Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 16, 1926, p. 2

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tllk gvouoftowr flkiuil jl charged for at tho following ratoh mirths 60c marriages dtatha 50c memorial cards 50c 1x per line ixtrn for poetry died bradleyal hornby on tuesday juno 8th ishm norman howard in lantaonof mr and mra h m qrad ley aged 6 weokn dunningatcumbcriand unt on wednesday juno 9th 1926 william w dunning father of lira rev kenneth mnclenn georgetown aged 12 years 100 f decoration and church parade impressive hemorial service al grnnwoof cenelery in spiring sermon by kev k haculn l nlgbl 1 gn i a challenge lo sherih webster willi nhtvill whiter mid hid many fnemla wtrt itlubratmg tlit occasion of his 84ti birth ln the festivities ire intumiptetl bi tin following clmltt ngi utuuipcg jinn ul 19jc sheriff is webhur norval ontario dear sir i saw iu tin i at lrtaa one of our local papers tuken from i paper at midkntt out an item to the effect ih it you oll tkbrnu our 84th birthday uti un 11th allow me tu tiudir my ongmtula lions ij mysdf will icltbmu mj 88rd birthday on the ird if angus next und tun still going strong- 1 have bet n in otlice as sheriff mtr 50 enrs cm you bent thiit i hallenge y ou to a foot nil t ours failhfullj colin inksur sheriff h i l u lunuiil gruc luiominii h imdi of omni i odgi iiitl enluii itiukih 1 184 loot took h sun in hint lult lu ii niiulhrs of in ill lodge- ut iitittrs fri in iglibontig lodn turntil ul lirgt nuinlxr tin mon nig in mon il mtiiiis were t onducted in blew irttiin n mi williams li rmstiriw for ll de parted brothers ss hu rest tin a in the iifuimoou lit h o elot k the lodgra aiwuubltii at the areua hert unikr tin direction of marslnll bros 11 hiiimllmi und a tout tin pttradt was foruml mil led bj tin iirbrgilonu hiiud prontdtd toontn iud cemtler riie raeuion il r ouluued bv ilro i hill no and bro b w ilki r oiputi and ihuu liltdrtnikrthl tin imiiu ittr mj fod to tint abult with t sun of l bull ml llolj hih ibotimt it re- ibruiue was l ilihi on utli di part 1 brotjiira grwe the graves dot t rated win llenwillininibros a mm iud janus norton stewnrtton ii bro i it fl omp- limehonse limt house united cliunli cele bra ted its first anniversary hervicen listsundaj the old stone tlumh recently redecorated probably never looked so splendid ai it did to the scores of worshippers al the mom nig find evening sorvi s the special minister for the o ca- sion was a former pnstor kev mr pernu of hamilton his bermoitb provtd t bt foneful t xhortntmiii o godlj life uidwnik mimorj wasierybusj lit said u i milk id in these old linunta mudr ajtcred bj so minv friendships of i slr iir speriul rauiil tumislied bj the mole quitruttcs of thi baptist cliunh acton and the united church gtorgetown was verj much enjoyed by the itidienie the withdrawal of the afternoon strvict m the sixth line church w as an act of courtesj which reveals the truer base on whu h all work for the a ivancement of the kingdom shonl i bt based on mouda evening diwpite the mclemenc of the weather a matt micceviful annivonan conceit and old fashioned urn meeting nas hold among those faking part iti the ex cellent pilgrim present d were mr tainea h win tnor soloist of toronto accompanieil bj mr bruce charon pianist mr atiamra minp who kindly furnish ed se vera instru mental selections miss swindle hurst in a group of rculinga and misses dickie and millar at the piano at thi close ca pious refreshments were sen e 1 rev mr caldwel was chairman a pleasing featun of the concert was thi presence of rev m a l barker who is to be our new resident pastor here commencing next month the congregation look forward with grtut antu i pat ion to another jears work which shall be mark deep spiritual growth in the l omnium tj isitorsto our hamlet with accord paj tnbutu to the wonderful rugged sceoerj which abounds around here probably we who he here ore not attuned to the beauties round about but east our eses toward lio cities i president j b rei nolds of the o a c mrs reynolds and their son edgar of the royal bank paris and miss nettie gowdj visited at the home of mr w ra gowdy on sunday i viu uf th oddf 11- mr ibrun for tlm mtikiiii i lis i men tht lnator of i ik ashgrove ed lil iu xt imt tiiig will ih h lei on tuetxtnv tuji oth at tht hoiui of mrs a wilson tennis 11 mt inhere and prospcctivt u of the georgetown t en club are kindly requested to pay thur fees to miss troanor at mr mi mms ufhee on or before lune 20 bt oursperialsiu footwtarfw c kirtlett georgetown and brimp- football the league match between george town and fergus on saturday ended in a victory for georgetown bj 3 goals to nouo from the outset georgetown pressed the visitors and at half time were leading by 0 on the resumption of pi a fergus showed mow determination pressed the georgetown