Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 26, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixtlfclu ifar of publication georgetown wednesday evening may 26th 1926 the georgetown herald j h moore pablukar aad praprlator hw curika waaaly nwi apr aaaooiattoa oh r tina tsbla- ciolho east passenger 7 28 am paasodgur a 14am laebonter 10 18 am mail 11 cfi m paaeonf 8 48pm moil 6 80 p in passenger 8 25 p m passenger sunday 7 21pm ooraa webi passenger 7 28 am mail 18im passenger 8 12 prn hail 160 pm passenger 8 02 p to passenger 7 08 pm passenger sunday 10 24 am qoinq hoktb moil 8 00 a m mai 4 65 p m qoinq bodtb hail uifiani hail 7 84 p m cuatun ruutial heclrlc hallways taraat bikuui riu kabtbodnd wbbtbound doily daily train train no 2 7lflani no 1 7 86 am 4 957am 8 a 86 am 8 1167 am 6 1186 am 8 1 67 pm 7 1 85 p m jo 8 67 p m 9 8 86 pm 12- 6 67pm 11 5 85pni 14 7 67 pm 18 7 86 p m 18 967pm 16 986pm 1811 68 p m 1712 06 am train no 1 and 4 run daily except sunday drafts this bank issue drafts which are payable where- ever men trade or travel our service is known and used from the busy centres of commerce to the very front iers of civilization the canadian bank of commerce ctiij paid up 2ompmo reserve fund j georgetown branch l20oo00 j l tbompboo manager directory htlton wallmidqe a dale barriaurs aellsltara kto toronto ana porg4wa ofllctj kaanadj block lwroy dale in charge at oaort towo gibo a a heir barrister subc tor etc office mill st georgetown hour 9 ftm to 5 p in open woinesday and saturday oven ngi olaaenoe h wiggins jssurrisux oueltar notary paollo otnoa wtettl block oaoiaatuau hours 9aro to 5 p w orcso wednesday sod saturday even ogs rt i i w tto brt maaoeics phyalalan and n aladlcal offlow of health afsoa hours 4 to i and t to t p a pbnmn q0m and kasldnoa main 8trat moth oppoalta presbyterian church ml a r w mis physician and surgeon kill stra t georgetown pbooe 22 b houm surgeon grace hosp lal torooto ob o v wkxlams phyjcia and ttrgeon obu and resldeoce oueeo sotrtfc vtsebxamd s and throat snteiaust town each saturday jib mm atgewngwt each sal houri7 pn till 9 p m or by appoint mentglasses supplied office at him matthews main st hom phone 107 r 6 r m waaom d it l m s wttawm ottl hesurai 9 to ft eaaayt tainiit jjwaaa na p l hkxth ldj o d s daaust ofbea in lao blank on door noru at 0nut carrlai raetoct hour a m to tt m n ohtbopbactio tatuls iimt oatoopatay r kucmelty ldt axtexdar jf mw tne awet complete and optodau o65ce cbiropractlcftqy to ontano jimmijc jka oklnjrm riwf onluto 16 rn praotle office oat fo o neill a garafce wdpftday st satnrdajrto s7 to 9 p m ofber daya and boun by appointment pbom isow reaideoce iboj a hiltwa pbone 2l5tueday and friday 2 to 9 pa standard antoracite scranton in all sizes i antomatidalfj screened and eioadad coal wood delect laomp for domestio aod threahing pnipoaea smithing and oatmel coal isjmi ioarry ersrything to be foand fa any np to date ooal and wood yard john mcdonald i g reasonable ohargea dr w barnard opl d r 0 vrlactrlsl efcsliu sftdmusl ofudsi rlln4 optoautriat ij frimttlb oijau royal ooub boua eyes tested glasses fitted broken lenses duplicated lenses ground to suit your individual sigh4 delaya are dangerona have your eyes examined at wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block georgetown you can fuei aund moiqultoei carry dlaeaae germs soreen them out ono spell of typhoid fever or p u in the family even if the patient gets well will cost more than it takes to screen tho whole houso we can measure yourwindows doors and porches and quickly furnish you with tho screens you need come in and give us your order om prlm an fair as un our kardwar weon we have a fill asswhaeal l lam mwers wcydes repilrs toronto asphalt roofing in rolls or shingles walt ha oalua xautaalllckt aad laaapolaaa eaal u hartln bononr 100 pare paint and a fall line of high grade varnishes always in stock graham clements iara raw lellar ma tka tkvrtkaat phone 25 try a loaf of guelph bakery bread it has been very salisfaotory to our ou- tomea pep 2 boxes 26o bran 2 boxes 26o pio soap 4 bars 26o gold soap 4 bars 25c best sardines 2 una 26o peas 2 tins 26o eippnird snacks eab oso pmeappie per tin 18c v pelltcr forsters terms cash georgetown phone 29 georgetown creamery cream now graded as required by law special no j and no 2 highest prices paid georgetown creamery co m saze manager t opea satariay ffiakb ise this farmer knows where he stands r he has a memorandum on the cheque stub of evcry account arid an entry m his bank book as well a double cheqk on hut buuncu the incoming cheques or cash arc also shown in his bank