Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1926, p. 4

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tmjstrt paqg ltk sirtajvn- i the attorney geueral h popart meat has issued a warning to tin publlo to be on the lookout for stock f swindlers the general public the warning rcadtt is notified thai at the present time tlicre ire i num ber of supposed salesmen who are persuading the general public to exchange government bonujt or cash for some high interestbennng slot k of little or upvalue a dumber of these salesmen arc from the united states auil in some lnstanct 3 elm in to represent verj well known rtpu table bond houses in toronto and in that way secure the conflikne ol the public it 1a essential tlwt th citizens of the province should hfi 01 the alert several recent cadee 11 which sabstantuil losses have beta incurred by investors who trusted too much in the persuasive appeal of theeetugbpressure salesmen are said tojbite been reported to the at tor ney general s department thb qpoboetowt hkrald jonv 1 a local man nays his wifo i ea him a good deal which inerelj tonfirms our opinion thatfiw men can throw atraight twenty new btorea lole beui openetpby dominion stores ltd so far thib year and about tlnrtj more will likely be added to the chain this tear mr jind mrs w h stew 1 hilton announce the engagement of their eldest daughter margnqnte jean to roj j browu a so of toronto son of the late mr and mrs john brown of acton 1 ilu marriage to take place the end of june jhsmith slewarflown wire fencing of all kinds fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds al ways on hand ice ice we have a large quan tity of ice stored lor cus tomers and will deliver daily phmc ywr n4tx art ar- nar fmtbcrflm imw wood of oil kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right j hjsouih pbone 84rl3 jsanf0rd stewarttown clean upjhe stable mkk ml uk you destroy r1h- fahe uhltms itrmoto he dirt let in tjic hunllrut and iw home luuo and 11 re warded bj better health or block disinfection ofttio farm stabli de pends on tiro destruction ol the germs or disease it alio depends on tho removal and exclusion of the carrii rs inat may deposit infectious niaurlal in tho stslili as renofwrs to tin tubtriullii lest or discharges frolii animals harboring coutarlpus abor tlou rij stables difficult o uninfect riio table that is rojthi cob iructed con mining open woodwork rinks- crtvlcea and open or rot hug wood floors oanuot be soparald from ilu infecting material firm smooth ixht walls cement flooring and iron nurk structures can be treated with a dtgree or thoroughness thai results in the uuiplitt removal of tin in- renting agints leaning- i p the first step in a complete dis infection of a stable consist a in the removal of all loose dusl and qllh ittrt uiust be removed from all cracks icid creijces everything scraped un til the material of construction is fully exposed and oloen sweeping scoping the removal 01 decayed lum br from doors and mangers follow id by thorough- scrubbing with hot soapy or lye water la a good pre paration prior to the application or the disinfectant solution this cleans- ins process is of equal or greater importance than the application of l lid specific germ destroyer filth protects bacteria ordinary dlslnfec tlon docs not penetrate a dried coat of manure or a wooden floor that has becoms porous by decay dlslo fee ion is complete when all exposed surfaces as floors cell lugs walls stanchions and equipment are includ ed ons cannot expect to promptly suppress any contagious disease as tuberculosis white scours or con tag loua abortion unless tho work is thoroughly done ah stables no mat ter how well kept should be given a complete disinfection once a year pplication of germ destroyer dlslnfcctanta should be applied under pressure in the form of a one spray spray tho surface until it is thoroughly soaked do not sparo the disinfectant you are putting it on tor a purpose in outbreaks of acute infectious diseases special attention should he given to the floors and mangers at frequent intervals when animals can bo isolated control fa easier every lara should have its isolation pens always ready for the possible outbreak agents that destroy germs ol disease sunlight reajlly destroys bacteria that ore exposed during the bright ness of summer very weak in this respect during the winter when most needed like all other disinfectants the sun s rays cannot reach germs that are enclosed in 111th lime is a cheap and useful agent against the less resistant germs as hog cholera or anthrax bacilli but it is not strong enough to destroy an thrax spores or tubercle bacilli 8u bles should be whitewashed from two to four times a year- cblorlnsted lime when freeb and dry la much stronger than lime it la used in the same way it la objec tionable in dairy a tables carbolic acid in solutions up to g per cent is widely used it la rather pensive and not as efficient as a three per cent solution of a mixture- of one part volume ot crude carbolic scld and one part volume crude sul phurlo acid this la readily solo bis- in water strong enough to kill tufcv crelo bacilli and anthrax spores it is cheap uuch cows should not be returned to the stable until tho vapor of carbolic acid has disappeared creolln in solution up to 6 per cent is active against most forms of bacteria but it la not strong enough for spores unlesa used in excess of 69s1 solution phmbtagtinmiuiibb cbmrtahwe tmru jt ns couections w handle cotleetioai only sb jtara experience speaks for hauf assktring efficiency and re- kelly aiken cmiecnis rsjf standard bank of canada coal beat d l