Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1926, p. 2

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w hr willaon j undsrtkker j licensed mi at and banquet and presentation dr t n marcellus tendered farewell banquet by ballon golf and conolry club phnn 3nlor hlffhl p lilrtha morrifikibund death are now ihurkid fur at th fulluwmk ratis hlrihfc roe mnrhaklb ftoc ikuihs six tlliinurlul cnrdaooc 10c pir line txim or poetry liberal convention on august 17th iht ixeuun olt lliltou lilr iii atuhxllllull htsnilhil iitoimn hon lor tiitiilav iviuiiik aiiyuit 1 hen it iiinilithili will in chomii ti titrrj the purtv siantiartt in tin tin tum on s purfilii r 14lli nominations mil in limit at eight u clink attiiidiitil tiuu ami ul eight thirtj thin will lit i public indium lo be address d lij 1 merurk of lorotito church news tinted chunli or choiriffaetise 7 is t beorge s cliunli ii holy communion holy colli in union ihoraliind iaj met lor rfi k ii bj the he bcrmon bj tin host on tuesdaj nest august 1 the church army grutauli rs 1 england will v i a i t georgeti fhij hope to arrive tliout noun on that day uni tht n will lie a short serviee of welcome soon ifter tliur urfival in st george s 1huah at 3 uolook they wil conduct mr vice for women and girls in tin church in the evening ut 7 o clock there will be an oihii uir sen ice fol lowed b a crusade service in the church at 8 o clock next morning wednendaj there will be an early tele brat ion of the holy communion mid after breakfast the crusaders mil leave for acton their next halt ing place tlie crusade is under the direction of tht bishops of montreal ottawa ontario toronto and nia gara thaj have alreadj visited the hrst four of these dioceses and come to thu diocese niagara next week there will be five or six church army officers in the p a rt j coming to georgetown and also thru or four church army sinters everjone is most cordially to take part in the services and give a teal heart v welcome to these lvan sehsts by the wayside limehouse mi sb margurit iveiib of toronto spent tho holidiy at mrs newton mr and mrs wm brvden wallace burg and mrs a koilnon and daughter of dresden are visitiilg at mrs mcdowell s for a few days jack lawson and russell ross spent the holiday in toronto miss winmfred ivens is visiting friends in detroit glen williams mr wm schenk has purchased a new pop machine the i c d c of the united church georgetown took the service here sunday last misses louise bnlwell and mar garet marshall of toronto spent the week end at the home of mi mrs p graham mr and mrs jonei and fa mil j of guelph spent a week with mr and mrs bludd mrs jot mcmastcr and family of detroit are spending a few days with glon friends mr and mrs j coles of toronto mrs mure of winnipeg were visit ore at the home of mr and wilfred preston terra colla iitulu on inng about i t of tht halttm roll hull gather d al i si ian well in out till tin ptrsim 1 di k tin lllllll ii hi mrs mill i i tin good thing t c ulliiiurhln lit i mug spoke ol fit pait dr maheljus hiul takiu in 111 tiih affair lit t llnknt itlhi diklur h nluinnl iwtuwn und milled lie mi mr mirctlliwnj siiuishiiitln luitin on in half ol ilit iiinnun ul tin hillim dull club h piimiittil dr mtiriellirs with gold v nit miuli uml mrs mitntllus with a imx of dr mi i 1 11 ii prt- id thur id thaiikiii esquesing council ml nutting iirnit d lt plltlltloll i vton hair lis norvul unking si tup uranoh imvn elrjhain august llth iok6 opportunity knocks- but once inigt i in i hoiiht id 611x1 i i art on i puj tin in olio ui h i lain i mr i j iltigh anil nelhtmstirk slat p nlintinr hugh lihiik lliii nhtp killd siou al mu milmiam i m i tli- i kill ii u n i kuii stark villuutor hips 4 dauil look uulanili kilkit 2i shoilill uliwtor ii currtcfl i llm cicurgptiumi had made he hoped ceiirgt town ironi lime to 1 pi it j ovtr tlu beautiful links other sjh tk rs wt rt mivjordil dr sutherland and h r mi rams ill of uhoin spoke with mgnt at the loss of out who had hilid sut li un important pla in tlie community ashgrove club