Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 7, 1926, p. 4

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1 uk ol of i 1 tdrt w h willson undertaker and irioenacd embalmer mots st q co no town hi bile rlloh 1 h sr sahy soils need lime i zfre wlaf combination jelh powders in lint ihfl 1 for imparted fresh uud kippered herridga and ilnddui k b i lb tin 23 balmoo 1 lb tin 2 5 jo salmon j lb tin 20 25 8lvor cowcondenhci milk 20 tjood brooms 9 ltnvoino lfi poarline 4 pk a amrooma 4pku clothon pino i doe 10 jneb soap flukes 2 pkg 2g sol rone shredded ooap 2 pkg 26 choicest bohemian bops 2 pkg 20 clarks bread try our bread nod joii will be convinced there is none olhn jusl allllctloilr- till trill irjdlciluni tfila iuqk til i w that 11 we dissolve rm pall it will emt rt the mine pounds but ulnluui and brat ordi- fish chip cafe oysters and fiah fresh daily good meal for 25 cents t b hewitt pfetie 259 georgetown wall papers our 1926 9am plea to hand we offers splendid choice of interior decorations if you are going to re decorate any of your rooms do it now this is going to be a busy sea son act now and save disappointment ask to see my samples ea timatea given e bludd paper- hanging outside and inside painting natural wood finishing phone 5 r 5 whds at fault are you ready fcr sucn cn emergency complete automobile imbrance f5fwart yor dnvmi insure now elmer c thompson lisuraace broker georgetown ontario collections w luhlk colkeums only msmdlk nothing too old small iirp or bard for un to tanklc m rm in bub oloa 10 collection bo cknrup kelly aiken collectors orublua ill own sob ad iiouiltfb 111 i itiuirly uot coiiurr cum tonipimndii of silk atun iron for ixamplc if wi miry uud in steam undi ii bt cornea an add nlllcic acid allien 1143 pruperlltn toiuuion to all acids jour soil 3u often we hear tbc utpreauiou sour in sptnklok of aotla ii is sun crally used to dose rib a noil which u poorly drained more or lean wator logged ad in poor phyalcal londl llou ii may bo acid or ii mar not and i here ore the turn is mini trading rtiare is only out term w can cor ictly uae and that la acid 11 a soil behavaa under chemical invest sat i on in a certain way it is acid so we will drop tho term sour when upeaklne ol stills how soil become add the acidity ol solla is thirtfure due to acid salts those ttiat hav aa weld action when in solution or to free acida these nclds and veld salts may result from decora position wblcli occur gradual du to liach lug ol washing away or ixvk tnim tba soil thua we hnve two lpu nt acidity which may occur airimv and they genera i h do or nm occm lanetlier decaflnk organic mailer acidity due lo ilfniuit rjiiic uibtlrr in largilj found m pt ilv si ll- which aro not affected by washing from burroundine hleh land i uud this condition of affair in norrnrn ontario rauskesn where lhi nub sol- which normally iuikii cc main 11m are burled deeply undei i si ii v m posed entirely of di ca d plunt mm high ljuula and acldlly high lands tend to btcuiiu acid tlrat this idea la new or lompnra tlvcl so and contrary to lhi b ilel of man it has btm eemrall uu dtntnod hat low lying land is son rally add but now the opjkiilu haa been proven lit i dim like v 30 lochia or rainfall in a ejr ah this rain falls on the soil ii aoaki lit in passing through the jl it dia boivib carbon dioxide which is alaaya dresinl und forms a er wtalt acid so ncaa in this add that we cannot diteel 11 cicipt u very diltcalc uata this acid dissolves thi lime out of lhi soil and though it la very slow in action within a hundred years ii dlwolres out a great deal many hlrokps will fell great oaks and though the solution or jlme is very alow we can readily understand how afttr a hundred yeara a grcut deal of linn will be removed how do we know lime la dissolved look at the inside of a tea keltln and aak your self how this llrac got thir plainly from ihu water the water comes rroj the well or spring so that the rain water must have dissolved the lime in passing through the soil we can readily understand how hlgner areas are more subjected to washing and leaching than mori level lands dont forget tbla all landa will be come acid in time and it ta only a question of time but the higher por tlona will be affected drat because the lime removed from them will largely be carried lo tire lower livels lime loncculrmtw in lower level lei ua now look at ihe case ot a more or leas level field the same dissolving action taken place in lhi soil and thu water percolates down ward carrying llmi with ll it then paaaea out of the soil by lac drain tile c i char in the aotl gradually being removed by evaporation the tact has been established however that the cap 1 1 larr water rising to the aurace to replace that losl by evaporation doct not restore he lime removed on lis downward movement so we see that there la a tendency to concentrate the lime in the lower layers or thu oil while the sail at the aurface may become distinctly acid another tact bearing on this par ucultr phase is that the water bj the time it reaches the ubsoll 1h satlillad with respect to its solvent power and has no further effect therefore the lime in the lower lay era or a soil la lttue affected and remains unchanged for perhaps cen turtea at the aame time the add layer la deepening and we must therefore supply the limn deflclenr before it becomes aerjpus aak for bulletin sis and get the rest of the story dept of chemis try o a collbge dont plant diseaaed potatoe it would