i iik 0 ci no j urns 111 h m ii a 1 ii i j j 11 ll2 wt 1lh 8uu1- hi your promise n doiyi tli fi it shcil the old r outlunli inure i though thy 111 r outh hlv illmltl l np point to brifchim an mm tin in would yoursurrou iil iiindi mort nltraum mon ful b tli plulitino uf hliruln jib xi s would look all it mill in tip thoujhtfulnibi u litt txpdiihtun f f htrship i will brim plantx to t itolt lollars uiturnl somty int shrub mil hurroundlms unit you will he ndtiier i should c0mein and shop arounc alymer tomato or eretnbio soup 2 or strawbercil pei can j ctieinci per inn fluent sliced pineapple van rrspberrj and btrmborry jam inige jar pure orange marmaluilo or con peas id pktn2 for ippa plant food 120 tabs quick shine stove polish quick sumo pipe nrneb rtonl blood blk tea to introdiin i water glass free per lb hato you tried our health biscuits if not you arc missing something real good tyh0nef0rit2 asl this eliir fill f ihre yes- ton can start on monday and have no forced breaks m your course session tne entire year at the individual instruction ib given the business world ta calling for more guelph business college graduates there is a position for you get the training a l bouc principal aid prtprletor pkr i carr oil fr m tlu reduction pluiil- lust jmr on vtssil found tin- imtlml suet ful r ili redililii ii plat t it it itti mutid will product 10 000 ton- uf fiih meal and fertilntr this war president t v neatly of thr canadian ijnfic railway hns asked approval of the shareholders for the cmslrnclion of two niw passenger vessels of tlu tjpc of montcalm montciare and montrose to be aailnble tor service m may 192 and fim freight vessels of 8500 tons with u sea speed of about m knots als to be rend for l27 during the past reason 1 215 j mmsc and 3 508 deer were killed m now brunswick of the former 20 fell to the guns of non residmt bun ters and 617 of the latter in the same year animals killed for fur in eluded 5fi7 raccoon c017 skunk 18 314 muskrat 610 foxes 9 470 ermine 177 martin 2 821 mink 105 otter 67 fisher and 12 bear the canadian champion two jear ow ayrshire heifer princess boa trice jrd owned and bred by the nova scotia agricultural college has another record in tupply of milk and butter fat from january 12 to march 15 she produced 4010 pounds of milk an average of 07 pounds a day butter fat waa 220 pounds for the same period equal to 275 pounds of bolter their majesties km george aid queen mary paid a private visit to the first inhibition of paintings and sculpture by canadian artists which is being shown in londun among- the eihibhs are pictures by leonard richmond of lake moraine lake o hara and lake louise painted by the nrtut during his visit to ihi canadian rockies last jear with the trail riders according to an announcement by d c coleman vice president and federal manager of western lines of m cpr at winnipeg the cana lian pacific railway is to construct hotel of 200 guest rooms on a luwntown site at regina this hotel s being built in response to a re juest voiced m many occasions by epresentatlvea of the citizens of tegina wall papers our 1926 samples to hand we offer a splendid choice of interior decorations if you are going to re decorate any of your rooms do it now this is going to he a buey sea son act now and sive disappointment ask to see my samples es timates given e bludd paperhansing ontilde and inside painting natural wood finishing phone s r 5 fish chip cafe lake trout and special frrsh fish will be coming in shortly good meal for 25 cents t h hewitt ftwk 2s9 cesrgctsm collections wt basic csuecumsoilr m smchse nothing too old smalt large or bard for uh to tanvle m years in same offlc ho collkctiov no cparhr kelly aiken collectors oraagartlla ut owa soud j sanf0rd stewarttown plumbing tinsmilhing esllmiles qeerhlly 6lvn rime 84 r 12 snrgdsws kjt n coal best d l fie w scrantoj coal in dtlsizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval station pbone 6sr24 coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal i delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown fire insurance j w hennebv miejswi ag nl for hmci he lroel com pwm wnlloj uhutikc are you protected paint your home too our home too desirves a coat of paint it meda a pro ustloti ngainnt tht ruvagis of the fimints aid time a cool of paint will not mily protect but will beautify lour home and enhanci its yuu ciursdf will ful pride then r np- pianinci of in tht prestige it will afford you in your lummumty your home deserves the ixst that is why wi slimiest high standard paint owing to the excellence of tht materials used and the care cxercined in its maau focture high standard paint is the most economical that you can buy