Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 19, 1926, p. 3

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tlasii it tlik okoitllftown ilkhailt mi 18th ibm pre personals d j ma tthew t drugs ami stationery ii local news hems athlotrc meet july 1st football match saturday victoria day next monday fresh lake trout 1 v smith buy your ruumog shoes at w c bar t let t a and aavo money it it ii soon be timo for mosqai toes to bite the baud that feeds them sacrod concert by bo george town band on buuday eilning may 30th april report of tho goorgo town publio school ib published on pageone of this issue fhedddiellowa and rebekahs will attend divine service in knox presbyterian church on sunday june 18th tbe annual trafalgar bunday school convention will be held in palermo united church on wtd neaday jane 9 bov j l harton has resign ed at georgetown he is living at 60 bjllbdale avenue east toronto canadian baptist a box sale will commence on saturday may 22nd at t s wil sons jewelery store m 0 meill block see advt in this issue mr john mcdonald hereby conveys hia thanks to tbe oqlcials and others who bo ably assisted id reoovering his stolen car last week watch for full particulars of the monster garden party in tbe park on jooe 8rd nuder the bub pioea of the iccc clasa of tho united cbnroh georgetown a piano recital by pupils of mibs matthews assisted by mibh josephine wilson soprano will bo wfl to the town ballgeorflotown on friday evening may 28th mr d j matthew druggist and one of george towns hlghiv esteemed citizens passed away at wellebley hospital toronto this raorrjiug following an operation the regular monthly mooting or the local council of women will be held at tbe homo of mrs hoary dickie durham bt on pn day afternoon may 21st at 8 p m the greatest event in george town thia season will bo tho big athletic meet and garden party under the auspices of tho arena clnb on dominionday july 1st tell your friends about it the georgetown baod will gite a concert of sacred musfcts elated by several soloists on sun day evening may sotb immedia tely after the ohuroh services further particulars will be given next week tbe ladies of st albans church glenwilliarns will bold a sale of work and home made bakiog in the sunday school room of tbe obnroh on friday may 28th from 7 to 10 p m you are cordial i invited to be present there was a large attendance at the fj 0 l dance and sup per at stewarttown last frt day night claude wade orehea tra supplied music an oxcellent supper was served and everybody present bad a good time the regular monthly msotioge of the georgetown and esquening humane society will be discontinu ed during tbe summer but the society will continue to function as usual and any complaints received about crealty to animals wim be investigated as in the past all oddfellows and rebekaba wishing t attend cbarcb parade with the milton ifpdges on sunday may jsrovkrodly leave tbeirnamea with bro h cleave or bra b parr ao transportation can bo ar ranged for them cars will meet at arena at 580 pin sharp w t evans is offering areio investment for someone 8 acre in georgetown with good frame boo be electric light and town water would make a fine snbdi viaiorrpfopotrtion if you want a bargain bm mr erans at onoe ibxecntorfl sale of tbe estate or tbe late mrs sidney smith ahon on thursday may 27tb at one o clock beautiful residence and fiacres alufall the valuabli household effects consisting ofoeli and mahogany furniture gufajtwace valuable paintings rugs etc r j kerr auctioneer it correction there were no goods stolen from mr jobo mc donald s coal and wood office ai reported lasu week mr mcdon ald does not now carry- any stock or groceries about 25o in cop per was taken fm a stamp box bat nothing else tampered with the stolen car was recovered at aberfoyle the only damage to it being two broken connecting rods and three bearings trttroed ont nnlyarsart at union rev waltei w brjdcn ma of woodvillo and piorehor