Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 14, 1926, p. 3

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personals iiomh i own i t nnis ci un matthew all srnsons mr kodak seasons but in ihr spring in kodaking n sptinlly interesting how about a kodak or brownie for easter we make a specialty of fine developing and printing d j matthew dults itinl s1v110mltt t mi 1 ui ii mini in ii i i ii mil ik h i n 1 l il iii t mi mis- 1 in i iuk u 1 mill il dim cv i pit r t it mi- 1 u 1 ii v t liimti ii or it i fi i tt ii mr- k if li 1 witminn ith i th i 1 vi1i f 1 of fiscal news hems inngt vnger yenning tirnf ifoni take em nlt rt lyotir fiiibucription putd dimroal slewnrtlonn aiml luiiiltuhir cornctinwi h big dnj huh joar mil ho jul lnt i siiucaiiik lownnhtp council will meet un moniliij april jujli nt 1 p rn the i nilod cluirrh ijcigup nnjojid a social evening an mon dit niaht tim roads and lipids nit drj intf up nnd il will not be long be fore tho farmer ib but neiiltnk muhe llio old shoes wear like new bring tliem to lld ilolnieu ahoo repairer guelnh st piompt nerico 2lp the local council of women i will hold their regular meeting at the homo of mrs ralph ros on fnda april igth at s i m his etrollencj the goenor- general has appointed h rojal proclamation tho dajs april 1u tn i inclusive as save llio forest week theame wardod is keeptnp ins e09 open for any who break the game laws by fishing trout streams before the season opens nn may 1st tho true bluet held a huc ceesful dunce at tho glen last fn day night there was a big crowd 1 and all bad a good time co mo and hear success bj the rev mr lo licks toronto in norval sohool on friday oienioc april lcbb a good program admission 2cc children lllc georgetown busiodsb mon will noi commence their weekly halfioli daj tomorrow thursday april 15th a lift of all tho bujine6n firms concerned is published in this ibaae tho daughters of st grorgo s church held a vor mil crssful dance in tho arena last friday iveding harmony orchestra sup plied the music and everybody had n good time right excellent grand super mtendenth corko made his first official visit to aalt chapter on monday evening he was occotn pnmed by his secretary et comp h g meir will nil members of orion lodge no 109 1 o f kindly at tend lodge next monday night bo arrangements can bo completed regarding oar visit to acton lodge on tuesday april 27th graham and clomcnts wish to announce that they arc operating their enamel ware dept in the same style bb a groceteria simplj walk jo pick out jour article nnd pay for it on your way oat the oddfellows banj will hold a concert in tho near future they will be aanibted by outudi talent nnd a good program of vocal and instrumental musio will be rendered watch for particulars the presbytery of tho united church for south wellington dib tnot met at gaolph on tuoedaj delegates present from georgetown wore rev h caldwell rev dr dickie mr j w kennedy mr norman wnggloanorib a nornngtons confectionery store nnd ice cream parlors hntr just beon re decorated they are very ittiactiro and qui to in keep tag with tho hikh quality con fee tionery nnd refreshments nerved nt this old reliable stand mr b young chioguacousy presented the ilornld inst week with a pullet h egg that mensnfd 83 mcheb bj oil inches ben cer tainly has a good strain of pullets if he can keep them producing ben frait like tbe sample we recened for hawog liquor otber than in a private dnelling a joung man was arrested in eorfietown lat week and lined 50 and cos to fgj in all another joung man is awaiting trial on n iimilnr charge boy it don t paj to monkey with tho boore if you have n craving for a tasty dish of icecream or soda jou are nflsured of receiving the very best here beit nunlilv ice cream neilson tt real fiml flavors and genuine syphon soda water is what onahles us to give our nat rona the er best clue ur a tnnl next time u m kenned rev kenneth maclean of georgetown was tbo rjiebver at the banquet following the ofllciawirit or fc y rarrnciough dmtnrt de put grand master or wellington district to guelph lodge on mon day