it vill coer much more than n cheaper paint and will last from two to four jpars longer try it whin next ou paint high standard will rudif ou tht best of service rmitashes interior floor paint floors that arc painted with iowo brother hard drying floor ittint require uo bcmbblng ii imply mop itiim and our floors will be atwny clean it in n floor enamel wllch dries or night to a high gloss anlsh very easy to apply auto gloss any amateur can finish his car in a few hours with auto gloss it is a enamel finish it flows on taslly leaves no bruin murkn and dries quickly to a permantnt finish porch floor paint is mailt specially for eran dah floors it will lust miali longir than un paint you have mr tried for it is a hard high glotm varnish paint mint told rain or aping of feet will l 1 effttt pirly applkd l pn neptunite varnish stain nentunite is a high grade varnish stain for floors furniture and woodwork of all kinds varnishes and stains in one easy operation the stain colors arc non fading neptunite hos splen did wearing qualities and is not cawly marred heie and there lrd xi idn lti in nd ml m i all ll hi alls hr ugh ul h to r ot 1 drliv nd i add f tl in 1 ink aril tin is uf i ih it ihi shipbuilding induslrj in hina and j ipun was hfiiluuer onitilion than for l year punt with lni i uilders f int tin motor aim t traulling right miuiuii ixliu thr uo- u r t h jmlutikf opiunl r ff tbompsoau phone 46 georgetown cifk lines an car loihlomund her orate tha duchns of athull whom family seat is ut banff s otluml will mnlib adiuaiiitanir for ht first time in her life with the world fain us rtsurt i in tht tanadiui rutktes whldi tuok ita name from in r bi itinh home a lluttin keiierul mpennten i nt of transportation for the nnailian pacific ruilwaj hu aniioun ed lha intention of uie rompali to raise the t tmburgu again the i irnimg of grain to fort william and port arthur ami the milling lompaniei and electors ut winnipeg this is due to the antlupjtlon of the open ing of navigation on tht rest i akei about april 20 the total yield of v heat in unada for 125 us finall estimated by the dominion bureau of stations in 4jgh4700 bushch ihi second largest on record havirij been ex cceded only bj the 1021 crop the lalut of irrtb ir p is esllmatid at 466 118200 or over 151 per capita of canadian population the aver age wheat yield was 112 bushels per ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service spring millinery come in and see the latest styles in spring millinery prices the most reasonable misses clarridge herald block upstairs big game hunter gets live wolves if reports by railway on 9 throughout farmers are onditions and 1 the season s moisture for be assured adequate available und eipirted tires gas oils and all ford aceessoriesalinj on band h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage a- a general survey c the canadian pacific agricultural condition the west ihows that pleased with present c speak optimistically ot outlook sufficient i print crops seems l livestock wintered vel supplies of seed ur no shortage of labor a special c p r tram carrjing 438 settlers from the s mont calm reathid winiuptg m i ly among the passengers wen tlu y- one british families who came ui r the 3 000 family settlement sch mo there was one partj of 10 dim in speaking catholics and the s va- tion army undor captain muiin brought out a garty of twentj y lung lads going to british columbia it has bem annoumed b the passenger department of the f i 8 at winnipeg that negotiations luve been complete with the central can ada air lines limited for an air service between kenora and tht new gold fields at long lake and red lake a regular dailj service is to be inaugurated about may 24 in con nection with the c p r from kenora and during summer services will be run between kenora and duluth the recent fire- at the banff springs hotel which resulted in the destruction of the north wing with about teventy rooms will hale little effect on uw coming tourist season during the past winter uie company has bull an annex with 100 room with baths and with the central atone tower and the south wing uf the old building that were saved there will be a total of 313 roomt tailable by july 1 or mor than wr in ute last year itorudhhtan4mhcpttndcarabareonhclia shoulder 1 hot er and kii bbdfeanstkdanarritslai thrcpk ulnjsnr mailon moaltml fof uu fulfilling hln promise to jamos walker mayor of new 1 ork i nplaln frank doudcrn veil known brookbn blc enme hunter and sportsman arrlied m the armdian pacific windsor station in montreal recently from northern ontario tth two live wolit which be captured on lake trmlsknmlni si the june hon nhero the hlcr kippaw flows med