bio jnftray w bro nigoell guelpb w bro t taylor toronto w bro ross fergus w bro buigm w bro hogan w hro easleton guelpb w bro arthur flora bro george utbrie toronto the ladies proposed b w bro w ii long and responded to by brq h r dowdy carton and cleave act ing on the recommendation of the auditors the following resolution was passed that acting on the recommendation of the nuditors that tbo tieaaurer bo and be is hereby instructed and authorised to close out overdue mortgages and invest the proceeds in government guaranteed bonds just because you wcie married in a cburcb is no reason for slay ing away from tbe place now eniter gifts- choice selection of the very latest white gold hat pins and pearl and colored chokei bends at a b willsoo s one beauty specialist says a littlo face powder will make n hus bandsitupand take notice sure and it will milo bis wife do tbo same thing if she soet it on his cont when be comes home when exposed to air tea loses its strength fund flavor salada tea for that reason ii never sold in bulk your grocer sells this delicious blend try salada oumottoscrvice and qualty- i ikk mother used to bake l ulll i1i id ml that t00 old fasbio ned hoinej lnsto toy it baking for hot h endt it is yisui passed and its line iiual tj of vvho e v heat n nkes i1i1v dtlie ouh prndi ouh foodat t iff whole same norval flour mills w b browne 6c co prop norval out kings choice bread fjonr national fustrjf nerval bland ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage our groceries are fresh and of the best quality the prtces are reasonable and we will deliver any phone orders promptly diamond crystal salt 2 boxes castillo soap hand aire 7 bais pag soap 4 bars gold soap 4 bars peas l tins matches 4 boxes cbipso 8 for pearline 8 for 1 terms cash forsters georgetown phone 99 speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown lot batteij expnts oaro for yourbaltcry through the win tor months wo call for and deliver batteries free having installed one of tho litest type of cylinder grinder wo are now in a position to do ro grinding work get our prices on bavmg your motor re ground and fitted with new pistons and rings this winter onr low prices will surprise you we also handle all kinds of electrical work ineludim generators starters magnetos oxy acetylene weldin and general maohino work phone 280 day or night arthur r speight proprietor spring is here rhe mor the spring advance the more reason we have ta beheve that this is going to be the busiest season we have had for a long while we have at ready had to replenish our up to date stock by several car loads and now toe can supply you with anything in lumber- or the building line we have a complete- stock of interior trim cement lime nvdhfafl plaster and tentest fibre boari lath shingles joists studding and sheeting let us give you an estimate on all bills of material and draw your plana 10 vour own ideas free i r now is the time tow i iitiuun- 4 incmh j jmr-w- t laashv icunianjnr vlcwinc john si fur itw lunur hi w tho- ut- ft ipthiurrnjc hnumrhnlil 1 ibiim n ipiuji until tl rmtnuv sit mid lot jnvraul mun anillitir acyivsil by buiu ihrltl ot mm iuuuv nnr1hdh clnnmtanubjhf jdfaa si lhltu omimuuunpwn mm the hh caostft mmkw a unepba t li ixib witliu toi jh bnjiiihjatw gmub facmhi apr x i- msmm st 5ulfc ea a swa k of year to have your new hardwood floors laud before your wife starts house cleaning and save her a heap of work ufcmur lofjw w fihrr we handle a full line of the best grades of awav r hardwood flooring f 4l bmn jundt jlim teg iroi tchmor hbffiur h fihrr georgetown lumber company phone 2so georgetown f si georgetown creamery cream now graded as required by law special no 1 and no 2 highest prices paid georgetown creamery co m saxe manager only oprn saturday nights coal best anthracite coal always on hand offir nut and stove coal small egg coal large sixed pea coal rsand members of red 1 1 delivered to any rart proposed by w bro jaf of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown lodge fray of guelpb and responded to by w bro long who thanked all who bad assisted in any way in making tbe evening such a splen did success during the evening instrumen tal selections were contributed by mrs w f bradley mr jack thompson w bro a b castell ladings by bro l f greenwood and vocal selections by w bro e is this your opportunity wellington county 8 1500 cash starts you on choice 200 acres with all implements harness and five good horses extia choice arm beautiful dry soil all level and 155 acres under cultivation 75 acres fall plowed balance bush fine large seven roomed stone house water in kitchen furnace choice basement barns splendid stabling new alio beautiful trout stream through property i price of equipped farmjsl 1500 i wievanssgo insurance llai state dnt guaranteed io abutton 25 a new pair free defective you dont have to argue we insist that every wearer must be satisfied aht use iiuhj buc idjb j j i nn jlagoinmli notice to crediton peabody overalls and coats for safc jacksons gcorgctowii

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