Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtieth ygar or publication qeorgetown wednesday evening may 5th 1926 1 go per annum in advi the georgetown herald j m moore pabluar and proprietor ihtr canadian warmr naot paper aooolatiou o if r tim ti uoino east passenger passe ngci passenger mail pasbonqcr mail passenger passenger sunday i going wfflt passenger mail paaeongor mij1 paaacngor paubgdger passenger sunday going nohth mail mail ooinq booth mail mail 7 85 a in 9 14 a m 10 ib a m 11 65 im 8 j tip m 0 80 p ni 8 25 p m 7 21pm 7 ho a 8 16i 2 12 pm 4 co p g02p ra 7 08p 10 24 a m 800am 4 65 pi 11 15ai 7 84 p t canadian national electric railways toroato bubarbaa rallwai eastboljbd westbound daily no 2 7 10 a m 4 9 67 tun c 11 67 turn 8 1 67 p m 10 8 67 p m 12- 6 67 p m 14 7 67 p m 16 9 67 p m 1811 68 p m tram nos 1 and 4 rim daily except sunday daily train no 1 7 86 a m 8 9 8g am 611 8gom 7 1 84 p di 9 8 85 p m 5pm directory hilton wallbrioqe dale barrlttsra sollaiura it toronto ud omrgatown offlca kaonady block l bar dala id obarf of thorn k q heir barrister solicitor etc office hill si georgetown hourf 9am lo5p m open welnesday and saturday cveni ouuieiwe h widows buhatar llleltor lfotary pnbllo otoo0jtou block omrcatown hour 9am lo 5 p m ofeo wodnesda- and saturday even nga atortgwra bttirmwili monay to loan b 1bi pr t jt krcellub physician and 8ursn madlcaj offloar of health oom hours 1 to and 1 to i p m phone m obica and fuatdaooa main street south oppoalu presbyterian c hurts ta dr o f w bom physician and surgeon mill slrem georgetown phone 22 ex house surgeon grace hospital toronto dr o v wluiamt physician and surgeon office and residence queen street south phosesea office hours 9 lu ajn 1 3 and 68 p m do by appointment dr rutaebxaitd eya ear nose and throat specialist st georgetown each saturday hours7ptn uu 9 p m or by appoint ment glasses supplied office at miaa matthew main st home phone 107 r 6 r r watcom d 1 i k d b ohrpuwu odu hoarai 9 to ft eiopt tharaday aflatanoni f l heath ld4 ddi dsntltt offlm in iam blook ana door nortl af onallla carrtaaa faotorr hair ii ib mid n chibopbactio ha afsdloiaa ors7 ostaopauy r elaatslatr lairr attemdabt h hair the most complete and upto ale office chiropractic in ontario iteilieh tia ouniprmtor falsaa otaaaatt uinirrmum olrlce next to o nehfa garage wednesday saturday 2to s7 io 9 p m other dayl and boon by appoint menl pbonelsow residence 1 60j at sahtaa phone 213 tuesday and friday t to 9 p m ma kbatauuc raablrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood beleot immp far domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cauriel coal io fact iotvrry everything to be found in any up tp date ootl and wood yard john mcdonald pbone is georgetown reasonable charges dr vi barnard opt d r 0 optometrist eyesiihl satgalbl rbltrd optonatrlat li eualuuooniuu rl crtl eyes tested glasses fitted broken lenses duplicated lenbes ground io suit your individual sight delays aro dangeroaa have your eyes examined at wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block georgetown paint mom with right paint thats our business a cant of paint wih make your old house look like new inside aed outaido the dingy wrod work and dark walls of yoor houaecn be freebencd up with a coat of paint and changea into bright clean airy rooms all for a very low cost our paints for outside work stand the weather and will make your property mora valuable as well as mora pleas ing for you to look at we sell martin sonour 100 pare paunta enamels varnishes eto flo glaze 80 minute quick drying paunt aubaa- tmo fjuroflco eto our paint will last our pauttb pleask our hardweab wears bdjr yonr haidwai mmi av m graham clements phone 25 j attention hugheymcdonald for oat and plug tobaoeoa au kuuu of pipea and pipe repairs a williams mgr mixl8t oeoroetowat qh4xdllasltjaibailaisadlsaar3ra9ib announcement plumbing heating tinsmithing and electric wiring eahniatrs cheerfully given on all classes of work yom will flnd onr prim m low mm good bvsi- nean mnd quatllly will permit george r muckart pfc3 far qalok arlo agent for good cer funuoe the fnrmtoe with the circle waiter pan do you know tnis o i he rating of trm society of automo tive engineers shows that the studebaker standard six has the most powerful engine in any car of its size and weight come in and try it out jn oneill son georgetown studebaker ready of brampton takes over wemyss 5c lo l store we are pleased to announce to the citizens of george town and vicinity that we have taken over the 5c to i store formerly occupied by r y wemyss it will be our aim to give you value and morebandlso that will save you