tut- uhhu i town iikimih ai rtn j1 matthews all seasons art kodak seasons but inilie spring fin- kodaking is sptri illy q interesting show aboyt a kodak or browriie for easter we make a specialty of ftne developing and printing personals dj matthew drugs and srationi itt local news hems mothers day may itlh bund concert mnj 7th chamber or commerce mou day bowling club dunft thut- day pecrlpbt jubilee copctrt co monday nigh i lalton riiioh coruincnco train ing at the arraonob mxt monduj evening special reduction price on lad lea spring coatb all this week at brill co b hear the peertebu concert in the lmted church monday cien mg april 20 the jcar 192l seems to i c suf fermg from what the ho rut doc lota used to call spring halt you aro cordially touted to tbo bowling club danco ut the arena to morrow thursday m a game and hah inspector is on the lookout or piirtics in this neighborhood fishing outof beat011 the person wbo said thai time waits cor no man can never have seen the unclaimed watches in a pawn shop ibs a sunday april 2gtb meet dbfl a 8 p m and 7pm sub jeot mystery revealed bvery one welcome ypres the greatest bcroon sen aat ion yet produced will be at the bex theatre on saturday next matinee and night the extinguishing of a small blaze t cot brown e lost satur day afternoon aerted what might have been n atloaa urn rev father mcreary held a memorial service far the ilatapte wiibert hatpin on mooavfinorn in the holy cross church we aie pleased to see the younp lads in town are organizing a lacrosse club thny nhouldbe encouraged in their effort another s0 and oobis line was imposed on a young man in town on monday for having liquor in other that a private dwelling tbe chamber of commerce will meet in tbe con noil chamber on monday evening next april 26th all members are urgently requested to attend after all tbe columns that have been nscd up in discussing whetb er tbe crow should bo puffed or stuffed boa still on the job wait ing for other birds to build ceatb to rob we would appreciate very much if tbo part who sent tbe communication to the herald re garding an action for damages against n institution in town would kindly forward us their name charles cook the indian en tcrtaioer who delighted a large audience at georgetown a short time ago will gie a concert tn tbe doited church jorvhl on friday evening next april 88rd an exhibition foot ball game will bo played between tbe pro vincial paper mills and smith stone at reservoir park on sat urday april 24th rick off at 0 pro sharp all cordially muted ad enjoyable evening of en cbre aod dancing was spent at tbe home of mr and mrs c 8 argents on saturday evening last when tbe host and hostess entertained a number of friends and neighbors down comet prices 11 00 boys good working boots at roney e mopherson guaranteed work boots special 8 50 a dollar saved is a dollar earned buy at roney a and save money first- class repairing li o n e bro georgetown tbe name of f sinclair ul camrer and tire repairer vosomit ted from the list published m our last issue ot those taking t h thursday afternoon half holiday mr hideltr olosio on thurnda afterpoon during the summer month mr 0 b wmfleld of glen williams presented the herald lat week with a mammoth goose egg the egg weighed 9 ozs and mea surcd bfilh inches if an of yon fellows in tbe egg business can beat tbis one we would like to see our product aatttltar laaaitry messrs m saxe and associittger have acquired tbe marshall hud son tannery property nod taken posse ssi on they will commence operation soon and expert tojiavo between fifteen and twenty hands employed icaido a iear this is csrtainty good news for g corse tows enohrs and dancn hit gooitttown lawn howling club iill ho ii uuliiliind dtiuce in tla actnn to inorrovy tl tir dny oeuiiih anrtl 22n 1 curds hbo innnnk 10 ho i huidc wade orcbeitin ot rriuiiton ad tins sioii 47c phis car ta i try body welcome sad death at lime ho a an the njmpntlii of the community is extended to mr and mm bmelh uiwt of rjlmehoiiac in the dtsth of their joungeat daughter roberta alleyn who dad from diphtheria on sundaj last the remain were interred iu ureeunooil cemetery georgetown on monday rti mr mcljean coiiduclint tin iter vice taaaia clab orcanliad the yoiinb people of bt ceore b church oihimmd a tennis lub on fuefdi nmmi when the fol towing urhcerr were clcctrd lion pnsidinlr mr wise president mi bt it thompson sec trent mirs winnie ivmfcht the membtrh of tl o club will nuet ncu pucsdii niflit to make further arinngi limits for the inn ing season 111 enjojd dan o tho dance at stewnrttown hint friday cuniiii index the auapueh of thufjfo and drum bapd was largely attended and proved to be a most enjoyable nent excell ont music was furnished by camp bolls orchestra while mr will andernon of hornbj jwrfonned the duties of lloor manner refresh ments word sorted about tuidniglt the band are talking about holding