Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 23, 1926, p. 6

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w- tub qeoroptown oerau just s 1920 r choice of dominion capital to be celebrated in the late summer u ibm lieuten antcolonel john br of tie royal engineers selected tho spot where the rldean canal should enter the ottawa river and in o doing- set tled the slle of what afterwards bo urne the capital ot the dominion ol canada the centenary ol this tent la being marked this coming august br a celebration which is expected to be national in character the dominion government ha al ready intimated lis intention not only of tafctaf part but of slgnalix- tng the occulon by exteaslqp of its wsaka for the beautllloatlon of the ttat the celebration itself will include historical pageantry and will draw from the western plains a peetaonjar stampede as lllastra- ttre of one of the historical phases of the development of that broad sec tion of the dominion in oauok huvnrney op the ot tawa colonel by ewes not punning tor the capital of a dominion hot wring to strengthen the defences of one of the outworks or the brit- lab empire darin the war ot 181116 tan bamnett p mil in a brief history of u oonstruotlon of the rldeau canal tho british au thorities experienced much difficulty in attempting the defence of tho western part of the province this was owinc to tho difficulties of transporting men and supplies from montreal to kingston because of the ropidh on tho sl lawrence river tboy woroalso faced with the dan ger of a u a army blocking pro gress up the river by seising some ot the islands near kingston the costo transport from montreal to kingston waa also excessive twins fiftyfour shillings per cwl this woe tho problem which col by came out to canada to solve ho had spent nine years in this conn- try after 1802 when ho had been en trusted with tho construction of the uartcllo towers at quebec nud the rebuilding ot uio cluidcl and ho had also superintended the construc tion of tho cedars canat near mont real tho task of bull dins tho canat to connect tho sl lawrence and the ottawa rivers 136 miles in length through unfnhabltedicountry was gigantic at that stage at the de velopment of the country and its successful completion stamp fts builder as an engineer of high rank 2 omnmnnlt kafwichtl u of opttfng of canal int the coming or railways has supor sedod it and rendered it practically useless as a carrier of traffic but it rendered valuable service in earlier days for the settlement of the pro vince of ontario both east and west three- years attar bytown became ottawa it was chosen as tho capital of tho old provlnco of canada tho centenary celebration this summer will last two weeks from august 16 to 28 the first week august 16toh will bo devoted particularly to the centenary pro gram which will include an his torical pageant illustrating outstand ing periods and events in the his tory of tho capital during tho samo period the edmonton sampedo will give a dally program while ar rangements are also being made for holding the rudder international power boat rices for two days of llint week plans are not fully com pleted for tho celebration but among other proposals under con sideration ore the erection of a monu ment to colonel by the dominion government is also preparing plans for the extension tot the driveway which is such an attractive feature- ot the city lifebuoy tennis and outingshoes a complete line now in stock for men women and children d brill c0 georgetown 1 nations represented at girl guide conference wmmr ymtt votjh be jktpktntt4re are alrl tdrliiimeaoteme in almost estanalty centre in canadsand tfcty bjtfod kates fall tnur ot tka nirai dlatrfeuuv i wtropoita 4 by mri q h jmatoaah com- lib h uarler dtrt- masftr hrtrc camp- ant atoureal ootniwjaio bem jlodfiaid dtabul m- iul there srora also a tun hrifwo i0wt and captains under the auspices oi the georgetown athletic club in the park georgetown on thursday track events open 100 yd dash 220yd dash 440yd dash 1 mile relay 4 standing broad jump running broad jump track events locals 100yddash sack race 100 yd dash boys 16 and under 50yd dash girls 16 and under 50yd dash boys 12 and under 50yd dash girls 12 and under boy scout events firetestrace relay race hard and softball tournaments baby show open to all babies 2 years and under three prizes in each event at night jr which the following talent has been secured edwards bert petch miss leuan butt reader and entertainer pianist ssmjjemcgflle arthur harwell violinist tenor willson miss erma buck accompanist teori sfffidrlfernoon evening law a house or at a afternoon 5 jjw at trafalgar by brotir the wealth of those ow not b measured by of gold in a mans pars bi aount of foldea wheat in i so the brat building u j d that is not the one oi today u present boston chu stay old but ft was not bdttt iso when ftwnafbwd 4 adults 35c mdren 15c i vitamins a fi and g humratnipln fact a boo j nutrition wlilrli will urratlj contribute to roivfh and limit h vntrl liuird by ontario