we are sorry to record the death of mrs john 8auderson which took place on tuesday afternoon aug 3 after an illness of some- months dura tion mrs sanderson was in 53rd year besides her husband shp leaves to mourn her loss t h daughters and two sons mrs walt er vance and mrs herbert cook brampton frank edward and mai garet at home tho funeral took place on thursdaj last and was largely attended the service being conducted by rev mr waddell of jwlirmfd and interment taking place at greenwood cemet georgetown the floral tnbutes were numerous and beautiful the sympathy of tlie eommunitj ei tended to the bereaved husband sod family missqladjstajlorof toronto nsiting at the home of mr and mi c icam the regular monthly mealing of the terra cotta ufo club was held at th home of mr and mrs wm hunter line on monday men ing last there was a splendid pro gram and a verj intercstilig and social time was spent mrs g ia and daughter of manitoba are visiting relume here mrs 0 s fraser of hamiota man w spending a few weeks with hex mother mrs- jim mtkane 5th line mr and mrs has m keown of acton spent sri mini with terra cotta friends mr and mrs clifford bannister of huffalo have taken uprenidttut in the village the barn dance held at the- home of mr john presswood 10th line last friday evening as a sphmlid success mr j cam nf george town ably filled the position of mftfv tcrof ctffaraonies tbtvmlton bnck co are basil engrged getting tlitjit wire cut plant pi operation a erj pleasant t veiling wai spent it the beautifully dteorated home of mr and mrs henry wilson at ash grove rtcentlj when the u n itt d farm clubs met together to celebrate the eighth birthday of the u k w 0 although tht weather was un favor aide about ninety members were present meeting opened with comraun ltj singing and after tho president of the ufo made a few remarks concerning the purpose of the gather ing the u f y p 0 took charge of the program g wilson taking the chair the program included read ings and musical numbers as well as interesting talks from tlie speakers of the evening during the program miss lulu graham president of the tj v y p 0 introduced miss louie ruddell who presented mrs wilson with a beau tiful bouquet of flowers aud an ad dress whioltset forth the apprecw tun of the y p and u f w 0 for the part she has taken in maintain ing the movement in her localitj mrs wilson was one of the represent atives at ttye brat organization meet ing of the united farm women of ontario the address read as follows dermm wilson on taw eighth birthday of the united farm womens club of ashgrove we the members of that orgamxation wish to show in some small measure the appreciation we feel for your splendid efforts in organising and always upholding our club eight years now we have bean bei tea by the meetings whose principal aw it to better conditions on the farm generally indoors and outdoors bust ness and sodal the united farmers thank you for improved markets the i you for the saving of money by ordering necessary articles in such large quantt tiessstosave considerable money for other improvements not the least important outcome of the organizations has seen the increai ed goodwill brought about between neighbors through getting batter acquainted at social gathering such as this one where we meet for pleasure as wall as for profit we thank you tor events to be remembered among our mostpteaaant recollection during the hut year there baa been a now branch formed the u f y 0 p who are doing their best to develop into the very best of farmers for the future ft was due to your initiative that this group came into being as a very small token of the gratitude we feel for your interest aervice and hos pitality we graetyou with thes flow en wmcb are valuable only aa carriers of our nee re feeling mrs wilson made an appropriate reply and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered those who assinted with the entertainment the meeting was closed with the national them after which the ladies served delicious refreshments including a