Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald b1tii tu yi ah ok publication georgetown wednesday evening- june 23rd 1836 1 go per annum in advance 2 00 to u h hie georgetown herald j m moore pablukar uat pronritr h tukdlaa wkl nawa- papor ananas initios lira li 1h p 11 cnr tin tnhu lioiml kht pawprimer j i pasacnor 1 cause netr mail v hi ail passer i h25 m posscdkor bnuilay 7 21 m 101111 wfhi passenger 2 ani mail bi1 mi pnaacngor 2 12 p n mail 450 p in pabacnor 6 os p ni pabuagcr 7ah p m passenger sunda 10 21 an going nobtu flail 800 am mail in 4 55 p m ooikq booth mail 11 is rum mail 7 84 pm cautiu nalteaul ekdrk mlwayg tmhu lakarhaa rallwa ea8tbodnd w e8tbo0nd daily dail 4 0 57aui 611 57 a m a 1 67 p ni 10 8j7 p m is- 6 67pm 14 7 67 jim 18 9 67 pm 1 ib 1168 pm 3 m3eani 6 hb5am 7 1 b p m 9 3 36 p m 11 fij5pn 13 7bs p m 1 is ab5pm 17 i2 06am train nob 1 and 4 run dail except sunday directory chilton wallbhioqe a oale barruton solicit eto toronto and qeorauwa obim koanady block li rot data in chars ot chora e o atxra hamster soltotoi lie office mill st georgetown hoar 9am lo5p m open weinekur and saturday ivciiingi- rihwtp- wiqouib fluihiw baundlar matary pwuio ofooa olnuhacx oooraatawn hours 9 am lospin open wednesday and saturday evenings uiutin mil ilia wnniitt teluhoitim dr t x mabosllus dr a r w job i phniaaa ar frgeon yuslrt george h i bo c 22 e house surgeon t fee hoip ll dr o v wiujabj phjruail and urgtoa office and residence qucm strc sooth otbco hoars 9 luanl i 3 and 6fl pm also 4i appoint raeou dr sothbhiahp etc ear nose and throat specialist at georgetown each saturday hrari7 p in till 9 p m or by appoint meat glasses supplied office at hiss matthewn main st home phone 107 r g r r vatiom n m d j ourptowi 1 obim hwtmr0 a emt p l heath 1da ddk owtiat offlos in inaaa block on door dorlt at okallta carrtaa maetorr hour a mtel ciiiopraotic t mdt avrnomajrr kavr lb moat cotnplete and oplo date wmb cmrapracticalty la ontario jraubattmcumpmetoi ratotmaat- lovymtraoum office oast to o nein garage other daja and bonra by appointment plonelso rodence iso atmntaaffbooe 2is toeady and friday 2topm kt standard anthracite j scranton f coal i in ausixes antomaliotjly screened and f ltmdpd i coal iwood bahut lamp for domestic ami tbreahrog porpoeoe 8mithig and canosl coaj ytwaiterty eteryhias to ba bond in any uptodate omi udt7ood tard hi- jjohn mcdonald phone it cnorgetown browns bakery confectionery you can uii gel the same qoaluy milk maid bread at our store our lie cream sodas are cool and refreshing any flavor 10c sa vurda y candy tkea t wkrm cli ullt ri l 2fo kimi ki 2t saturday ice cream treat i a hum 20o n h brown bakery 202w phonesconfectionory 202j notice tinsmilhing dealing rooling and sheet mela work for estimates see f t mcgiluvray prompt attention to all repairing eatatroaus a spectalty agaat empire king fnnuon shop torce st j phone 241w royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season donl forget to iry a loal ol guelph bakery bread dont forget to call at e l youngs store for your tobaccos cigars cigareltes and candies neilsons ice cream in bulk or brick see onr window lor saturday specials we sen slralfon laker bread on wednesday and sat rday pastry aid faacy cakes oa salnrdiy only banana and orankes always in stook itcotanilyisecodcxnicalto operate although larger than other lowpriced cars chevrolet has a worldwide repu tation for being more economical of gasoline and oil modern design is the reason just as quality construction and finecar features assure the greater economy of long life alow depreciation and freedom from repair the improved chev relet the latest and greatest chevrolet costs little to buy and little to own over a million owners will tell you it certainty is economical to operate i s v king dealer new low prices letters of credit wherever business o pleasure may call you a letter of credit will assure you of ready money without the necessity of your carrying cash from place to place tur letter of credit arc honoured in any pari of the world jj the canadian bank of commerce capital paid up 120000000 bcacrte fund 20000000 gcorgown brrach j lthorofmon muugrt reports on w canadas m jig yl at frequent intervals throughout j the season the bank of montreal issues reports on the progress of the crops in canada these re ports telegraphed to lieadauarters from the managers of the banks 600 branches cover every prov ince and form o reliable index of crop conditions the reports are furnished fret jupon request at any brandt of the bank your name wib be placed am bsu lvkofmoisltreasl total assets in excess of 9750000000 00 the annual meeting of uic h niton liberal conservative aajocmt on was held in the town hall milun on friday june 16th anil was largely at tended representatives being present from all part of the constituency addresses on tht politjcal questions the day were delivered by dr anderson up geo hillmcr p p and col h mullins mp for marquette man the election of of ncers for the ensuing year resulted as j follows county officers preaident m c smith burlington 1st vice president george arnold georgetown becon i vicepresident ernest henderson milton third vicepresident wm moore campbell vi lie fourth vict