seem wtae on the part or every one who plant potatoes to make a thorough examination of the stock before planting ii people plant dia eased potatoes ihsy are committing a crime because tbsy are propagating a dlseaai in the district witch mft spread and do much damage o an other grower s crop with diseased seed potatos being offered lo many markets and by many who sell dl rerl from the farm it will pay the grewcr to put on hla specs and care fully look over the offering before ordering shipment l stevenson director of extension o k cdllaaa coalj beat d l fie w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins normal satioo pbone 62rs4 j sanford stewarttown plumbing tinsmithing lstlbales oetrlbliy whei pbtie84r 12 gttrfttwwi k j m record automobile shipment that liwjtolh lu urge iontno to vancouver ovrr ibe lneslfor use on tkr pacific coal the ungle automobjo jmerl ill lhu natonal rajwy n t whch had value ol tlwuoryothuomot industry march llelrin w a olid on- of more ban a quarts a 1 d canada was made from ford city tl can earning 90 f d car allla made ll r i upmn id 1 e w step on the gas the new star car has speed sixtyfive miles an hour will purr out of the star sue continental red seal motor there is pnde as well as satisfaction in driving the new star car it has beauty performance dur ability finish everything you want far more thctn you could expect in any other car at or near its pnee compare the new star car four or six for quality and completeness of equipment for speed and power for all round performance for price you wtll find the new star car supreme in the low cost field durant motor of canada limited toronto least de ontario v t j speight sales rooms guelph street of fours and sixes dss vgby v pigeons were postmen in old ragusa clsck uj crte wr seven hundred years ajo the pigeons ol the free city of rurusa in dalmatia were postmen they went across all the seas in boats travailed with all the carmans and i knew all the routes of the air hirh brought them back to raguaa i like the sailors or ragusa they were known in all the porta of the i world as a protection they were made ntirens ot the free city of raguta any person molesting or liumlting a pigeon was therefore guilty of offense against the state and was brought before the tribunal homes were budt for these pigeons in the ty walls and the streeta and roof top were their every man who rntstwd at the city tat ai obliced to offer as tribnto from his native town to luccons these lived in aooden ne lal eled with hie names of their homei and romped with the other pigeoni unlil thet turn came to ram out a letter in thia kactira enlarced it postal ystem but the centuries rolled by raciua lost its freedom enice usurped it- ponera on the seas dattkshlifl steamed up and down the adriatic itb the other atnens the pigeons lost their rights and were forced to associate with the sea guln from lyaeroma an island to the north some ti row suffering the indigmt of bfging grain from the hirds ivith whom in tht days of their exclusive splendour th would not associate todaj the port of gravoaa rag- la i harbo is crowded with ship i oarmi thf new hag of jugoshma panbenaera from the rmpreaa of franco the canadian pan fit steam ship vhich neit year will adit cattaro and gravona potts on it annual mediterranean cruise will hae a chance to scatter rmmba to the thousands of cooing pigeon still cronding ragusa s streets and adding to ita beauty the white city bnde of the sea some poet has called her would be less beautiful if the irn deirtmt necls of the pigeons did not rralc siall kplotrhes of rolor on the spotles sfooth flagstones and trie grai ahitc buildinn ri i nun tin noil a ikuw ilndikm ha bit 11 ntinnl d ivii a i lulls ik cidll u kith hlhh llturi of 111 jimndb pr nliro mi acr to r urn ll a iiai htk land it la nfiuir to ploii hurt is apprt xlinaul 15 1 ul hip lutal nitrugen in ilia the plant above k omd tin nine iddcd tu vilu iliohpliorouk and huiuiih upl tirljlb tivih a vr high 3 llldl toll ll tier vvhv heir popularity liu- bfj no i mj delayed 1 urned under as rreen u auur tit clovera will contrlbuto iho larpj at puimibli amount ot nitrogen for h- uoe of succeeding crops if olovert aru fed lo atock on the farm and lhi manure returned to the- soil here will bt much nitrogen tor succeeding crops cut off and aold there is likely lo be loss in nitrogen fertility an the amount left in the roots bay nut he sufficient to balance ihe con dltlon or nitrogen sufficiency existing liefore the crop waa grown the legume plant is the link be- latin air nitrogen and tht soil the great difference between le gumes and non legumes is that the legume has the ability to obtain tiltrorn from the air with 6 000 noo pounds floating over each aero hits should not be difficult but it is and he co partnership of the leyume and bacteria are essential for the work of nitrogen extraction the legume root nodule la essential it results from the pretence of the bac teria if there are bo nodules pre ent then there are no bacteria work ing and ihe legume plant then de pends aa any other plant on ihe tftrogen stored in the soli the le rump plant alone is a nitrogen rob- b 1 hut give it ih bacteria to work on itn roots and it then become a vrenl storehouse for nitrogen in a v ii poor in nitrogen the lepume without nodules grows poorlr or not at all natural inoculation hit presence ot nodulf forming bacteria in the soil when the young knjoie plants are starting growth iroulta in a bacterial