custodian to extreme but mackart was out to win and shot after shot was checked and the visitors could not break through although showing fine football just before full time gosh added n third for georgetown final result georgetown 3 fergus nil holes on the game georgeto were not at full strength on satur day owing to henderson their clever ntrre half being absent and juries to j mackintosh when the played and drew with mo arthur week ago those two plajors alo with hughes are outstanding players of no mean repute ami had it not been for their absence the score might have been greater dew hurst the old rote ran still plays tine football i was speaking to him after the game and he told me he felt in fine condition angus mack in tosh our clever ci nire foward al ways shows fine football and notched two goals dne to passes from scbttte thompson this is the second game this season that angns has scored 2 goals the last one was against mc arthurs east saturda georgetown made a dnim have a line combination team this j ear and the public are in vi tod to come and see some of the clever foot work of the boys and by so doing will help encourage them and also help thesilub financially we w ould inform our supporters that our nexl match will not take place nnul 21st jul j owing to cup ties being played lexpressn on enelosed grounds georgetown journeys to guelpli on saturdaj to play mcarthurs and the truck leaves the monument sharp at 2 p m all those intending to travel with same for a good afternoon aport might communicate wttn l secretary georgeu wiihroh in i orter win ohara w a millar thos hums a gruvts wm blmr nevem s nevins a coffin ii heartwell urn mtkinnou i o wilson t j tt heeler l seanli adams r t harrison e finkv i hajes thos steele wm gaue d c watson 1 baml b nixon and wm buck the church paride to knox prts- by tenan church was largely attended and and an eloquent an inspiring sermon was delivered by kev ken neth mac lean who chose as his text a threefold cord is not quick ly broken loci 4 12 before proceeding to the i onmd eration of the subject suggested by these words i wish to speak a word i of welcome to the members of onon lodge and verdun rebekah lodge and visitors from neighboring lodges who worship with us this evening wc welcome you to this house of worship recognizing that many of you have this evening left your own church in order to meet with us to night the three links are understood to be the symbol of your fraternity and while it may be difficult to find that exact expression in the volume of the saeted law the expression in our taxy a three-fold- cord is at least siniilir in meaning the three vir tues thus symbolized are friendship love and truth a large measure of friendship ii the great need of todaj those who sought to establish the league of nations did so for the purpose of establishing friendship awing the nations of the world and by fnendly intercourse to arrive at decision which would be just the recent meeting of tho prime ministers of tht various provinces of canada hud among other aims the establishing of better relations almost i ven citv town or village in canada today fcolb the need of more fnemll inter course among the various sections of its population some few have given full expression to the desire for fnend ship the young physician who gives up home and comfort to minis ter lo the needs of a leper olon ex presses his friendship in deeds the young missionary to the dark con tinents of flie world shows his fnend ship by his interest in the neglected millions the strong man who ob jects to excessive child labor and who establishes the juvenile court proves that friendship and not the hope of material reward is the passion that moves him the second link in the chain or the second strand in the cord is that if love it is closely related to friendship and the culmination of il le is approbation of and luchna towards an object that appears to us as good it expresses thi re lationship tliat ought to exist be tween us and god and between u3 and our fellow men we are toll god with all our powers working to the highest degree and we ate to love our neighbor as ourselves the mosaic law provides for this love men were not to glean the i orncrs of the held- but were to leave them for the poor men were not to gatlier the fallen fruit but were to leave it for the poor the legitimate love of self is the desirt we should have lo fulfil our lives m accordance the plans of god our love for neighbor is our desire to c o operate with him to the fulfilment of his life according to god h plun for him immediately recognize that withoul love in the heart our in es are in iron it may be a law of socieu that wc an tot to recognize our neighbor un til we- are formally introduced but it is a higher law a law of god that we shall love ourniighhor and ior is sure