Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1926, p. 4

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why shouldnt they buy from you make up join mind to aecuii tlit tndt of the isum mei l t tages rnni town this year hunk of ill tlu thmtft hil will lubm ins wh blioukiiittin buj litem ftoin von in tlie cit the meilbedto ordennfr goads b tjl phoiu cull them ctn usiiik long distance v hen necls3ar and tell them what ou can do for them remind them that for week end par ties ou can glu them prompt deher when tltei see how east it 19 to order from ou 4 by telephone thev will likelj prove good cus tomers all summer new line iaauaraud tho toronto kitchener d t s company hoo uaurnruud two new routes this week and iro now running toront to london hci vko wt ii aa a toronto co uodo rich soiled ilo oumtttotle b- i lie demand this com t any has in created its rip merit onrt li in i dad per cent ntitl li is ftt protionl more buses on ordor tho o ju n menl m up todsu in etorj respect lady byng inspired by rockies youcanaustts keep a roof ovebtourhead if you carty ynndstonn tnbuhuct wrinwdkhtowlofld or repair wmdstjrm m abowt tlihkii6uumac0nmial elmer c thompson tasmice service geoueiown ontario nml at i result thin operaus tho limest twit an camp in dt ontario safety flrt at craului a tooj niniij uiotnrihl it tin uifchw ij iuim iniri in ad i ihh ih untie 1 ehich ah til b 1 ntctm r ipeed tli it h ik it it lor t h n i it i hroittr rito of in milt n ir limr in ir fl i in n dt foi ilrut oltcuirt is not iihm tlnuijftoo limit jou 00 luitl for m o ond or bubnotitiiiit offi dpo n t ws than 10 ot or moro th mi hhj 00 and tho license run bt ttinpooiud for an period not iiieinhuii thru i iqnthb will um idaallty mom bora of the ancient ordir of tinted work moo enter t fit la dependent urdor of foresters on f ma slat next without sacrificing u ran co privileges enjojed by them in their original f rater oily tho workmen however loso their identity for tho pame of the aopw disappears and officers of the riand execativo take title as past grands of tho foresters tho executive of tho 1 0 f is not cbsoged by ths ad ditioo of tbe workmen officials tho latter of whom lose their posi tioob except past granda may hi buumij in ontario cool weather retard ed growth of pastures and seeding while well advanced ia about tea days to two weekb behind tho aver age fall wheat is spotty and coo biderable acreage wit require to be resown there is good demand for heavy horses wholesale bouses repotr sales id satisfactory volume betail merchants hive experienced a quiet month bat some improvement has been notice able during tho past week indus try m the manufacturing line con tinnob to show improvement 8hipyarde are buaily engaged on repair work and the iron and bteel irdustnes are active agrioul tnral implement manufacture re re port a nood domestic demand dae to the recent change m the tariff on automobiles the ootlook in tbe motor car industry is oncer tain sales of cars this spring are in largo volume packing houses are well employed and flour mills are operating on a moderate basis bankof montreal shkeefififcsawrbwkhaabbi w h willson undertaker and licensed xhnbnlxner mala lb gorttewm automobaeorhoiaedrawnhearsc phone night orday 54w or 5tj pfcwemrn kjtto coal best d l 6c w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins kottsi station phone 8sr8i coal best anthracite coal always on hand afat and slope coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown fish chip cafe in 31 kinds of fresh fih phone older delivered good meat foi25 cents th hewitt rtwae 251 ccaneltwi grain seed for sale chok seed oats aalt md reaom early ytaul choice swd barley lu- came had ctorer altike tlniouiy bat j sanford stewarttown plumbhgttasmloitafly i ton can start on monoaiy eaumaes ukctlilly l for orongl trn ins at goelph basiness college session the entire year individual instrnotion there s a good position for you when trained this week one of our young men started in the office of a manufacturing con cern ai a salary of over 100 per month get the training start now a l muck priftdfb ut pnirlefer jhsmith stewarttown wire fencing of all kinds fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds al ways on hand ice ice we have a large quan tity of ice stored for cus tomers and will deliver dally fkwk nr arte at ar rant tor service 1ww wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right j h smith phone 84 13 lori1 bta no one has any right to speak with authority of canada who haa set n only the east or the west it was her excellency the lady byntr of vimy ho made this state ment reently at a luncheon ol the ottawa women s canadian club shortly afler her return from a tr p across and through canada over o matter of some eighty thousand miles aerorapanying his excellency th govirnor general lady byng had va ted practically all parti of canada mceling at ewry stopping place the warm welcome canadians everywhere reserve for byng of viroy and hla charm njr lady and not less important becoming ac quainted with canada a unrivalled arid neverending succession of scenic glonea i i feel i have some plea to onw to speak to you on canada said her excellency i come as a sort of ad vertiaing agent to beg of you that you go west and visit there i know the terrible question of expense but it was bo great arti inspiration i cannot convey the beauty and wonder of that undulating j line rising out ot the mut that end j letr unending chain of marvellous mountains and the valleys below in colours of acqua marine and aids tho opinion of her excellency regarding weatern canada is not that ot a mere passerby with the oov eraorgenerml she has been nil over the country going by motor wher the rail and river do not penetrate there are tho wld lady byn who vwit canada landing at qucbci com ngun to montreal proceeding to ottawa and toronto who havo gone away giving their view on canada such vicwd are always- defective even if ao me times tbey are not wholly untjlr and unjust canada s bigness u evident on tho map but its actual si la only realised through direct contact and acquaintanceship tho loea of interchanging visits east and weat u developing the attitude bo admirably taken by the wile of the govern or- general vnould speed the movement and wider impetus la our dominion different localities have different interesta and problem and nothing but a dosr and sym- iltr elctuvncx lmar bjitg pathetic study of cauao and effect will solc the difficulties which confront the country as a while books and newspapers assist somewhat in bring ing into clwer touch the eastern central and