Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1926, p. 4

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h erean dth ere there nt chance of another tenera strike irr great britain for feneration and peihup longer is the iew of victor suhr new editor of the evening news loo- don who spent a hort vacation in canada rectntly he nought tha miners strike in treat britain would not be settled b fore the fall and perhaps not until the winter the fishing season opens aahi august 16 on les r slnve lake and lako la biche in alb rta libera are approximately 100010 pounds of white fish to be h ppetrlur ng the season from lake la ii the and over half a i ii on pounds from lesser slnve i uke as wall aa a considerable iua y of jackfish nnd pickerel frun both canada estimated wheat y ed aa indicated by crop condit ons on june 30 it 3jsa2g0oo bushels the yield eat mated for the prairie pro vinces according to the bureau o statistics report is 327226 oop bushels and for the rest of the do minion 21 400 otki bushels toul es 1 1 ma led yield for oats is 4b340 000 bushels and for barley 100 624 000 buahela for rye the total est mated yield li 117c2oo0 bushels and for flaxseed b419oo0 bushels the manitoba government has commenced an agricultural survey ofr unoccupied lands in the province which when completed will provide the incoming settle with all avail able n form at on on such lands a total of 2 474 homettendi have been taken up in western canada th s year all post war rainier at on records were broken recently whin 1 681 imra grants passed through winnipeg- recently in 48 hours the earl of clarendon brit ih under secretary for dominion af fairs nnd t mac naught an cha r man of the overseas committee are making a tour of canada to invest gate conditions under which the s 000 fain ly scheme is being handled in this country they are issuing glowing reports of wbal they have seen the full three ll ousand fam hies will have been brourht over here by the end of i ejtt year a civic vacat on party arranged by the kiwanis club of shenandoah iowa recently passed through to ronto and montreal en route to lon don england there were 600 who availed themselves of the trip and moat of these had never travelled outside the united states before in their lives they will pus through stratford on aion and oxford on their way to london and will make a aide trip to pans and the french battlefields during their stay association football in the do minion of canada bid fair within th next few years to become a rural to the brand of soccer played by the major leagues in great britain was the comment of joe smith cap tain of the ah england association football team which ha just com plettd itat seven wek tour of can ada the team travelled dose on tea thousand miles on its tour and played twenty games against all kind of teams they did not lose a single game and scored 106 goals in all with only is registered gainst them university wen municipal and government representatives doc tors print notaries lawyers and new made up the major ity of the party of 100 people who took part in the across canada tour of tha ualversite de montreal re cently completed they were feted and walcfimed by civic university and government heads throughout jthebr tour and return from it with far clearer notion of the pnfc- jems o the west than whan thay atarted the tour was run on cp r line under bhe asuplca of tfaa uni versity of montreal and was fda acend annual trip that has bean tllk qpoildl town iii itjl t i iii 1121 t i congratulation mh 3 oa were inokt in getting lo cated so well aim bo boon aftei graduating pardon it was not luolt t wu the training 1 received mr iv tralawj college now nvaetsioti students tnhy starlanj da fall term from angus 301b send in four registration now u soari kjsokss csuece a l sow rrlwsfatarirnfrldw ssxsa- trail riders third annual powwow j sword stewarttown plnmbingtubmilbing eubuses octrtauy cta tmr u nt i fire insurance j ramm cewtemn afsnt lor aoase of tha stroagm ecu fmm writwig mauraac are you protected b rich soft tone of a braijtford roof brantford asphalt slates harmonize with any style of archi tecture and their rich soft tones blend with their surroundings fttaill tomes of the year they last for years aro ftro resistant and give perfect protsjctlon rrom sol waatber condjtiooa u brantfbrd hswraliltf cfli iihrrft brmntf ord ontario slock carried information furnished and service oi brantford roofing rendered by georgetown lumber co ltd georgetown grow winter wheat mdhlnk nt ii a ival nigra hhibuiiik f uir mel i win uli nil il llo a i irfexl the grave old mountains that nr- round the beautiful little pur mlamti valley near lake louise will hear and see things this summer that will remind them of the good old jays when indllur hunters and warriors made tho hills echo with their shouts when they danced about their great camptiroaf for this lovely spot has been chosen by the order or trail riders or the canadian rockies to be the place whero they will bold their annunl pow wow cm august 1 ro i lowing tho official trail many parties have camped in ptarmigan valley but nevor such a one as there will bo this summer when trail riders gather from all over tho world to attend their great feast then tho deep silence of mountain and lake will be broken for one day when the hoof beats of several v hundred ponies sounfl through the valley from all indications tho pow wow of 1926 will bo buger and merrier than those of previous years at noon on august 1 two parties of trail riders will meet at the camp in the valley pitch their tents and when night falls light a great tire around which tho official ceremony will be held and join in singing trail riders songs there will he two official trad rides this summer both a fireday ride and a threeday ride members going on the longer ride are meeting at lake louise so famous for its beauty and its magnificent canadian