Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 11, 1926, p. 4

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he ere an dth ere mayor martin ofmnnlrial on be half of 101 igrii i lu thr r urhsrl tic coogrcin nt i ai rv v i restnlid hi duo if tra il ij witch to i iwsnl f whrlsn r ty ticket agent f ih i u m w nil t sgent f ih mo i pi rare an 1 tie ikwiil upon then b mr helm llo acc mpenied tit ly thtir jiainwy to chicago th second great ft h if enr in the history of thi ca n i a i iu f c hallway hai br on leted with tb month of jul the nu rial finan ia statement for ll u rriod show lnj- an increase in thr gross ram tug over tha prwed k x months of 910071910 til tu ncrease in th net profit for th tame period meuntd jo fl 1501 or an in creese nearly double that of tb previous half ym in 1925 following a alight recession in april the production of sutornoblle in canada continued ita upward trend in liny to reach a new high lev of 24934 unit valued at 115 761 616 th i output compares with 21602 units worth i13 764jsw i tba previous month for the flvt months ending- may the cumulative production was 103 12 unlli valued at 9a2s6 152 as nga mt vw- units valued at 349 canada lead the nation of thi world in the proportion of yeara ol prosperity to year of lepras i on eaye a report now n preparation bj tha national burrau of fconomit beeeerch ltd an american orfani cation covering the per od 1884 1824- canada ahowa 1 hg years ol prosperity per yetr of depress on ilia united states comes next or tba list with 1 78 years of prosperity par year of depression covering um period 18901b23 definite indications of the largest vniluin year canada baa had in noie than a decade are now shown by the record of the first six monthi j this year the very large and an witl total of s194s4sb00 worth of aw construction for the first half of um current yr and contemplated mr work to the value of 1304608- mq forecaata great activity for tha rata lining monthi during june ceatracta awarded totalled s g 180 400 an increase over june 1926 of u par cent one of the greatest foundations upon which the canadian national spirit raits was la d by the canadian pacific radway was the conviction ottered by j d cameron of glas gow in an address before an audi nm at pembroke recently not merely did this railroad act he aid aa a bond between all tha province of the confederation but it waa by ita conception and final ewutruetlon a greater force than anything else for the unification of the scattered provinces 1e tea faring settler of the he- fcrldee are not all fishermen aa one anight expect but farmers in a small way known in the rugged northern islands aa crofters father r a haadonnell the clergyman in chant of the immigration of these hardy folk to western canada disclosed thia interesting point recently en route to hi headquarters at red deer alberta father macdonnell his been lu canada about fifteen jejuni and has been engaged in im migration work during that time tha earl of clarendon it respons ible for the statement that of the uisuuilks wham he personally in terviewed sent out to canada muter the oversea settlement league he haa not met with one malcontent me intimated that the settlers wet nnaajmoui in the opinion that can ada fcadfceen good to them his lordship accompanied by the coun- tesa oclarendon and their three shildren lord hyde lady joan v ti lers and lion nicholas vluers u making a study of the immigration problem a be travel to banff laka loots and ether points west in th ttasblnlfti tinsmilhinfl plumbing heating eleclric wiring you will find us in llie home stand as usual tt with graham and llcmcmts bass of the north country wr estimates gladly given careful attention to repairs j w kennedy phones shop 25 house 189 there must be a reason for the continued popularity of the dominion stoi limited over 415 stores in ontario and quebec supply ing and satisfying over a million customers weekly quality groceries and consistently low prices is the secret buy where quality counts and ave toilet paper vutthu6 matt tissue 3roul0c 3id20c extra special r choice santa clara prunes med sue large size 2b19c2n25iv extra special first aid to animals ntrs cocoa a 21c domuuohstdus teas ahkhdegueel hciudke ucbhcu079c1v mmuio 73bv jxidlimefti for the picnic basket chateau loaf cheese me ft 3telha cormed beep 25c kvkred shacks i ler isc ilea ait sweet nceles 2bo rotted heati 3wie fjuitc chicken 3fte unn teitau is preserving necessities j u1jb j 25t zlac rlan 0e fmu 2 lit xsc baconyc puffed iks 2pto35c marshs grak juice 31chule crossed fisb sardines 15cfii goldellcatt samer dniki 23c bottle taieae isluas la eataetfer eaie wefc froaa date ef this paper 13bc tne moods and flrhunr qualities of the baaa of the north country are fully explained in thia ortlcm written bj ozark ripley the well known authority on somehow or other i am nover impressed with the ubtqult of basn until i trarel into the north porta mr mietppterus better known as the emml mouth bass often asred oye aeems to thrive somehow whereier jrou place htm in he south he urea jraly in awlft mountain streams bnt in the north country his nbldin places sre lb lakos nbcre be grows to be a blfi lusty fellow broad strong and willing to tackle any offering an angler sends bis way v i thought for a time that the rang- 6f the small mouth aa far as the north country was concerned wan limited to lake penage the kawanbe lakes and others in ontario whore be is especially lane and a vicious fighter but i found him up in the laurentlana even to manlwakl also along that mil route which runs from montreal to mont laurler in quebec this makes me think that irrespective of the cold waters this flghllng chap vlll thrive anywhere you give him a chance there are parts of the north country vhere ono will be puxiled a bit toflnd the boss unless he strives to bring a rise in a proper manner they will take the oy with greater avidity than a brook rainbow or brown trout but the offering has to be made to their liking or not at all if bass in the north country like one thing better than all else it is a floating fly they fordgarage in georgetown our sales and service statton is now open for business and a first class me cnanlc will give prompt and efficent service congratulation bth yon