invasion of the tine rootlets of the plant the plant in fta effort to repair the lesion pnt duoea the nodule formation which is literally a liousu for the baciiri in which they live wtila axtraidng i islr food from the plant jnlcea the j ay their board with big interest lor thilr ho no and food they re pa the planl by giving it a continuous up plv of nitrogen in a form hat i nan use this nitrogen cornea tron the sir when the plant ripens the no dulcs coast to grow shrink and de cay the bacteria are lltx raw and remain in the soil awaiting trenh root growth when the urt their wi rk ot continued existence and multi ilea tlon over again natural or laance inoculation la not always to b re- oommended it may be too sloj as it lakes time for the barter a to lecotnn distributed through ih sin ince soil or a held better to ild llu natural by applying the nndule bnnerla to the seed at time of seed ing the cost is small and the gala li usually large that it is cheap irop insurance la evidenced by tho fact that over 4000 ontario farmers used the o a c nodule bacteria on their clover alfalfa and other 1c runie seed laat year l steves son dept of extension o a college rhe english uabint tree king solomon planted gardens of nuts surely a wise thing tn do and another evblanoa of the wisdom of ibis antl suffragette king canada la a nut consuming coun try but not a nut producing country we import each year from various foreign landa nuts to the value of fire million dollars an amount that more than over balances the value ot our apple export if we boy mora nuts than we are selling apples there are algtbcaiit reasons tor consider ing the culture of nuta in oar lake erie countries there are about ito bearing english walnut trees now in soalhern ontario if 100 thrive why not 100000 there is lots of room for in the laere valley france the home of the best variety of english walnut there are thousands of wal nut trees but only a few are planted id regular orchard form most of the treea are scattered along the roads about tha building wherever it would be inconvenient to raise other kinds of crops even under tbeec uppoaedly adverse conditions the hundreds of individual grower an dually sell highly profitable eropa which in the aggregate total several thousand ton the favored lake trie count lee have many acres suit ed to ihe walnut and every rarm could accommodate so trees or more distributed about tho dooryara buildings along fences or ravine without reducing the grain produc ing rapacity of the farm by one if modern agricultural industry la in make land produce more food then tree era pi should be given consider ailon the walnut is more hardy than the peach and the crop will hot poll overnlnht when you plant an her tree v hy not plant a hardy 1 libera grown english walnut l stevenaon director of 0 a college notice to creditors iau hotter or te eel ate ef epa rmlwt mean uu ot t tewetalp of 3eaqwaalbg la the ceuty of ukltu fare nrtc reby i bebll 1 h m- ihe emate ol ephra mwrc laleoflhe tielip of ltcjui k ihr coui ty ol nation rami deccaanl who died day ol january 19 il the ud town executor on or before ih 0 of arm 19 the r name ad hin by kml o ind 1h- ol i rid by llirm all duly vet red b statu lory declaration alter tbc said date ihe tucculof will prchreetl lo d lr bute ihe patlm n tilled therein bavin regard only rlheilmntpl hnhhe jul i then have noiee and he hall not be liable for ihe aawti or any pari el ihetn to anj per been received b hml ihe lime of such nbulh dated al mill 1 ths 70th 1u1 solicitor for ihe execnler wlauffhltn suick performance vsbetter at icro mclaughlin buick automatic heat t control means caty starting and smooth running immediately in every temperature this exclusive mclaughlin buick feature insures gabohne economy automatically and at all speeds mclaughlin- buick mechanical 4 wheel brakes make secure footing that is insecure from exper ience through winters and summers mclaughlin- buicks have proved the all year dependability of the mclaughlin buick type of brakes their direct mechanical action is not affected by weather changes and not even a blizzard will harm the mclaughhn- buick valve in head engine every point where metal would rub metal is lubricated under pres sure a flood of oil is forced everywhere as soon as the engine starts you will not find another car today regardless of itc price with its performance so perfectly pro tected winter or summer a mclaughlin buick is better 1 tim new our cm ac financing rates are available to purchasers ol mclaughlin buick on time a v king dealer georgetown mlmjghlinbuick ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage mm buy k s tires wo carr a complete lino of hirlrtrpssure and balloon k d s tirca and tubcn itio well known tire of supremo quality our prices aro exceptional low see us before bujinit expert repalringall repairs guaranteed to iblve aervloe f sinclair th tlr rapln8hob georgetown tomato soup 2 isr sauerkraut d0hhion stotes tea richmello t 79cv select 69i dslbulk5v choice quality pears k 15c choice pink fvsalmon tin 15c vktmt hjutd pickles large bottle sour iled oq chow c d bacon 39 posts bran flakes 2pta25c special blend coffee 53 canned fruit and vegetables columbia brand np raspberries 25c singapore sliced rt pineapple ioc aylher spinach 15c choice corn 2 14c tomatoes h sardines ckowwjatm 3 tins 25c smtulrrmral cocoa 21w25 matches christies c0c0anut gems 3 1 trlcm i ibttea ju ii

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