paclflo chateau on july 2s and fol lowing the trail up- the bow valley to mosquito creek making a side trip to bow pass than un over molar pass and up the little pipe stone to baker lake so by ptarmi gan lake to ptarmigan valley tbey plan to make 0 tntles a diy for tha first three 16 miles on tho fourth day and 9 miles on tho fifth those taking the tbreeday ride will start from the banff lake louise rood and follow tho trail past johnstone creek to baker creek and baker lake and so to ptarmigan volley this parly will travel moro leisurely making about 14 miles a day for the first wo and nlrte miles on the third day after the pow wow all tho trail riders will return to lake louise by corral creek the order of the trail rider is just three summem old this year and plready has a membership of about 600 more than 100 of which have enamel buttons showing that they have travelled more than 2 500 miles the rest have buttons too differ ent kinds according to the dls- tanco they have travelled a bronze button for go milea a silver one for 100 miles a gold one for goo miles and a gold and enamel one for 1 000 miles its alms arc chiefly to encourage horseback travel through the rock les to promote the breeding of suit able saddle horses far high altitudes to keep up old trails and build new to protect the forests aod encourage the love of outdoor life and the study and conservation of wild life to prepare and circulate maps of ex isting and proposed trolls and help maintain tho observance of close and open seasons for fish and game the order bos recruited its mem bers from all classes all ages and all parts of the world last years pow wow was attended by artist writers european nobility indian chiefs and american millionaires leading the ride was a lady of- sev enty while a lad or twelve brought up tho rear rains hint r wheat omylfldh spring v1 tat in old ontario from 10 30 b sh is per acre it also siwfts gnat bulk or straw s useful where live stock are wlnt rtd jfranuink the boll for wheat bolls for winter whist stould be ploughed two weeks or in on before plontli k til le in order to allow set iiidk before itadlnx whtat riqulree a orni well compacted seed bedv such brings tbtt sied in close contact with the particles of soil and enabks the roots o get a perfect contact wltl the soil a h avy rain following ploughing is desired as an aid to compacting he soil w icn a lot of vegetation has been ploughed under or if the weather is dry it is ncccs sary to roll cultlpack and harrow following the plough 1 he surface of the seed b d should tin loosa and crumblj with enough floe soil tonve perfect co r snd contact to tho seed rnatl tu pn up to the size of a mat i nst are not objecdonabln on tl a winter wheat field as the frost action put verlxee the lumps and leaves tho sur face soil in good condition in tl c spring tho lumps of soil slso hold the snow over the deld giving pro tectfon to be wheat plant against freeslng and thawing i bte ensou depl of extension o a college jhsmith stewarttown wife fanry and eneir and posts 8 o pi of f allkmda in galea all kinds ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station i now open tor business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficerit service tires gas oils and all lord accessories always on band h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage erwingoldhams meat marke prime steer beef milk fatted veal choice spring lamb and pork all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best f hone no 1 50000 harvesters wanted 1500 to winnipeg plus half aecnt per mile beyond to all points in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tanau calvary macleod a d east returning half nccnt per mile to winnipeg plus s20 00 to dtst nation through special trains fc winnipeg via canadian national ttys will leavo as follows j standard tini from toronto unonstation 12 01am aug 18 m dnight aug 17 1230pm aug 18 10 4jpjrf aug 18 1250 pm aug 20 10 45pm aug 20 12 301 m aug 31 000 pm aug 31 u30pm septs 900 em sept 3 from ottawa 121 ajd aug 18 midnight aug it 1201 noon aug 18 13sam aug 31 1sju noon aug 31 from windsor 120iajj aug 20mduightaug 19 v a chatham undou hamilton andlnglc wood from palmer8ton 0 oo a m aug 20 via cudph georgetown and ingle wood special through cars from other principal points connecting with above special traiiut for details consult local canadian national agents through hwih8comfobtable colonist cars special cars for women and children purchase your ticket to winnipeg via canadian national railways whether or not your final htin m th wot is a point on the canadian national tickets and all information from nearest agent travel canadian national picturesque america includes picturesque canada can you imagine a span of a thousand million years or so t if you can try picture to yourslf the place- where the rocky mountains now stand wiyi ttelr snowcrowned peaks towering into the sky at the bottomrauit depths of an inland soa do yon know bow tho rockies ware formed t by what titanic forces thesa great masses wtfra crumbled find folded and lifted high in the air t x it is a most interesting story that geology tells us concern tig the formation of tblsglgantle rang through the osbbs eons brfore the human race dwelt upon the earth and only one of the many other fascinating things that one learns about raei ovn land in pic tureaqoe amsrlca a delnze volnnfe superbly 111 us trated with 600 photographs and charmingly wrltten which has been published recently try the resort and playgrounds of america new york- it is a conrplbnent and not one undeserved to can ada that thla book which describes so clearly and well uie wonders and beauties of tha parks and beauty apots of north america should gtva orer more than onefluarter of its space to canadas great playground yet it csanot but be jecognliwl that her parks are nabjw ut their smfsicceaog ot fnra ua bfttftty at color in their