department of agrioullor toronto tim vuuulnnnri- indispensable eon- stltuciila or a normal diet what ls a minimi diet well a normal diet niurt in hi i hii following condition 1 tlit- did trniht be quantita tively biiltlclent v z the diet raual oshtaln udl- clout amount ol protein at and car- uniliyuratv 3 thodlct must conuln he t ricrfkbiirr inornaiile ealtb lt tlir illnt iituat contain a cor- i1n ninount ol various amino fi tin llit muet contain the- tluc- uiiimlim a b and c tin a n sin ill body la unableto njhiiiihictiiri vilamlnn and theyirt itmimlal to uh lll hence the-anl- ma i body requtrea a airly jeontjnil jioly of in- vltaiulna aifd iho i ohtalu tliem is by kfinble foods or by i or milk ofottter ftlllil l illllllulh vliainln a in llic moat stable ot- w llirii unil mil mils pomeea dou- dditiible poivits ofatoring thhvtltai mill lnthtlrfnl vlumln c li ih usl stablp o young growing aobbatort th iiut buaceptlble to tlumura l quicb growing and precaabt-lmuiia- ruulrp an abundant tipply ofv4- mlim fully mature animalamfnot fl vitamin shortage la- huflrftej to ttic same eiteni ul ymmf anlmala do i vllnnilna a viuihiq a la ayntheatxed by chlora- pliyll containing plant only and the- richest vegetable source are th eriiu lavci and xrowlnk parte of punm flvtd lings grown without light do not produce vitamin a ant- main teidlng on green plants etore vlumln a in their tat deposits so wp rind k abundant in meat tairwa yolh and id milk lat marine al- malb feeding inrtely on the green sroirlti nf niimeroub water plants ton- larjti quantltica or vlumln a cod liver and shark llrer oils are very rich in hln aubatanee the amount or vtimulii a in the tnfat fat and inllk fat ilepi nds entirely on the aniotni of vliamln in the teed oon- aumod by hi- antinal thefatf grabirid atilntulit a rich in tltatnlii wlnii cunipard with the la or anl- ii a b fid on tli dry feeds of winter it has bcin noted by allreedere ujat thi a inimer mllh la more satisfactory in tin fecrtliin of young anlcaalb th chief dlhaaes produced in anlmlh deprived of vitamin a are i arrested crovrth and keratoma- lucia 2 lowered realatance to bac terial infection 3 marked effect on reproductve function sterility itkketa and deflcient dentition vltmln b the body doi not auire this vita min and certain animals if deprived of foods that contain it for a few weeks develop polyneuritis or ehow a decline in body weight and muscu lar incoordlnation in youog ani mals deprived of foods containing vitamin d the arrest of growth anot tb injurious effect on the nervous syatera la more marked than it is with older animals vlumln b is very widely distributed being present in nearly all forms of plant life parti cularly tn aeeds and yeast the bran or husk of seeds and the genii- are the portions whnrr- it k to be found highlymilled grain products a reery oor in vitamin b look to crccn vegetables whole grain unpoltehil rice milk for this vitamin vlunln c young animals deprived of foods containing vitamin 0 develop tender- nesa and awelllng of the joints ten- dcrness of the rdms loosening iof the teeth and a marked wasuge of all tho lymphoid tissues vlumln o ra in all growing vogeublc tissue recn vegeiables roots grass and fruits small quantities are present in fresh meau and milk the animal body cannot store vitamin o so must depena poa supplies com ins regu larly in tho feed during winter sprouted rains and roots are the two main sources of thin vlumlnfor live atock aa poultry and ptgs general effects lack ot vlumln in the food of ant kls produces effects that resemble starvation young suffer mora than mature a cow cannot manufacture tiu- mlns and put such in the tiillk hence the vitamin content of milk which is the most important food of young depends entirely upon the- vlunln content of thi- cows food see that she geu a good liberal allowance or green alfalfa l storenson deptot extension o a college prevent the development of trootita roup is an infectious disease caus- ed by bacteria- the llalnx of tfca nose eye sacs below the eye the ilarynx and trachur are attacked and occasionally pneumonu develops weak birds ere most suseepubwthe strong ones may resist tho infection or have only a milk attack urtiuj weather and feeding xondltlbps play an imporunt part in this dlstase preventlonclean dryeh-en- tllatcd quarters and propel feeding seem to be important potnulnjiha prevention of roup isolate any sick bird unlil tbe cause ot ibe ta6 te la found clean up and alalnfeot use onethird teaspoonful of potas slum permanganate to efth gallon ot drinking water get thir wkttfr fonn uln up off the floor and so rraned that the bird can drink but notapjl a wet door la a prdlspoatne cause fhat can be avoided olta the wrfla pure dry air without drauajbuat all aeaaona a bird can stand the wind outdoors but not when at roost with in a building l stevenson o a college a fating rnsocts high school ptndents tart 01 july 5 at summer school special shoit courae reemrtnw speolml rite ooawrtbrt do kmhfl day epme 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