evening other brethren pres eofcwrew bros geo ford j w kennedy am w h long bros w t evan h r mimms and j m moore con ratio in tho h s report mlh lllmii uoi if lh rouiih foi in atoua bird in lnv i isa w ah sten purs shree ombnliwrr lloiioili mlhb fjxtfut lowiieiiil mndenn aienige of ii and lit k maid lunan made an iprntp uf im woo lw salt the town of eogetown linto won their law buit with the t u lor contiti u lion co nho irrr piling hi town for otra tt claitnid in conncttion with thpun crwerkh onatriitlion the nctioa wnu tlii rillised with cnats football meeting a gneral mectiuguf theteoige town football cjub will bo lipid in thl uouncil chamber on tiiiiimiiiv apnl 1 7th at h p m sbnrjf butt nthh tbo eliction or officers tor and the fotinim of n team to rep resent the club in iho guelph and dmtnct football league all those in teres ted art earnesll riijiictod to attend wo tho cap the limil hmiic in the gtotge town em lire contest took platf on mondj night lat and was won bj mefibrs d livingktone and t rcnnte b w toning this game they also gel poaaossson of the handsome c up mado ana donated by tho georgetown foundry co no doubt the present holders of this trophj will he challenged be fore long and niaj cpenence cnu- mdernbledifiicull in retaining it rx tbt wrdneada april 1h1 the who found umiseli h ring thomas meighcn chapter 14 of thl fighting ranger comedy busters b 1st up fridaj april 16th the price of pleasurt starring irgioin valli and nunnan keirj comedj he who gets smaiked fox and bpttj doi f dnj r w i last wtnk ihssumi prciswind of lfn iftllinms who had hi t n honotisu illitli pneiimoina is prorrehhiog fiivorabfj rs w a wilson and mi a mccullough went to clintiwolli eaterdai where ho umo uillul ng to the horious illness of thtir brother dj- thomas mculloti1i mi and mrs t bljlliennd fain ilj mr and mm l blytho and bab and mr w r bridge anil all of toronto spent sundiij at thc homo of mm sleightholmf r and mrs john r scott of linkhoiihp innounco the enqngc iptit of thin eldest daughter birdie to william frcilnk shel ne of cornwall wedding to take placpthc latter part of apnl themnnj friendr of mrs r v cameron will regret to leatn that is buffering from a nenoiis bionk down and has gone to tor to general hospital for tieat ment ma she soon be testoreil to health is tho ainceio wish of all matinee snlurda april at 8 pm havo from hip in lornation sticceus with george 0 brion and madfio dellamj com edj baby be good nodge podge congress of cplebritrmi adanto and supper undei ti coming ypres ail eajoj4 coaoart a very pleasing concert bj tho maplo leaf quartette of gall was enjnjed by n largo audienre on fn day evening in knox church the pastor rev k mclean introduced tbo fingers who gavr an excellent programme varied in character and of uniformly goodounlpt throughout mr fleming who ob viously was suffering with a severe cold recited mnxmc la bollo l dr drnmmond and cuddle doou in an eftectme manner the ac lompnmmcnts woio plated ly miss jessie leavitt in her own rnultlees manner tho national anthem brought tho concert to a closo hbok chnrok ckalr bauqnt tho choir of knox church with their friends wero banqueted on luesday evening of last wook b tbe session and the managing board in tbo lecture room or the cburrh tho tables wero artistic ally decorated in silver pink and white enhancing tho beauty of a fiiimptuoui repast which was en joyed by about sevontj guests tho after dinner entei tamment was contributed to by members of the choir misalcnvitt mrs a 0 herbert the orchestra nnd others tho relation of the choir to the church was abl presented by rov mclean and tho mitsion of the choir by mr ross cameron the evening marked tbe coucln mon of tueot one years or unin terrnpted wrvice by mr a b cas tell as choirmaster or tho church a very social nnd pleasant evening was much enjoyed by nil present vlt to orion loaf on monday ctenmg last about foitv officers nud members of ac ton lodge 1 o o f visited orion ledge nnd exemplified the inilia toil degree after a short speech of welcome bj n g bro j hall the muting officers took their re sjjectivc