Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 5, 1926, p. 4

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paok j business generally good the qkobokiown ukhaio m wo clip tbo follow mtc fioin the april ilnmnnsh summitry ihkiuj b the hunk ofjrlunticnl unlnrio wlilulo hoiioes nrc idiiyih 11 wlihlilly improved vol ilmu of trado comrirej willi lnnt iar uaevii fifties or boasonablc kuhlt noods however were re 1 tiudedby i in lenient wenthflr col oci1034 uru lieink riuiafuclorily iuct work on die iliunl will com men ro n foitmght inter limn a icnr huo there ib nn noumliiiitp of innmtiire full whont hun win to red well mid conditions hum tbr iirncoltural viewpoint uro pro pitioua pnriueis dibpttbiil nikd nro marked by guod attendance nnd pood pncen mid itnlub coa aro in kpccml demand ioduotry us ft wholo is more uctive pulp nod paper companies continue to produce at capacity ajjnuiiltuial implement miinuftiurorn nro busy and finished steel compnniod fire well employed ileoent reductions in tbo tariff on motor cam inako it noco6aary for mairnfaitlurord to submit tbo changes embodied in the budget to an intensive studj boforo they nro able to gauge tbo full edoclh with tbo advent of open weather aetnity in the northern minion camps a increas ing ploh li-tikik- 1 ihi united cliurc wiri very lioaplulily ontortuiilcil h hi nuinbirs of knox chunh youti 1o1ib guild n monday iiuiiiir i mr w j starred ulio sold his fitim lit uramnliti i the harvey fnrm on tin- i mr und mrs starred have uuninud with acton nnd t mr a t llrown acton been for twentyfive yearn of tin upper canada flilili for a do n linn been pi ii of the society on growing potatoes pii i contributions to hospital toronto april 2rd li2i the treasurer if the muskobi hospital for consumptives desire- kratefully to acknowledge hie fol iowiok conlributiooh received in georgetown bj the field secre tary of tbc national sanitarium association coated iapor compnnj 1000 j 11 birtkham 50o jje fleck coo jco floral company 8 00 day foot com pan 100 it iiobb ba 2 00 mihs james 200 mipsbponson 2 00 harloykay- 200 geo dobaon 200 a norrington 200 geo lumber co 200 d j matthowa 100 a m grandy 100 lceoy dale 100 rev h caldwell 100 w c beasey 100 r jcreelman 100 dr fwatson 100 jn oneill 100 c graham 100 h dobrol 100 a simpson 100 j mcdermid 100 a friend 100 buodry subscriptions 3 7g 6675 and tv bargain t that a little boy got into the babit of saying darn of which hia moth er naturally did not approve bear sho said to tbo little boy here ie ton cents it isyoorail you will promise mo not to eay darn again all right mother he said as be took tbo modoy l pro mi bo as he lovingly finger ed the money a hopeful look came into his oyee and ho said say mother i koow a word thats north fifty cents co of toronto for the purchase of n monument to edmmemprute the mory f our boys wno p th supreme sacrifice in the grunt war of 1u14j8 thu monument is solid canadian granite standing on a ped- estalconmslmfi of three blocks of eremite eight six und five feet square respectively the tablet on which will be inscribed the dedication and four feet square slightly tapering to a height of six feet si mounting this is the figure of a ct adian sojdlcr in uniform eight feet tall the total height being 18 feet from the ground the figure is a magnificent piece of work an exact reproduction from an original photo graph the face and figure carrying a sentiment the knowledge of which unconsciously increases and it must be seen to bo appreciated work on the foundation will begin almost im mediately in victoria park which has been decided on as the most suitable lc the approximate cost of the jmpleted monument will be 5000 and the committee confidently expect that the citizens of the town and sur rounding community will contribute generously to raise the balance re quired to make up the above amount champion w h willson undertaker and i licensed embalmer eala it qortowa j automobile or horsodrawn hearse j phono night or day 54w or 5lj wall papers i t our 1926 samples to hand we offer a splendid choice of interior decorations if you are going to re decorate any of your rooms do it now this is going to be a busy sea son act now and save disappointment ask to see my samples es timates given 1 with bell iii fcflui the list in the 86lh ig fnelidi from a dl sent at mm- funeral of the late mrwilliam k near onsun- day mr and mrs griirnoii nnd miss griernon h lambert und miss k leilcb guelph mr nad mrs gamble mr and mm b johnnton itockwood mr thompson fergus mr george near mr and mrs m near mr samuel worden of georgetown james near detroit walter near collingwood miss 11- liott churchill mr and mrs barber toronto mrs marshall and lloyd mr and mrs g berry mr moms mn it scott mr g scott miss sin clair erin mr nnd mrs win thomp son and mr and mm e li snow of norval free pria the mijiluted a man was bragging about hia car i havent paid a cent for repairs einco i