Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 31, 1926, p. 3

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tlth koikino personals inhlli ilflpairim i m a t t h e w 6 kodak seasons lly ljut m i he spring fin kodaking i inttiesiing how about a kodak or brownie for easter we make a specialty of fine developing and printing q d j matt he w m drugs and station hltt k local news items town council next luesdaj maple leaf quartette april ill just one month till tiout fbli in it dance at stewart town april imb hpw about our thurada half bolkdaj auctl foul dance in the arena tburadaj ulfiht rainbow trail at it o j theatre friday schools close for haslcr hoh jaja to morrow july 1st will be georgetown a big daj this year i apnl 2ndiagod friday and a public holiday eucbro aud dance at normal on tuesday april oth 2t there vvaan b much loinb at either end of march tbia year mr walter lawaon of stewart town picked a dandelion in bloom oo bis lawn last friday i all persons wearing a mask fit tbe band dance on thursday evening will be be considered in coatnme see the rainbow trail at tbe bex theatre on good friday matinee and night it s one of zane groy s beat productions hogb for pork and profit is a practical book foi practical people a copy of which may be bad by applymg at the bank of mon treal tbe ice storm put tbe hydro out of basidess today and effected our industries generally the hkeald ib late tbic week owing to tbo power being off mr george aldous or term cotta left lost week to accept a situation iq windsor mrs al dons and family will go to tbeir new borne next week tell your friends about the big atblotic meet to be held in georgetown on july lnt thorp will a bo bo a monster gardon party in the park in tbe evening the regular meeting of george town womens institute will be held at mrs geo ford s main street on wednesday april 7tb at 3 oclock all are weirome april is tbe diamond month fine line of diamond rings in sin glo 8 stone and cluster rings in yellow green and white gold at a b willsons next to hotel mo gibbon if you want to spend an en joyanle evening go to norval next tuesday oigbt and attend the o noire and dance in the public school tbe admission is only 60c and refreshments will be served during tbe evening persons sending small ne counts by mail shonld use postal notes or money orders small cheques on outside banks bear a heavy rate of exchange and cannot te accepted at their fae value ftt settlement of accounts mr dickson roe who baa been on tbo bank or commerce staff here for some time has been pro noted and left on monday for grimsby where ho has been trans f erred dtob s many friends m town wish hi in health and pros porlty in his new homo a meeting ol the norval cow testing association will be held in the aohook house norval on thursday april 8th at 2 a clock mr wbitlock of brampton mr flemming of milton and mr b w wade director of ontario live stock branch toronto will be present sandwiches and coffee served at the close of the meeting all interested in dairying please attend woa szmo prlm mrs chartee ay les of hilmao ngh oaledon hillx won the 2000 price of the mini and empire b word puizle competition w j mcclenaban of milton won tbe fifth price 400 soeul enmlitf at aahgror a boclal evening was held by the happy hustlers of asb grove s 8 at the home or their teacher mrs earl wilson on fri 2bih a very pleasant enemng was spent after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess cto tramp met at the endiit ajomland onsueceesfnl day s begg i mj j both wore tired and hungry dido t yon mabo anything bill inqaind one what about that bnnse 1 saw yon looking at tbe big ode with tbe open window dtdnt tronble to ask was the nply i looked m tbe window and saw twj girls playing on one piano ao 1 roessod they was too potr for me to worry hookey club mmhq llin annual meeting of georfla nvn hockey uub will bo hold u tbe council chamber on thursday april stli attf odoik ah interest ed in the name are n quested to ho present as the olhcent for the sea son ot 102127 will b elected at this meeting epjojrad ths mlmtral there was a inrgo attendance at the minbtrels given in knox church lost thursday night by tbo young mon of the church assisted by other local talent hanj halo made a splendid interlocutor and the boy sail took tbeir parts well the choruses and jokes weie good id the evening was one of enjoy sot for nil present delightful etsatng t llmahonaa a very delightful evening was spent at lliejjome of mr wm gowdy ijipehouse on friday march 11th under auspices of tbe womens institute piogrcssive euchre from 8 30 to 11 p in after whicb a daintv lunch was served the later part of the evening was spent in dancing the music vorj kindly bupphed by mr and mrs j nickel vfeltad walker lodf acton r w bro u y barraolough ddgm paid his official visit to walker lodge a f am acton monduj evening and was osj corded a