of systematic theology at knot col itko will conduct anniveraniy ser i en nt union on sundnj ma hotb nt 11 a m nod 7 ho p in hydra par atawarttown a meeting in the intoieals of tho be desiring hydro in stewart town and vicinity mil be held in llio town hall stewarttown on wednesday mny 26th at 8 p tn now plans and further information nro now nvftilabl if ou nro in tp rested be juehent nsw btud wagons n o neill a son have turned out two floe now delivery wagons during the past week for two of our local bakeries n h brown and tarbreiin-irate-thit-pnitid-poa- 1 chiefapdmra jactmon aesaors of the nov vehicles which ao quite in kepring with tbe qua licy of their p tod not pn church annlnnarj addiersfir services will bs held in boston prosbjtonarj church ljbiie8idr on sunday 20 til services will be ron ducted b rev mr wallia or oik lie at 11 a in and 7 80 p m the maple leaf quartette of ualt ii furmxb the m isic 2t ataka way for flrenin tho nreoioo complain that ibej wore hampered in roior to tho paper mill flro on saturday nigbt by drnere of autos keeping the road motorists eliould understand that a flro truck has the right of way and when they hear tbe gong their duty to pull to tho side of the street or road and make way for tbe fire truck an enjoyama party largo crowd attended the euchre and dance given by the youog people of hob cross church in tho arena on may otb the prize winners in tbe euchre coo tests wore ladies mias kelly acton mias knthtotn james georgetown gents mr j b wallace ceorgetowo mr kelly aotou attor ttie euchre delicious refreshments were served tbon followed a delightful dance excel lent niuaio being provided by claude widesorcbeatra of bramp ton rax thaatrs wedocadftj may 19th seven days to baldpato starring doug incjjean chapter 4 of gal lpping hoofs comcdj sea squack friday may 21st silent san demon starring harry carei comedy her boy friend with larry semon fox news saltndaj may 22nd matines at 8pm little annie roooej atarnng mary piokfoid comedy my start felix cartooi matinee prices lc and 25o nigbt prices 2fio and 85c t monday may 24th manne quin liberty magotioe a 50000 00 prize story by fanny hurst good comedy creation regular prices coming the lucky horse ihoe with tom mix give us a call before plant nfi potatoes we have dany con eignmeots of potatoes of tho very finest quality first grade irish cobblers to day b 76 per bag reativo rev j w pedley formerly later of western congregation cbarcb toronto and now retired was last week elected president of tbe toronto conference of tbe united church of canada auctionqsale of furniture of the late j a brown will be hold at stewarttown store on saturday may 20th at 8 p m terms cash ben pecb auctioneer free delj very to georgetown gleowijliama and norval a b willson jeweller utile to bn u lie of iln ciaen of m s a itobi i i i i mrs rutpl roib vihi i ieleiboro lat weik chief jiukhou ih icel and 1 kojh b nroimd nkinn i mi mid mi soinoi ejl in en mhiioih ii mg the wiik dr tremh und mt drchlen inllid on tin jarkaon laat wnk dr f r wntsoii n numdnit iho denial coinenlion in toronto hi early part of thin week dt and mm harold holmi of oklii sounl ivert giiesl of m and mr o t mckay during tho weik mi und mra thomas marshall of trio motored to lono and spent sundiii with mr and mra w g matttliall vfr william dinhum e mnay friendn ni filcaaed to see him around again nftoi hir recent ae ere iiioobs mr kiid mr a hitlmer and children of oakullo spent sunday th friends in georgetown and gienwilhama dr knott of north ba and mesam wilfred fid alfred cole of toronto spent sunday with rein tien in town mrs a mckecknie has returnel to georgetown and will reside here future her numeroiih friends welcome hci back mr c f tuer of hruleyhury spent the week end at mi ralph he and mra tner return cd home on mondnj mr and mrs t hnrker ot oak ville and mr pinchin of islington spent sunday afternoon with mrs hvanb and mias lottie evans of marden rev mr fjeslnp ind mies watt