money we realize that the shoppers of today are out to get the very best value that money will buy and in order to expect your patronage we have got to offer you something above the average in uptodate merchandise the store will be closed rom may 3rd to may 8th to allow for placing our new block our opening day on may 8th will be in the j i fanrr of a big bargain celebration and if you are a shopper who is out for value dont miss it many of our specials will aell oat early m the dy and can not be replaced come early and avoid being dtaappomted watch for our special bargain sale bill readys 5c to 100 stores georgetown and brampton whtr iht corfnl byr bmjm yea yon cam ataurt on monday and have nq forced breaks ir your course session the entire tear at the where individual instruction is given the business world is calling for more guelph business college graduates there is a position for you get the trmininc a i muck whds at fault an jtou reedy ftr amen an iimuimwcgrirat jvovrdi ivflu itfsumno an elmer c iwmtpsqn amu tt service ttttcnowil wtum audttort report georgetown hydro electric sytem mr it 1 horn hid mr ii it minn h ulitors km hsl t ihimwtir i ight s l88l tfi tumiuurt iul i ight 4200 68 toraim rtiol powtr 141 01 mmiripiil powtr 12sh co strutt lighting 2202 00 rund lighting j034i 00 miwtrllaneoiu mil 11 11469 9 1xpln8es power purthosod 2188 w dialnbutilik sjat4m opr mu 2361 m liup transforiuer mtj 41 10 miter vu 92 2 strtt lt orpn 4 mu 156 69 adnimiatruuoii dim nil lip 2448 00 v truck opr 4 mto 107 77 rf lut on debenture 972 74 debenture pnmipul jad sinking fund 480 24 total operating hxpennes t 28149 ho lvpreciation fl 1417 00 s 29666 80 burpluh s 1892 89 11459 69 balance sheet isss99kst assets eiui1b ind buildings 8 12 00 distributing system overln id 22562 62 lme transformers 11112 76 meters 9319 22 street light equipment fc 1304 14 mib tqmpment 4 const fxp 1864 31 old plant 2209 80 total plant 60384 86 3692 66 securities and investments 19093 00 accounts receivable 2006 24 inventones 1319 84 equitj in hydro system 2s719 18 s loollot liabilities debenture balance 8 16732 24 aoconnts pajable 2606 18 other liabilities 4 75 reserve for equity in hydro systra 23719 18 reserve for depreciation 14101 68 debentures paid 4267 76 addiuoual operating surplus 19684 78 100115 77 hdr0 electric commission lero dale mayor j m moore chairman ii c dayfoot misa k d ryan sec trea b forster bleotnoian training in the schools the achools must aopply the moral training which the homes and churches have failed to give in the past according to the viewpoint of mr j h denyes b a of milton president of the inspecton section vt the ontario edoo asaocta tlon who in making his presidential addreas before that section pointed out that it ia impossible to separate moral culture from any other form of culture to be obtained in the choola of the province for as he ezpresaadlt good cruaenahip and cut ture and every other form of intel lectoal skill mart be interpreted in the term of the pupila ability to ipply them to everyday life it u inly whan culture ia applied to life moral aenae that then is the hbtbtat form of crbaeuship one gnat jrroblemb of the day he added an aocu commercial and re ugioua and waffa of these must be approached from the moral view point for the three problems are in aeparahle from morality neither levninc skill nor wealth the social and economic problems of the ago but what u needed is a mor al cooacioubneaa mr denyes went on to declare that if the schools can implant in the minds of the children the proper conception of obedience honesty truthfulness and all the al lied traits which accompany those characteristic much will have been accomplished in the direction of building a moral cititeruhip which will make its influence felt in the years to come instruction alone he added is not aufflieient so far as morals are con cerned in other words it is not enough to give the pupils weekly or daily lectures on morality the re- qulrementa being practice we are told that we have a moral training in everything he added but i am afraid that is not a fact mr denyes went on to point out how some of the schoolrooms and playgrounds are neglected how they are darren and cheerless and such surroundings as that he feared must always make for immorality on the other hand the school which a taste fully decorated inside and out which has flno playgrounds adorned with shrubs and trees must have a sub conscious effect on the moral up bringing of the children the im portance of the physical environments must not be overlooked when trus tees are considering the morals of the children for pictures upon the walls and flowers