book in a sashhe can tell when he paid any par ticular account or when an account was pud to him hu bank book tells him he has no need to go to town to do his business if he is rushed a cheque by mail pays an item or make deposits almost as quickly as he could do it himself today the safe efficient satisfactory method of bust- nets u through the bank rank of montreal established 1817 ibtal assets in excess of tfsooooooo browns bakery confectionery our milk bread is a food without waste and is unequalled from the view point of economy eat more bread but be sure it is bread that is made in georgetown 10c per i i 2 lb loa sa turda y cand y trea t week end chocolates reg 40c 80o fresh toasted marbhmallows 39 o saturday ice cream treat cantelonpe saodae 2so fresh straw borry sundae 30 o v n h brown bakery 202w phones confectionery 303u notice tinsmilhidfl healing rooting and sheet metal work fob estimates see f t mcgiluvray prompt attention to al xtopalrinf eavftrocals a ibwolauy amt eapln klaaxfarmaoa shop george st phone mlw better regakoless of the model or the price mclaughlin buick has always been a good car and an outstand ing value the underlyiag prlnclplea which nuk mcunthllnbuiek in mry way bbtter are th result of yean of tmrwflee and research dtmlopttd by the vast research department of qenaral motors proved by the most exhaustive tests at the genera motors pror ing grounds and bully incorporated ai standard features cstcntial to uclaugtuln- buick performance today as in the past and as we confident ly believe in the futuremclaughlin buick the basis of all automobile values the stand aid for the entire continent to hleh motor cars of every make seek to mesiure up there is a mclaughlin buick model to meet your needs and at a price to your purse tk new low qmac anutejuc rafts are rfl- tbit to purcsaccrs of mclmvulbbaiek on tint s vking miaughunbuick t tuesday a meeting of the coun ty council the county clerk was in btructed to advertise next week for tenders for work in the county build inn repairing cornice painting var nishing enameiluuf and pape lino the ten year old daughter of mi and mrs a s coulter of trafalgai township will probably lose the sighl of her left eye as the result of ar accident tuesday- morning when s chip flew off a stick of cedar she was splitting and lacerated the eyeball mrs wedge of nasssgaweya brought a 16 inch brook trout to mflton on monday she said bhe had caught it above hilton s falls in the branch of the sixteen mde creek she had not weighed t and had cleaned it but it must have weighed about a pound and a half it was a big bah to have been caught in such a small creek tho many milton friends of mrs james mockridge were shocked and saddened this morning by the news thtaho had passed away at 4 am at the guelph general hospital to which she had been taken last week her death was unexpected as up to yesterday she had appeared to be do ing well but she hid been suffering from angina pectoris one of the most treacherous of heart diseases tor a lotur time champion ad sbeel ye old tyme dance in casey a flat tho other n ght the radio was heart the concert sure came over ngh and casey thought il ought of wjrtit be jabru rta a b nv h took the m d ik of tho floor and hollered dostdo it a forty years or more since i have heard those tun s be for sing louder radio then casey kicked the rugs aaidt and told the company jus watch a bit im stepin wide old fashioned dancing is my pride an you can leam from me salute your partners i balance all an bird c in tho ncstl the neighbors heard old casey call and gathered gaily at tht hall a learn in with the rest ducks hop outl docs hop n now awing your partners all atccmond left and j g like b n an grnb the lady by the fin an balance down the hall the fiddler paused and casey too quit calling off the dance says he that s how we utcl to lo in happy daya you never knew whenever wed the chance wc d push the chairs against the wall we played the jewsharp too we d doaldo and balance all with ladies short and ladies tall the winter evening through it tort of wartna my heart says he to feel the old time charm of evenings lived in memory when it seems doggone good to be jest livin on the farm general news if men are growing less polite it is because girls are more boyish and ladles are more mannish the more the ladies demand the less they are likely to get manscwood baseball club will hold their annual baseball tournament on may 24th when burlington george town milton and manscwood will compete for the trophy auo horse shoe pitching contest 2 lb horse shoes to be used d stance 40 feet valuable prise also