fourstorey birthday cako beautifully iced aud bearing eight lighted candles pijshtttsiin unified by th konl supiriiitniidi lit no 1 s 154 1h no j 8h0 nt i s4h no 4 glfii 70 no o 87 tf larriftl irtnii itavt that tht fnammi pu toronto hospitil for contump- tivt wtstoii art of ii tillinghani tor lulj 40 50 e 1 harrai lough re moodj lor august sooo g 0 brown itamps 1 iff sundries 50c tot il si 81 l c thompson divis ion court clerk ourt lutlgimuit 16 00 curried cluive gowdj lluit tin treasurer pay austin comer jj cords sumo at u per cord mupphil lor vault 45 mrs aniiu tru vault and oorri sco william bewouj remov ng stone and ilubns from site oi old ault u william pantou milton advertisement re tenders 75c bell telephone act mint for august sj curried leslie carton that leave rintedtoitroduceabv lawtoasi tho township of esquesing for the year 19j6 and that said b ta now read 1 hrst time t irricd carton i ealie that the by law to sess the township oi fcsquesmg for the je 192fj giving boen read the hrst time be now nail a second and third times aud passed and the of the corporation attat lied carried leslie carton tliat leave be grant to introduce a by law to assess the several school sections and union suhool sections of esquesing foi the year 192b and that the said by law be now read a hrst time carried cleave- gowdy that the by law assess the several school sections and union school sections having been read a first time be now read second and third timet and passed oie value 0 toorisl trait day after da there is a steady stream of tourists passing through georgetown anil along the high ways of western ontario one daj this week were notited cars from michigan new york jndiaob 111 inoisj north dakota florida and saskatchewan the whole world indeed seems to tie on wheels the tourist camps throughout the country are filled nightly with travellers from every state m the union who have taken to the great outdoors apart from the dollar and rents aspect of the tourist industry stream of americans will be a good thing for canada in that it will bring about a better knowledge of the do minion the ignorance of the aver age american fifty miles from the border about canada has been notor lous we have been to them a half froien forest country inhabited by ccdskins cowboys and eskimowith an occasional odd settler the amer ican tourists open their eyes i amazement as they motor through country which for beauty and pros perity has not its equal any place tn i he united stated tho tourist traffic must tend t o break down prejudice to bring about a better feeling between can ada and the united states the only pity is that the geographical barriers betwwn the different parts of can ada are such that intercourse is dif ficulu it is a rare tntng to these parte a car from other t3ana- dian provinces and outside ofijoebnc doubtless ontario cars are an oddity having purchased all the tpturn c o u orders and unralld or oidcrs ol lh wellknown high claau tailor ng iinnsof lriahman and the houaf of stcmc you arc now able to obtain a hand made suit ihr regular vaiur of 75 00 for inch is irom 40 00 to 2475 i are of the latest 4 t the ones tun from 36 to 42 and i patterns if any of these guiis will fit you this your opportunity to aecure one ot thtt extraor dinary prtcft call in and look them over t d brill co main street i i georgetown a sale thai offers variety and value a a price which makes large purchases practical we wamt you to sec our atocka and values on good quality dependable merchandise it will inter est you and you arc under no obligation to buy make your money bring big returns hosiery 5c ilk li jii1 ui uaularwetar at hig hum sittux irit houdvlhram mjii ai ujlf pi pita salts hauidktuwuttfsi lxnpliwully k tulih it and up tovelu lfaurt ttnreb telt ami tonflbng 4t ni item avmd boys fmrnialuiaea t a big bavinc xsouraitmra fc homawfwrnialiiiika wall paprv klour roveniik anticipate and putrhi mi crockery rglmsm calnm ureal tant al a ubsjauljjl saving j r jaukc real estate 6 room hou south m i 100 acres 8 house in all