in the grounds are sdent teachers of morals whose force an not be measured or expressed in 1 definite terms r denyes felt that it is not sufn cient that moral training should be direct in other words it is not enough to teacn the ten command ments the ethical element he felt ia strong enough to stand on its own feet but in spite of that it is not in human nature to accept gracefully and constantly harping upon the eth ics therefore the matter of moral training must be approached from a more scientific point than that the spesker made an appeal against extreme class or race con kuusneas all nations and perhaps all individuals have a race or class coaaciousneaa but that h in itself immoral that ia the sort of thing that breeds racial hostilities and war and those thinn are immoral so anything which can be done ia the way of overcoming class or raccj con aciousneaa will be a marked stride in the direction of teaching morals i dont belreva in the war bust mr denye added histories i know are to a certain william kirkwood near after many weeks of patient a fcringand weakness william k n quietly passed away at his residence on young street acton on april 23 mr near was the third son of alex ander and annie kirkwood near and was born on lot e concession 9 erin on october 17 1850 when he was 30 he married susan scott of erin they resided in erin for four years and then removed to lot 26 conces sion 1 esquesing when they re mained for five years from this farm they went to lot 3 concession 18 enn which was their home until three years ago when they settled in acton three sons and one daughter wen born in their borne ernest h of toronto william p of detroit richard s of munson alta and margaret mrs d f west of enn mr near was an industrious man of fine character esteemed bv all who knew him he was a member of the methodist church and a liberal in elittes six brothers survive fred lllnafad david brampton harry erin james detroit george george town and walter collingwood what makes a great nation the uni versal answer is power and when you ask them the meaning of power they interpret it in terms of armies and navies that is an absolutely immoral idea and the sooner it it overcome the better it will be for bu manity obituary very appropriate father dear father come home with me now for ma has some car pets to beat shes got all the furni ture out in the yard from the steps clean out to the ttreet the stove must come down and be put in the shad and the yard must be sheared of some grass for its time to clean house and the deuce is to pay and the front windows need some new glass father dear father come home with me now and bring some bologna and cheea its most 1 2 o clock and theres nothing to eat im so hungry im weak in the knees all the dinner well hare will be cold scraps and such anrv we ii have to eat standing up too for the table and chairs an out in the back oh i wish the house cleaning was through father dear father come home with me now for ma is at mad as a turk she says you re evading the issue at stake and youd better get busy and work theres painting to do and pa per to hang and the windows and casings to scrub for its houmsctfan ing time and you ve got to come homt and revel in suds and cold jrrub pmui rnnuh in 1925 the postal revenue at tug offices in hallon and as follows acton balhnafad campbell vilie elon erin georgetown gtenwilliams hornby kilbnde milton sponsible for war when you go rockwood fat k school room and ask the pupua stnattviile th- account idnitifj m jt rrai 54 145 si 1401 44 24146 63 9329 52 154e ib 6255 26 209b 81 127h0 51 100r4 46 619 730 07 196 24 10b70 75 488 69 16153 97 416 33 992 58 2g96 6b in 76 mother mother llnv t il i i lt1 lisps uh it tptukx th niiti muthir the i hunt by putt- min for ovu tis wi ii ii a fiimi mother with quick lomnilirj im th cugtr school boyh tjij mothir thi fetblt quu nni nun from ibbing lift uwn bul thi young lift whist in tl uno vanishes all too soon no richer gift comis from aum tifi jtcavin a gnattat boon happy the yearavf childhoo i 1 1 uf youthand manhood bold that know a mothers lovi compht krrnltr than tttalth untold shim hk unit soft her lomtr if juhi us in days of jorx an added gleam of i nnulwe sint from thnt blissful shor tinder nnd kind the gontli fnri the lingering umik so fair and heavens no itranjri and furoff ijinci mother inter 1 th r lnurn c hurrouili go to sunday school day sunday may 9th 926 is sufficient attention being giviil to the religious training and tteetojj ment of the children and youth of today are parents guiding their chudren aright or an they shirking their duty if they are shirking why tt is home life ideal