numerous ipccial prises while taking a short cut he through a woods near wingham friday afternoon april 29th russell girling was attacked by a large eagle mr girling shot the big b rd which was of a grey color and measured five feet three inches from one wing tip to the other mr girling is a trapper and hunter the good roads committee of the county council of which reeve t foster of burlington is chairman again this year made a tour of in spection on tuesday and wednesday covarlng about 125 miles of country roads the committee reports the roads to be in fairly good shape ex oepting where the snow and ice has been slow in getting away in fact the snow ts still present in several places they will submit their report at the next meeting of the county council frank thompson who has been in charge of the duties of the aecrrtary treasurer of the reel farmers mutual fire insurance company since the death of the late j j stewart was formally appointed to the office at a meeting of the directors mr thomp- n was secretary of the county of rel agricultural society last year there was skating at onlu rink on tuesday evening may 4 a record which future years are going to find it hard to beat manager rabbins last party was such a success that when the cold snap of monday struck he couldn t resist the tempation to try another and about two hundred skaters enjoyed a thoroughly good evenings sport on tuesday onllia tmes there was skating at on ii a rink times two of the best known week lies in ontario announced in their sues today that they had complete 1 arrangements to amalgamate an t that beginning with next week s issue they would appear as one paper to be known as the packet and times a vigorous campaign is being con dotted against peddlers who operate throughout the country without a license a toronto man was con victed on a charge for this offence n blenheim township an i s fine of 15 and costs was imposed herds a thought to those who are holding back on pay ng the r b lis if jou pay the ono you pay can pay another it will go around the circle f it is started and when it gets back jtart it around again money s good only when it is in circulat on bujr money money that keeps go ng round makes th s country ftacatvaa fatws pott at a special meeting of the peel county council last thursday wil liam m willis son of the late lauch- un h willis was appointed protem county clerk to all the tacancy created by the death of his father warden rid dell whs- presided re ferred to the loss that the municipal ty had sustained in the death of the deceased official and to his high record of service to the county a resolu tloa of sympathy to the family was moved by reeve william bestty of brampton and was seconded by reeve w j wilton of caledon township township council suwnrttown may 17 192g the council met pursuant to a surnmcnt the kccve in the cha embers all present the minutes of last meiting were read an i conqrmcd lesl e carton that the treasur er pay th globe inkmmty co pre in turn on liability policy on township roods may 18 iu2g to may 18 1j27 116 00 carried carton leslie that treasure pay bell telephone co bill for mar april and may 07 4 33 for apr t and may s 43 total fit 60 car ricd gowdy cleavi that trcasurti pay the acton free press advertis ing for tenders 5 74 carried cleavi carton that treasurer fsy g h stull for ono lamb killed y dogs 16 also 3 for killing one dog caught worrying sheep total 9 also that tho treasurer pay george henderson 2 as sheep valuator car ed gow ly cleave that treasurer pay frank hustler norval iutt ng 3 1 beams 2 george brown norval delivering 3 i beams to stewarttown 2 36 j m moore printing auditors reports letter heads envelopes etc j68 10 carried carton cleave that the treas urer pay pie following accounts to ronto hospital for consumptives re harry gilllngham for april 46 e y barraclough re mr moody for may 20 carried gowdy leslie that treasurer ay road pay sheets presented by load superintendent as follows div lo 2 52 78 no 2 38 60 no 8 9 60 no 4 70 27 miscellaneous 493 s3 corned resolutions were passed protesting against the action of the canadian national railway regarding the pro county council i mrtel twenty f1u canada and the unit d stales both hud unusually small crops of potatoes and tht shortage in cunii in was con sequently accehtunt i b tht fi a lemand an i high prices n th li ul states these conditions remit il n profitable markumi btubon f jan growers wh ch wu a v 1 come relief from thi poor mark 1 which prevailed during the prt uu few years the high prices of 192 2g are very likely to bring nbout a inclination among farmers to