t e qkoroktown iikiiai n j b mill lose here and there wkkkkkj tn mcndouily rapid development of forent aril water puwer rnmmjraee of tin pro f quebec u indi cntrtl in the forwwl ot rvwenoo tutnll ne isooqooo t n ra these i our en for the current year lut jenr the ne resources produced a revtnue of marly 4jkw0oo smlj m n f mm the tra niq cam pa in bran doit and aeydon england hnve been ncceptcd hy the canadian goternment and aileod the em- fnvss of franco at tl e f nd of jane they proceeded to winnipeg after landing at quebec and w ii be placed on spatially selected farms saskatchewan exported last year 77 4 per cent of its total production of creamery butler accord ng to a statement made 1 the provincial dairyomm a oner the increase in product on in 1925 over that of 1920 hud amounted tu 128 per cent the output but year totalling 16 mb 233 pounds close on one hundred pilgrims from st paul and minneapolis passed through alootraal recently on their way to the famous shrine of ste ann de beaupre near quebec they were the advance rum of the great army of pilgrims that visit the ahrine very year while stopping off in montreal they viaited the it joseph oratory in that city- alao kelt known ai a shrine hundreds of students and coeds from canadian and american nn veraitie have been pawing througn montreal recently to board ships for europe in connection with the over- aeas collegiate tours that fear grown increasingly popular of lata year many of these colkatians travel by canadian pacific boats th empress of france on a recant trip carrying over 2fi0 of thesa clad in gorgeous scarlet tonka plentifully decorated with gold bram forty fflewbenot the worldfaaaocai coldstream guards band of lost- don reached quebec recently on the canoe an pacific kner montcalm on tbejr third visit to canada twins been here in 1901 and again lit 1911 under tha command of lieutbant r g evans they will play at bran don calgary edmonton saska begins vancouver and tha toronto exhibition the electrification of the mala line of tha imperial japan gov ernment railway system from tosjs to shinto nosekf 760 utiles has been long projected and recently th 46- mile section between tokio and odawara has had exparigsantal trains drawn by electric is coin uvea run twice a day betwoaiu these points owing to the great expense imrotvesl t is feared it will be many year be fore the entire main line can be ao- irifled founded b2 years ago in garden on the site of which tha c pacific juuway windsor street sta tion in montreal now stands lbs st jean bantist soci of t etty oeuhrata that event on june mta last by laving a memorial tablet affixed to the walls of the station the tablet was tha gift of victor atorln former presmant- at the society who was pros an t ana an- telled 1l negotiations have been raraplsasd for tha erection and weak will shortly commence ope a i warehouse and cald ta coat about flva million dollars and bo built in montreal it la stated that it wol be constructed wttua tew worth iron the end of june anil ta tan storeys in height ana ala gave a total space of 00000 aejaara et of which onethird arm ha far cold ttorag the plant wib bt haflt v the montreal rail and harbor terminals iisahad and cast wio ha financed by m anlesaal aankars car frsratlon of 3rairta ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for buadaieas and a first class me clnaaiaic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils aai ai ftrl accessories always jbsmfll startntsw wife fcuhdb of all lands fancy ttnd plain galea and porta of all lands ice ice we have a large quan tity of ice tomfj fovena- tomeraand vno ddrrer sil rkmcjmr rioah ar- rhc mr tmltt saw wood of all lamb defivera m town kmdltnga apeaal- ty pnoeangbt jaubkatfel3 coal bot d l c w soantcm coalman sue alio smitbins indsam coal mrs j walkiis nomubtottoo noaam4 i phunbing heating electric wiring yon will 6nd na in the same stand at usual with graham and clememla estimates gladly given carefux attention to repairs j w kennedy phones house 189 shop 26 when the first transcanada pulled out as a coxe main st north formerly browns garasa erwingoldliams meat marke primesteer beef milk fatted veal choice spring lamb and pork an meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 svaha ux make you bomb bkutifvl a a biasfnt boat w i jl fl oattaa taataa hots a aol aaatat raat af any sata or aaaaaaattaa at coasra