another in thp near fuline huir bnrni co store the gi nanuquo reporter le furring to the burns co opening a branch store in that town says the manager of this branch mr harry j iox has boon here for atonic weeks and is no doubt a ready known to many he is an exrort shoe man linking had a wide and inried experience at one time tht leading fitting expert with the t lalonlo limited wi udder stand mr pox has leased tbo ton er house on market street and will shortly move bid family here from toronto maonviit onelpb ofllcers nod members of credit lodge a f t a m to the number ot 40 visited speed lodge gnelpb on tuesday night w ii long w m and ofllcers of red it lodge con forred the tirst degree arid were heartily congratulated for then splendid work district deputy brand master c y barraclougb and grand superintendent henry corle accompanied tho brethren to gtiolph and spoke at the banquet tendered the visiting bretbien at the close of the lodge ru tkaatn wednosday april aist the golden princess western story storaiog betty bronnon the last chapter ot the fighting ranger comedy tier lrjjiy leaf friday april 2trd ridin tbundcr a blue streak western starring jnck hoxio comedy tbo iron nog fox news saturday april 21th matinee at 8 pm pres the story of tho immortal salient produced by tbo british instructional films ltd passed and approved bj his mnj estys army conned comedy- beware telix cartoon qakville orchestra prices matinee 15c aod 25c night 2ec and vc coming the man on tho box with sd chaplin milton jail ifw last fnda w r mccroady deputy sheriff- tnok tho indian john silversmith to kingston to serve five yearn for burglarizing tbe bronte gn r station on monday a provincial bailirt took philip forbes and wm snanson convicted bootleggerh and nionn sinners to burnsbh to put in twelve months each and if they do not paj their tines nix months additional and stephen blasba who hails from mm on ton wai brought to jul to eervo twenty days for v mrancy and begging lingi bmcci of bronte is putting id bin rompulaori nmnth on his conviction for boollckgipg and bays he w ill pa his hoc after doing so thcjtil population was red ed eight tho lowest in fhne mi lh governor mcgibbon sav t nitcd church concert at norval friday don t miss seeing that v dcrful war picture ypres at the rex theatre on sotnrda charles cook the indtnn ter tamer will he at the 1 mted church nona on friday eight mr ncilson stnrk w ap- oointeda sheep valuator for ward no 8 at council meeting on mon day ms mi tod mr- imtmitn loll of loiontu mici t tli vviek ird with mi ami m i 1 i rnsoii mil ii 1 i ox and mm ktlint lb nil mi- i iffttlj f inriinu ipliit ii wuk hid with fiicml in town m and mri rtin mit mai miukniuihi1 mr uoim- p nf hurlinrtiin win vmtoi- in tow ii on b illllllll mis- diiliudt hiimuiin of tlf loiontu otmsf ralor of mubii was the nest i f rev dr and mrs diku oti tin uiektnd li h u wtieon mr and mil w tconswurl and mr jolnitiry lor iilttndtd the fiintml o ll ink mrs mccoikej at toronto to day mi c j riihiell or loimk was id town on saturday mrs russell who him hen quite stri iltoveriok mi i ol 0 brown who un derwent an operation at wellcskj tiospltal toroqto laat week is rt rinu nnel and eviiecti to be abf to rtlurnhoiiio itxt week mr ami mrs a pram p ton and mr ditk prumplon of torqnto and mrs p edward anil child of point hdward sicut sundn with mr aud mtb wavframpton ur citixtns vier ileased to see mr c a ileor who has been ill i ont able to hi down it un may his health continut tn liiovo ih tho wish of his n niln church news i slit i cill iu h cv dr dickies siihjtt t sunday moriiuii will be lhe 1 tion of bin itcv mr wadikll of billinafnd ii prendi m the evtning ru mr cildwell hoini absent prcaih ttt c i fori mt halton holteln auoolallaa t a largely nttcndpd meeting held at milton lost week the hal ton county botbtem breeders association was organized with iwing ollicerh honorary pres h f osier bronte president w nis mi hod ice president t bird icorgctowd secretary n stark milton directors fbqoos g townbhip t l leslie and m j brown traialnar township j howard and p b reckon nelson towdship w b somerset and c l peer nassagnweya township c hill and f rhinebart jailed for cruelty to anli hilton d lie who farm jj87 ac cs in tho north of peel county tar ornngcville was taken to jbrampton jail last week by inspcc tor baira of tho ontario humane society and prov cons barron he appeared before p m craw ford on a ehargi of cruoltj and negligence in the care nf bis stock when tho evidence was heard the p m said it woe tho worst eft so he had ever heard of in the county and tho worst that had over been before him he btutencod dale to three months in jail and to pay the robtw of the pro ace u tion joseph downy founer m pp for south wellington and for tht past ifteen years superintendent of the provincial institution at orillin died curly monday morn mg ladies sbampooinc makcflunc and