stations and prow edpd wilh thedegrte it in a long time since orion ijodge has bad tho of ba tlio acto ijoyge put on nni work or them nnd the manner in which tluj handled it dren forth inml ap plnuie atter the degree bru a b parr pg win presented with a past grnml b jewel bj bro w long on behnlf or the lodge in recognition or his falhful serice bro parr replied thanking the lodge for their magnificent gift after the closing of the lodge re freshmen ts were herved in the banquet room athr all had done justice to the good things oftored a splendid program was rendered by the acton main quartette com posed of bros maon spicltngcl agnc anil smith solos b brns j smith and t mcunrc the duet by bros smith and mcclurp entitled watermelon w wtll north of the applause it received the meeting closed with ihit cheers and a tiger for tbe visitors us wauoi ion of milltm- mi and mi- x li and mk fl ii sijrs win hi attunjiog tin mi i of he p ii oil i ma operatioi jolu mli ndi r watson was at rslin all nding in oilin hit i il mrs kuril ulloughlj n of ioiooto spent ii ftieiuli in loun w m s unit j hi mis i us ihiimiwiti i in noifolksti i liuuli mi ipli lirln lift moon winn ii mi iiiinii iou u of llii 1 i hi hiillouui f tin iiiiitin took il in it in miiujund ii inrj i itlmdxl 1 iks nt lioin nil uk diunli- within hi hsht mil follow int tn in iuiruritmn of lu in w outl in tn pirntiorliil in ii in irj niiis w n iiiimimi in mis torbi of fh d u ril uiiikii or tin luikd iiiukii toronto offut m ikitid for th tn auink v it ir i- fillow- ilosiiknt mr it cnivi p i u inn ill nt mrs w it grnhum snond in irsiitcnt mrs willlum rn h im ornsiioiiiitntr sm tiirj mri a spotton hionling stinuirv miss link tunsurr mrs john kinnidj alinut 31 orkitown a special radial cur will take e memhers of ctodit lodge a f a m to jiierph next tues daj evening all brethren read t in this ihstie and ai range to spices of tho fyto and drui band will he held in the commun it ball hlowarttowd fn april 10th campbell s orcbostrn danc mgat 8s0 bupper nt 12 ticket 60 cents eochra and dauoe the georgetown bon ling club will hold a bucbre and dance tho arena april 22od caids h t dancing at 10 80 pm oood oheaifb admission 17c plus w tax he literybodi welcome fubkahi atuntlon membcia of wrdun rebrki lodge no 181 who aro taking iiait on the degreo team aro rcrjuesttd to bo preseut for practice tiiesdaj evening april 20th members are requested to bring their dona i of fruit for tho home not later than this date haw roo tor appoint d bishop owen ot niagara ofllciat g at conflrma ion in christ n cburch cathedral hamilton sun day april 11 announced that the assistant rector rev f q wase had boon appointed to bo rector of st geoigesiliurch and bt albans church olcnwilhauis rev mr rvaso will c6mmcnce his duties ibont may 1st paidvllt to guild the members of norval young peoples society to tho number of about hoventy visited knox chihch guild on monday evening and put i a splendid program of ornl and alrnmuntal music a feature of io evening was tho rendings bj rs rev mcdonald mr mi field mccluro was chairman the ipmbcrs of tbo guild served ro- tropbments before tho closo of n pro ii table evening injnrad in aato a cold on t while mr n mcrnttof milton com pa nud bj mrs w lutmee and ho d au g h te r mibr coi stance wtntmce local manager of tbe bell telephone at george town wiip tinting to onelph in fold coupe on sunday afternoon th were nm into b a large car driven bj a guclpb man nnd thrown into hie dlch 1 lie car was badl hinashod and it is a mirnole the occupant- wete not killtd ms whitmeo wsbscvrrl bruised and cut nbotil the legs mis w lutmee escaped with severe hiiiiseh and n bid shaking up mi mcrnlt bad his it ga lall bruise nnd cut we underhlard the ca which htiurir the coi did nr stop but ptoppedeii on itswaj foi tnnnlflv a mim willinnibon rrom guelph happened along nnd look the injured mips to the hospilnl wheic the are pi abl card of thanks w are frot 7 ano pouno th lhopkeapar who li mart o itiarp or throwd lata tha paanlak iel n tbo way at hi dollar mcce it on desire the choitest in atfit lint etor w ere