Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1926, p. 2

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rj tilv gforulrto ei pram ma si ii 1020 t m ti muni h and ii ullihurc fr ill lb full jwink rnti ii muiriujif ciik du horn ihomlson itisu diy ajifll ijih vjib to mr nndmn l all i ilkitipsui a iluuktlkr ixtktnv hi mm mu ke muilur bt tennis clnb llldrl u mr untl i mart ted 111 1 huulfjh b ott at uu iliuu uirntown on april ith ija ly iilv k mclean uirdil tlkiiduubhur ul mr nnd mrs j k bull liimhtiusi lo willinm fred ilnk sholbounu died midlllitonal tht family liomt lot t ti rilhsiun lbnut iimf township in lilutsduj afternoon april stii ujti mirkunt mlnaughlon beloved wift of john migibbon in her 8jth tho following loo ttnloctod iui uiouud loinii a beumuoiit ii hunter a cruif j bitrbxr social comtiiittiu mm c v wiumiiib mrs j i kcllj m hntrtton b mimmu 1 lhoiiihon 1 owtns 11 flick t mimuorrihip oimiullci w b void j wilbon uort ibonipbotl migibbon m tnnnor iniirnnment commitliu mrs crcolnmtij farmer ii it mi nuns beaumont tho first dame on each com unit o itjlto codenor wo ark away to the lineat aen n id oilr hiatojjcomo nnd join us in canada a moat oihilirn tior mimnkt sport fyes as iibuiii klnlleraon8 00nfldiria 2 00 jim 100 obituary gioiioi lmmeti in tho deutli of goorgo kinmott ho ims nnny at hi iciu wist of milton butdrday iiflirnauti in lua sixty eighth jcar tliih distni t lnii lust n highly rts pictid lititn deeenmd who dlkm j re lifelong irihbjurmn a d i o btituiilh cutisirinli1 ho is eur iied bi lib uido ithd otiodaugh tci mrs a ii mtgibbod of itoumi toudbbip tho funeral took place from lua into lemdodcp on lueadnj inlortiieot in ecc hreen comitery milton glenwilliams our nulls are getting busy again lho glen woollen mills received n largo ordei last week that ma doccbbitiito working overtime miesjijrtlo marchment mr a it sillers and mr and mrn r c lampbell of toronto spent the week end at joseph marchment mr and mrs r bell and family aro moving to tbeir dew borne at georgetown mrs james boll who bas boon quite ill ib able to be around again the tuns boys of toronto will isit tliu glerod may 22nd they u ill bo in charge of donglas gowdy mr and mrs wm prebsrood entertained a large number of friends lo a dance and sapper friday laet messrs robert and j w uill supplied tho musie while mr j cain performed the dntieb of floor manager it nu enjoin bo occasion mm wm kir by who uudorwent an operation at guolph hospital last week is progressing favorably limehonse the homo of mr and mrs james hamilton was saddened on friday last when their little daogbtej cec ha isabel passed away after an illnoss of diphtheria 8 bo was 4 years and 4 months old and tbe remains wero buried id limehonse cemetery mr and mrs hamil ton haver the sympathy of all in tbeir boro bereavement irs stanley wilson of mills spent the week end at tho home of her parents mr and mrs john nickell mrs robert doughty is visiting friends in guopb mr and mrs sbolbouroo were tendered n reception at the homo of the bridos parents mr and mrs j r scott on monday ing thoro was a large ratboring and an enjojnblo evening was spent m cards followed by refresh mente and dancing mrs james grant who has boon quite ill ib impromng mrs kirkpatrick wbo is over 00 jeorn of age ib cod fined to bor bod yoont hen ealrtln on tuesday evening tho kck c young men s bible class of knox presbyterian church enter taincd tho 1cuc yoong men b bible clasfl of lho united churob about 80 men sat down to a boon tiful suppor served by tho yonng ladies of knox cbnrob after which a pleaaant hour was spent in spceob nnd song tho toastmaster mr alex fraser welcomed the guests fittingly during tbe even ing s entertainment spcecheb were mado b rev k maclean messrs a maclaron robb cameron le ro dale c h ruddy and w t evans instrumental solos were rendered by mr alei fraser misa lcavitt and solos by mr s giaby nnd c scrymgoour community ainpirjfi brought a pleasant evening to n cloao prthdlnvtion to cork familj the men of st george s church upon learning of mr corkes de cmion to accept a position in 8t bjnciotbc que arranged a fare well- meeting