Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1926, p. 3

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matthews your health your appearance your comfort all doend very largely on your toolh brush and the way in which you use it dr west s 1 ooth brush is especially designed to reach the out of the way crevices where ninety per cent of dental decay begins it is made in adults youth s add child a sizes at joc 3r and 25c buto the cdnpona whlnh come with anoh large broth 8 of thvta coupon entitle the bearer to now bruah free personals d j matthew drugs mid stationltly local news items mothers day sunday band concert friday got jour lawn mower rend how uboub a increase cam wear a flower in nioiiiory of mother no sunday ladies f spec in i this shoe store dod t miss the band qoncert in the own ball tbia fridiy oveo ing may 7th euchro and dance at tbo arena tharsdaj may 6th a hood time is assured all who attend tbo regular meeting of the town council will be held on en day evening of thisweok our high school ball team won a hard ball game and lost a soft ball game at burlington yes terday after noon qaite a nnmbor of our local fiportb took in tbo ball game at the opening of the dew stadium at toronto lost thursday the band held a successful dance in the arena last thursdoy night harmony orchestra of brampton a applied the music the remains of the late chris tma smith aged 70 years of bmmp ton wba died on bu lord ay last were interred in glenwillmms cemetery on tuesday afternoon there are a number of shade trees on onr streets which need trimming quite badly bomo con tain dead limbs which should be removed as a serious accident may resalt to some pedestrian what will probably be tbo last meeting of tbo season of george town and eaqueemg humane sooietv will be bld in tbo coun cil chamber on wednesday oven ing may 12th at 8 o clock bemamber the cuchro and dance to be given by the young people of holy cross church in the arena to morrow thursday evening may 6th cards at 8 oolock everybody welcome some of oar local fishermen bad very good catches on may 1st mr dave lawson of 8 to wort town caught a specked beauty that weighed 2 lbs while mister harry law bod baa a pair tnat woighed over 8 lbs thb town reservoir at silver creek needs looking after the property is wide open the fence around he reservoir is delapidi ted and fallen down m places an the place generally ioolb sadly neglected four generations of major grants family attended banday school and oh arch service at knox presbyterian church labt sunday they were tbo major mrs law son mrs arnott early and her son bobby thb aoton photo studio offering as a special inducement to the people of georgetown and vie loity who wish photographs at a reasonable price railroad fare deducted from price of photos b b armstrong proprietor lip listen after all tned remo dies and medical aid failed to treat your adenoids catarrh bronchitis tonsil i tie and other nosn throat and tonsil troubles try tho guaran teed jeinedy mrs spahrs sybillo tonsititis guaranteed at wat boh s drug store browns have just received a shipment of wi i lard a paokage oboolateb in largo assortment various prices also betty brown buy mother one for sunday at dont forget wo have button hole flowers for mother sday browns bakery and confectionery ladies 1 leave your house cleaning for friday afternoon may 7th and romo to the public library at 8 p m to boar mi q symthe pres of the ontario prov couooil of women give address on the problems before the women of ontario conjctfthwlll be luken and bring a friend disat bd sapper a dance and sapper coder the auspices of l0 l 08 will be bald in the community hall btewart town on friday may htb claude wade orchestra dancing at 8 80 sapper at 12 ticket 47cplui tax r uduud percival mayes rector all saints church niagara falls was inducted into to his new charge monday night by bishop p owen of niagara the induction bermon was preached b arcbdea con c l ingles toronto there was a very large congregation pres- 3 iourlonto o ac i armors excursions to the on no agricultural colleko thisyoai ii bo run from juno h to hlh is cxpitlul tit it the eiiuraiora nrb vvcio resumed last enr after bating been discontinued foi time will be as well ut leaded 1926 hut in view of tho late nebs in galling on the land tins year the attendance may affected to xoiito