preservation of game and wild ma tures sad in their possession or great virginal forests and tositfc globs as yet uneiplored the national parks of canada are 14 hi number and range in area from a few square miles to 4j000 squar mile ftir the most part they are found in urn western part of tbe country while the three most beautiful rocky mountain parks banff yobo an glacier ho along tbe main line of the oaaadun paclflo railway many well known writers anch as robert sterling yard zone grey mary roberts rtneharu henry van dyke charles i umtnls arlhnr stringer mary carolyn daties and j 8 harkln bare contributed to this vol umes which maintains a bifih standard of literary qua ity throughout verses of nature by equally wait known poets ara soattered throughout and there hi added a complete index and bibliography hence be sides the charm of the book it is invaluable as on of rafereoc it would seem that its purpose to maksi better known and thus better appreciated tha voaulo marvels ol america wofldcriaodj tout tm aooain injury from chemical fertilisers when chemical fortlluer is applied in the hill or drift careful consider ation must be given td th possibility of injuring tha germinating setdling chemicals high in readily available plant food such as nitrate of soda or ammonium sulphate or muriate of potash are most injurious while phosphates and organic nitrogen are less so large aeeds such as corn beans and others tbat glrmlnate quickly are mora apt to be injured than thosa that germinate slowly soil moisture also has an inllu ence when chemicals are applied us it determines the degree of dilution hence there is less danger on els or muck than there is on tie drier sandy soils tha ssnd soils i old so little moisture tbat the chemical goes into a more concentrated solution and hence is mora injurious to the germinating seed best results are secured where the fertilizer in applied ill two streams to the sides and a little below the lei el of the seed on light soils where heavy appll cat o nil arc made it la often desir able to apply a portion of the fer uuser at planting tlu e the balance to be applied ai a side dressing later l steienson dept of extension o a college harm water for lylng hen ice in the water pan will not help egg production it trouble is experienced during the very cold weather in keeping the poultry drink water or milk from f reeling ll may be overcome by ualng that warm water put in it will keep warm until used lasting all da gtvua very good service if tbe hpuae la equipped with electric ligtttlifere are a number of de ce auch- aa hot points and carbon bnlbs that oiay be suspended oartly in the water or milk to give the necessary heat to keep the drink palatable there are kerosene b sated fountains available that are generally satisfactory when given closo attention aa to adjust ment and cleanliness the birds must drink u they are to produce and snow or ice water are not generally palatable to high producers l stev eoson director of extension o a college ouelph keeping track of the pann income in every other lino business wo of a name record is kept of tin ceipta and expenditures a study is made of these business records knowledge la accumulated and im provementmadc the farm business cannot make much progress towart providing on increased income until the farmer adopbi system of record keoplng and studies bis balanci sheet every week everj rcontl and very year such study reveals tl reasons for profit and the cause jit causes or loss on operations it is only once in a great while that meet a farmer making much procrr- without kpentar rrcords of his rami opt rations the great majorlt n ed to do it for iheli own and the farm sake l stevenson o a college a poultry loss the eggeating habit once acquired by members of the poultry dock is dlfbcult to stop prevpntlon is easier than breaking the birds of the habit birds that have an abundant suppl of oyster shell or lime before them at all times and are ted a liberal bal anced ration with abundant greon feed seldom develop the erg pi habit arrange tilt nests at least eighteen inches above tl e floor have plenty of them so that if a wants to lay there wlrl be a nest foi her this prevents them crowding two or three into a nest box there hirakw the eggs keep nests dark and well supplied 1 straw any birds caught in th of bretklng or itlng efiga should be unsigned to the feedlns craua benj petch uotnswd auetlonaar tor haltoo and psmi otonwtlltama post odca 81 oondnctsd sauafaatority and at rs soaabl rata ordara tort at t ooorawtown herald olbos will rooalvi nrobout atfaatjon ladies simiroofflc htutceums and cubiwg fmzzws and smceiiw try as onr prices are reasonable mr mrs jfc ullieo istrisbmsa ram 178w ice mce we have a inrge quan tity of ice stored or cua tomcrs and will deliver daily pbone your order and ar range for service n0 w wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right j h smith phone 84rl3 aiding u health ofa ooanai ty ts turketnta prtvuaga nphobt r iks lio kn lhit ll i msl is lliu lieapest tl iu rtahzt tl it rjihlj meit mem hoioniuil tit niers umkmum a pkawnl p rob t bis pjbi1ck1 wmarket i georpetowtt 1 watch our windowfor weekend candy specials and do not forget to get your share our baking 1a still aellmg well and remember that it is all the real home made kind give us a trial pecketts bsk suae ussy ol laker coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coat large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town phoni oke lso f rogers co georgetown fish chip cafe all kinds of fresh fish phone orders delivered good meal for 25 cents t b hewitt pone 259 georfctsm collections we handle co lections only kelly aiken collectors ovwauravula ams osram basusd rex standard bank of canada coal beit d l w sciaoton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j rvalklns norti station phone 62 r 2

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