president mrs dr mcnivcn acton fifth vioepresulont samuel nixon kilbnde treasurer j f little mil ton secretary t a hutchinson mil we sell lor less try as tor your hardware wants oil stovea olimabna lculerxwbl tfowrn soreen doora and windowa beflaratora fly spray flit sporting good eto rvisrytiitngiln liiirdware martin senonr 100 per cent pare paint the onl paint with 100 per cent pure on the i ibel your home dewves the beit try im for woodhr nnish slim alnhantine muresrn ar l lilies ft r pri f i in wd oil turpentinp nrt while learl fore jou painl tonn for bettr hardware price t graham clements we aim to plea phone 25 the coming lfaders o 1onl uhlli t art ien ny to thee our kiomouh kiri may wc thy n 1 rcrcivinu ouferatetul tribute bring thou ifott in life i glul moining a ad us with oiu occonl to bi fk to b j ion mi the dortnn s of thy w r i in youthful yiars of swi tit n when lifi from care is fn vl do in all com pie ten ens devote ourselves to thee what thou art freely givm enriches heart ontf mind and flts us ench for living i iere an i hilp mankinl help alt attentive remkrs to know an 1 do thy will and train successful kndira thi purpost lo fulfil inapirx the earnest plinline of those who tpcak nnd pray and ketp this work procetil ng till victory crowns the dn may irracc and itrcngth an blissing and peace and power lombint to keep us ever pressing toward the heights umnc in love and knowledge srowin may we couragtous dv and find delight in showing ur loyalty to thee t watson itidgetown ont 1926 a nnn wliu bhv o montlm uku k dumul hoovir in th sdfconfcsseit th r and wi in n luy last p m craw ford lentent i him to thne larn nprinonmi nt thurxduy nfttrnoon at dorteuwn i m sluilils slntcnci i thi sami hoover for indecent unsivult woman jo two yeurs to run col lively with the thlcc given in rrump ton making five in all awarded for two crimes committed in a week hoover came here is suppose i from montreal to work in hewetson s shoe factory he broke into the town with a wife and two children an i ented a furn shed home at the south nd of mill street at jflo u month lntturly he has been livint in room- in a targe hotise at the east end of john street stud chup whol snya he is thirty five and looks like forty five he weighs about 13e lbs lit is a good mixer and got arountl utc a bit he invested in a car on long time he nleo joined the town s brass band and played a double bai unlit the boys heard some thing about him that teas not so good and they asked hlrrfttf blow his horn elsewhere in the police court yesterday he pleaded guilty ind was given thrct at georgetown a man was wanted for an indecent assault on a woman on monday a young woman came tol the jail here and picked hoover out of half a dozen men as the man who had assaulted her one evening li the young woman is 8 years of igc and works in a factory hoover struck up an acquaintance during the defy and was hanging around when the girl was going home in the even inj he pern united her to enter hu car and he drove into a lane and into u car had broken down he got the girl out and then proceeded to assault her she resist him and finally terra cotta ft the hal ton brick company u running their plant to the fullest paclty and expect to have their n wirecut plant in operation shortly mrs moore and family mrs udell d son wore week end visitors with mr and mrs h ellwood mr and mrs a q pcarce and mi and mrs scarle of toronto spent sunday with terra cotta friends mr walter haywood of guelph visited friends hero on sunday mr f phillips of toronto spent j the week end at his home here f rogers a company are veryj busy getting out stone at the quar mr it clone has the contract for gravelling the town line above the cnr station hr and mrs ashley of credit forks have taken up their resi h here had her clothe- bad bru se on the 1 g to ny nothing of mental hh6ck hoover wiis at gtorgelowii for trial thursday afternoon he plea ted guil ty and was given two jears to begin when the three for burglary have ex j tired the magistrate intimated that ic had a mm i to ud 1 th lash to the two years hoover gives his birthplnc us bel fast ireland he married his wife in new york state he is supposed to have had a long and varied career in crime stealing auto mobile sand get ting married arc among the things he is supposed to have been guilty of his finger prints have been taken and forwarded to montreal and an inter- esting story of crime is expected to come from there hoover has had a school education he writes a stgna ture like copper plate it is thl cali graphy of a business college hoover is undoubtedly a very bail in now that ho has been found out and convicted he gives a most touching exhibition of remorse an contrition banner 4 times where is the barefoot boy he jook a chance a well written story in an exchange tells of a street accident as the result of which a boy of nine is leal anil the driver of an auto in jail summarized it is this motorist driving home came behind heavy truck the street was narrow so he swerved to the wrong sijc of the road to speed past there was a crash anil a little lad of nine and his new bicycle were dragged from under the auto after bt ini carried some distance there may have been a startled cry ifrom