got it a year ago he said yes said a man stand ing by thats what the garage man told me jacksons only 1 here is great valne in dairy pails we know there exists a big de mand for a wellfinished goodwearing sanitary dairy pail selling at a popular price here it is the bmp dairy pail new trie bm them in the tore take a look at the big car note theabiencc of all cracks and crericea and mark the low price- only one dollar equip your dairy thronthent with smp dairy pails ladies shampooing harcelluhi 4ndcubusg frizzing and singeing try ns ourprices are reasonable mr mrs jb lillieo appoints rktie 218w 1 1 e bludd paperhanging ontaide and inside painting natural wood finishing phone 5 r 5 fish chip cafe all kinds of fresh fish phone orders delivered good meal for 25 cents t b bcwlll lg plwu 259 gewgctowii collections we eude codecuns only r no smdlh t nothing too old small inrge or hard for ob to vime hmn m aa on ho collection no cbaboe kelly aiken coiuaois orakttlikai own boud sales1233 cost 27j5 the difference between a successful year and an unsuccessful one is only about 15 think how easily you can increase your sales r 10 or 15 this year by plan ning to go after business systematically by long distance every day we receive new evidence from mer chants in mediumsized towns who have tried it for the first time and are surprised at their suc cess here is a recent case number of sales 17 number who subsequent ly bought 27 total amount of sales 1233 total cost of 44 calls 2715 percentage of selling cost 22 try long distance selling and con- f vkice yourself y now is the time floor covering congoleum linoleum oilcloth rugs and by the yard attractive new patterns that will add cheerfulness to any room in the home a good assortment to choose from wall papers nothing can take the place of wall paper which returns so much costs little transforms a cheerless room into anything your artistic ideas incline new artistic patterns are this year very reasonably priced beautiful colorings something new away from the old weak meaningless stripes of the past let us entertain you in displaying them when you visit us draperies curtain rods i beautiful artistic draping effects that will make the home very attractive by the use of kirsch curtain rods and a selection from our beautiful drapery materials a variety of designs colors and materials for all styles of draping ranging from the lowpriced materials to the better grades our closing out sacrifice on furniture will interest you see these goods get our prices georgetown fire insurance j w kennedy gewaetewo ag hit tor some of theitroigeit con pmica writing iosurancc are you protected erwiiugoldliams meat market homekilled lamb veal beef and pork dressed chickens wanted quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 good cash m for boijs and girls all uou have to do is to write a short composition on ica the home- particulars c o ordita ool v e red pjdx than t baodw not co- goodta piiies june 1st loud lmkirluut in oiilnrlo o the dot i imporutiii- luiu well doqutd erowu hlniobt cirluulxil auilthcr all curl croti or ah u lul- l otliir dlhlrlclh grow u propurllou u bold crups tin- real iarly dlmerlclb are locateu in peel wnlwortli lincoln norfolk elkin kual ennx and lumbton conn uou tin- lute crops aad seed crops art grown prill pen- erally throughout the oilier counties and dlslrktb of the pruilnm hou ttio market gardiiur nail truck grower aim to grow an curl rop and dealre a welldralmd mill of a baady or sandy loam nnlun sueli a oil must be supplied with plnnl loodn and be in audi a meeliantral condi tion as to rot 11 in too nhmsury mois ture yor the late or tuaiti crop any tiood loam well dralntd friable and rich lvlll give a good crop thorough soil preparation la essential in all manure frrtutccra and their 1uco in crop itotatlon crop rolatlonti plaj in important pari la titling noil tor potatoes and it la generally considered that pota toes tollonlng clover sod preerobl manured and ploughed under during lie previous autumn or the enrl crop la a good practice the soil ihould be kept rich and open moid the tine or fresh manure as such is liable to create conditions avoruhli- to potato scab commercial fertiliz ers enn be used to supplement ma nures under tilt coiiiikiami ener- sll iixperlcnced in tlil province phosphorous and potoh he ele ments most needed r clover and manure are used i tut rally not considered uccewary to use com mercial nitrogen except iuk in parti cular cabefljftlth the early crop on light noils where manure and clover are used an 0 10 to 14 4 ap plied at the rate or from 800 to 1200 pounds per acre ahould klve good re- iuiu on heavier soils under the lame treatment the potash can be rediftbd where chemical fertilisers alone are used as the bource of plant rood a 2 to i 10 12 i to 6 mlx- ure applied up to one ton per acra may bo ubed planting sets containing two eyes and of at loaat two ounces in weight should