Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1926, p. 2

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w h willson undertaker and lloeuted embalmer mala st ohrnu h llur ph light o s4 o ll ilirths mimtrei and dcatha art- now rhiiruml fur at the following rati a itirthaboc marriages oot ikathit toc memorial cards 50c 10c pi r tine ixtra fur poetry the flrsl lysis iculo hm tms4w adibsi jr ore san dehson in terra l la on tu day august ird wff mary i hna tin burred beloved wife of juhn sanderson aged 62 years campbell al hia late residence george si ceorgi town on wednea day ju ollh itra eorge l campbell beloved bus band of ada johnston obituary william kmgbam the fuiitru ofthe lak ilhniu lliughaiu took iilnw from his late nxiditoct george 3l georgetown nn jul 28th afur u private sumce in the home thi cortege proceeded to lnilod church georgetown wlnn the service was miduued 1j rw henry caldwell the hinging was led in tin thoir and included a dart one sweetlj solemn thought and it nolo in that citj founwjuan which were saeetlj rendered leaving the i hunh the lortegt proceeded to conn m gsby cemetery where mier- ment was made un the hill over look mg the old bingham home the deceased was bom june 20th 1853 nit churchville tt hile null u ihild he moved with his fither moth er and the rest of the family to con uingsby knn township on nov jad 1881 he was mamed to hannah bennet daughter of the late thos bonnet of enn township by the rev geo clark m l then stationed at georgetown the issue of the marriage was four tons and three daughters bve of which are living- robert l of cal gary thomas e at home hattie or m mary a of saskatchewan 5lina of alma from the year 1900 ftfe resided in caledon ospnnge fade fergus alma coming to jetown early in the year 1919 where he has since resided the late wm bingham was a man of earnest christian character al ways ready to lend a- helping hand to his fellowmen unfaltering in his con notions looking forward to his death with a peculiar etiiitenunl an i ticipatioii the flora tribute wlre many and beautiful including wreatlib from ins neighbor relatnesat sault st mane georgetown acton enn georgetown and enn spraynfrom neicea and also friends in georgetown and a pillow from the family the pallbearers were old fnends of the deceased alex and john mckin ney alex mckinnon john allen percy creates and martin near george c campbell on wednesday evening there pass ed peanefully to rest george c camp bell after four weeks struggle bet ween life and death the result of an accident when he fed from the ham of john barnes ughthlinc enqueu ing where he was shingling he waaimmedifttely taken to wellslej hospital toronto and after spend mg three weeks under the care of dr a mckichol and other skilful hands he was removed to his home in georgetown where everj possible comfort was gryeu hun hut without avail he was born august 1st 869 on the campbell homestead lot 30 seventh line esnueslng he was a son of the bite george and annie campbell on jan 16lh 1901 he mamed ada e johnston of acton one child was horn to them lnena m they resided on the farm till seven jears ago when hey remove to georgetown where the family now he was an active member of the town council in enthusiastic member of the curling club he wat an ac tive member of the united church where he was one of the stewards also a member of the bible class his present pastor rc dr dickie and a former pastor rev mr cald well offlcated at the funeral which was belli on saturday afternoon at the family residence george st the pallbearers were messrs inhn bamea martin near william short- ill john miller david cook george bennick the floral tributes were numerous ind beauurul the funeral service was hugely attended and interment waa made in the famdy plot fair iew cemetery acton he la sur vived by his sorrowing widow and daughter one brother harrj camp bell of toronto two sisters mrs e f collier mrs j e gamble acton itm f lilt tletiilidiitlta of tin inti lainix i tons hiiii bliznbeth h wwti utt in ih- limn of mr unit mrs riim us 1 miih lu iluni to ol lttr llmr tirsl ihih id union on tiumih auguhl ird 19 o mr mid mri i mi- ijiiiih en imives of i ik pandi of do mi gin idj oimt f lyroin ireland and uirne lo tn id t in 18tti tiling oi a farm it t hi lu nh mi tin ir den i iidanls low iiunilx r npwnnla of 5w in tin ifujikhiti tptnhes were glieu bj h 1011 georgetown c ljotti ht itenliam t l lidie nonal i l clark nrtrtul t