tataaayoov tasta tbsyahfsiaiaalaaasyaavataatoaaahani itijaaaaatiaj tk llwcnlhsa i t 3taxfari0rtari c 1 fill oftaokr the foriteui anniversary or the drat ttmnscanada train haa recently been celebrated by he canadian pacific railway it wis the 28th of june ibs when the trsia dollw out rf dalhtnuie s4mj8atfon montreal on itslong pllgrinifgo of 2 290 mueaacram the dominion there were people present who were very pessimistic nut today they are proud ofthat memorable day in june for it marked the period when the various province of british north america were bound together by a material bond ateightodocjconthatday passengers flued with the excitement of the great adventure boarded the train whch was compoaad of an engine and ten cars including two baggage cars a mail car two first class coaches two endmntmsprsthoaumpeni yokohama and hono lulu and the dining car holyrood aa the news spread that the first transcontinental train waa on tta way little settlements of hardy pioneers and indiana in all their grandeur urned out to watch the white man a fire waggon spaed along its newlylaid shining right of way tbtt old locomotive which pulled the first atlantic express into port moody now vancouver looks quaint to modern eyes it burned eordwood and with its big smokestack and generous display of polished braes work which ahonolike gold its array of flags and floral deeora- tlonsitmade aa tapcaing spectacle thoengiiiearoftbe train waa bob mee one of the best known railroad men of that time and he pulled into port moody b c sharp on time six days after it left montreal today we travel across to vancouver in 89 hours with all the comfort and modern coovenisneaa of this age and confident of amvlag on time lifebuoy tennis and a complete line now in stock for men women and children d brill co georgetown tomato is populab wide hange i can i both attn reference to holts and pcrfiliaora pruning and harvest ing tomators aregrown extrnslialjr as a truck crop as a n arket gjtrdcn crop and la the hon e gardeq the odd acreage grown for canning tn ontario has reached many thousand acres soils tbo tomato docs well on a wide range of soils however tor the ear ly crop light saody or gravelly loams aro preferred while for a heavy yield later crop the rich sandy loaoi or clay loatns are prelerreot kerllllaera and man area qenoral recommaadauons at beat can only be a gutda for the uae of fertilisers and manures with tola crop the character and treatment or the soil along with what may be the ultimata use of the crop together with the length of season tor the dis trict all help to suggest what treat ment is needed it is generally recog sed that the tomato crop requires a soli in a high state of fertility fresh manure should not be applied just previous to the setting of the plants far better if applied the pre vious autumn or with the previous crop tomatoes will do well follow log clover ploughed under the pre vious autumn of the commercial fertilisers those hearing relatively ntsli quantities of available phos phorous are most generally satisfac tory sometimes a light application of nitrate of soda applied just when early plants are getting a start is useful to hslp them on after the shock tit transplanting from tame to field bine early fruiting and ripening is important with this crop too much nitrogen will prolong the growth at tha expense or early fruiting notice to creditor tha bb altar kaaaaslj 1 c 1 ibe to tip of aqusl y n notice is bsreby h vrn lhat si my cla ns or demands s r km cdy rh dd eleventh tiy of april n y 1 k nd 1 o n cl ontario re red oo eiut b posl prpa d or imnpan ed by a on verify njc same anp take noiicr thai thn ina lwl f6n thdyof july wifh c t inly will proceed t is ot the said deceased isuojf l be r i tied therrlo having regard only io ihe cla nn of wbtcb be shall theo have had nqt cc and that he said thoat kennedy w i not be labia lorlha wis or any part he eof to any per rtiose tliim he sha i not then have g mtlr geurgeiowo ontario salctorfortbciadtbofnaa tt kcsfoady tomato plants are tender and should not be set out into the field until after danger frsan frost la over previous to settlntot they abound be well watered and as much of the soil and roots be moved with the plant as possible it is well to chooao a dull day or else delay planting un til lata afternoon the usual distance of setting the plants la four by four root various