inetxiu their acreage and a timely warning has just been issued n this conne uon by mr george el mcintosh do minion fruit commissioner mr mc intosh points out that a greatly n creased acreage this season with fa oraple growing conditions oull i all probabil ty bring about ocrpro duction and corresponding unprofit able prices it would therefore be advisable for growers in all the proi mcca to be very careful about in creasing the r normal acreage of pota toes and to turn their attention rathei to planting better seedssf pure vane milton may 18th 192b the council met at 10 30 am in accordance with call of the warden members all present th warden the chair communications were read as fed tows from the woraimon railway commission re maintenance of gates at oakvillc crossing c n it the de partrncnt of highways re by law no 531 torontp general hosp lai no tice of admission of lusic dankiw as a patient and the globe indemnity re insurance also chum of guelph collegiate and vocational institute for maintenance of halton pup is 1926 geo hemmenck of the dow che- ical co midlan 1 mich addressed e council re dow flake calcium chloride dressing for roads an t mayor irving oiked the council for permission for the erection of the mil ton ajbeinorial to fallen soldiers n ictona park mr morden moved seconded by mr foster that the town of milton be privileged to erect a memorial in victoria park carried mr mclntyre moved seconded by mr nicholson that leave be- granted to introduce a by law to repeal by law no 623 for the purpose of granting aid to the town of oakville and one be introduced making payment to the highway department of the province of ontario for the sum of be indebtedness on the sixteen mile bridge at oakville carried mr mclntyre moved seconded by mr nicholson that the treasurer and warden be arid are instructed to bor row money from the bank of nova scotia against the good roads any nuch suras as are required from time to time np to the amount of the levl carried mr agnew moved seconded by mr mcarthur that this council do now adjourn to meet at the call of the ttj champion hundreds of halton county form era will likely visit the ontario art ctuttural college at guelph on we i ncsday june 9 halton farmers day at ontario s famous agncultur al school when the o ac buildings the experimental farm and the cxten departments of the institution ill be open for the inspection of farmers from po nts all over ontar o a luncheon is to be scno 1 dur ng the lay at which the via t ng formers will be the guests of the 0 a c fnc ulty whdc an intercutinj program is being arranged for the tour of the build ngs and farm- a nture of the farmers week progrc n w ii be spirited soft bull con tests for ntcrcounty honors lik other count cs halton has been asked to sen i n junior farmers or girls soft ball team to compete with teams from other counties ho will also be at the 0 a c on june 9 as a result the team from halton if otic is sent dl compete with teams from any one r more of the counties of waterloo duffer n perth huron grey or warden carried erin we un tcrstand the managemcn the local umtod church have plans under way to enlarge the church an i otherwise make improvements the approximate expend ture will be about 1 goo 00 mr archibald sanders sr has in his possession two old pennies both hkh are bank of upper canada i bearing tho date 1b52 the year of mr sanders birth a coincident relative to the coins is that he found both of them in his garden at d ffercnt times and that they should be of the same bank and year line men have completed rebuild ing the local telephone system which vas badly wrecked by the ice storm some time ago and all lines arc now connected to central office advo cate paddlan umpml according to section 416 of the municipal act by laws may be passed in counties and towns for licensing hawkers aad peddlers but where the ciancii of a town not separated from a county has passed such a by law by law of the county shall not be force n the town wh le the by law of the town remains n force mil ton has such a by law and section 3 of the county by law reads this not separated from the county for municipal purposes that has passed or thall pass a by law under section 41 of the municipal act while such by taw of such town rema ns in force therefore if the georgetown holder of a county h cense who appeared be fore pol ce magistrate moore last thursday wishes to peddle in m itoi that license gives him no privilege to to to champ on cawbraiad 94th birthday imunded by fam ly and fnen l elisabeth henry of choi ten hum celebrated her 94th b rth lay on ma 5th taking a very live