extent reaentation to mr wuyu previous tohib romomil to 1 ren o mr r y wemysa was pro died by tho members of ii alto n chapter on i ndny oventug last with a beautiful fountain poo and mrs wemyus have been hood citizens during ihcir eta w town and have made many friends who doeplj regret their removal the best wishes of all for future health happiness and prosperity ii fallow them to their new home helton count finance auditors roport of hal too for 1825 hah just been completed by ralph c young co chart ered accountants loronto and shows that the receipts for the just pnet amounted to a total or 006 407 02 vitb disbursments estimated at 008 770 10 leaving a balance in the bank of 2 828 82 the asuetsot the aunty aro eatidi ated at 076160 83 and tbo ha amount to 058 160 02 loaving a surplus of asaota ovor liabilities of 28 020 81 hydro he mine snrplna a very ratifying report of the hydro auditor appears id this is iuo and shows a not surplus of nearly 2000 in addition to furn sbing a service for power beat ind light that is unexcelled at a noderato rate there baa been a splendid surplus each year after providing for debentures interest and an amplo amount for doprecia tion much credit tor lb is sploud- sh owing is due to the efficient services of miss ryan the seoro tary treaauier and mr ben fors- tor electrician entertained hookey boy ihe membors of tbo ladies hockoy club entertained the mem hers of the junior and intermediate teams to a euchro and dunce in the arena on wednesday o veiling last the winners in the euchro contest wero mrs c b buddy and mr w v grant while theconflola- tion prises went to reeve mcln tyro and miss m soie dohciout refreshments were served follow ing thoeuohre affcr which the re maindor of the evening was spent in dancing miss jessie leavitt id miss may of brampton plan itu preeentatlen an interesting event took place at tho home of mrs herbert on friday afternoon lost when the women b auxiliary of st georgi church assembled there to b farewoll to mrs corke and present her with a life membership cortifl cat and gold bodge in affection ate remembrance of her faithful services for the past ten vcars mrs beaumont sr made the pre eon tat i oo and apoke with great appreciation of mrs corke e de votion to duty before the meet wbb brought to a close re fresbments wero served and a social hour was spout rex theotr wednesday may 5th stage struck starring qloria swanson chapter 2 of galloping hoofs comedy thundering landlords friday may 7th fifth aven ue models starring mary philbm and norman kerry comedy- cheap skates fox news satnrdaj maj 8th matinee at 8pm tho man on the box from the celebrated novel and stago play bj harold mcgrntb starring byd cbapjin the star of cbarlevs aunt comedy maid io motoclo hodge podge nep tune a domain coming little annie roopoy with mary pickford normal softool hud honored tho following from a washing tan d c paper refers to a brother of mr hugh black bequcsing nod an old qeorgltowu higb school boy president jeorge h block of ellensbun normal school has just received not flcation of bis election as first vico president 6f the national association of teicb ers colleges at the annual con vention beld at wasbtngton dc he was unable to attend tbe con vention tbie year beoaase of a press of work at bis school prea ident black will continnc ft dir ector of the pacifo coast unit of the association which includes all tbe states from the rockies west to the psciflc tbe unit was orfistiieed a tear ago end mr black was dado director at that time hib election as first vice president of tbe national brganixa tion of iducatora is regarded here as a spfendjd recognition of bis work inneacber training mi in ilavi ml t it hituiitio mh toll tin 011 h ispit i u mn clli si nilli of 111 11 oil km tins lay mrh 11 s wiltumitnlmih i tin withiin of a urn hi ml i u mii w hi mm w c hihs mr h udl wrmle voitl at son o toronto p nl bundiy i to wriiiileaiilih ami r c lav torn ad muiku of lo will r- w ii lmt nai in iliy attuiduik tho fui sister in law mis join col a h can enter of hiinnl n ronnmlil is uniting at liil linine of int daughter ms j d kdly dr and mis bntton and son oarnit of toronto hero guests of ir and mrs a m grundy on undaj mi and mrs arnott 1arly of oianto and mactor walter liw in c f appelta school spiht the cek ond in town mr and mrs s h mi gibbon and