of guelph were jsitora at rev mr caldwell s mr and mrs w j mckechme and daughter eleanor of toledo ohio apent a few days dnnng the eekatmr david swackbamers limclioise mr and mrs w anthon r thompson and miss irene thompson attended the funeral of the late mr tim heelej at tor onto last tbursda and mra t blyth and daunhter mr w r bridge mr and mrs j makin and mr and mra daws of toronto bpeot sun day with mrs sleirbtholmc matthew armstrong who bae been quite ill for somo weeks has almost completely recovered and resumed bis duties as foreman on tho georgetown section of tbe o n e ry tbib week windstorm insurance u the only sure mcam of protecting your prop erty aqainst financial oss when winds tkatroy tho aqency can provide ynu with wbditona kuuniiut elmehl c thompson 1 lisuraiice service stu ge0bnofvn ofitarilcu tworrtuus safonay about u o 1 ux k satlinlb uk pie liieiiu n err tailed out to tiuguihli a blax which threaleoed to destrny eqme out biiildingb tho nar of mr fred brook a block on m im st no damage was done on saturday evening abort after 10 o clock the large papei warehouse of tho irivinrial ppci mills an the credit was discovered to he en ire nnd the ii re men ree ponded promptly to the alarm the lui idiok a frame structure was n uhcet of flames when dis crod nod nothing could be dooc hurrounding build about 800 tons of pater hut logs ptock stored in the shed completely destroyed and loss wit ho in tbe neighbohood of s10000 this is parti covered by ingiirance to water users tlic houm lor ta n mrvkr in ry oidw nf lpunpj township ol esqnesing sanitary notice notice in hrreby aiven that all rcaa dents of ihc township of eauunjiu an nquired fotthwith to clean tbeir celtan j u yards pi ye water other outbmldidga and pi remove all dirt filth mai other nubeliikte which may cadaver the publican to have uk completed by the j3th day of hay next on day the sanitary inspector wilt mqnce a general inspection all residents are eamtttlj requested i keep their premises constantly id in a thoroughly sanitary noteopfc sty irto t within tiufcit of any dwelhne bonae lad street or lane j0un h smith sanitary inspector equ effing may 15 1926 h auction sale farm stock mhimimlml fwtmomt ii ls tlej baa been iulnh1ril by jt a anderson wednesday kay sotm at ooe o dk abarp ibe otlowios hojmbay horae 8 yean bay hone j cata tray borac 6 ycaib ctc holatein cow 6 m freab hot c n cow 9 ft milking lobton co r m thins hoist em nw 4 yrs ire llolatnn cow s yra reab ayrshire o 7ra fresh llolalon hofcr rail al u llohleiaheitetiluciinteof tale hobli cow 4 jts fresh hohtcm beifer 3 yn in call hols em heifer 3 years a alf holtna heifer 3 yra m calf hoaateaa heifer 3 yra n calf hofaacm hci far 3 jia n tatf 2 yeattin heifer implements fprdaon tractor and oli ver iraclor plow doubt due ihrnrhna nurjiine sawyer haaacy witknuoo col bo it machine yaaary hr- binder haoayharrti mower hu- aey himi dm drill uiey llama cal- tivalor from wood hay ijodcr new uassey ham ndina plow wnkmaon no 3 ikm f floury no 21 wajka plow 7 icli iron turrowa horse rake riil b valor bain wokoo adaanawc new nilk wagon cutler crt i heavy baraeas i 2 h p eoknte pairbanka moric cream aeparator pnaa row hay rack hay fork anil alraars pur clipper new doubletrees nerfcyoke y sleih set bthi tiffin frsad- ladder 24 fed quanbly o fire- wowl limber j4 feel a 12 m a 12 in ihovels forks saws and other atides 75 hens and coops furniture liappy tooghl rasar new bos siovc quebec healer 4 mm coal oil stove sulebanl and u chairs t oak fall leal table kitchen table inall tables bedroom smlc 2 wash stands medicine cabinet saggfe woa bed carpets and oil ctoih picture aad odd cbaira dr termsall sum of 20 00 and wader cash over thai amount 6 mooths c ipprsved joint notes sis per ben fetch everybody sw mt certainly is just drink sauda ill jeactk its superb flavour satisfies handsome and durable roofs art blende shingles see sample inmegibboni window j b mackenzie georgetown heating electric wiring you