fit w scranlon v coal in all sizes alaostrfthinfl and steam coal w uaytal aulcavtlea aqrtm walk jaaiuw eat a awashy batterfuadsegsw up to wr wbmri tea jft inihdoljx wkiwm ouait meats h thf finding faor in jour creaol is highly efficient when com bined with sulphuric add or soap to render it soluble in water one volume of creaol and onehalf tolume of sulphuric add made op la a three per cent aqueous solution makes a very effldent disinfectant corrosive sublimate one ounce to eight gallons of water or 1 to 1 000 is a very strong disinfectant it la very poisonous to cattle and must be used with care a little salt added 1 per cen1 is an improvement the losses on the farms each winter through failure to dean up and use disinfectants run into millions poor animal husbandry never made any money tor anyone wild animals keep healthy so if domesticated animals become diseased it is the fault of the domestication as practiced by too large a number of our farm people l stevenson dept of extension ontario agricultural college why chickens die an autopsy record kept on 1 q1s pott mortem examinations conducted on birds over six months of age me lbs following interesting results roup killed 279 or 27 6 per cent of ail sped mens intestinal worms killed 129 or 12 t per cent tuberculosis killed ib or 2 t per cent peritonitis killed ib or 6 per csmt leukemia killed 19 or leas 1 per cent pneumonia killed l or leas than onetenth of one per cent of total liver troubles killed u tnmam than one per cent paralysis killed u or lesaf than flvs per cent jk j tumor killed 1g or less tbfes em pacent h iperlcardhls killed 10 or leertfafa onpenfcent v ft jwttojshns note that roup anftihdadtwkwenjusar the meat announcement nnmll lemi tlaurtlutg aqccsttemrtaw estimates cheerfully given on all classes of woik george r mnekarl ptm 819 for qpkk stftioo emebt 81 geobqet9wn fire insurance i wiluiiut wcwfetewi arsottor sae of tba strocgett con ruues wrrtinj inatsrancs are you rvotsvotod saadmtaa sarisfhototfly mpt at tea- svabla rataa orssta ian at tba a bsrsm otsoarja sweeping reductions in ford prices coincident with the reduction in the price of ford cars and trucks in the united states the ford motor company of canada limited announces the following prices effective june 1 9th in addition to these drastic reductions all models quoted below ex- cept the truck are now standard equipped with selfstarter and balloon tires model runabout touring car sport roadster coupe r tudor fordor chassis light delivery light delivery van truck nonstarter truck selfstarter above price at factory freight to point of delivery and males tax extra these reductions are made absolutely without sacrifice to he tradition al quality and durability of ford products they open the way to car own ership to thousands f canadians who have not previously been afforded the comfort and economy of personal transportation see your local authorized ford dealer today he will gladly demon strate the model yon are interested in and explain convenient terms of pur chase fordmotorcompany of canada limited ford ontario products of traditional quality nw price savings 460 50 480 50 555 40 610 50 625 60 690 55 370 40 470 tfo 525 50 395 50 460 65 to buy ornot to buy hokhr ims hoiirlhimj ov tilh tkktoit ht oumttuni of ktinomy ol icnre ami of mriliulh of overall on u t natlem fiuiii bn llty to uiiir umn a ulone lt htttliik nurk 1 ptrly lont on llmi it oils one qi ion nit bi dttlded in tin aolrma of labor rrqilredt lll tin tmotot farm au in uiunie or thinaw acreake ioioii viii tin- trattor itduco tho prutll 1 ibe uilhb 1 od a 0 an 1 ther qu- riiis iluit bluulil be conildind that ir hjii tfle ror isch individual farm bir r jjurtiiim in dicldcd 011 homo rami rh ixpmii tliiinstlvs ai follown i knuw it is costing trie mi to funn with a tractor than if in nin wlt uhid but slncl the trac tor nabks mi to t a lot of w dom in n pi rter tlioi so much i but i am willing 0 pay tho increased tin ntlut t i in 1 wld t of oper b the field day and garden party under the auspices of the georgetown athletic association in the park georgetown thursday july 1 st everybody welcome let thesel00000mile studebakers tell you what unitbuilt means iisted at the left are a few of the j studebaker owners who have driven their cars from 100000 to 300 000 miles and over all studebaker models are included in these records the list is by no means complete there arejiundreds more throughout the world you near and read of stamina do you know of greater stamina than this you listen to talk of dependability do you- judge the dependability of the car you buy from records like these we have been telling you m stude baker adveihsrag of the scores of thou sands of mdes of excess transportation built into every studebaker here is the proof it u true that the average owner turns in his car and buys a nsw one within three years nevertheless srudebakcr has refused to build a threetear car stndebakers substantial unit built con strucdoniot only insures scores of thousands of miles of excess transportation but it also rjtntrei limnosj comfort mnrrei grtater comfort at irndcnctd by many lira tared when itattnch stnaebaier body wvrk hat met iht tat ofterere accidents cuts rtfitnr expetwe to a minimum keepi the car not merely running but running like new- for years be yond expectation a resale valve transportauon r prices because concentrated on quality cars 1 whyyett lose of one this enormous unit built coo yenr investment in xted beta us studebaker t constantly uptodate left a appointment today j n oneill son georgetown of i fllclcncj in arloua opt ratora and lielr tractors exprtsmd