in the school room the evenmg before his departure ouing to the very short notice it was impossib e to get in touch with all the nion of the congregation everyone however who could be quickly reached attended and all expressed the sinccrest regret at lho very groat loss oor church and people arc sustaining in the re moval of the corke family mr jorke vne presented with a club bag and mra corke with a bou fjuct on thursday evening lifter choir practice the choir presented mr bob corke with a foontain pen bob i a a good fellow and tho choir members sincerely regret hi leav ing of course bob ib not going so far away just lo puns ontario and it is understood that week end visits to georgetown may be looked for card of thankt wo herebj convoy to friends and ne jrhbora our very sincere thinks for kindnesses and syropmthy extended to ua in our recent rod bereavement by the death of bdcmriy beloved little duti tci mr and mrs a j smethurtt and fimily limehouat large dulcb colony to come to canada immigration history for ontnno t for tho dominion ne will will bo made this bum m or uhtu 40 duub families ih come in oiil part siutl mltio in halton count to engage in irncl farmiok al togelhei there will be our 200 in the party tbe families aerngni at least 11 e persons each tin j have purchased 1 mil atres of laud less than n mile ens of oak mile between the unmiltoii and dundas qighwab upon which they will settle a a miniature dutch common it bach family will occupy from 25 to go acres and each will own its truck farm these people are said to be comparatively well to do but unablo to buy land in holland where all available soil is under cultivation they have band od together and will make halton county their future homo before deciding to come to canada and before buying tbo property re pre sedtatives of tho party camo to canada and gavo it a thorough in spoetion they reported most favorably to those at home this is only the first of parties of the same nature which are ex peeled from holland and it is frob- able that two or more other par ties may come this year b s cadet inspection the high school cadet corps waa inspected yesterday by captain edwards of toronto be e prose ed himself as well pleased with the drill certainly the cadets presented a fine appearance and did their work well considering the short timo there has been this season for outside drill captain edwards baa a genial manner and ib popular with tbe cadets he asked for the school yell and he got it witb a vigour howover be asked the boys if they wanted to keep it a secret if that is why they whibperad it like that then they did give it they almost burst their tonics it was a yoll now come tho shooting com petitions for whioh several prises aro offered about the end of tho month five of the best shots will gp to milton to compete for the county medal church news united chuhcii rev dr dickio s anbjeot next anday morning will bo the glory of motherhood rev mr caldwell s subject for sunday evening will be mothers of salem sabaerlptloni comtac 1a wall wo wish to thank many or our subscribers lor the prompt man in which they havo renewed their subscriptions and we assure them that it is a great help to us financially those who havo boon putting it off would do uu a favor f thoy would send in their renew al at once individually 1 50 or 8 does cot amount to much bnt when several hundred individuals us those small sums itarnoants to a great deal 1 ns therefore you have not yet soot in your remittance please do it now stewartlown ihoro nn a good ntlitidiuiri mntil uimv iiwn by knox uiukii wiiit iwnlt under ihu ojuhikth of mm women h inali lute in lh lojiiiiiimily bull bert on 1 inn hi1h oiimtt laut hittr itirutpr llarrj llak and inn troupe ofcolond bos pul on a splendid iiromiim of choiiiboh jokes etc while bolos uiro contributed b m inn loi rninn wilson acton mekhre hun j hale c d colo anil cbni scrjmgiour miss j lumtl was the nilompnniht at the dose of the program the lad es of the inhtitutc entertained tho taltut to a lunelioon during lho progrnm miss lor riuik wilhou ufidmihs nthol mar sli ii were present id with beaut fu b