will find us in the same aland at usual with graham and clememts estimates gladly given careful attention to repairs j w kennedy phones iii ii ii i h hi il ii i attention try hugheymcdonald for cmt md plma tobaoooi all kinds of pipes aad pipe repairs a williams mgr mi georgetown have your lawn mower ground and repaired we have i dotal led ao eectric lawn mower griodor and you can ttow have yoar lawn mower ground aad ad a a ted to work like a new mower am work guaraotccd to give salicf actum b you require a new lawn mower be sura to get oar pnoee before you buy v we bell and guar an tee taylor forbea km press ball bearing woodyatt star and daiay mowers complete slock of oil stoves we han a complete atock of new perfection mesco and florence automatic oil stovea and ovens and would be glad to dfesrnetisie them to yon wcfcslsmssi ribbmsi leatlsi tlssalluig ast ekdrital wmh sal msm ke slal i live r b thompson co main st georgetown buy k s tires we oary a complete line of higb presaure and balloon e 8 tuts and tabes the well known tiro ot supremo quality oar ptsoes are exceptionally low see no bnfore buyinr expert repssiriiic 11 repairs guarantee to ctve serwloe f sinclair at coupc- all the distinction and emart appearance that you would expect to find in a car with body by fishex swunglow gracefully proportioned finished in attractive ontario gray duco with mart landau- bow this coupe despite its low price is at home in any company on any occasion business or social in addition it provides chevrolets charac teristic economy and the superbly smooth operati on of the improved chevrolet valveinhead motor artillery tjpt wood wzw equipment oa the chevrolet coupe dtse wheels may be obtmioed at autht extra cost s v king dealer tks tin beaaslr sm oeoaastowm new low prices used cars 1925 frd coupe 1925 star sport touring 1923 studebaker light six touring 1921 chevrolet sedan 1 920 studebaker special touring 1 925 dodge coupe j n oneill son georgetown mcbe thursday bargain day specials child mine and ladies canvat shoes child and mtttet patent leather slippers child and misses patent leather and tan oxfords child and mtsse patent leather sandal 100 to 1 60 a mixedlot of chita and mitses rubber soled laced canvas boot clearing at 59c mcbeanco georgetown help yourself to the sweet tbtnga of life and make your existence worth while come in to the candy shop where the pur est sodas and cream is served and the moat delicious candles made and sold well welcome you with poiite service saturday treat turkish delight is thin week t treat and it is a delicious swecu meat this delight will please ou and it was made in one of tho beat factories in toronto saturday treat xoa weekend chocolates chocolate like these dojioi want aelllng they ehii thtmsotvea especially when they are of such high grade as ours and they come in assorted flavors hard and soft centres waskond caooolataa 32c fireworks get your fireworks for the holiday wo have them at prices to suit all pockets let us make you up an assortment may fond i opening dance mjttonville park the peoples popular playground friday may 2 1 st floor better than ever music toronto orchestra tlivieldancing 9 to i just drive in we do not oharge for parking dancing evert friday night ve solicit your picnic write for terms t h moorehead brampton ontario isgrandys s the pure food store ye olde moss rose stock pattern cupe and saucers per dor 7g dinner plates per dor 400 breakfast plates per do s60 tea plates per dor soo desert plates per dor i bo bread and butter plates r dor 200 soop plates per dor sf0 frnit aaucere per doe wo jngb each f 75r nnd t0o cream and susar er pnir 1 50 bow 1b each 45 graty boat and titan d eiuh 1 atfi covered vese tables each ss5 scallops each a0cs5c oatmeals per dor 2 25 platter each 7o c 17b 8 00 1 only tbe orient 97 piece dinner set 86lk i a m grandy g phone 7s j saulkms cssrsslet maal bebvr h ksahbsii3shliislwsb51l

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