Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1926, p. 4

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patftm here and there storaont the best mine in nov cevtta wkwi oldmini rx in the pro viae wea an industry la to be ra op until it clocd down wlv year ago stormont mine had produced ovsr gts 000 tons of ore firing an average of free sold of 413 per ton or 2zstoo during- ft activity a record single shipment of indian aeotor- cycles consisting of 85 cases from armory mass recettly ar litsd 1b tokyo japan having come forward by canadian padf c rh and stamsrllnes the demand for tarcyclm in japan a steadily tacraealnf one being a cheap and wntiaujmit method of locomotion and wall suited to tbc somewhat narrow toies of that country twentyone british botariani re- eantly cam ow to canada on the canadian pacific uncr montclara ata ronu to the international rotary onytntltm at denver on their re turn trip they caraa back thro ugh canada iravelumr to winnipeg and frorfc william and taking the great laka trip on g j ft steamboat to pert mcntcell they returned to the tld odnntry by the cp liner mont- ilm the canadian pacific railway ha jbt adaa two of the new mount ctastwetvatidn ears to tbote run- ftg ft of montreal flv mora axa jaat about ready to run and the aalaaea tit fear ears will be ready fa aerrice shortly after these tbey an utti ark aaade up of three cbeayejbiauti and one drawing pftatirtth parjor row and ob- mpim platform tbey will be a feataiw f fontfvm train on the cjul he english football taem now taurine canada had eae of the mott streanoas worksuu in the history t any aeuetk body staying for a weakana at the chateau lake louise thay bad a practise at an altitude f salle and a aasteber ana level wfcerathe ablaneay aari 4ryass of the air fcssvn ajiiiirst effect upon thee their catafotaoatht it re- nurbim thai irtwttatoaw la trala- i net mum fee marvellous kyartbjiintbb camp a quits car special oenadian ijra i rajs carried mora a 3nudnd of the most promi jftf qfohuftjowh li kit alu jl j- u026 hsaaomable chargm dr w barnard opt d r 0 oslmttmsl eyesilu setdtllsl oattdu red optoaetriat by e saaslaauoat or4aati bayal college setenix eyestestebcmsses fitteo beckm liasest duplicated uiisesgrtmusoltywhliilvmaul sjm dont squintuae crtixite lenses delays aura dangerous have your eyes examined t wilsons jewelrystore main st ohelll bloolt georictown tires of svwsfof and rf mwterclty qaabecvtwrehey held ihsurasts of mewter la canadian pacific train no 7 pablk ctosstng pre- jrtaht train badly atfaln asotbeceaaa be saw the tin dad rjiau fia wh s uta to avob liinlagr into eftlniiw yet again a r trptamnt abouth miles ran tetrengh uircroatua hnmrtttt a poblk ereaslag ji toirualwidnet rtp n in teiaa wef rapartad in all three m- r rpeiwng eapitaiwmlng mto wjaimlcrs party at amtual seil your cream at home wtmtwcmstlttglbl6ri4cmiht8irfl wool wanted for cash open every day aleo wedoeedsy and saturday dtgbi j georgetown wcanicfrio m sup jaamtger xttwa cw1 aa m xlwai ford garage in georgetown an artists view of the rockies qnhtdnlhounlimiirnimihavohovbutf leonard richmond r b a r 0 i the well known british artist is among the latest to luceuwb to the lure ot linking the praises of the canadian pad ac rockies in apollo a magatine of the arti mr rich mond writes of the rocky mountain aa one of the most magnificent stunts of the world towards the end of march 192g the artlit made his first journey into the heart of canada ho writes as the train advanced from calgary the foothllli of the rockies gradually merged in view suggesting the appearance of a bodyguard or sentinel guardlngthe sterner moun tains beyond it is not expedient or desirable for me to describe in detail the emotional aacendleg scale that my feel ngs experienced as the train approached the actual rockies themselves it is enough to state that my highest imaginative thoughts bad never visu allied so much impressive force and dignity at those auitere mountains conveyed that late afternoon in march the general color on that par ticular afternoon was monotone in effect i have not seen anyjapanese woodcut print that equalled the superb draughtsmanship of thejtnely designed groups of pine trees which pre almost black in tint contrasting barfly against the virgin snow the mountains of canada luggest ny forma of expression for artists that respect they are probably unique tho intellect uslly endowed modem painter has scope enougn to create works of art based on the innumerable suggestions of dynamic occult feelings too can tie awakened by close contact and communion wth the soul of the mountains itpfa impossible for any artist to ketch more than a fraction of such a vast are si of varied subjects once the artist is situated right in the mountains there ii no occasion to seek for subjects or to walk any dlatance for desirable views there is some thing interesting to paint from any angle some of the most interesting filctures that i haw seen recently of he rockies are those where the artist has improvised in colour and form on the original theme in nature by this means nature ean be made to look more natural in a picture and the artists thoughts can be crys tallised into positive expression mr richmond who pi in ted a number of beautiful views states that although