dol sou cheltenham j a willoughli toronto john dolium kettleby h ielch glen willi aids georp towns uid cheltenham k b ushe nor val and dr wid ljoiih toronto instrumentitl and vocal flelectuiiix here also git en and a social hour ipt nt im fort the asst mliugi sit down ton sumptuous 1cptsl prt pared bj the lad leu afurill hid done jusiu to tin maii good things tet beforf them a heart vote of thanks wat exteuded to the hostuiid horitfist mr and mrs thomas ly ous for their huspitalit it waa also decided to hold hie re union every three jiars tht singing of auld lang hi brought the happy guthtnng lo uoe town councjl georgetown aug 3rd counul met at 8 o doc k with may or dale in th hair reeve mclntin and count ill ore ashen hurst barclay duncab and long present minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed messrs lee and nash tivil eugtn eers and survey o rs of brantford ad dressed the council re surging and laying ont of new cemetery mr si rymgeour addressed council re further grant td the football club mr george power addressed coun cil re his account for new water works system mr cameron also addressed council re the same and re the appeal of the taj lor construe tionco deputation from business men re c nic to eldorado park and later dunce in georgetown asking for use f main street pavement after clock for same this to be roped off and a free dance held moved bj long seconded by don can that the clerk be instructed to order a ton of calcium chlonde from h r mimma carried moved by kelly seconded by bar clay that a street bghtbe placed at the marshall hudson tannery also on water street near fintor street carried moted by barclay seconded by long that a grant of 50 00 be given for the business men s mo to help pay expenses also that they be allowed to use main street r a dance at night carried moved by duncan seconded by ashen hurst that major dale reeve mc in tyre councillors kelly and barclay lie a committee to under take the work of laying out new cemetery gamed moved by barclay seconded by long that miss margaret matthews be given a rebate of 4 00 spent fat tuning town piano for her recital she having paid regular fee fori rental or hall camed moved by ashenhnrst seconded by kelly that the clerk be authomed to forward 25 00 for membership i to the ontario municipal association for 1926 carned a number of accounts were also passed itom smxxssiii ma cum lf trunk tli mum k as uiss ul in retitiing iik omvi l 1mi ofti i r and mi n at ht a nniutl muskilrj uinp of llu tnh infantn bngailt b idlilhl wetland on aiapi fntoreil with hni i illier mil tin re inuskctn progroiuc hilsioiii pli led as vi 11 is lln iirogrwiiue of sports irrmgetl for md tlij- auiiuul iueitloii of tile rtifpnnl by bng adur gimral a ii ihll v g d s0 distmt oflw omniaiidug md jor the lirsilimi in llu lu- torj of the rural miibliu of jnudi tin hal tun rjlles deinonsl ruleil nth dnll o spertion mil tin otrltirs loilipluniuud bj tht bngudc and distnci builf on iht hoc showing of the rtegimtul the turn out wis the litrgent smei 1922aiid tin hiulon itilles vtn tht largest unit in camp major j ii iedley mc was in command tor the hrat time sintt the tv ir the bn guilt mounted a guard and the tajre- iiiouj of guirtl mounting traswnu li til willi inti rest in a ijrfre assi mblt of tisilom to the ranges innn of tlieia eurins of tin great ar the itatuhtui band touk the church scrvki on sunday morning antl tlu bugle band played ttiwtcgiiuont b on mspet tion in the sports com petit ion whu h was won b the ontario regimt nt the llaltou rifles won 21 pomu win mug the standing broad jump ind taking inttplace in hi t other t t uts the peel regiment won the tug ow ar event and the ontario kcgimenl took the soft ball event defeating the hal ton team by 1816 the ontario regiment won the brigade siher cup for musketry the result of the shooting for the lachlan grant musketry trophy mil be announced later al the conclusion of camp 5 officers left for niagara camp to qualify for higher rank the bri gade expects to obtain autho foradeven day tamp next year and to undertake tactical training m addition to musketry oimriiam skmj the following is the report for the childrens aid society for july applications for children 1 children brought to the shelter not wards 3 children involved during month t children made wards of the ca s 1 complaints received 2 investigations made 4 mail matter received 61 mail mattei sent out 82 mileage approximately 