inflicts mcbxrs h hale am 13 d tulu wilb diichre decka n kalher casen anil mr jack tost with an iwirshiirnptitil reeve appltbi tilled the position of ihairiuuti in an able and pleas lug milliner about fort iiioiiibi rs of orion ludr0 1 o o f iaid a isit lo ac ton oiblfollowr lust evening when tliodivee tuim pul on tht- first uwie lhj ttiro henilil rnluatrd for tht ir splendid work and all were baiujac ttd at the iom of lb luive au is not gold that glitters also all cake is not fit to cat that is fixed up to catch the eye our baking ib made from pure wholesome home made receipts they are made to eat ours are superior not inferior servus corn flakes the red nod white package s for 2flc coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small gg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also cojke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown grain seed for sale choice seed oatb o ac and rennlc i early yietdi choice seed llirley lu ccnic kcd clover altke timoltiy beat quabtiri government standard alelt l noble gontetottn elevator 2moi for slucru house 7 toomi stone found a tion on vicloua ilrcel college view waler and clc trie light in hmik n cei cotolrd apply lo thou whilmnitb 01 r a i nick finder plead thrmptom store slewm graham browns bakery confectionery there most be something wrong when a man in business insinuateirhts opposi tion ib selling inferior goods we irave this to our customers to decide and judging by increas ed sales on all lines we are still selling no i goods as usual at the lowest prices sa turd a y cand y trea t week end chocolates reg 40c 2bo cocoannt ditties 29a saturday ice cream treat fresh fruit sundae 1b n h brown bakery 202w pbones confectionery 20 for sale concrete blook ho uae divided concrete oollar 9 rooms and bath room all well finished closets pantry two lots just ootsidotown limits bard and soft water 4 000 00 small pay meet down eaayj terms ala aobr tk tot kn mm qa abt llat rar fkn and tht pnpmrtr wltk ma j a aberdeen rj xrtftja bnkarsft pwi uatriram pfche8t georgetown box 1 more flavour dont tart your enjoyment of muotaid to occasional uic with cold mean it bivcs more flavor to hot meat too harpens the appetite nculralbea the richness ot fat foods and makes them easier to digest veerismustani kb j digestion can you save money tin list li jjliiipk did is uifillahk an jo iiumiy if not dropout you mil lose i live flu nttd ofjum cess it not in iiu i keui itudent of lift lusuriliu tuikis swing iis b mjkiiig it lnnl to sp tid that is om of thi rliaoii3 v hj sound buhiiilsa mi u ncoranniid hfi uhuranee as the ideil form of samiips sunt iiviug uo ufd put juur tuvuigs ivhtn you will not be feinpiw to spend them in rest tu lift it will be a pleasure to tell you about the various forms of policies and the advanta ges whicn each offers h r mimms georgetown po bov s72 phone 114 sullal ufe msuiamx co new york re0 is food tea tea er s day dont forget mother on mothers day what could be nicer than some small gift of china we have several approptiate pieces vases etc from 100 up wilsons jewelry store oneill block georgetown in every way better come in and try the seating space in the better mclaughlinbuick there is mof e of it added head room added leg room added width in seats for both driver and passengers mclaughlinbuick engineers have discovered new ways to increase in ten or space they have made the better mclaughlin buick more roomy than other cart of even longer wheel- base it is a fullsized man aised car for grown up people to nde in without being squeezed in come in and try it i thu mw low gmac bmoang ntn in avultble to putthsier ot mclaghfin balck on time s vking i dealer msiaoghunbuick arc you contemplating buying a home io beorgeloun or would jou like to purchase a braulllul lol and build lor yoursell if you arc we would like the pleasure of showing yiu something that would mcu your purse and satisfy yourmdiiidual tustes we have brick stone frame and stucco homes in every section of the town some with double lots otheis with stable or garage wxlvansgo insurance ohiai estate new advertisements loc uts cash with 1 tont just one