lakes louisv o hara moraine and emerald arefamous in the lake world of canada he was intrigued by the smaller sisters lake r and lake agnes kn lakes in the clouds sales- cost- 1233 2715 the diffxreace between a successful year and an unsuccessful one is only about 15 think how easily you can increase your sales 5 10 or 15 this year by plan ning to go after business systematically by long distance every day we receive new evidence from mer cnants in medium sized towns who have tried it for the first time and are surprised at their sue cess heie is a recent case number of sales 17 number who subsequent ly bought 27 iota amount of sales 1 288 total cost of 44 calls 27 15 percentage of selling cost 2 2 try long distance selling and con vince yourself g a wee f 11j d woqd sf 5 00 cord 3 75 per single cord 6 00 per load summer wood j5 00 per loid del verod mwrsy phone lifebuoy tennis and outingshoes our 1 prtrlm will formerly brow jjlllwiwmiv a wire fencing of 1 fancy am plain gates and posts of all kinds al ways on band ice ice i we have forge qmui- tftyof ice tored for cua- ftonera md will deliver t wood of hkraflf delivered l tovrn kiadliaga tpecud j pnffimriahf sales and service station mow open for business and a first class me ianicwul give prompt and effieent service tires gas olb and all ford accessories always en band h a coxe everything for the picnic cw beetrtafaer at the dominion slonm hetoaieafew money t4finb offennga foi trm weel shp quality coanta otmaf marmalades 31 bs lemons j 29c 1ojolives 39c- sisaiimdniilu- 29c imf mustard 13c thrift ruttl bub 32sc chlcrdlhadwe 2sc jmjfrr shrimps 21c c60coutebakssi14c 21k teuow sugar 14 clairs veal loaf 23c paris pate 14c tabu kapok n 14c wh pafer ja3hr 10c chore corn 2tw2bc chekse cjuoteuiif o2 is rca1mq atuos imt 2tkt9c ilfewf a complete line new in stock for men women and children dbru1c0 georgetown f kiigged rome wilir 11 vvx tive cross members stmgtn and ttwnrmi are unportmt nctort m aetennnnic tbe nine of m car long life ecoaomy fr horn coftly and yf ww repun depend upon f etot pt of ifae new star car ance of ftrdgth to moot tbe gremtort itrem and atmn to wheh it might be au for main iilii other can at or near new star prices employ three croea member m tbe rtmril tbe new star car baa five if you mm looking for bating a aafaafactian eee tbe new star can foan and sena tit nbftstag u sm to ike lm out puu durant motors of canada limited toronto looajcto ontnrio t j speight sales rooms guelph st new building season here hih e htikgdstlolti for lie count ruo- tin of stable utilch va pre vent nriir nn i incunve lenco cunt butd by onta 0 dsparlmertl or a in ullure toronto rulldlnk wjeica on fnnni and else whiro are eoorn ouo no plans no hougl ib we u ut have a bam or louse ho 16 will put one up and it ink about tt afterwards heace wa re no many itructurra 11st cannot llvo ok lent service for the money inv ted id ihm bulldlnis hard to work id waste spice iuhandy and hint- kill em hours spent la careful planning will asro year of time to ay nothing of the bstlng of mo tits 7 temper or the giving ol pleasure hits and touodatlonu statil should be built en blight ly e vated iltc wher thfre is smple sir irculatlon nod drainage dry cosrno gravell or aandy subsoil is a dralrablti material o which to rest a stable foundation clay soils i ould be thoroughly drained the n btcrlai for the construction of a foundation must be compact and waterproof atone cement hard bsk d tile with the additional protee- lio of sap alt where asedd are gsn lion of asphalt where needed are g u oral it satisfactory halli lolling stnd floors stable watts should be constructed of materials that are noncoadneton of heat and cold that such walls re tain beat in winter and exclude it in summer wood air spaces heavy building paper tils blocks cement blocks and hard cement plaster arc very desirable for wall construction the outer and totter aurracesmust be waterproof and free from leraqks the inner surface may- be of smooth whitewashed or painted board plan ter board glaed tile or hard cement plaster considering cost the hard cement plaster la the best walls constructed entirely of cement or tone aro too cold in winter a oh however hav the advantage of 1 e- ing cool in summer walls that arc- waterproof on both outer and lnn urfaees and dtted vlth porous n a terial between retain the heat ai d prevent sweating on tbe inner surface ceilings require lie san e smooth snd waterproof construction na walls avoid permanent openings tl rougl the celling to tbe loft above if yo desire to prevent losses from dual stable gases and interference- wlu ventilation floors concrete te the best avail able material for stable floors it must rest upon a srm dry subso 1 or a well lamped tayer of cinders or coarse gravel or broken stone upon such a base spread three inches of a mixture of one part cement three parts coarse clean sand and three parts of flnelj broken stone or gravu cover with a finishing coat one inch thick made of two parts cement and three parts of clean sand cement floors upon which animals must stand all winter should be provided with n covering of boards or cork brick dimensions of stables tho space required by each anln al taking 1 000 pounds as an averagi weluht should be froin too to 1 out cubic