Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sivn hicu i- 1 i tui v oi i iu1i u mil n qeortcetown wdnedmy erening aajpurt 4th 1928 1 00 per annum in advance 1 00 to u h rbe georgetown herald j at moohe pabluku a proprutor feuaatxr uudlu wkly n aatpr awutl on h tlmtbl loino haht iniwcntur 7 lflrmubql paaseagur 10 mail 1- i paatjenaor 8 moil 0 paasutiger 8 pasaengor sunday 7 uoino wku miul 7 passenger o 9 iaaoengur i mail 4 passenger pnnkvooncr 7 passenger bundny 10 going south mail 8 mm 4 tjoinu booth cuatflu natuaal electric railways trata sakarlwa rallwav eabtbo0ud wk8tuound doily daily ttaln train no 8 7 10 atu no 1 7 36 nui fl 67 um 3 c a- 611 57 a m 0 11 85 am 8 1 67 p m 7 1 j qi 1q 8 67 p m 9 8 j5 i ni ifl- 6 67pm 11 6 b5 in 14 7 57pm 18 7 35 ni 16 9 67 pm 16 9 85 p m 1 11 68 pui 1712 uu tun train noe 1 and 4 run daily except sunday directory r shilton walliridqe at dale barristara ot tors bto torodto and omtgvtowd oflct kaniudy block i- iw dale la charge ot fears owit cm i h a heir barrister bulic lot etc olecc mill si georgelow hour 9nro to 5 p id open wo toesday and saturday e olabxhve h wiooins ataxriaut- solicitor motaiy vbuio oflte olfklxl block gawrsetown uoura 9 oi to 5 p in opm wednesday and saturday even ngs mthtcmc invawtmaota konay to loan mxraorgim db tjf mabcexxtjs physklan and burgeon madleal offloar ot health offlot iloora to 4 ami t to p m pherwu offloa and readdenoa main street bomb opposite pr brurlan church dr o p w bobs physician and surgeon mill street geogetown phone 22 bx house surgeon grace hoip tal toronto db c v wuxiajcb physician and surgeon office and residence queen street south pe8tt8 office hoan9lv aai 13 and alao by apporatmaot dr tjuthebund eye ear nose and throat sptdallst at georgetown each saturday houra7 p m till 9 p nv or by appo nt- mentglasses supplied office at hiss matthew it main st home phone 107 r 6 f ft wuioh d d b m d g fbawgatawm lfruli g to 6 eaopt p l heath uja dvda dentist oom in laum base ohedo6frlb t 0nhr carrie raetorr hon lbtolpai chiropractic scmcei last attknsjuft 7 maw the most complete and uptodate ofleechroprad really n ontario biuex xka ouroprmtor palalaw ormdmta is jn prmuea office next to o nclll a garnre wodnedaysaurday2lo57 to9p m other dayi and toura by appoint roc t phono 150w residence 150 at mutmpbono 213 tuesday and friday 21 o 9 pm t baotulrblrd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sfapea- ao4atnjticaly screened sad loidod coal wood boleot sramp for domeatio kod threshing pnrpoa smiuiing knd gannel coal i in hot icsrry everything to be fonnd in any op to dato co and wood yard john mcdonald browns bakery confectionery you can sllll gel the same quality milk maid bread at our store our ice cream sodas are cool and refreshing any flavor lqc sa turda y candr trea t w oi 1 i n ol iu t n 10t k it dili m 40 sa turda t1ce cream trea t frieil i i sui hl till lit h i tiii ikj red licioub25o aso 2bo n h brown store 65w phones rebideitoe 6j in the fields i i with the farmers f r- fn whatever section of the dominion l farmers till them fields there will be found a completely equipped branch of the bank of montreal- and in whatever branch of the bank of montreal you may find it most convenient to do business there you will find banking cooperation especially designed to meet the needs of fanners and the farming industry each of our 600 branches has the strength ex penence and services of the entire organization call at the nearest branch a bank where small accounts are wckome bank of montreal established over looyears lotal assets in exceat of 75o ooo ooo i royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season donl forget to try a ioal ot guelph bakery bread forsters termi cain gborgetown phone 29 dont forget to call at e e youngs store for your tobaecos cigars cigarettes and candies wei tee cre see our window lor saturday specials we sen strtlonl biker brest on wefaesiijr ni sal inday paslry mi faacy cakes an salartiy taly bananas and oranges alwaya in stoek telephone let hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for sloo guaranteed lamps 2c watt dt 40 watt ht 00 watt 87 100 watt tunifxttm ui 100 watt nilr of 1g0 watt nitru rk t00 watt nitra 1 12 irons guaranteed 1 year 9475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken tor fanges and appliances of all office town hall love s call fair a gentle u the even comes in ton moat hi 1 that ureal mpssaire ever n w which to human hearts is salnv 1 rccioua trcasun you may fin if you will love law olny n lie at pence with all mank nil uavc silt it may prove to be a token ot what is in love involved that which causes irnif an 1 sauncai hay be other than t a tma it n ay harvest y cl i ot ftladntm tar beyond your brightest ireomi with the aracious and org ving always bravclv onward move crown the life which you arc liv ng with the priceless crown of oi soon the seed which you are sow nu where each day presents a field into strength and beauty growing will a bounteous harvest yield t watson rtdgetown ont 1920 safety statistics sto please you in price and quality aneverythinq we do it harvest hardware come and loot at oun it woan the best and sells or itsi let us have y our order for brmntford binder twine a large stock on band rope in all sues pulleys forks sco tu h bits 1 orae muzzles macbiue uil harvest gloves etc kill those potato bags with climax bug killer pans gnn or arsenate nf lead let us gil yoor taui with british american coal oil trj it once and j ou will say it