omutuentes blots renins t ourt and garage i si irn c ivihiuilili iasy ti rns ihifiom ihorgfionu m gwi f irmriig distncl b barn m i g reck price 11 oik would eit ha 1ioperiv jeoigelowu to txtluitige for cilj property msea to rent unfurnisbad see or call e a benham phone 164 georgetown corpora attached and the carried gowdj cleave that grafted to introduce a bj law to apportion the railway bonus interest and thatswd hy law lie iw read a hrst time canned cleave- gowdy that the by law to apportion the railwaj bonus interest having been read te first time be now read the second and third times and passed and that the corporate seal be attached oamed leslie- carton that this council do now adjourn to meet at tin call of the reeve carried an allcanadian inghwaj is still far from completion one of the mam causes of the difference lietweeii the various parts of canada is lack of knowledge and isolation hoiks in hiutajn min fa land in hiitwldlig duo drllonjt out of he many problems that soomir or later will demand urgent consult ratlou u thai or laud aubal deuce due lo mlninit operation fa various parla oi thtt counlry ever yar la 11 1 lialn a iquare mllo or anil tnie foot thick la taken out or hie earth in coal alone mora than 8 goo millions or tons have been xtr acted from the pits of lngland scotland and wulcs while to thla niuti lt added another 1 800 mil ions of toiifl or copper tin iron and lead making a lotal of 10 300 mil lions uf tons no other count r baa lltilded more minerali in relation to u hizi inn ihese inland a many i il of which nsarrniilt art honey low bid and ina in time collapse al urither it nothing li done o prevent hu catastrophe twiho cari ago the high street of lrudli htnlh nuddriily xank live lit sivfral tunuei caved in and inan nhnpn had lo be ahandoned in the chtnhlrr nalt mining areai where ttrp was solid earth are now great lakei up to a hundred feet deep streets and htrhwaya have dtaappear- ed in the town ot nantwlch manr ot the buildings arc wlsted like cork in walen mounuina are on tha move aa a result or mining oper ation beneath them serious land- lldc due lo this cause bava lately occurred at ebbw vale qlnaj honlea in new york there are flfl irlbia of wandering glpalea in the city of new york who dwell without exception on the itround floor if possible he aetecta an empty a to re where the unpartl llotmkaoor apace haa nomewhat the characlrr of the interior ot a tent crtgbt call coca and highly color rugs dlrlde tha main living room from iiip ofbtr whpre dip sooth avers practice their nrt no rhatr m tn be hern al nieala a cloth i spread on tht carpet nor doea the true romnnj ubp a bed he cllncs to the oarlh and when nlhhl comes he pre fcrs the plnnka ot ihr floor noftrned si mammoih cimuionn to lb mils at t spring niattrean in the fit v thf hlcf biiisbeara of hie clpr aro the litallh otllrtr and the maul oul r whoa lnlrrference ftlth hi x little ully whales sir john flland sutton the raiimiiii knron tella a ntriklnr slory lo fle monitralt the running with which h kllw whale chains ita prey k feedx on aala which it cannot fault drag off the ice but it kwlma under the ice on wtilrh the acal ilea and ualng ita powerful do ma i on auddenti rises and break off a piece nr the ice with it if the peal trlea to escape by sliding oxrr the ice the whale follows ii and continue lu break in p tactlm until the aeal li the teeth of killer whalw make those of the crocodile aeera puny but rurlouib enougrt these tertora or th uni who even prev on their harm i em rlalivea hunt in packs ilk wolrai erwinigoldhams meat market prime steer beef milk fatted veal choice spring lamb and pork all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best ph6ne no 1 u una al baratfa mas fmuig reserved loahavp auuj oppuruiniues of making lug saving a 3 lugost stu k reducing salt jacksons georgetown remnant sale a clearance of ladies summer apparel hundred of plain price tags tell the story aerful moving to the ladies of george- notmatter sohat your needs in our line yoacanfulthmmhenata radical redaction m