d less pa to specilicttions and cut to jour ordet then jen should w bit tins shop wl ii pleaeo you if the home of quality meats phone 8w georghtowtst ladies shahpooint marcelling and curling frizzing and singeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jhlillico appointments pnone 278w s i yes- yon can start on monday and have no forced breaks in your course session tho entire year at the guelph business college you cannot surp salada green tea its luscious freshness i rich strength make it finer than any gunpowder japan or young hyson sola every where ask for salada today itradsnsalei a i r tit in vilt gf writthi s nt 1 1 sorts 4 ji wdltiy store it i why not get a snappy new watch i ji foi that old oneyou ne carrying i ji we will allow you a lair amount on your old one t come tn anil hear our plan anyway ff wilsons jewelry store f successor to h ty hmton ft f oneill block tjorgclown f eyes tested masses fitted and optical repairs ii i dr w c barnard registered uploinelrlsl tf -o- faiwft ffirawfaasfflfah special price lor coal on a limited stippl of iinnrl ttnl ll of lhiliil we waul tn mow mi if out minimn mipplj of hind tnnl in- n gratt ine dm ink the nol ox mm 500 lbs 3 00 1000 lbs 5550 mitim aim t u uit foi 2000 lbs s1000 j b mackenzie phone 33 georgetown browns bakery confectionery we do not sell all the bread and pastry but we sell the best call and see our bargains saturday candy treat 200 ils turkish i lult 25c li iyml- loush 1 diiil pei ll 20o saturday ice cream treat hot chocolate rudfic nntlno 20c n h brown bakery 202w phones confectionery 202j individual instrnotion 13 given the business world is calling for more guelph business college graduates there is a position foi you get the training a l b0uck principal and proprietor erwmgoldhains meat market homekilled lamb veal nm and pork dress chickens wanted quick delivery guaranteed i main street georgetown pne no 1 215000 ol our wasb ers la use tn canadian i t 11 homes oi ihe famous i spring sale oi the famous beatty white cap washer 1 3 freel wash day accessories rhino in th brltih fm plw only jj down 1 2 months to pay no interest added free demonstrolion i new goods if ij just arrived gl a large assortment of dress material in the latest shades dress lengths our specialt no two alike material and colors the very latest including voiles plain fancy and beaded crepes in silk and wool silk and cotton all silk plain and fancy nainsook srinill dnik nmnsdol lli nti i fc mi- u cotioncrepi a iai iimii of plain mill fnm i utiii mill ililn lii ginghams a llmkt mlllllllllt tl lloiml floiii iiklli lltll allll i prints viiml4 inul- in liklit imd ilitik loluis ihkiil i oloi ill ihiihi smtiibli- 01 ho siiuih shir ting a lull rnniil 3f hliulintioclulinh fl iiiiulcue hull fiim ilnll sloe li tin imlntpa anil stnptd ucnini towelling a inrko hsanrtmnt o unm towellinu 1h to ki mcbeanco georgetown to let us bring a sack of national iloui timile from carefully selcctctl 111111 ou 11 tind it otfjllent foi hit uitea cube nntl pio mahine it is milled under the iiiriiisi sudi tary conditions nnd ir of tho hifiheht food aluo munj iso people nro iftjinc in ft tupplj of national fi0111 for jiohsihlo cmeraencies whj 1i011 t ou norval flour mills w b browne 6c co prop norval ont norval kings choice braad flour national paltry ne municipal 321 r you know th kilt h loa y lie hard nml olt cnlrci for wck end speolal 3o la mada and packed at thl tore ice cbeam a on drlil itir wt ice m in cnmlh oi r plor hi our ilnposal lur jmr feili ji or yc bprovernrnt b the dethofm twlovei wife and mother john ed and famil trrra cotia u main st r h thompson co georgetown grandys the pure food store i grocery specials 0 nuhifoklifk innhh 21 li hurt 1 birnu ih h 1uu pur nun rhu urmtdi 1 lb pc oihtcr nholl 12 mis frj ittil u lbs 1 r n slvrrllosslnnli 2ku- d imuiiln stmli m liill i 11 il smhls h ollnii i a i m i nll nuilhii i fot fiorrii i ilk slur ammnmik i i i olilfk 1 k wjnnk oil it l iii ifo oi i dull h i foi a m grandy s phone 75 n sillsladld uruld prentpl delivery

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