is the best coal oil von ever used sporui g gooils of all ktbds pnaemng kettles white rose gaso- hue oure for better hardware prtoes e appreciate yoar patrouage graham clements phone 25 ladies attention princess marie sperabiea pupil oi dr lauyette the oaletarated parlalam beamtt bplallat will be at macs barbershop mill street gcorfefotvn every wednesday from9a m fo 8pm expert electrical scalp and fac ial treatment marcelling finger and water waving etc prices reasonable from time to time we have reports to the effect that there have been so many pereonaporo dr d ctl in a given period and comparison made with other similar periods of turn for the purpose of showing whether there has been improvement or otherwise it la fairly evident however that the pub- llcationonly of a masi of statistic la of no practical value figures as aach are ot no definite service unless orae practical use u made of them for instance to state that there have been so many accidents on saws oton printing press or on drop hammers may provide an interesting topic of conversation or may f properly used point out the necessary correct re measures a close analysis of any given subject such aa accidents will al information of extnmo vaji election notes it kistnini who will pniiait thi vo urn lint for thr tfcnira el cl on on sipunbir 14th i gi their lutks on aukuht ith an i will com nu for sx lays until august 14th afttr th rikitralion com lett 1 the list w ii be rrvliie i the rtv sii g officers com mine ng the r iuhls august j8r i liitw tn th i mi thi ixgrntration t iowhi an i the rcvin on opens the list of voters must bi posted four dan to give pcopk an opportunity to tee if their names art on the list names can be nd led to thi list tither by the registrars or the rov b ng officers but it a important that they be ad led in thi regitrntion and tlin if thire s mistake it can be comcte i n the rcvik on if th is u m stako n thi revision th rt s no opportunity for u the gcnirul rule apply ng to tht qualiflcat odof voters is that evcrv person in lunnda male or female a qualif cd to vote an 1 shoul i be in 1u4e i in tht lists if hi or she is 1 ritish subject 2 twentym of age 3 has resided in cat of elections 4 was res dent riding nt a date two months the issue of the wr t and at any election has continued to reside for those two months or at a general elect on has luring those two month changed his orftcy res den ce to some other riding in canada 5 or is r expressly denied the right to vote curing hay top summer time now ih glor i- of tho y nr moj uu v i at th b nt an i the arth loth ow appear in her fa rent krnienu tirea d sweetly smelling plants aid flow urn do perfume the gar in bow m if ii an i valley wood an i del i muci with pleaaun profit yi id much is foun i where nothing was herds on every mountain gd in thi moulows flowery grass make both milk and hohey flour now each orchard bsnijuita givctl viiy hedge withjfruit reboveth an 1 on eviry snrub and tree useful fruits or berries be walks an i way which winur mai by the w n is are swept and dried moor sh groun is are now so hard that on them wo safe may ride warmth inough the sun loth lend us from his hoot the shades defend us and thereby wo share in thige snfet profit pleasure ni other bless rigs msn mon at this timi i n joyed maytii and in this my song therefore praisel give o lord to thie grant that this my free oblation may have grac ous acceptat on and that i may well employ everything which 1 enjoy qtorge witheit what is prohibition t wi period does not convey a great deal of information but to state that 242 were injured through failun of de fective scaffolding that cis were n jured through falls on stairs pro vides definite information if any considerable number of persons are injured because of jmpropcr scaffold ing it is necessary to take stops to improve such scaffolding if several hundred persons are injured each year through lack of handrails on stairs ich handrails should be provided efforts are being made from time to time to secure more statistical in formation and canadian industry to day is making compilations for var ious bodies governmental and other wise sometimes the average execu tive is inclined to wonder just how much use is being made of this in formation and may or may hot regis ter a protest against jhe piling up of figures without any practical use be ing made of them figures relat ng to accidents are being used n a prac tical way in ontario speaking at the industrial accident prevention conference m washington a fort night ago r b morley general manager of the industrial accident prevention association ontario told how the associations operating under the authority of the workmen s combensauon act are investigating accidents reported by industry to the compensation board and based on those investigations how the orgam xatton is making recommendations for the improvement of conditions such use of statistics u of real value to industry itv this country town pride there is in many towns a conflict between people whose first thought is to make money and those whose first thought is to make an attractive home town the first named people arc always seeing chances to make roomy through some kind of development on terpnsc if such promoters lack good taste they are aptho cut up real ot- vtxx in an undesirable way or erect flimsy looking dwellings put up un suitable business buildings or erect them in places where they injure the looks of the town thoy may sincere ly believe their