price canadian- national exhibition toronto f 92s datm-all- 288pt it tstesm f mnitipfecylidcier performance with chevrolet ecanomy for economical transportation s v king dealer jkisisf new advertisements appu let saj i ily applf j5i i iriee b- bkelmlu uou to raul nrw i lite 11 l lph m tt n liar lay cbtl iii i m hsuh for bala or for rat oi mu m s hi link luui t r allon m- rl7t vonl pho 11 ba wnthl iluyi h in lb j nrcj k uil f aj j 1iiwoh1 m jold nks oeoru i fw sal v nr lone lor k i let hid good liiverjtrblunb i v u f ue v llljell re- unable apply john ford tlu jp mmtoad arsai ilifdwuod if i rcttv lur dove st 00 iikle tordi vi wtxkl ti s o cord ra la si 7i n lord aub bar j wood s3 so 1 tr t rd ilaba fi wo l i50ft trd wocdjlooainglo cord all ordir l oi delicry rihoua jjo iiij i nmeraun ceorkelowu for sal c i iletuvi in aula mw lot mr th vi table for sal ge radah le and bcli d lvered iboac 1js ford tt for rant rally ocled apply a rea lvo teo re to rbt omed ikb 61 rcn ii wood forsaja i have arxured a tarice ijuntjly of dr beech nj mnle delivered anywhere in town or glcnwilliami at 4 00 per load about a cord of 12 inth wood also cul raila ai s3 00 per load and mixed wood al 350 per load also carrola parsnipi and bcela j brand ford box 490 geornt- i pho 135 r hardwoi wood for sala d5 00cord 3 75 per ainglr per load bummer wood js 00 iteltveredi murray phona warning a reward will be paid for the convict m of any derma guilty of breaking aire lirhli or tampering m any wav with ll hydro elect ncsyatem in georgetown 3t hydro commiasion tenders wanted tenders will be received up to 12 o clock noon on wednesday aug 18th for gravelling no 15 stderoad from 6ili con lo fool of moored hill gravel lo be taccn from black a pil tenders to be sent lo w g arpelbe br 2 georgelown esquesing ratepayers will you help to abate the weed nuisance by immediately cutting the weeds on the roadside in front of your property failure to ho this means a 8peciallevy by the coonal for that pur pose w g appelbe reeve notice to creditors in the matter of ibe estate of olve binnie late or the township of enn inlbecounly of wellmgon infant de ceased notice is hereby given pursuant lo acctionio of the trustees aci rso 1914 chapler 121 thai all creditors or others haviiiclaint or demands against theealatc of said olie minnie binnie who died on or about ihe thirtieth day of june a u 1926 at be township uf enn are required on or before be tenlh day of september 1926 to aeod by post prepaid or deliver lo the todcriigiud solicitor here n for henry alexander binnie ihe administrator of ibe estate of ibe said olive minnie binnie deceased their christiao names and surname ad dresses and descriptions the full parti cu lars in wriitrnc of their claims astalemonl of iheir accounts and the nature of the secuntvi if any held by them and take notice thai after such last mentioned dale ihe said administrator will proceed to distribute ihe assets of ibe deceased ameng ihe parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims bf which he shall then have notice and thai ihe said ulminufwtor will not be liable for ihe a d aactlor any part there of lo any person or pcrsbns of wbme claim notice shall not have been received by bim at ihe itrae of such distribution lcrm hals solicitor for the said ad mi antra i or dated al georgetown this tenth day oi august 9p 3t tsmraaai dcuitrft mdnldpallty of georgeuwti nomination meeting town hall goorsatown moday angvsl 23rd 1921 al 7 30 p a por the purpose of nominating candidates for theofbce of councillor for ward i in place lrorge campbell deceased for balance ot his icrrn in iaae more lhan the necessary imber ol cand dates are proposed and a ill s demanded said poll til be opened 9 o clock in the forenoon ol monda aagnit 30th 1936 the town hall with f l heath puty return ng fficer and p b ham f l heath returning otficer ladies shahpo0in6 mascelust and curling frizzing and singeing try us our prices are reasonable mr mrs jb lillico asfslslsicsb plwie 78w

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