be used theas are plan tad from ulna to fifteen inches apart in rowa from thirty to thlrtyali incbea apart tha lato crop should be planted thirty mil inchei between the rows cultltillon frequent and thorough cultlvcjon early in tha aeaaon meets with mark ed raaponae deep cultivation early in tha season gradually becoming iballower aa the root syatem devi lopa should be the practice some rowr ars make it a rule to cultivate during the early season after every ralih while others will start the harrow over the potato fluid aa soon aa plant ing is completed and continue this method or shallow tlllag until tha plants are two or throe incbea hlgn the practice ot hilling la only recom mended when necessary to smother weeds or prevent sunburn harvesting the early crop is often harvested before it is fully mature in tact tha slis of the potatoes and the market demand influence tha date ot the har vest with the late crop however where tb season allows tor matur ity harvesting la not advised until fully ripened for small lota the digging fork u commonly used while for greater areas the plough or po tato digger can be used to id vantage care must be exercised during bar- vast to prevent damage to the tubers that may reduce the market value storing potatoes may bo success fully stor ed in cellars or pits when collars are used the question of air circula tion is very important the storage temperature range ahould be betwem st f and the atmosphere should be just medium moist- bins ahould hava a false or slatted bottom and ir the quantities of potatoes are large air shafts should connect the air space beneath the potatoes with the venti lator pits should be made in a welldrained location twelve to six teen inches deep and four or ave feet wife ventilators ahould be put la and covering provided as the weather stows colder dept of horticulture o a college how to kill mastard a system that will do away with mustard in ten year is a threeyear rotation of rail rye seeded down and followed by red clover which la ploughed and the third year planted with beans in rown 30 inches apart and cultnatftd fields very bad with mustard are reduced to that it can be hand pulled buevwhaat will not kill out mus tard but it fa agre at help as it growl vary thiokly and shades many of the weak sickly plants so that they do not amount to very much fsuwllwi apple excels in tha imperial appl show in eng land during years 1i1 to ibis canadian apples won 4 flnt plieee tl seconds it thirds and ii special prist in 1116 the british colum bia jonathan was judged to be the best dessert apple id the british em pire and the premier eooklng apple was the ontario rhodt island green ing in lilt and lilt canadlan- grown molntoab appl was- indeed to ho the bait dessert apple in the fbr economical transportation in 1925 chevrolet had its great est year during that time literally thousands ot testimon ial letters were received from satisfied chevroletowners a tremendous avalanche of evi dence that the public possesses a genuine appreciation of the car and its performancer jn 1926 chevrolet offers even greater values than before with its neverfailing standard of quality and the new lower prices chevrolet is demonstrating to the public in greater degree than ever its policy of quality at low cost s v king dealer greater quality at low cost hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps nitro nitro irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken or ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station isnow open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service j sanford stewarttown plombingitiiismilhina essbiih ttttrlelly clvea ptsru gnrgdtwi j n 0 june 1st the above b the datt bumhtdiijour compcttuon must be sent to us coal beat d l w scranlon coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal tires gas oils and all lord accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garagm speights garage and battery service guelph sl on the highway georgetown lot battery exprru oaro for your bnttory through the win- tor months wp fall for and deliver batteriob free having instill led one or tbo i ttpsl type of cylinder firinder we are now in a ponition to do ra grinding work got oar prices on having your motor regroonii and ultel with new ptdtods and rings thin winter our low prices will snrprine yon we also handlo all kinds of electrical work including generators starters magnetos oiyarotjleoe welding end general machine work phone 280 day or sight arthur r speight proprir mrs j walkios nerval station phone 6att buy k s tires we carry a complete line of high pressure and balloon s ft b tiitb and tubes the wellknown tire of supreme qoality onr prices are exceptionally low soa as before buying expert repairineadl repair ffnmrsuiteeri to give errfoe f sinclair tha tlr repair ibvy phone w oboaoetowh luajuhlslslpsigbgbshihlss

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