464 f office interviews 11 court attendance 1 children placed 7 wards visited 20 children legally adopted 2 children of unmarried parents art naaes 2 number of boys in the shelter 8 nnrtberof girls tn the shelter 9 the ages of the children are from 6 moa to 13 years just reoanty the following state ments were in a letter received we both have become attached to her wtt wouldn t part with her for anything tt hat a change such a condition makte in a home apply to w h stewart milton sports golf in the club shield competition held on monday the following play era qualified f r mccannel p b coffen d l herbert sam mc kenue j b wallace john mcder mid j l thompson e cole l c shorey o t mckay paul fleck j b- mackenzie the draw will be made soon and these playt will notified the return game with the bramp ton club will be played herein sat urday aug 7th x baseball j onoe again it happened george town deafeseed hillaburg and vicin ity on saturday by the one sided score of 16 to 6 and at no stage of the game did hillsburg threaten to break into the win column the- georgetown team ha the hardest hitting team it has had for some time and have developed a new pitcher fred maybee wh was res ponsible for their win on saturday again on monday momingthey won a league game from aetan7 to 3 thus winning the first half of the senea i the second half of the schedule will begin at georgetown saturday aug 7th when acton and hillaburg will play a double header with the home team at 2 and 4 o clock two games for the pnee of one should again attract a large crowd bowling messrs j gibbons lercy dale h dickie and allan roney took part in the bowling tourrfaroent held at toronto on saturday and monday after a bnef vacancy following the resignation of rev j t straeh an who went to owen sound the congregations or nassagaweya and campbell tnlle have called rev don aid mcqueen recent graduate of krroi couvge aftera long rest in the attic the potcrtnammock is now working i bight and day volunteer firemens annual convention clear though humid w e a 1 1 served to make a wonderful success of the closing day of the annual vention of the ontario volunteer firemen s association when several hundred of the volunteer firefighters and several thousands of their freinds held a demonstration and contests in the fair grounds brampton on monday a monster parade was the leading feature of the day 750 men and 12 tire trucks of the moat odern type taking part in addition to 12 bands the most stnkiug bn gadea m appearance were burlington and thorold tioth appearing with frock coat the former frorked in white cord the latter silver both wore regulation white helmets carry ing their caps nt their belts and both had white glotes and shoes at the fair grounds after tlie par ade these companies gave an exhibi tion of fanoy dnll burlington being awarded the first prue hamilton veterans with their antiquated ap paratus were cheered all along th linens were the thorold girls dnll corps carrying white and red para sols to match tlieir uniforms church news united and baptist churches net sunday august 8th the baptists wdl worship with the unit ed church in the morning and the united church will worship with the baptist church in the evening rev dr dyke will conduct both services st georges church 8am holy communion 11 a m matins and sermon by the rector 5 pm holy baptism 7 pm even song and sermon by the rev f h wasa rector ang4th 19i4aag4th1926 backwards some twelve years we see humanity peacefully rest ing in sleep lulled by decades of in ternationa assurances of good will and honorable intentions then the shot was fired which echoed around the world it was heard in the farthest comers of the univerae- in rapid sequences we see the mighty turmoil of uations the gigan tic universal free for all embroilment we see men killing their brothers with cold steel with smashing rifle butta in hand to hand conflicts we see war that monster of hate that kdler of humanity that wrecker of of home with all its relentless fury we see the scarfed and pitted vista of no mans larid with its reckless bravery its bursting shells its shed ding of blood we see the awful nessofwar- with its confusion cbaosj victory defeat with its ruined lives with its men confounded and nuund looking fora cause of this great imperialistic avarice for a reason for the beating of wardruma wetum to the teuton empires em pore r war lords field marshals but we find that the frenxmd enthusiasm