the lad but when he was picked min he made no complaint he could a rush to the hospital the few short hours of torment for the parents and for the driver too then the doc tors word that he lad had gone the appearance of the police and the charge of manslaughter all because the driver ha i taken a chance he was simply on his wayl home and there was no urgency thcre was plenty of time to have looked ahead to see if the way were but he took a chance he may be sent down and if so the sutfenng hc inflicted on anothers family will be visited upon his own if you drive a car think this ov there s no doubt the man under t rest facing a charge of manslaught considered himself jurt as careful think it over here is the latest story of the who ia too stingy to take hin home papers a man who is too economical to ubscrib for a paper sent his lit tie boy to borrow the copy taken by his neighbor in his haste the boy ran over a fourdollar stand of bees and in ten minutes looked like a warty souash his cries reach e i his father wno ran to his assistance anil failingl to notice a barbed wire fence ran jlnto that breaking it down cutting a handful of flesh from his una to mi and ft gap in the fence and got into the cornfield and kilted herself eating green corn hearing the racket the wife ran upset a five gallon churnfulj of rich cream into a basket of chick ens drowning the wholb flock in the hurry she dropped a scvendollarj set of false teeth the baby left alone crawled through the spilled milk and into the parlor ruining s brand new twentydollar carptt dur ing the excitement the eldest daugh ter ran away with the hired man the dog broke up eleven setting hens and cakes got out and chrwed the tails off four fine shirts coop nlion ann of taa fairs a meeting was held at milton last week of representatives from milton georgetown acton brampton bur- fairs of this district the question peed etc were discussed and it if admission price trials of speed gestedhhat the fairs interested coop erate in jointly advertising their fairs this fall by cooperation it was hop ed to increase the attendance and im i prove th fairs generally another meeting will be held after uw various representatives report back to their board of directors dad man convicted to brampton i and r i house sh if you know of a little sin whose telling woul i or a grin man you don t like for his sake dont dont be a itnoekemlgh here stick a pin tin pretty good plan to forget it the baptist notes and commenls there is a loud and urgent cry from pedestrians that drastic means should be taken to put a stop to the speeding motorists particularly on the main streets of the town not only those who walk are to be con bide red but careful drivers of auto mobiles and those who accompany them are constantly running great risk of being crashed into iy cars which dash post intersect ons at a rate of speed which is positively shameful and which is clearly illegal a good many motorists fail lo real lie that the highway traffic act weans what it says when it enacted this clause no motor vehicle shall be driven at a street intersection at greater rate of speed than ten miles per hour in a town or village the penalty for first offence xa not less than 5 00 nor more than iso 00 and for the second or subsequent offence not less than 10 or more than s100 and the license may be suspended for one who drives much in the rural iarts of ontario tells us the bare foot joy is no more he never eces the happy lad of early days trudging his way memly on the highly his boots left behind his new freedom rousing his happiness to a high pitch but why try to describe a figure so bnl liantly pictured by whitticr in these blessings on thee little man barefoot boy with check of tan with thy turned up pantaloons and thy merry whistled tunes with thy red lips reddi r still kissed by strawberries on the lull with the hiinshln on thy face from thy turned brim s jaunty grace from my heart i give thee joj i once n barefoot boy if there art no liurefool days for the boys of this generation there is something missed long about this time of year there came the first de idedly worm day and the boys at the duntry school knew the time had ome lor action they had worn their shoes to school that morning but with unanimous consent off came the shoes at recess thej were tied together by the laces and earned homo over the shout ior at first the feet were tender from the protection of the idng winter but they quickly toughened thistle barbs wrought havoc for n few days but soon even they were resisted by the hard skin on the sole of the feet the windi of summer blew with reviving vigor on the bare legs and it was no wonder there were merry whistled schoolboys of today but themomory of barefoot days will ever be trcas urcd b those who knew them globe some important changes were made in the election law by the leg islaturc this session the length of time a person has to be domiciled in a constituency ts reduced from three to two months polling booths will be kept open till 7 o clock instead of 6 if s candidate decides to retire after the ballots are printed the clerk of the peace is to be notified and s no tice must be posted up in the polling booths the committee recommended