more week to win 49 other valuable prizes ask your nearest dealer see our previous announcement what are the eight points of excellence in the fiscbman diner spring mattress guailnteed five years sea a fischman ii lt spring mnttrcas at your nearest dealers name below and aak him to tell you why the fischman is superior to all other mattresses then write and t ub in as few words as possible what the tinht points of ic lince aro in the fisihrnan inner spring- mattress laumtili ahlch are n idnd b judat i nrul lh judrca iq ba tht i1 lu utnr- do not n anr mopir jtnl a tlw hiclwn sprln c npn sprln utmmt fischman spring co limited kitchener ont fischmnn inner spring mmt- trassea may be seen at tho dealers listed bulow barg in town properties a nice groom brick houao modern condolences price 200000 terms easy on tho outskirts ot georgetown a beautiful 7 room stone houbornicolj doooratod electric light and furnnoo garago stable hen bouse and npplo shed 4 acres of spy orchard and small fruit this is a morjoy maker and hits paid from 700 to 1000 a jear prloe 5800 terms das see or call e a benham if you want to buva rico homo for little money also farms and other properties phone 164 georgetown box 4bo tomatoes choice quality t 2 23c i 3 25c aylmer tomato soup 219c domino brand tomato f 1s catsup 1 oc tiger brand catsup l tea r1chmell0 ctrl ft aim 79c lb select 73v dilblk63 slxbln4unlj hmiiii milk 2 25c connkei329 mclarens jellt powders 3- z5c marmalade stuarts orange 3 1b jar iarhc 35c waterglass 14c tin safety olc matches li in assorted sandwich biscuits 29k aylaier uce10t r as50kte aylaier apple sauc1 as 3 1- 14c prices id affect for o wwl fro jala at this hpw 123c put urn torai f koj pa aji nl lltrnld ll cedar pots for sal to rent ii bi comfo tatik 11 in j f r ncn ar si i sell two nhielculu for sale sit 11 ix suilahk for liinkinn radio v no 1 linn w r i or lok 67 norv 1 to rent ii ur herts 1 1 nod lsrdcn land died u jv 1r plaai h viml nlible driving h jn the prtmislb opposite golf kito wr kk georfrc- 2jp m km whl for sale neioiicl hand lufiky wheel id ii red new u trsi clatu ron riie very reasonable james b neks nith norval 2ip for sale ray oor i ace d 15 tourml 1921 lei o ilv driven about 5000 miles i rlv new cord tirea a 1 median ii a i condition pai n and utiholalering like new e sr limehouse ont for sals pcalry rug 10 ft 6 m by 12 ft 32 jmriis lapeilry carpel velour bedsteads and soma will be sold vi able if t glenwillia d very re- r win for sale 3 goodyear cord ures nlh tubus 32icf paatore to rent t oh ndrcd i ra good pa lurtt land ed lol squeainf km ttcad on 10 w t bvan g nir n phc nelsj if plu far bale if otloe to tr piasera any person trespassing oo my prcmisi iin the 9lh line between georgetown ai he glen will be prosecuted i sarnen to rt roomed house on m unlock street nc light water inside newly renova i mmediate possession apply lo ii t arnold t to rejat seven roomed bouse with all convent en lbs on john si 18 per month apply ll e a ben ham geoigelown i wood for salo 1 have secured a large quantity of jdry beech anj maple delivered anywhere in rvnorclenw ii ami at 4 00 per load out a cord of 12 inrh vroodt alao cut ii al 3 00 per load at d mixed wood jt 350 per load also carrots pinups and beets j brandford bo im gorve- n phone 135 r bobm for halo cemcnpblock house with bam ben pens dnvinp sbed and 2 lota juil outside of gcorfrrlown on 9th line low taxes apply mrs mirk clark phone 264 georgetown for sal barley buckwheat wheat w tl browne co norval hake tie world au by pleuliif hia ap petit vou should be pleased if his appetito ib fu roc i on a add to the atreofitb of his good right arm with steaks and ubops and rooetaof flaoat quaht nr wmarklt the home of quality meats 1 l phone i8w i j j smith slewarllowii wire fencing of all kinds fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds al ways on hand ice ke wehavc a large quan tity of ice stored fqi cus tomers and will deliver daily pbone your artier u ar- ruge for service n0w wood of al kinds delivered in town kindling a special- ty prices right j h smith phone 84 13

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