projects help the town grow and are commendable these people arc apt to show enter prise and if they only had mora icnso of fitness and taste they would do a lot of good in- town where there is not much pride orcommuhity spirit people of that type have things their own way they go ahead with their commerciauaed projects and the town grows hcher skelter and may never develop into a real homey kind of place but in a place with live community spirit these money makers find that it pays to conform to a higher stan dani they learn that the average run of people take pgde in their com munity and want it ma ic attractive and beautiful the real lie that un less their developments arc in keeping with the standard des red their inter pnses will get in bad they find that if they put up ugly houses people are alow to buy or rent them and if they erect unattractive stores in unsuitable places people will not patronise them it is a pleasure to say that on the whole excellent experimental farms note hay to be of the best quality must be cut when the crop is at the right stage of maturity and must then be cured in the best manner over npe hay loses a large percentage of leaf and is of inferior feed value in general the principle ot hay making are the same for all hay crops the crop must be cut at a stage of maturity thaltvill give the highest yield of palatable hay above all thi crop must not be permitted to ripen too far or the resultant feed will bi woody with a high percentage of wastage when fed in the mak ng of clovir hay thi best quality is obtained where the crop is cut when in full bloom or when the hea is arc just beginning to uln brown it should be cut in the morn ing as soon as free from dew it may be tedded or turned by hand and then colled in rather small but care fully made coils or cocks in tin evening hay of this type cures best under conditions which prevent very rapid drying of the leaves if favor able weather obtains the hay may lw taken in after several days directly from the coil although if help is available very fine hay results if the colls arc shaken out several hours previous to hauling when a heavy rain has fallen on clover after it has been cut the oper ation of curing becomes difficult if very wet and left in urge coils it will mildew if spread out n the hot sun the leaves blacken and break off readily caving a gtemmy hay if the weather is fine following the rain a fairly satisfactory method is to leave the soils undisturbed during the day in the evening if the weather appears settled spread the coils sparingly and leave open all night the hay may then be fit for drawing in the follow g day or it may be necessary to ill for further curing haul and store when the hay rustles nicely the addition of one or two pounds of common salt per ton of hay as it b being store usually adds to the keeping quality and palstability timothy hays and mixed hays should he cut when the seed is form ing or as most farmers say just after the second blossom falls cut in the morning after the doff is off tedded or turned in the afternoon and raked and coiled in largerwell made coils in the evening it is frequently possible to take in hay of thts type on the following day under favor able conditions one may dispense with the coiling hauling directly from the windrows when this method is feas ible considerable labor is saved under very favorable weather con ditiona ttmothy rrd mixed hays are sometimes cut in the morning and stored away in the afternoon there are arguments tor and against such a practice with hay cut at the pro per state of maturity to ensure the greatest palatability it is doubtful if it would keep properly in storage un der such treatment at a later stage however or with hay somewhat over ripe it is quite possible to follow such a practice successf ully b f tin ncy dominion experimental station charlottotown pe 1 the development of georgetown a whole we have a town to be proud of yet there is always room for im prove men t and still h gher standards obituary david ttimbla word was received here recently the death of ur david trimble medicine hat- alta who was taken sick two months ago with influents and heart trouble and was getting along nicely until two weeks when other complications sot in passing away came as a great shock to his family and friends he was a son of the late john a and jane trimble third line west chingua cousy he is survived by his wife formerly miss maud mitchell of 0r- uigetfle and two daughter hn mel keating of medicine hat and mrs will brown of vancouver b c and one son norman at home mr trimble u a brother of edwin and henry trimble west chjnguscoujv haltoa is to have coming winter the course will com mence dec 1 and continue until the 1 of february the object of the wuntsji to give an edueatien- to young people who have found it im possible to attend college all agri cultural subjects will be dealt with home ntttainc first aid sewing mil unary and music happily our first hot wave did not last very long but others am likely to follow it even in this year without a summer for people who have to work hard out of doors such heated terms arc hard to bear and they have the r dangers to health and even to life there are simple pre cautionary measures that everybody cooler weather brings relief these arc good rules dress lightly keep out of the sun as much as poa siblc cat enough but not too much and don t swill tee water or other cold drinks all day hot tea without sugar or milk is better than any of them