that the number of names on nomina tion papers may be reduced from 100 to 50 premier ferguson objected to this last recommendation as it might tend to get irresponsible candidates and the amendment was lost thrift most boys and girls leave school at the age of fourteen to sixteen and it is the duty of every community to see that industrial opportunities arc provided for them and that they arc provided for them and that they are advised and directed to take ad van tagc of them in a way that will lay the surest foundation for a useful an 1 well balanced career they should be made to understand that when the teavc school and go to work they are beginning to take upon themselves the management of a very serious bus ness namely the business of living for the next six or seven years they wilt be in the apprenticeship of thi business and will be under the guid anee and advice of their parents oi guardians and of their employers but after the age of twentyone they be come responsible masters of their own careers their own business of liv ing during this apprenticeship there is one lesson jhe should learn anil practise more than any other namely the lesson of thrift if with tlie assistance of their parents or guardians and of an intelligent an l conscientious cmplojer the will haie a useful education a good trade or profession a provision for old age as welt as commendable habits and man ners good health and a wile circle of fnendt the finest equipment with which to take over the management of the business of living happy is the parent and fortunate is the community whose kni and daughter arc so equipped it is far supcnoi to the inheritance of wealth or social rank and with a free public school system of education correspondence courses ttnd special classes and a community that pro des industrial port unities for it boys and girls ine poorest in thyjand can pro hlmtalf with iticban equipment forget it of tall f how til u i of ii rchn g fenrlcm und prou i andyou know of a tale uhosi mn tiling aloud woul i caus his prou it i to in an guish be bowed n pretty good plan to forgi t t if you know of u nkiktou hidd n closet and guarded and kept from the day in the dark whose showing dudden display woul i cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay i pretty good plan to forget it if you know anything that will darken th joy of a man or a woman or boy that will w i e out a smile thi least way lismay u prett op i plan to forget it a tlnng juit the least ng of the public or rather the lack of notification of new lawn passed in the legislature the old adage that ig norance of the law is no extenuation may be quite all right in certain cases but the number of new laws ami amendments to old laws that are pass ed at each session of which the ave rage person is not apprised don t give a person much chance it is cer tainly true that much of this legisla tiongoes through without the general public being given any definite in formation a summary of all legis lotion enacted should be prepared by the government and sent to every municipal council and newspaper of the province is an opinion that will be endorsed generally in reflecting upon the con duct and actions of many of the young people of today one seems to be naturally inclined to ask of them how much is your self respect worth some young persons evident ly hold it cheap the boy who cheats ur pass his examinations has parted with his most precious possession for a song the girl who does as her companions ore doing though she violates her conscience sells her self respect for almost nothing no one is rich who cannot respect himself even though he a rated as a million no one is poor who has retain is self respect although paying his last bill took his last dollar hold to your selfrespect for to lose it is that you have made a bad bar gain regardless of what b paid you what your present gain nada birthday dominion day is canada s only na tional holiday and falls always on july 1st it is a day hat should mean more to the canadian people than any other date on the calendar yet from ear to year it passes and is rarely marked by any enthusiasm on the part of the citizens of this country such as that which stirs our cousins across the line on july 4th aa a nation we nrc too phlegmatic and should bo stir rod into national i flag and are not the less british on that account they aie 12 per cent british in their oricin a rtave na tional ideals that could well be emu lateil by the people of canada let as indulge in a little more flag flying n georgetown and make dominion lday h dn to look forward to with prte wulunvau mwtrul thi soldiers memorial il strwu- ille will he unveiled b m ijorgen ml lfssard 0 b on luh 1st and f ipond preinlenl of thi overseas ctenni association assisted hj re tt metre will conduct the dedirahoi h f stale j stvreuir of the association will read the name of those remembered iwi falconer of strceuville will vive the memorial on behalf of the muni cipiht when thp eterans tprmnlli presented a hilton young ladj miss beitricf cume uf campbellviue had the lion or of standing highest for general pmheiencv m the gradua ting mass at the ontario hospital lwhitbr

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