western regions of the dominion but not until the people 1 ving east visit the west and the people in the west visit the older prov nccs visit them with the intent on of becoming acquainted with the hfe and ideals of the native born will any degree of intimacy or understanding be reached the lesson of lady byng s speech then is for canadians when they go travelling on holiday to extend ther knowledge of the structure and economic life ot tho people in other parts of the country than their own and to see for themselves the beauty of canadian scenery which travellers from other land say u unexcelled the world over and of which every province has its full share see canada tint and see it from halifax to victoria lifebuoy tennis and outingshoes benj fetch ancuonaar tor baltaa paat qlsuwwiam pst orsea bala eondnetad mtlscaotaroj u u m araabia rata orwars ml at th oaorsrstmni harald oneasrlo rastlv twesspt attaatioo acompleteline iibwin stock for men women and children d brill co georgetown daddy blair of the wild and woolly west l owof a world weary old timer one of the pioneers of the canadian v est died recently in edmonton the age of 94 he was known asl daddy dlalr bnt bis real name was telcsphore alexander blals as a scout soldier and adventurer he carried the hudson e bay company flag into the remote comers ot tbe west for hall a century finally bowing bis sturdy shoulders before the ravages ot age since the in angurauon or stampedes in various cities in lie west daddy waa al wvys one of the tin to attend no matter how much he felt the weight of bis year he made his last exfort in 1929 when be attended the hudson s bay parade in edmonton at tbe age of 89 dad wns only fourteen years or age wnen he left tho old homestead near jjonlrcal the glamour the excitement the rash and uncer talnly vf circus ufa the shouts of the performers the tumultuous ap plause of happy pleasureseekers llurfd mm even the dust bit into bis olood and away went dad around tbejworld with barnnms clr- one day in london daddy was drivmx one or bamum s elgbtborse teams a tittle girl ran suddenly to the street there wm a shout a shriek from one of the spectators and before anyone knew what waa happening daddy bad wrenched the ponies almost completely around saving the child s life by about two inches in the mixup daddy fell into the muddy street ruining his cjotbes her majesty queen vic toria who happened to witness the scene called the next day shook hands with dandy snd bad a suit ot clothes sent to htm blair started for the nortbwest in 1852 walking from ottawa 10 fort garry when tbe canadian pacific railway was building into winnipeg i ihe was put to work on a gang under tom scott who was later the first victim or tbe rlel rebellion it was scott who changed blals name tol dlalr i far over thirty rears the mnn who wanted adventure srent up and down the conotry he served as a scout for general strange he was attached to the service ot lord strathcona then donald smith of the c p r he carried mall for the hudson s bay company over tho crows nest trail and be narrowly escaped being barn ed to death by indian daddy got the adventure be had ihought he wanted and be died more satisfied tmn many another man would kve bwa for many years in the sunset of his ute daddy was a familiar ilgurc on tbe streets of edmonton with bis silvery patrician mustache and sol dlerly bead hk but he ended up as a caretaker for buildings and final when tbe old man could work no longer he was taken care of by miss chatham of tbe beulah miction then daddy eyes bee an to grow dimmer on sunny days be would ask piteous- ly tvhy is it so dark doesnt the sun come out to play any more t it grew darker the muni frame grew weaker and weaker and the tired old feel which had earrlod their burden through a glorious carefree life of adient re turned townrds tbe happy hunting grounds whare they will haye to trudgs over rough roads no mors v paint your home too your hoinr to litnervts a cunt uf pulnt it needs pro tectloi ngai bt thi magca uf thi clemci ta a j tin e a coat uf paint will not wily protect but will beautify y ur i unit m cl trihnnct its value vou yourself will ftel n new pr de in thi new np- penrance f our home and in the prestige it will afford ny your home deserves the bent that is why we suggest that you use high standard paint owing lo the excellence of the materinls used and the care exercised in its manu fucture high standard pa ii i in the mtnt economical that you can buy it will cover much more than a cheaper paint and will bit from two- to four years try it when next you paint high standnrd will render jou the best of service j interior floor paint floors that are painted with lowe brothers hard drying floor paint require no scrubbing simply mop them and your floors will he always clean it is a floor enamel which dries over night to a high gloss finish very easy to apply auto gloss any amateur can finish his car in a few hours with auto- gloss ik is a enamel finish of great depth and beauty sold in a full range of popu lar colors it flows on easily leaves no brush marks arid dries quickly to a permanent finish porch floor paint is mads sp dah floors longer than any paint you have ever tried for it ta a hard high gloss varnish paint heat cold rain nrjttlrflti varnish stain keptunite is a high grade vsmish stain for floors furniture snd woodwork of sjl kinds varnishes and stains in one easy operation the stain colors are non fading neptunite has splen did wearing qualities arid fa not easily marred georgetown rh thompson co ontario ladies shabpo0in6 marcelling and cubun6 frizzing and singeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jblillico apaalllbuts pine 278w fire insurance j w kenneov gtirgel va agmt for some of tho itroikcit om pmiieswntng nsurance are you protected erwingoldhams meat market homekilled lamb veal beef and pork dressed chickens wanted quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no- 1 eau smkingly beautiful are the new star closed cars with their gracefully pjopor ttoned bodies finished in nch colorings of satin lustre duco a quiet luxury pervades the interior the high grade upholstery handsome fittings onepiece ventilating windshield genuine plateglass and many other evidences of motor car refinement make the new star supreme in the low cost field in appearance as in power economy and performance the star cars fours and sutaa offer a new and greater of value durant motors of canada limited toronto lcuuu ontario s lit new star 1 t x- speight sales rooms guelph sfc 3 gail fixvsf and sixes

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