of tliese junkers was shared equally by the lesser as by the mighty the whole nation was a conglomerate type or warfiends singing hymns of hate arrogance disdain we see their nce- tnl dilate theireyeaglow the mar tial music cheered wilhnttal fervour by kaiser and laborer var lord and tailor field marshal and blacksmith the college professor and a cobbler preacher and baker each is an ar dent part of a great slaughter mach ine conceived by bismarck and de veloped by german nuttesroen and war lords card of thank mrs hannah e bingham and family tiafa to express thsrir apprrdatlod for the many hnrhw ea shown them daring the last utnaaa of their loving husband when you make your own dressings do you serve just one kind of dressing with all your salads with keens mustard as the necessary ingredient to give a finishing touch you can makp many different varieties of mayonnaise besides many french russian and italian dressings whether your arc serving chjeken lobster fish vege table or fruit salad give tbo dressing a touch of individual ity by making it yourself the flavour will be different and better and the pressing will cost far less tbari any you can buy colman keen canada limited dept l j 10o0 amherst street montreal jj olds x jl bgtt m jm keens free recipe book tvea recipes for 16 kuids of mayonnaise dressings for delicious salads and sandwiches f of french russian and italian drcs bus for mustard pickles chowchows and other attractive relishes write for a copy canadian national exhibition toronto j 1826 dateaauk288eptlt an aeot are placed a naturally oan- f triable pontxon mo that yoa low rtlaa- atvm a you rub no tttifty bolt- canadas first highspeed europeantype light car the dhrtmetive body imes of the mew overland whippet resemble the smartest eustombuut automobiles of america and continental europe stand in front of this car and you can imagine yporaeu on the boulevards of france it win travel 56 miles an boor in perfect comfort gasoline pickup in 13 seconds from 6 to so miles an hour go 36 mqea on a gallon of 1000 mile oa a gallon of od will stop in two car lengths from a speed o the overland whippet is 6 feet 8 incbe high not as tall as the averace man yet a provides more room and comfort than youve eves found in any automobile of this class before j n oneill son georgetown used cars 1925 star sport touring chevroletjjaby grand touring studebaker light sx touring j n oneill son georgetown farms wanted 1 tinhit ltlt ilrgi ijijurtliit i dlatigt for farm iiodtrute incutl fin huuje ill n nuii j a aberdeen rami estate brokar georgetown our august stockreducing sale commencing august 3rd offers you exceptional opportunities to secure real money saving bargains wc offci the whole of our slocks of good quality dependable merchandise at a big sacrifice houselurnishings furniture floor covering wall paper window shade curtain rods draping materials carpet sweepers crockery glass china mens and boys furnishings boots and shoes boohs and stationery staple dry goods fancy dry goods as jcnrnishinss women childrens garsaents come see the goods investigate see the prices jacksons georgetown buy k s tires wo earn a uiuijdelo line of high pressure and balloon k 8 tires sod tubes tbo well known tire of sapremo quality oor prices are exceptionally low see us before hnjing expert repairing all repairs guaranteed to give servioe f sinclair tk tin rapalr shop lkprkmn oeokoetowr boih ph sj r tasilsssi3siii ssi real estate 6 room house all conveniences 8 lots tennis court and gnmge on 9 wuth miin bl pnle rcisonablt uasj tenns t 100 acres miles fwnl georgetown in good fanning dnu11 1 bmk irouw nen iwni audjjnotl t reek iriu 11 owunuld es hange tur limn prop rl wanted huuk in lieorgetouu to em baiigi for ilj propeh llmihs tornl iiiifunnshe1 j see or call e a benham phone 164 geoboetown box 4110 j attention m try bhugheymcdonald for cat and ping tobaqoos all kinds of pipes band pipe repairs a williams mgr mi li st oeoroetowb bsssitssesifsiisabsacss advertise in the herald where quality counts bulk macaroni spaghetti vemocelu special 323 preserving requisites crown ja1u urtl sssh psrowmi 2 pits 25c rauaerruis pkts2sc zinc rings 2tc certo wile 32c new canadian cheese 1 211 silsock corn flakes 3 pkts- 29c salmon etc sockeye 1 a bi 4c salmon yi tb ba 24c icohoer 1 lb hi 29c salmon tt dt tu 18c bnumwick sarjesm 4tias2sc hcrrisf a is sascc hs 2sc ajawre saackt 2lmj3c loickes usasie hs 25c n crossed fish sardines