methods are used to facilitate the work ot setting some growers plough out furrows others mark- their fields and dig the holes while the most common method with the small grower is to uae a trowel in setting the plants it la good prac tice to aat planta somewhat deeper than they were growing in the pot or box firm the soil well around the roots of the plant this important cnlttvatjotl cultivation should be frequent keep ail weed growth down aa the plants develop the tillage ahould be come more shallow and finally cease when injury to the roots ta aotloed canadian car buyers jfccoynfje values tbcbeart erirlenca of talna in uae new star car is the taatimmw of tits faying p 355 dtirirjthpetdxfin ibeaalaofnew star can allowed an mcreaae over the txittaapotatng period of 1925 of it new star four and the new star saareackwywwgcd readers from the sundpomt of eccajogny durajahty pgsfondance and beauty t j speight sales rooms guelph st durant motors of canada limited toronto leaside ontario try an advertisement in the herald growers produoe crop of tomatoes from planta sup ported by stakes and pruned to a loglo stem tbu is an excellent way to grow the home garden crop tramtng plants may be act from twelve to eighteen laches apart in rows that are three or four feet apart dividual stakes or wood or iron may be used to support the planta ot such may be supported by tying to wires basa la the most aatlataatory tying material used as a loop around the plant stem and attached to the support in order to produce a single stem plant all side shoots and suckers must be pinched off as soon as thay appear tomatoes allowed to ripen on the vine have a superior flavor oo fully colored trulta only should be pulled the elavenquart basket la the most popular marketing package used in ontario- at the present time firm sound wall graded clean frulta only should be packed for market depl ot horticulture o a collage aitaua itood reaerra and ability to with stand tha wtntar cham t analyses of the roota ot alfalfa planta from which tha hay was cut when ail planta wore in mil bloom have bean made to determine the amount of carbohydrates and both solabls and insoluble nitrogen present the roots ot planta that ware allowed to coma to full bloom showed more than twice aa touch re serve foods aa did tha roots of planta that were cut in the bud or one- tenth bloom stage it haa also been noted that plants that are harvested whan tha bloom is full coma through the winter with lest leas the mora vlgoroaa condition of tha root aa indicated by ehemleal analysts tor the p a full ploonr and harvested only twios in the season is a big faster la carrying tha planta over winter many alfalfa fields art ruined by late september and october cutting the rept are left tn a too weakened condition to stand the rigors winter i aterenaort director o a college a foprta laboratory analysis and field teat of the ramtterelnl product known aa sollaro at the o a ool lege by speelej raausst the results of this teat tallied with those that ware previooary resorted by the de partment and were to the effect that this product wblgh retail at six dol urs par gallon la of no benefit to aropa aa ordinary soil high school students 1itaut on july 5 at gnetph jusiness college summer tcriool special short course register now special rate good only to july lft falpii bosbess college jamaerbida colp oah stswjwqo rnahafmohm stwfnnwl it haa baaa pravaa that tha baat paytaa jab af all 1 belajr aa ta unl qdpfibior meata the kind j that luaie good in the court of lsat resortthe dining room if you want unfailing quality and courtesy come rjblck imarket ithk home of qum pmonetibw qeoroetqwlnri watch out windowfor week end candy apraalg and do pot forget to get your share our baking is still selltog well and remember that it ib all the real home made kind give us a trial pecketts stskmsie cmjj asi sikdy coal best anlhrncilc coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal tor satdpta coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown v ladies ssaarsodw auouns micotum fiiznwi aid sdktnc try us our price ace reasonable hrmrs jhmiko fish chip cafe all kind of frth fih phone oiden delivered good meal for 25 cenra t u uewitt rmc st collections we handle collections only yean experience speaks for nama assnriraf enmeneyand re keuy aiken csukmss onncavllla aaa osreat awakat ref standard bank of canaan