and the warm or hot bath 1b more cooling in its effects than the cold one for all except the moot rug god dont get scared as long as per spiration is free when it stops and the skin gets dry and feverish then look out for yourself and do it in stantly barn fires upwardb of 000 barns were de stroyed last year in ontario by fire this is a most appall ng loss and if this dostruct on to farm property is not checked it will mean increased nsurance rates which are quite high enough now lightning is responsible for a good many losses on the farm then too there is the fall threshing and the danger from the engine then there is the lantern which has de- ttroyed many a good ontario- barn ind last of all and most of all there v carelessness if a fire starts the standards of taste have prevailed in loss is generally total for a ire where there b hay or straw cannot be put out very easily at their club meet ings the farmers wodld be well ad vised to discuss the incressed fnsur- rates and their cause wheat harvest in west ly i isited by hail during the past week damage to crops was compsra lively slight and crop conditions if any different are a tnfle better than a week ago according to the weekly crop report of the canadian nat onal railways just issued ryjcutting is now proceeding in manika and will be general lays wien barley cutting will begin in brandon district it pectcd that wheat will be ready for the binder in ten days many points in the three prov which had been suffering from drouth received much needed nun which will do muclyjujrard filling the grain in manitoba and saskatchewan wheat and coarse grains are now headed out and in alberta they arc in process of heading au cktrftabu more charity for others wdl n charity for ourselves and we will gradually come to take a keener de light in reporting something good of some person than something bad good is construct ve bad is destruc live just before you arc about to let out a b t of bad news stop and think a moment see if you cant ounk of something good to say in place of it the chances are ten to that you caa and that you will it is a somewhat common thing to hear some people scoff at prohibition and clamor for its repeal so far as the ontario temperance act is con cemed as a matter of fact it is just aaiajfjaf to mtterate frequently the fact thatprohibition is not limited to the drinking ot alcoholic liquors tvt is only a small part of it we have laws prohibiting steading grarab- ling murder and so on they are prohibition laws just as much as the liuuor laws pick up almost any newspaper and you w 11 see that these other prohib tion laws arc being vio lated every day does anyone think that because there are violations of these prohibitory laws they should be epeaed who would want to make murder or robbery legal t laws arc formed to protect people and although there may be some violations it shows poor common sense to repeal the law and lit all the evil go unpun hot weather rules obituary 1 mu isabel mcdonald the announcement on sunday of tho death of miss isabel mcdonald of the third line esquesing on sun day morning brought feelings of sad ncss to many hearts miss mcdonald was greatly beloved by many ac auainuncet she was a daughter of le late alexander mcdonald and was bom on the farm and in the home where she spent her whole life for a number of years she has been the housekeeper in the home and her loss will be felt there keenest miss mcdonald was a woman of sterl ing character a member from her srfhood of knox church and an ac re christian the sympathy of the community goes out to her sorrowing brother ancf sister the funeral on tuesday to fairview cemetery was largely attended rev mr stewart conducted the service say something good bsd news evil news and often ws of a spiteful character travels much faster than good news let a man or woman be converted at a re vival service and there to not much comment made of it but let some citi sen be convicted of a crime whether great or small arid the news leaps by word of mouth from one end of the community to the other in short time every community has its small town gossip and georgetown has had its share in the past as well as in the present and may have it in the f u ture butis it alall necessary how thoughtlessly unkind and even un charitable we are apt to be st time had or good news when it is often repeated always becomes exaggerated and distorted in the peddling with the good news it docsnt ijuitter so much but withthe bad news it brings humiliation loss of friends and some times social disgrace upon those who do not deserve it when you hear a h t of gossip stop and think befoto i you repeat it possibly you can find something good to say instead hd acton high school the acton board of ed u cat on has engaged the services of miks margaret macddhahl b a daughter of mr and mrs alexander mac donald of acton to succeed miss craig as principal of acton h gh school watkini soon to ba lol art any member of a modem family who would propose to walk to one or more of its members would be ght just a little queer people t walk any more since the auto mobile became so popular it has put a crimp in the habit of walking any distance and if the present prac tice of riding round the block to pay a social call continues to grow walk ing will be numbered w th the lost after reading all the warnings an i advice about how and where to spend a vacation nervous people may deotte to stay at home

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