family werowt mansewood on onday attending tbe funeral of r mcgibbona mother major grant and miss m law n attended tbe funeral of the late mrs john mcgibbon at mansewood on monday mrs j a traij has returned to her homo in stowarttown after spending tho winter at the home of hor brother in london galdwoll attended tbe first executive meeting of tbo gueiph preabytenal of tbe lulled church w m s in gueiph lust week mias lola ker a roturned mis siooary from chengtu china spent tbo week end at tbo united church parsonage she was a toother in the school whore miss fmilv cald ill is now teaching mrs h p lawson and daught misb mitrj lawson returned homo last wetk after spending the winter in california when in oregon mrs lawson had a plea visit with mr and mrs f barber formerly of georgetown tbo many fnenda to town and vicinity of mrs b f camoron who is taking treatment at toron to gonorul hospital will be sorry to learn that she is not progress ing as favorably as bad been hoped for card of thanks for the many kindnesses and sym pa thy extended to us by friends and ignbors during our recent sad be res vo- ent by the death of a beloved little mghter we hereby convey our very sincere thanks mr and mrs james illton lmehouse 1 1 1 c cuss banqueted hockey team on tuesday evening of last week the members of tho i c u c class of tho united church tendered their hookey team a banquet in tbe sunday school room of the church they were very ably as- istsd on tbo occasion by the young ladies of mrs h m ken ned b class at 8 o olock about one hundred members of tho class and tboir guests sat down to a magmflcient repast arranged on tastily decorat ed tables and served by the joong ladies after all bod partaken to tbo full of the many good things provided mayor dale who was the toaetmastor of the evening called the gathering to order in ft noat speech he explained the objeot of tbo gathering and congratulated the boys on their splendid sports man ship and success during tbe past season in winning ten games and one draw out of eleven tbe toast list was as follows tbe king proposed by toast master response uod save tbe king tbe cburch proposed by j w kennedv resioneebjh caldwell s t l dr dickie 1 d i c u c class proposed by h b mimms response by mr c ruddy a mclaren and dr mc coll m clow the hookey club proposed by w long robpanso by groj hi nedy roy king our teacher proposed by class singing several verses o how do you do response by w t evans our guests proposed by bert parr response by mrs caldwell mrs dickie the speeches of those whoec names appear on the toast lift were much appreciated and enjoy ed as were also the vocal solo by mr archie black and tbe recita tion b mr allan boocy a vote of thanks was tendered tbo ladies bv mr p b harrison to which all responded and a pleas ant evening was brought to a close by the singing of blest be be tie that binds ri t mu u hi i mi lull in mtud i n h ilmlliiim tint rti l i u in inj inn iif mht 1 llhtldl h hi c ii 1 1lklrj cllldu ki c ii out inui in the ill l m n ii lliti t a b willson jeweller the fresh flavor of delicious salada green tea is preserved in th airtight salad a packet finer than any japan or gunpowder insist upon salada mcbeahco p tinsniilhiiifl plumbing healing electric wiring you will find us in the same stand aa usual with graham and clememls estimates gladly given careful attention to repairs j w kennedy phones shop 25 house 180 tenuis and outingshoes lifebuoy 1 mcbeanco j h georgetown lifebuoy a complete line now in stock for men women and children d brill co georgetown optional roates between toronto and gvelpn forth accommodation of pat rons who purebnse canadian nat tonal rail wsj a steam line round trip tickets locally between tor onto and norval georgetown limehouse actou or gueiph tbe canadian national flectnc bail ways wjd bobor within limit eurb tiokets one way when tho steam hoes train service does not meet the convenience or the passenger this will permit patrons from out aide points to spend tbe evening in toronto or gueiph and return on later carp stopover at inter mtaiit points u not permitted neptunite neptunite varnishes lowe brothers neptunite varnishes are ideal for either exterior or interior use they have the distinction of being the only varnishes that have successfully withstood the heat from a hot iron on their surface they will not