to find some means of t xpre si on some method of greeting the third link or strand is truth truth is accuracy ip perception and accuracy m einjesajon the gid testament use opthe wqrd was in its relationship to god it refers to what is revealed or known alut god jesus is tho way the truth and the lire ih was tho truth about god we give expression ii the truth hy action when when we apportion our timt proper prayer labour refreshment sleep the conuni nt of our u xt upon this cord is that it is not quickly broken show me tho man in whose heart is friendship to mankind love toward god and neighbor and the of whose life w truth and lean then show you a man who n not iikelyto become despondent in the time of disappointment nor un duly excited in the hour of success he will be calm and persevering and he need not fear what the reward of life will be for him p riu sl l f o uul l f u lulis met u 111 bum of mr an 1 mrs hugh bluk on tun inl with igood ttu itliuii afurllo outn ing etrcisis i spluulil iwpir on ubormmig ilivius wis given lv mrs nurse this was nil praoliuil and i in irt ilimussioii followed th uiuiinl k ait h as then dis tushed md tbi lonimituvi in thiiir ifsni appointed uttr luinhto inl i tuhlil ii ur iht mug ii m ul tli n uiuiinl aiithtm im ngbt thi intt mglo uli tht suimmr tiheting of iht sh lnstituli nut it tli s h ltnddll on itnh with i large it aftt r un opening 1 1 ii iii led bv tht insitltn di k i uiusit il jmignii i tht lidif tin hon hassisuil ly mrs w ntlil itul ml bhulil ipt i tn i ii tht ilu of ft i it p smiling ptakir of tin iruniihiii vn nslued miss lem cununin smith vv ho gave in mlentitiiig nut inspiring iddress ou how rural lift i m lie inadt more attractive to oung people in cunsdn the smgiug of the national anthem brought ibis sph ndihmei tmg to a uimt lunch hrov e om luin of mi ihuiwlii i jttndiiit nas kvi th mortgage sale i valuue twi pnpcriy under and by virtue of powers con tained in a certain mortgage and in a certain mortgaga of a morteuw by way of assignment which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auc tion on saturday the nineteenth day of june 196 at the megibbon hotel in the town of georgetown by mr ben petch auctioneer toe following prop erty namely those parcels or tracta of land and premises situate lynns- and being in the town of georgetown in the county of h si ion am provmoe of on tario and being composed ol lots nam ben 36 and 36 on the north bast tide of ham street in the said town of ge town and fowii lots numbers 37 m on the south west sd of arietta street in the said town of georgetown and also town lota numbers 68 69 60 61 and 62 on the north east side of ar ietta street in the said town of george town and also town lot number 63 on the south west side of cherry street in the said town of georgetown all of said lots being according to willsies survey of part of the said town of georgetown trie above property is said to contain in all approximately four acre more or less on the said lands there is said to be erected a one and onehalf story frame dwelling house containing ten rooms a large summer kitchen and a good cellar also a good frame barn there ib a good apple and fruit orchard on the premises and also time of sale balance to be paid within i thirty days or further particulars and conditions of sale apply to r h munro mitchell ontario solicitor for the assignee of the aaid mortgage or to clarence h wiggins barrister ft solicitor georgetown ontario dated at mitchell ontario thalthday of june 1928 it a 10 watt iou itl runout 10tl watt nitrn 1 0 watil nitro 200 watt n tio hydro electric system 60 wtt lamps 4or 1 oo guaranteed lamps irons guaranteed 1 year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken for ranges and appliances of all town hall a 4 a surprising opportunity i now is your opportunity sloekreducing sale ol fine quality english crockery french china plain and cnl glassware this stock is large well assorted bought in crite lots at iwest pnt es and will be offered at pnees that irt nal bargains i we want lo reduce our stock 100 acres- wellington co35q0 uated on gravel road 6 miles from acton soil clay loam 65 acres under cultivation balance bush estimate of 20000 worth of wood solid buck house eight rooms good cellar barn with basement fair stabling terms 1000 cash balance on mortgage this astonishing puce for immediate sale act quickly wxevmjs6gy new advertisements w ur cash wmi on ot it ii nil k den ly ul her ill off r v nineav eorgclowi herald p vviih lierdd mb l ii rr i oil i led api ly ii uk he prty who orwixsl t klliebiyrle from he a lwil on mo jay lam ind icfi itm or wilffam i lane wbere il wai irby inolor car iom forward u will ihqwner mil bvo j pro- oi 2h isl t ne weil on hlh om ihcatn l dnv ok rr and one filly 2 yra jld any informaiioc rogaid i g same wdl be ap prec led w j