ifi dol lars and cents for a tractor pulling a to botjoiu plough round lo arj from to lour dollars pr hour the omil and eblclency orthe opprotor is thi im portant fnctoi in keeping dom costs oil and water ery necenfiar tin cari ful opi rator who oe over his machine with his i a opm rank- inj adjustments irhert oidid sup pling oil of proper tidi and insk of lliutlj rrjialra will iet n oic ooni nd mnvt a vir smill r 1 air bill for th y nr another man ua same 1 pe jf machlni wh bothers to make adjustments or repairs or who docs not puj pro per attention tc oil and nulvr bill urutlly run up a repair bill equal to half tin original coat or tlie l each season failure to rttnoe carbon srlnil valves adjust gasoline teed keep up oil and greaso supply to biaringa keep nuts tight and renen plutoa rings will feduco efficiency and consume cxcesi fuel and oil keep tho tractor working with full effl dency as many hours as can be done profitably each year the tractor that works but twentj flte days dots not show the same degrer or em clency in operating costa as does the tractor that is used one hundred and fifty days each year interest taxes insurance shelter arc the same no matter how man days the tractor 1s used and these charges go to make this difference the average hourly cost or tractor operation on well man actd farms is given as 90 cents to one dollar per hour for tractors pull ing two ploughs or equtl work this includes depreciation supplies labor repairs shelter and insurance whore the life of lh tractor is taken at 11 vf working years we have bcin talking about thi iron horse why not chano iht nb- jict and take a look at old dobbin in the flesh he starts himself he has no clutch to slip or gears atrip his spark plugs never miss runs on timothy oats and wal for dobbin there la no gas or or anti frecic to buy his wants tew and easily met his labor cost per horse hour is certain well ui dcr twent flie cents per hour i b ueve he has something on the tractor yet l stevenson dept of exten sion 0 a collece black hot op tomato starts from a puncture or insect bite this fungus disease takes its toll eacb year in proportion to the uegtcct that is permitted in the various gar dens the careful gardener docs not lose but the other fellow does large unsightly black areas of decaj on the side or end of the tomato spoil the early work of someone junk to gath er up instead of fine fruits for the table the rot on the fruit usually starts from a puncture or insect bile giving- entrance to the fungus spore fav orable conditions aid the spore de velopment lira resulting rot spots in crease in slie and become black leathery sunken areas control sprsjlog with bordeaux 4 i 40 two or three applications spaced about 10 days apart is sum dent cleanliness and proper rota tlon are very essential keep the garden clean burn up all diseased fruit and vegetable material at the earliest possible moment crow plants in diseasefree soil ami m tain good growing conditions throughout the season l steven son o a college tree planting in ontario during april the nursery stocks of the ontario department of lands and forests were exhausted on the basis of orders received for trees last year the department distributed t 000 000 trees threegtinrters of which were allotted to individuals chiefly farmers of the province thli year the number will be betweei r00o0oo and 1 000 000 in thi northern sections or the prownce the govern merit has been planting conl teous trees such as pine spruce etc out in old ontario the fanner has pronounced presence for the mor common hardwood chlffl uiapht oak birch ant ash fish chip cafe all kinds of fresh fish phone orders delivered good meal for 25 cents are you building shall ou be building this year if bo profit by the experience of tlioae who save money when build- inj even on a smah9b ouh probabl be sur- prisid to find how usm long distance enables you to get lowest pricey vc boughnall the matry rial for a 75 000 build ing by loup distance it is the cheapest waj write a contractor in a medium sized town we use long distanro to get prices on materials before making estimates or contracts wrtea an other tlie leaders jn every branch of industry know theyve proved it otfyoil can watch our window for weekend candy specials and do not forget to get your share our baking ia still selling well andj remember that it i all the real home- vroade kind give us a trial pecketts btsk site cosy ssi biker coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal deuvered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown af thw is one of the v first and most important question after every fire can you answer ea for yom property dont dlay assure wttw elmer i thompson bsnruce service ge0igei0wn ontario notice to creditors in the matter of the estate 6t mary barley late of the town or georgetown county of hal ton mar ried woman deceased notice is hereby given porsnant to statute that all persons having dalrjjs against the estate of mary hatley late of the town of georgetown fo the county of haltoo married woman de ceased who died on or about the 19th day of mayisir t the sagjowof georgetown are required to send by pott or to deliver to the ursfrdgnao administrator t l j july j- 11 nc 45e 6q lad sianfoems suiceudk am ctiunc flimiw and shwieh6 xry us our prices are reasonable hrsmrsjbulllco isfh rust mw i l ceased among the parti to having regard o wuch he snautbea snail not be liable part of them to l daim notice shall ceivedfay lum at the tributipn dated at hilton thinly iparti i qj msellnrjr tb0ka8 a tf4 kara osjgai ii

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