turn white crack under the hammer teat or show heel marks ice and snow or rain have no effect on them they produce a remarkably beautiful finiah they wear longer and cost less than moat good varnibn neptunite varnishstain is a high grade varnish stain it varnishes and stains in one easy operation the stain colors are nonfad ing neptunite vamish stain has splendid wearing qualities and gives a fine mirror like gloss easy to use dries quick has a surface like glais that is free from sticki ness and dusts off easily house paint lowe brothers high standard liquid paint covr fully half as much more than a sotailed cheap paint more than this high standard is so easy to apply and lasts so long that it is conceded bv hun dreds of users to be the most economical paint per square foot it comes in a splendid range of beautiful colors nd produces a high floia flmih that wean off evenly leaving the inr face in splendid condition for repafntidsr trf it when next you paint mellotone flat wall paint for interior decoration it is a liquid paint ready for use mellotone combines the delicacy of a water paint with all the durable elements of a load and oil paint it is very economical and easy to apph it can bb wash ed with soap and watt s color fast and covers 900 square feet to the gallon thursday bargain day specials rl mb pill ifce hivt coin jup 2 1b tin blo ulvolom syrup pint bottle tiger drand cut m quart bottle catsup fwrbanktt ttioiinng soap in lur p ag lurprise tuiufoil an i pml flcxo a pure ho in hake anthoi brand jely powder 1 foi hnle brand connensed milk tarnation milk bubs m7c 4 fm clark h poik nod beans in 1 ill miui sue 3 peas i for kipper snacks 1 foi chicken iladdie prepared mustard in glfibh tiij h seedless raisins 2 lb for seedless raisins i pkfts for b ilk duton 2 lb for little chip marmalado robert bod s wild bramble m annul sde roberts roman meal kellogrb bra lombard plu blueberries flakos try a loai oi gueiph bakery bread it has been very satisfactory to oar cus tomers pep 2 boxes 2go bran boxes 25c p g soap 4 bars 25c gold soap 4 bars 2oc best sardines 2 tins 1 2gc peas 2 tins 25c kippered snacks eaab 05c pjlulppio per tin 18l we deliver m forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 s8asst88si saturday treat bay ckudj far yonr children tor jonr ttor mid yonr brother boy sandy for yonr btr fent da t forget your mother fiflother likes candy my boy mother likes candy daugh tcr she feels that her children are being mighty good to her when they remember her with s tasty little package of sweets the candy habit m one that i worth forming it ia a health help if the candy is pure our soda fountain serves folks who like tempting dnnks served m nitery and pleasing surroundings and lemon slices iu tho real fruit the lai time i had these on they did n go around make nun of von this week and get them tarty i saturday reg 40c saturday tra weekend chocolates it ih indeed a pleasure tu hnnd nut our line of chocolates special whin we got complimented ii often 911 their fine flavor an i quality price docs not col n hi much as quality wl havi th quality get your chorolales nl our store hard and oft c ntrei weekend choc 32o we have a lovely box of m irn chocolates thnt any mother w old be glad lo receive why not tli ii for your mother think of lur while she is with you pne ssl up mmmm autogloss there is no needto drive a shabbv car when anv amateur cait refinish his car in a few hours with lowe brothers auto- gloss autoglots produces a finish of remark able beauu and depth it lows out evenly and leaves no brush marks or overlappings it is permanent and impervious to the weather wo will be very glad to supply you with literature telling you how to re store the finish to your car you will be sur finaed lo learn how easy t u grandys the pure food store r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown grocery specials prunes 4 lbs bnoswoet prunes 2 jik lynn alley corn s tins frankford enrly june pi as wagstnlts strnwberry jam empress brand raspberry 1 pumpkioss tins todhuntots famous 1 oflei blncktta in bulk icr lb japan tea m bulk 1 er ih greeninr npplts pei id spy apples per pi fine salt r fine salt 50 tb hn ooarae salt nor ct conine salt 50 lb ban dairy ialtfi0 lb b iu i a m grandy a phone 75 111 sihslidlmsmirulecj prompl delivery

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