sjarrclt r r j acto i or ph no 16 acton lip aiutt 1600 moatuf ll llg magic gas 1 box equsli 33 en menu yotn r c profit write p a lefebvre co alenandr a ont iv baudlne saad any quant tjr of choice buddinfr sand for e al reasonable pr ce apply lo ch hoaie king si georgetown 3t paiqtlbc and ppraaaaiaa ni n gn n g alto paperhangint al vcrj icasouable charges worth invetti ki nj order promptly attended to by t j hoi georgetown 3 i any attempt to give you a list of tht miny 1 argnim vial 1 lie a failure nl the space at onr disposal ome iu mil look over the goodsv in noil 1 1 lie digsop- pointed cloyer leaf cups anil sauirs lor xh english cups and saucers new 20c bread and butter plates c for 74i oatmeal bowls 2 for 26c cream jugs it 8c and up english tea pot a sop 49c 59c tiaseta6 95 for 4 05 diunersu97 pitte if hi ware ss4 tor 27 9s glass tumblers for 21c fit e cut tumblers c for 49e a holt of pretty rich ont glau everjluig ges at sak prices nothing reserved jacksons georgetown r h thompson co xaki9ym hardware plumbing electrical wiring and sheet metal work we have just received a shipment of new perfection florance automatic and nesco oil atovea and ovens and mvite your inspection of these new goods every stove and oven guaranteed by us and our prices are right when you see our stock of electric hot plates grills toasters and electric irons you will be delighted with them we also sell moffat electric ranges rent this electric floor polisher for 2 per day or 50c per hour and beautify all your floors and linoleum we have received fresh shipment of johnson s wax ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand loat between the ret dencei of c i creel n and it rou d amond sol aire ring led as keepsake subijatial rtward rei medio hbkalp office li for saoa 3 h p a ogle phase 1 10 120 volt motor jrond as new w 8 browne co 2 rorbal gray dorl ace d 15 tfna ok 1922 model only driven about 5000 m lea 4 ly new cord t roa a t mechanical 1 1 on pa ni and uphnutenof 1 k new w millieresr umchoux onl to bant lleuic for rent en church street poa eat on june 111 apply loxe roy dale for rut k house on lburch st pos st apply to mn h w appl 1 re rr tc auto for sal 1925 poid coupe disc wheel n a b1 oon tires speed ign tion tox wheel lock front and rear bu npers adjustable spot i glit heater accelerator motor metre spec bi qu lh til radaior cap alarm m rror dub lamp new brake bands wind ihield wipur apply to j hcbean queen si gcorstlown 11 wood ibrsal i have secured a large quanl ty of dry beech an j miple del vered anywhere n townorglenwiltami al 1 00rper load about a cord of 12 inch wood alao cut ra ii a s3 00 per toad and m xed wood at j 50 per load also carrots paranipa and becti j brand lord ban 490 geonce- owti phone i j5 r 4 h a coxe grain seed for sale choice seed oats o ac and renoie a larly elds cho ce seed ttariej lu ccri e red clover als ke timothy beti fl i ca government standard alex noble georgetown elevator 2mo main st north formerly browns garage r ahmhimi 7lnraiea house paints a tattoo of lowe brothers rt standard him wib ocnat looonoan feet to the alle brio a hiffc let us sharpen and adjust your mower i with ournew electric power grinder or if you need a new mower we have a complete stock of taylor forbes famous mowers when you refinish your car remember we sell the genuine duco there is only one duco dupont duco let es five yi 11 estimate n yesr reqalrenedls is piubiv litusblsku fsraaee wtrk u tdrieal wiring bemalr wtrk ittaso atleim t el 8 ih0mpsw co ebone 46 of highprioect cars at the lowest price in chevrolet his tory this handsome rugged coach gives you every quality feature essential to modern motoring satisfaction in the chevrolet coach you get a beautiful fisher body closed car fin ished in beautiful colors of lasting duco ancj offering such quality features as 3speed transmission balloon tires alemite lubrication oil and water fiumps and remy electric starting ighting and ignition come inl learn how little it now costs to own and drive a quality closed car of modern design s v king dealer l quality at low cost tenders wanted te ders w ii be ret e ved up till norm on monday the 2111 dav of june lor the build nftof a noodshtd according lo plana and speclftcal oni for the presbyterian church geotketovn plans and ipecific cement supply the beat i wood for sal udo d15 00cord 3 75pr uofcle j p ooperlosd bummer wood f 00 loi 1 fel vcrwi murraa pbone weobidr it a jorfnl oblliatlob to lapplj yon with jnit tkacat r quality diaat yon tut 1- 1 high mark uf ex r ih tniitiu nuats li g fi or in jour market the home of utt mealtsi phong2sw 1 qeorgerowrr announcement plnnbtsg tfeahig ttasmltun aieidrlc wiru estimates cheerfully given on all classes of work george r mnckart phone 313 for qdck serrice emery st qe0eqet0wn

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