baakn 15 tin tv a pilma lafstaal fi natyw fr 4af f ttja p a total of titfoofto trout fry from the banff hauhirj hove been placed in hylvan lake and uwi 000 in but falo lake durinn the pant wtek a further oomugnim nt m u be placed in the tributar vaura of the bed ueir hivrr expurl of pilohnrl oil to lurop will coiram nei m bulk in september projuei rn have e iilmcled to skip coo tuni on tach ihip uf the royal mail stum packet to fur several months the ularkft is in rotter dam the companj will have about two ships per rnonu pilchard oil is used in preparing foods ami medi- anothor step forward in the effort to restore to muntnul its leading position in the liu itock industry was taken re it i wkn m inbera of the rsstern cmtle market ex change mrt to rtirifaniie their operations on the huais of new changlft made calculated to imptova montreal s lundnik in the industry lcuch duke dmitri of ljyuchtenberk coupt di biauharnoii lineal de scendant of ci nrles marquis de beauhsrnois who governed canada in the name of the i- re rich kinc iouis xv between 1726 and 1747 is visiting fur the first time tho countr in which his ancestor mads famorj he 11 taking part in tha grand pow iow f the canadian trail itiders which m beufg held m ptarmigan valley near lake louis in the canadian rockies the english football team havo finished their seven weeks tour of the dominion and they were greatly impressed with the genorous hos pitality tendered to them by tho people in the cities they risked joe smith captain of the un said canadian football will in a few years in all probability be on a par with the brand of soccer playfcd by the major leagues in great britain- according to hirn the object of too tour hai been fully accomplished coming from all parts of great britain and ireland twentyfive thoroughbreds were unloaded from the canadian pacific liner meta- gama when it arrived in montreal lately they are for mulana breed ing and training ranch near win nipeg and comprise one stallion 16 mares and eight geldings nellies pet 3 yearold by cygnus sire of winner of scottish derby last year out of la lis and den tan two- yearold who comes of the same breeding as coronach winner of this years english derby wera among the horses arriving new advertisements gooh coodllion alio a baasinclle will ell reasonable apply mm arthur her berl manured ii far bate fine hone for ue quiet and good duverfor wbkh i have no further use will cl reasonable apply john ford pbone 310 up tor bala fiib cb p and trail iiih bui nesi other inlercil reawjo for itell ng phone 29 georgetown up ileigoa in good condition net heavr tingle lumeia ci platform males 2000 lbs capac ly al freemao george town tip far sal grade durham low due aug 10th j a glberl phone 74 r ij norval 11 for sal good range coal or wood in good toil dilion apply u uarkson al tor grocgclown lip wood hi- sal hardwood spin ready for atbve 4 00 a nngle cord mixed wood 2 75 tingle cord rails si 75 single cord slab hard wood s3 50 kdgle cord slabs soft wood si 50 initio cord cedar wocd 3 00 mogte cord all orders cash oa debt cry pbone u0 wm fmmenon georgetown was berry p ckers apply toat broa dofjirimt on or about july lih a collie dog answer tolhcname ol rover any informal or regard n same ahll be ap imuiied by h bpatl ng georgetown ii far sal ik m llenw1 an i lw mr thur p to uapaulo iidlv lake nonce ibat on and after july flat i will noi be responsible lor any cbn ickilmc ed n my name without my nlicn order jmea i uensod glen hum 3tp vcatabla hr bala q grean pcxt new polatoes rad ah lei ice carrols and bed delivered any rbere n lown i hone 135 r 4j brand charrlaa fcv bala idttmy cherne for aale phooc x aigcm georgetown sip tabuat 8 roomed frame bouie oea m il apply lo charle ha coal ng for raat mat coniam k etroomi and bath cei ally loialed apply akesimo teorg taraat i ior rent oo church slroel pon- ii june 11 apply lo le koy dale t rat roomed hoise on murdoch street electric itgbt mlcr insde newly reaova ted inmediate pomcaimm apply to 11 waasi tar bala ave occured a large quantity of dry beech and maple delivered anywhere n lawn or gtenwilliami at s4 00 pa load about a cord of 12 inh wood also cut rail a 3 00 per load and milled wood at 3v50 per load also carrot parantp and beets j brandlord boa 49a7geonrw town phone 135 r 4 i ha i is 00 cord 13 75 pe rmgle cord sb00 per load hammer wood jv 00 1 load delivered murray a phono

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