cuftuhg ntlzzmg and smceinc try us our priceb are reawraable mr mrs jb lillico anllcs hue 278k 4 1 nothing to sell it is a mm take to apeak of buying 1 ifo insurance insurance protection i real me thud of arranging vour personal tinancmg you know for insunci of certain obligations 4hich you must be ready to meet you wish to provide th money to enable your bo to eciiuirc busmen of hu own to buy farm of hw jou msy winh to provide additional security lor your vou rosy wmh to provide provision for any such ob jective and to make surr that your objective will bt attained vfr iifi in i iii i it- iiiiij eiitlfrrlfj h r mimms phone iu georgetown haltal ule linrine co 1 new vrk hi quality always salada the choice teas used exclusive ly in salada yield richly of their delicious goodness say salada halton rifles rgt recruits wanted for d com pany halton rifles r apply to c j cummings capt at the armories on monday eveninga skakatpanr wrota a tlu that a the motto aovanaiag ear aar- kal prod not and minun yn ilk it a di pi nihibh as our choice eat a rthnbl is our inaigmed j rtcen will ou tlnd our sales methods and manners quality and pollurlotb the home of twauty meats phone igw qeokgbtqwtr benj petch ljccnaetl auctlqdmr for halloo an fael oli n 111 lama istat offlca bala ondullad oallafactorllr and at rfla onabla rata order left at 1 doom lo wn uraw odm wilt retv now is the time floor covering congoleum linoleum oilcloth rugs and by the yard attractive new patterns that will add a cheerfulness to any room in the home a good assortment to choose from wallpapers nothing can take the place of wall paper which returns so much costs little transforms a cheerless room into anything your artistic ideas incline new artistic patterns are this year very reasonably priced beautiful colorings- something new away from the- old weak meaningless stripes of the past let us entertain you in displaying them when you visit us draperies fc curtain rods beautiful artistic draping effects that will make the home very attractive by the use of kirsch curtain rods and a selection from our beautiful drapery materials a variety of designs colors and materials for all styles of draping ranging from the lowpriced materials to the better grades our closing out sacrifice on furniture will interest you see these goodsget our prices georgetown jacksons mcbeanco thursday bargain day specials r hi pail bee rite coiu syrup 2 lb tin dee hive corn syrup pint bottle tiger brand out nun quart bottle catsup fairbanks bcounng soup per liar p ftq surprise comfort tlnd ienrl white snap i fol chipuo 1 fiexo a pure noap flake anchor brand jely powder 1 for hagfo brand conoonacd milk carnation milk baby rieu for clark h folk and rphoh in chili sauce size a peae 2 for kipper snacks i for chicken huddie prepared mustard in claah cup sued leas raiema 2 lb for seedlese rale oh 2 pkgb for bulk datoe 1 lb for little chip qnormalade robertson s wild brairhk robertsons marmalade roman meal kdloggn bran flnken lombard plumn blueberries mcbeanc georgetown m buy floufi with case from tbo planting of the wheat to ita delivery to you in theform of nattonaj flour the utmost caro ib taken by all who luftf handle it in its different stages of growth and manufacture when you buy national flour you can depend upon its being tbe very best flour that money can obtain norval flour mills w b browne co prop norvsd ont kings choice bradflsnr norval blaad haalelpal 3xt r tkarahaalui and joy la oaadjr laad oo wkare we aay ton 11 i divorced saturday treat fancy frenrh ircml n a del ghl 1 rem lee i ion or lh week oo il cpplirte it m ih ll r trdinar i weekend ohocoiates chocolalcs ike ihre are m i ird lo lell at ihli pr l of the calendar and stude- bakefcars were divorced june 18 1925 studebakers are now kept constantly uptodate improvements are added regardless of the calendar not saved up for spectacular annual an nouncements which make cars artificially obsolete kradei our nouo oull lontmnt hard and toll en ire- a li- r end e rc pure there wk d rpmam 32 i a standard ol purity in our rand kilchcn that i never stated we make deli oui candy that ynu never t re f eat nfc our e vilt pleitea all bo mqua m li em out and be able l an i we auk c r order earl thur ii jo eaable t rt hch thursda hall h a ire uvnnnatonsq nduhnd 8888kb8888 fionoa9 j grandys s the pore food store grocery specials jn oneill son georgetown blatchfords chick maeb 21 lb hag 1 j bar nun cbich scratch 2i ib bat 100 bar nun cbic scratch 0 lbs 25 oysterrhcll 12 lbs 20 ont 12 ib 2fi pearlino s pkg i 2j lor 3 pkgs 85 silver gloss starch 2 kga 25 laundry gtarh in bulk 1 lb hfi soap chips 2 ibh 25 gold soar- p a 0 teirl white nanlha 1 for 25 fleno or chipao per plk 2j slar ammonia s fur s5 gillexner pkg 15 bon ami cake or pownvr 15 washior soda per pk 10- 1 for 25 old d itch 2 for 25 a m grandy 0 phone 75 q satbudmi saarulerf fml deliver isaazatriiphabisiiabbbbkaiax