an par its trying to save themselves trou e and responsibility the establishment of a homi bnngb with it a great responsibility to par ents and to their children to thi rid around them and to futun generations schools churches sun day schools and society cannot taki the place of the home or assumi thi parents duties but thiy should bi allies of the home in securing a bet ter citizenship and in producing a night- r type of moral character to give prominence to thesi quis tions so that they may receive mon careful consideration than is now be ng given a day has been set apart throughout the dominion to be ob served as go to sunday school day it has been felt that in the sunday school wphave an institution work ing definitely and effectively for thi development of moral character and the training of- christian citizenship and it shquid have the wholehearted cooperation of every parent and e ery home an effort is being mad- on this day sunday may 9th to si cure a greatly increased attendance at the sunday school and toenroll a membership which has as ts ideal every last member of the community during the preceding week may 2 9 special attention is drawn to thi religious welfare of little children by the observance of childrens week and in this way by visitation of thi homes a chudren s story and play hour and a parent teachers meet ing the homes and the sunday school e brought into closer cooperation as the observance of go to sundaj school day coincides with mothers day a special program for use in the sunday school and church service a has been prepared and is issued frtk of charge by the ontario religious education council to all cooperating sunday schools while it is deemed worthy and admirable to pay our tri bute to the memory of the mothers who have passed away it is surely desirable that attention be devoted to the mothers of the present and future for upon them depends in a large measure the character of thi citizenship of tomorrow every lo cal citiicn should seriously ask him self whether he does not owe it to his country his community his church and himself to give his support both morally and financially to the ob servance of go to sunday school daj may 9th and in this way help to make the sunday school a strong fuc tor in the building up of a bettir home life in creating a higher cans dlan citizenship remember the date may 9th uml let every one young and old paj u loyal tribute on that day mcmillan returned on friday lost after spending thrr weeks with his son emerson at at lantic city mrs archie mclean 1- rm an i mrs e townsend terra cotta nl tchded the funeral of the late mm malpolm gillies at shelburne on rr day afternoon last bud souter the famous violinist who leads the orchestra known as bu 1 souter and his leased the pavili for the season james a scott a welt knov n an i highly respected resident of lrm township passed away on saturday april 24th at his late resilience lot 11 concession 9 following an illnri of a few v cks adc stamp not nwdad an recaipd the herald has received a nunibi r enquiries regarding the date on which the cancellation of the stam an receipts became eltectm ac cording to an announcement bj tin- customs department the stamp tax on receipts went into effect on april 16 msmy hac been putting thi stimi x on their receipts rather than tnki chance but it m not ncciwarj oakvllla fair dcontmul the annual fair of the trnfaljnr lgncultural society hich hnn beet eld in oakvillc for th prist f years will not be held this yuar af ter determined pftorti hj the officri and directors to carry on the find it impossible was the text of a rekolu tion adopted at the postponed annu il meeting neld in the council hambrr tuesdsj night stnr cn sav fv pr cnt ndrr the pronsionit of h hill ll it passed by the municipal commit of the onurio ickmnturo nnv inpality n empowered to pifs i by law permitting ratepsjers ho o desire to paj their taxes in ahance and receive interest al fi pir ci nt par apnum for so loin thi look like an equitable arrangement for both the municipalit and for thnfn itizens ho may be in a financial position to take advantage of it vour lut amanda the voters list act has be n amended so that now all municipali tics arc compelled to print part 3 with parts 1 and 2 when the population i 1 500 or lew according to word n- ceived b the clerk of the pence of the county from chief r lection of a dymond of toronto in a i where the population exceeds number the clerk of the muntci polity has to deposit with the clerk of the peace three certified eopioi of part 3 this amendment affects all numcipalities in halton count

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