splendid reception at tbo close of the lodge a banquet wnsbeld in the parish hall thobo present from georgetown were r w brc j b wallace w bro major grant w bios geo ford dr dollop h dickie a nornngton w long aud bros w lawaon col brown g t coo l marcbment j russell r b fouha w cleave a koan april fool duos the ueoraotown band will bold another of their delightful dances n tbe georgotowo arena on tbura april lot at 8 80 pm tbo har mony orchestra of brampton will again furnish tbo music thin ii bo a eoatnme and masquerade dan co for which prizes will be given as followa beit fancy costume lady prize 0 00 best fancy cos tume gentleman prized 00 best comio oostnmo lady prize 600 best comic costume gentleman prize 6 00 masks must be worn until pmeb are awarded judges wilt be announced later admias ion ouples masked 100 extra lady masked 50 couples unmasked 2 00 extra lady unmasked 100 mi i icd i dwards of limiilt h ill sutxl iv with incn u in i mhih m i uml mil nil i 111 ml mr and mi- hcimo vihltl link hit bat mr p w liiouki uiiiil hulk hi icuinctl i hpi minis a month with fn ndsm buffalo m issoh tin lina and ueorftina henry of tomhto spent the week etid at then home here mr a m grandy was at new market tins week attending hie hounrul uf the late mr cane di nnd mrs f r watson 10 turned homo inht fnday after spending two mnnltisin florida mi h f dritidj of toronto spent the week end at th home of bis brother mr a m graudj duuog his visit to ueorfcctovn mr john a rowland was a gucbt at tbe home of mi nnd mm i y barraolough mius daisy whiluiee who under went an operation at st josephs hospital guolph hint week is ro covering nicely mr fdar henri hiolhei nnd mr billiard henry nephfw of clifford spent the week end with mr g a henry and family mr and mrs loonaid broun who have spent the past three months visiting friends in toronto brampton georgetown and vicin ily left for their home in carl lej sask on monday il opltoal offr ll lil hoh lilllt ilk vi usw vmui hint hit ii in mh fm t nb h kl j ll olliti st j i hiwmi and ll lv i i iiiikiik ii foiuiirlj oplinal ti piit fui tlemy morgan fl co montieal and ktnts roronto nl the host iihtiial luz tbtr wedoeadav march 3ut wild horse mesa a sue grey nturv starring jack bolt and billie dove chapter 12 of the fiethiog ran gcr comedy eighteen carol good friday april 2nd matmee at 3 p m rainbow trail a 2aoo orey story the sequel to riders of the purple sage comedy feet of mud fox nowa saturday april 2rd matinee at 1pm secrets of tbo night a myaterj story starring madge bel lamy and james rirkwood com edy below zero hodge podge criaa cross cruise coming ypres the story of the immortal salient frtanda saw ploton it was author anight at the pan tagoa theatre toronto last tburs day evening when a number of mr w a traeor s friends accepted his invitation to be present at iht presentation of the million dollai handicap pioture which wns ran ning in that theatre and wbioh is an adaption of mr prose r s story thoroughbreds it was also mr frasor a birthday wflioh added tol notableneas of the ocoosion h was of course called to tbe stage and obliged to make a speech which drew repeated applause from tho crowded audience that filled tbo house there was a paty of gueata from oamiltcn as vvoll ns those belonging to toronto from toronto there were sir robert falconer sir john wiiiibod dr j 1 eliott col john cooper major hugh moclcan mr q gibd me mr charles millar mr rod enoh franer mr j e atkinson mr j 8 atkinson mies sharp mrs fraser the daughters of tsgeorgesckurch will hold a dance in the arena georgetown on friday evening april 9th harmony orchestra of brampton admission 50 centa watch repairing we specialize in watph and clock tl repairing of all kinds all work personally ahnm is u suraileh wilsons jewelry store successor to h w hmton oneill block georgetown tyl t k to ao inr llllsdiv apnl ihi to i p in come tarly i j mittli w dnigj- 1 cori card of thanks tlmiaulivisof ok ink mr kill in ntvins htrehy mall l k r ilirtlinkh to tlu mi uy iiuihih un i ntlkhbors tht munlwnt of rciiu i ougt a a m on on 1 odi and virdun rebtknk odgi 1 00 r for uiuir ninny kindncablh anil ixpnwtjuna ufmpblhy alsn for tin lnlp nvnikd dunng hir illnciu ftwwmmsmmmmmmmmiai jsew goods 1 st georges church rev j c blow aclingkeclot coorf fnday april 2nd 1926 itv j i ulc rev nnun morlty si lban s nthtitfnl inptntu easier sunday april 4th 1926 llul conimunk n holy com ii mion birmon iv kn j i hluw iikvuimiig sirmun by hlv i g slum tnnilj i ilkjri s wallpaper brighten the home week with apiil showers and may sunshine ahead the house must blossom forth with bright cur tains and wallpaper our new stock is here and never have we of fered such beautiful papers at truly remarkable prices we liot below fonr very hpeoial valnea cor brighton the home week virginia rose all tbechnim and beauty uf an old fashioned garden are found in this vvnll paper daintily