nteret in thi festivities which accompanied thi- oc casion making a group of four gen eratmns yerc mrs henrj her son w h rfehrj grandson hugh r henry and the latter s i ttle laush tcr violet a han isomel decorated basket of fruit an 1 ran tj m the of lenng of the little one to her crcat grandmother another group qu t as interesting consisted of f ve gener ations mrs henr s nephew w h wilkinson the tetters nephew john mcwiuume mrs clarence lyons daughter of mr mcquarne and the tatters little four monthsold son john ham hon lyons receiving mrs henry icallcrs were m ssci margaret i agnes henri mrs w 11 henry j mrs tt- g ftwards brampton at the tea hour mrs ldwartu mrs john mcquarne miss jesse sm th and mrs robert cat on toronto poured tea the ioung la lies assst ng in the tea room be np miasea mamie bagrow lorna nixon jean lcsli liuie campbell ida mcquarn mable campbell cass green ai stall caldwajl notes and comments somh mporlant chuiiles mere made n the elect onjuw bj tl 1 k laturc th s sesn o be i c i- a constituency is rrmuci i from tl r to two months polling boot h w ii i c kept open till 7 o clock nst 1 of i if a can it late dec den to retir fi r the ballots arc prmte i tl clerk the peace is to be not fl i at i i u tl e irust be posted up n the oil i booths tha committee mamm i that tl t number of n imes on no mm pi pi rs may be reduce 1 from 100 premier ferguson objecte i to this lost recommendation an it mlgl t tund to ret rresponsibl uin ii 1st s lho umenlment wns tort choral festival the fourth annual choral festival of the anglican congregat on of the county of halton was held in grace church milton on friday evening may 14th and was largely utten ted over 120 clergy and choristers march ing n procession into the church an i rendering the service in a most pleas ing ani referent manner the large volume of tone was well controlled well balanced and was very fine re fl inline credit on the painstaking work of the various organists and cho r masters in the deanery this was particularly noticeable in the anthem hnrk hark my soul with its ap peal ng obligate the magnificat an i unc dimitt s by toyier and ft ape cud tc dcum by woodward were well sung mr hcnson prove i him ishop owen d d an 1 the excellent repast served by the jadies of the church made the event most enjoy able and wc arc sure w 11 do much to stimulate interest in church mus c at the serv ee and the deanery meet int tnany visiting clergy were present among whom were revs canon sm th and grout oakvillc rural dean tebbs of burlington t wose of georgetown e slack and s ben netts of wsterdown it j berrj of streetsvillc f andrewcs of camp bellville c b henwek j samuel and g thompson of hsm iton clll found dd mystery surrounds the death of half a loicn cattle belonging to jo n proctor scconl line melnncthon mr proctor foun i the cattle lend n the barnyard last thursday after noon between two and three hours after the hail been let out of th barn and w th nothing to thow whnt had cause 1 the r leath ss they np pea red to be qu te all right when tl j were let out drs- mchckie an i morgan called in the services of u prov nc a veterinary inspector who tame up on saturday he took bloo i samples back to the c w th him for testing purposes but hi rtport lot yet been rtceicd rod to owen sound rev j t strachan r a h d t charge of the presbyter nn fonk lions of campbell lie un i sabssgn weya for over nine y nm ii proud his farewell sermon on sabbath maj 3rd mr strachnn has keen calle i and has accntite i the call to become nister of the presbyter nn church owen sound one of the largest nnd srt progress c centre of populnt on n orthest m ontario nt a salnrj f j2 boo wth four weeks holiday jr sni mne strachan artl famik i ft for the c ty on tueadaj may 25 rir w if c rrle of fnen is uidi th m r wre in tho r nw ftel i of nw soft ball rul a ptchel hsll that trli n halt r ii be called a hsll an i f it s the fourth ball the batter s ent lied to h base a foul or fair ball ill be counted where it settled not when it lights as n past years the third strike must be caught by the catcher bach runner s entitled to one base only on a th rd strike in rule 5 section 2 the word substitute was ttruck out rule 71 sect on wns hanged so that the base runner c in advance ns soon as a fly bull s touch ed not caught the runner leaving a base before the bull crosses the plstr will be calked out b the umpire the new rule ent tks the batter to a threebaseht and the runner who leaves tip base too soon will be de clared out this puts the penalt on the runner inruad of the batter

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