patsy and hurpr nrn inttmdej i the brwtkljn oo when taken nut nf ihrlr cases in the bagctre roonm it the w lndor station flh pnts and itmer dis played drrldrdh nfnoiu lendon 1 alsy is an iih ivlnnde enoowtnl by nature with 1 peirl ritj cost of rw lintfd wllh rd which ellstens a lit tie in the mm roier seemed to be s bit xirn in to hut his fur what- erer there is of li is n mulsh uack closely rcsrtjlhllnic a hlne m rorer as inclined to rove when taken into the eipresa yards be burled ins head in the wow after a anew- of th leafth dntalned him patsy turned out to he n mim good natured child obo accepted the overture of her audience 1th be coming roekneas a pat on ibe bead from a total strnnccr nohcllix a kind look from the rounjc lady s larce tfe eessrhlch perp forth like pretty but tons on old fanhtonm show rover was not so meek at the game pat on ihc head from the same total stranger he snarled bjtterly and would have aieneed the indlltnlty with blood but for the the woltcs are only about ten months old hover weight drert poundir and rnmsorw abont fire feet from the tip of his snow washed note to the end of his scragfy tall patsy weighs about elrtty fhe pounds and is several inches shorter unf rover in addition to fhe two live wotrei th captain baa aeten dead onta douden clnlms 1 record in shoot idc the last wolf liter a thoae wl idi lasted fnlj three hours ini for minutes lauill it tnki s several days to corner n wolf the inlnnl takes lonn powerful strides and ccn era ground at an nmazlnit pace but in the present cnire there bad been a hnivy fall of now and the wolf had floundered alonft until doudcrn came within fifteen feet the nnimal then turned mired his tsntu let loose u aeries or how la and leaped at his pursuer the mptaln pulled hr trigger of his cim and a bullet plerr ed the nolfs heavl nnd shoulder durlni thn expedition the humer waa aided bv fred arnott who oner atea the tern kip chain of camps captain doudera brings slth him six thousand feet of films sboa injt u thentlc pictures of wolies in thplr nathe haunts the bporwman re ported that name was very plentiful id the ike temlscamlog dlstrtrl deer ire to be found within a f hundrrf yarfli from eaop jh smith stewarltown wire fencingof all kinds fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds al ways on hand ice ice we have a large quan tity of ice stored or cus tomers and will deliver daily pboocyonr order and ar a range for service ihlqw wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right j h smith phone 84 13 iw h willson ttndsrther and lioenaed mbaljner heja it 0orttwi i night or da mw oi si fire threatens our national heritage carelessness destroys 3000000 acres annually of canadian forest loss of standing timber by fire continues to be appalling on the average over 3500 million board feet are destroyed annually the forests of canada are being deplet ed at a rate they cannot possibly withstand more than half of this de pletion is due to fire insects and de cay the future of the forest indus try is just as dependent on the seed ling trees and young growth as the pulp and paper and lumber mills and industry generally are depend ent on mature timber both must be saved from the ravages of fire in addition to the shelter afforded by the for est to the farmer and his stock settlers in foreatec regions are vitally dependent on the woods for win ter employment care with fire in landclearing operations is all essential burned umber paya no waget canada has the finest inland fiahing in the world but these splrndid food and game fish require clean cold water in the streams to ensure prolific re production forest fires are inimical to fish life game animals attract foreign tourists and in duce canadians to seek pleasure health and adven ture m the great outdoors these animals are die tinctly a forest resourse utterly depsndent on it for protection and food forest fires are most deatruc tiveof such wild life ninety per cent of the forest fires aie caused by carelessness are you doing your part to pre vent this wanton waste and destruction charles stewart minister of the interior speights garage and battery service guelph st on the highway georgetown let batterj oxpoits care for ourbnttery through thssriq- ter months wo call for adil deliver batumei tl lie qatnr installed one of the latent typtof dilindariinndef uo are now m a position to do re grinding work got oar prices on haviotf yoor motor rogroand and fitted with new piatonh and nogs this winter our low prices will surnrim you wealaohaftdtoftllkindofeiectrfcal work inoludioh generators starters magnetos oiy acetylene weldum and general mitbtne work piono 980 day or kiffht arthur r speight propriejtor