feet the smaller space goo cub ft is better adapted to cold sec tions or for stables provided wtfo a very active system of ventllatioi double row cow stables are made 32 to 36 feet wide single row atableu 18 feet wide the stall space for cows varies with the cow it is us ually 4 6 to i feet from manger curt to guttar and from s to 4 feet wide stall partitions should be lower at the flank than at the ahoulder so that the cost can turn when leaving the stall and hot have to step in the guttar ribs are often broken by the cow lying against alngle pipe par tltlona when the post is too far from tha gutter so that it oomea in con tart with the ribs insteadof he flank of the animal when lyingdown out ten should be 18 indies wide and seven inches deep the partition in the front of the manger should read to about the level ot the animals nose to prevent throwing of feed out of tbe manger the top of the man ger for horses should about the height of tbe elbow the height of celling in cold sections may be aa low as eight feet or as high as ten feet in farmer section and where a lot or animalsare kept temperature for horse the su ble temperature should be at so for dairy eowa gs to 66 sheep 40 to 45 except at lambing time when 6ft to 0 is more suitable ptetttaa ana beef cattle 40 to 46 ventilation moisture la stables is an indicator of tbe degree of impurity of stable air if the walla are cover all with frost or moisture it indicates poor ventllatbm or damp boors or both ventilateto keep tbe degree ot inside moisture aa near tl at of the outside air as possible light window should be placed tbst the eyes of tha anlruals will not be in the direct ann at a time the totxl window surface equal to onetwelfth at the stable floor spaco that is a stable 60 feet long and sc feet wide should have iso tcuare feet of glass l steven son dept- of extension outarh agricultural college and tbe pooltry industry this daraslle as ions been a ser ious drag on tbe business or poultry keeping losses to halt kept flocks have been heavy even the best kept flocks have had their losses usually in a degree in keeping with the by glene of the poultry house and yards tbe greater the neglect in poultry keeping usual1 tho greater the loss tapeworm injuries in poultry are uothrlfuneae a condition simulating paralysis in malnutrition and the oc casional death of a bird the latest remedy for tbe tape worm pest is the use of kamals used in a onegrain dose after fasting experiments carefully conducted show this drug to be the most off dent yet uaed for the purpose of tape worm eradication tn poultry school students tmft on july 5- summer school special short course register now speoilrte good only to july 10 coeiph bosmess college gummtlp bldf cuetph oat alssuo our window for week end candy gprciala and do not forget to get your share our baking la attll eeljing well and rememberj thai i u ib all the real home- made kind give ua a- tnal peckexm beat mat cuty mfait u c o a best anthracite coal j4 always on hand jvyt lf stovm coai small egg coat large sized pea coat i- delivered to any- part tl of thetovnt also coke phone iso a f rogers 4 co georgetown ladies suaromiie allkndfof ficvffe phone odere delivelk good meal for 25 nlfct tbbewiiris- phase tst collections wo handle colloetlotu kelly aiken cmkwts jv oiutnllk u odtsitm ref studud btbkdfleav augrionsjstx hom4iold fjurtw the undemgnsd has bssif iakimotahf may j giouts t to sell by putc suction at stewartfewn wsdliemiayjuly7 at 2 o clock ta robowaragi s prsce partor su te bad suit bed steads 2 wash atan5b drop hit turyt liltrtwt lim tyiphfft 1hn square tauev esatralabts kcbm taltivris6 wardrobe antrqieamhnar cupboard tbsst of drawers n rsnjcsrsngt twobumer coal oil with oveo sewbg mactitoa e beds sparplliowi 2 iiutlresstb blankets qiudtity el urnod aad n pet declc dlsbes urge chest svgjal v s tie 2 pair drecats lawa isrwrj a shovcu forks rskes boas trmtm j drill rmsmetr liimlw 9 rrjt pbbhi amjr ngle barrows crow bar slshisai row axe gran le irate nurabar of food stove pipes curtalo poles pole for atch clothes basket chsit basket totltt st and a number ol an cits loo mhnerotj t men ion everyth ng mm be sou without r serve as lbs oaurr s gi ng up ho sl- keepioit terms si cil caitr r arriuis ben fetch c erk aocuodcer notice to creditors in the matter of the estate o hary harley late of the town of qgeorgetown county of hilton mar ried woman deceased notice is hereby giten pursuant to statute that all parsons hating duma tinat tha estate of hair harwlata the town of gaotmotrcv in ta county of halton marsaulftinaa or ceased who died on or abowt th ub dsjnfmay mi tfjrljiof aohdtor for rrirwtsonvs fore tfaeubtiay of julj ril 4t nainmraddresbes full pattsdmts if thdr daims na the nature efeevm curit lfao bem by tbm4ffw verified by sutttorj dedarttiiitwartcr the said data the dmuustratsru1io- cd todutriduu theeaeetaof ceased amonc the parties entlutthawre- to tuttins regard only to um dalma of which he ahairthen havrmtht tad ttf shall not b hable fortbe sssatta or any jart omhera ja any person f whaat claim tmtksj ttall net tarn jmetrvvt josijidbyhimatthe time otbc aa- dated at hlltmi thl sttutday of thomas a hutchinson mil too ontario solicitor foe tha 3l y

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