ooloied dowers soft fohago and sprinklings of ailvor over an airy backer ound made this paper ooi which will impart a lasting cheerfulness to your bedroom a softness is added to this combination bv a fine white overprint a beautiful at out border harmonizes perfectly with g g tho bide wall treatment i i lf prioed per roll at v v the miami we aie proud to offgr our cuatoincii such a beautiful pattern as the maimi at this exceptional price its wonder fnl colorings and beauurnl designs com bined with n soft and beautiful color bcheme which has boon slightly subdued by a fine mesh overprint make thia one of tho finest wallpaper treatments which wo have shown for years this paper looks to bo worth double tho price we are askin priced per roll s 35c the marne herp in one of tbo delightful new floral patterns so much in evidence among the users of wall pnpor tbe wealth of b which is found in tbo tkep foluigo and dehcaloly tinted flow trt- made soft by a fine white overpnnt and springunk of gold ail tend to make this a most delightful wallpaper a cut out border in tho same foliage and gen oral color effect matches c fc perfectly prioed per roll at w the apple blossom it will be apple blossom tune the year loundinaoy mom where this delight ful paper is uried the gorgeons beauty of this rich pattern and tbo natural col oringa of its pretty blossoms are not surpassed by any bedroom decoration but even with its wealth and cheerful coloring this paper still retains it rest fill quality essential in bedroom docora tion the delicate groy background is soothing indeed and gives a fooling of ieetfulnohsbpldom found c f in papers of this nature c priced per roll at v extra special value room np ildewau and bordtr oomplat foranr 3k i 10x12x8 high while thuj lut v- we also feature maxims the new 30tn wallpapers made the boxer master maker of paper hangings six extra specials are ottered a 75c per rail tbese are really 150 and 12 09 values all our papers are of tha new width 23 in wide which la four inches wider than the old standard width 10 per cent discount allowed on 4 or more rooms w r waf son georgetown just arrived a large assortment of dress material in the latest shades dress lengths our specialty no two alike material and colors the very latest including voiles plain fancy and beaded crepes in silk and wool silk and cotton all silk plain and fancy nainsook cotton crepe lmol rtiiiko of plum and fnntv crone hiiiuiiio foi 1 nlioa mjhfleh noil olnldtonu wenr ginghams huge assortment to boose ftom including audi r sou prints crumbs prints id light and dark rolois l ght olor ed prints suitable for boy s shirts shirting a full range of shirting including flannelette buck fust drill steelrlad galatea anil striped donim towelling a inrge assortment o linen towollirtitluc to 4s mcbeanco georgetown rennies grocery matches per pkt rice 8 lbs for rolled oats 8 lb for sodas per lb syrup 6 lbs molaedos per tin silver gloss 8taicb 2 fc pearline 8 for castillo soap 7 for palm olive soap b for palm tree soap 12 for d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery buy k s tires we carry a complete line of sigb pressure and balloon k d 8 tires and tubes tho well known tiro or supremo nualtty our prices are exceptionally low bee us before baying expert repairing lull repaira guaranteed to give aervfoe f sinclair pboife 8 oeokoetowh thu pookbt from blm 1 oudjr i know hs mt it hft grat davotiou cending candy to a fntrid ih the sweetcbt sort of a measag ever concocted it means mon than words it shows a thought ful spirit of solicitude that n al ways appreciated our candles and sodas and cream a always please hot cross buns we mil have the best uet jours here emser treat assorted tiuit buttons will he a special which is a mod one nunc h ird i truly in different livoi reg 10 easter treal 25c ib easier kisses this is a pure vanilla kioa for the kiddies wrapped in enster wrappers and thej are pure and whoknomc 25o ib week end cr0c0lhes these chocolates beat any you can get any place at this pruoand they ate all hand dipped in a good chocolate do not confuse them with other chocolates which are sold at a lower line haid and soft centres week end special 32c i gj i 13 51ll pfiono9 grandys the pure rood store grocery specials orshnni wafers chocolate icid ppi lh bhortbrtad chocolate iced er ih sut rome toft per ib itc 7flr japan ve r ib cor ridgewajb five o tlock tea p r lh club llourp coffco trpsli ground pcrlh nu tell jell powder b pitas tomnluen21 i lb tins 1 foi tomatoes 2 ib lina h foi lynn allev orn i litis for frankfort frlj june pens i t ni diana cake hour ih i pku l akoiin free with each pakftfle bunsweet prunes icrpkr pumpkin i tins wafistafti btnuvberrj jim 4 ih tin british columbia itaspherrj j im 1 ib tin a m grandy j phone 7b s sauslacflaa eurailctf prml deliver u ysahbbai wnhhbaaiiaigaiit y

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