were lnofet in getting lo cated so veil and so soon after adoaling pardon was not luck was thi training i recwi ed gbfjpubasfaess college tires gas oils and all ford accessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage college now in session students maj start any day fan term from angus silo sand in jour reginntion now to unn wsimss cmxfce jllmdo fitodsilaslrrafrictk j sanford steurarttown ptambtagtinsniilliinn elbbaleiaetrhb ana nihr kj i fire insurance x ir awni twicwi affwt for mm of tto itroocni co am vntorltooltalcolwil brantfordfontmrfo 9tds cattiwd lafkrjta furnlarted and sendc n brentford r4ina by cottttemhmirxo ltd georytown 50000 harvesters wanted 1500 to winnipeg plus hall a cent perm le beyond to ill points in mani toba saskatchewan alberta edmonton tamm calgary macleod and east retufnind half scent per mile to winnipeg plus 11 erto jest nation through pedal trains for winnipeg via canadunrfiational ryu will leave aa follows 1 standard time from toronto unionstaton12 01am aug 18 midnight ang 17 13j0pm aug 18 1045pm aug 18 1230 pm aug 20 10 45pm aug 30 lisopm aug 81 9ph aug 31 u 30 p jj sept 8 900pm sept 3 from ottawa 12x71 a m aug 18 midaight aug it 12 01 noon aug 18 1 35 am ang 31 1201 noon aug 31 from wind80r 1301am aug 20 midnight aug 10 via chatham london haimltoo and inglewood from palmer8ton ooo am aug 20 via quelph georgetown and inglewood special through cars from other principal points connect ng with ahove pedal trains for detaila consult local i canadian national aaenia throuqh trairscomfoitrabu colonist carsspecial cars for women and children purchase yonr ticket to winnipeg via canadian national railways whether or not your final dettlnauoa in the wot is a point on the canadian national tickets and all information from nearest agent travel canadian national uncrowned king of a happy valley f5rucesareorbwr6fewsjvwelheiah chief i t nitsrs ii 1 11 1111 1 viim rl kr nlj an i hint i til 1 i ii w hj 1 pund to tve with luru love them they attack them whatever the shape or 1 color but thoy have mooda like other tto ttah and many days juj response of any kind comes even if you have made a long trip and have ished northern bass waters without immediate results there is no re son why you should be disappointed they trill do business when they are in the mood and at no other i remember i once fished near pine rapids camp in the friqcti river district for four days i did not get a single rise tho igh i felt they were most profitable bass waters as they had delivered the goods nicely during the previous season all the time there bed been s driving wind from the northeast sad denly it changedlo o mild west one on the afternoon of the fifth day all at once baas began to rise and 1 never bht them do it so fast nor in such numbers in all ray life they bad found my lures and the weather to their liking and continued their atrodng mood for many duys we make long journeys to the north country for bass and other game fish it invariably pays to be provided with an assortment of lures there are days when they will look at nothing but the underwater lures then at what wo might call the semi underwater bejta and too aa sure as fate will come hours when ooij floating files or casting baits will tempt them the mnn who trios continually and is equipped with every thing right usually is the one who comes ham with the record breakers robert randolph brace has re cently been appointed lieut gov ernor of british columbia as the representative of king george in ihst province of canada like many another successful canadian he came rom scotland about thirty years ska bringing with him a frock coat a tall hat and a bundle of introductory letters he was the son of the minister ot the parish from which george stephen later lordf mountatephen then president of the canadian pacific railway had come and so the first office where he presented himself was that of t g shaughneaey then general manager in a lery tew minutes he wasghen a job but as he was going out the door to oiled altar him young man if you want to get on in this country ahed that coat mr bruce must have obeyed in structiona tor he haa been getting on until his recent appointment seems to be as near the top as any canadian could ever be and co incident with his own development has come about th development of the windermere valley in british columbia where he has made his home for some years mi teresta first took turn back to the upper reaches of the colum bia river where he commenced operations on the sitting bull dslm on boulder creek a tribu tary of horse thief creek near the spectacular laky trf the hang fag glaciers later he left this for a new claim called paradia from hich has sprung the appelatlon happy valley the village of windermere on tha eastern side of lake windermere waa the first to take root and here mr bruce settled he built a bungalow and planted a garden a garden which today la a riot of exquisite flowers a regular flower show for those visitors at the canadian pacific bungalow camp opened a or to ago a short distance along the like ahore from the bruce estate not only did this indefatigable gardener plant lovely flowers in his garden but realising the difficulties of keeping miners at their jobs t planted fresh vegetables in suffid ent quantities for his men to have a diet ot fresh vegetables instead of a diet of tin cans biaorea art mined with nvt a strike lin la brok uabullj r ctlv tr ui ent at out ibal h uel ual 1 i nui uuff r sooitr pt pi till apply turpentine to weunds of uiliuals dulng more injur it m good ali r hugh n and dtvlulli u it ubhu a and retards lualiug rath r ii uo promoting ll ot ire use ture volum a of antiseptic solution in water to bath the wound this also weak tie the ubhul a id removes the protective strum tl at nature supplies fo thi repair of lie injury no nluild uot be used oiler tcau dur- i k it ttrst cleautslui should suet hi iirctrasar tl 1 application of tincture of iodine lj he wound after removing th dirt aid louse tissue is the b si pnicllc tie appllcatluu tincture of ludlue will dcatiu an f the co 1 u n bacteria i but may balu acc kb to tl e wound it stlmu ulfs bvallug ai d tends to atop minor i nuorrl age 1 nail aud calk wounds there is no agent that will give better re suits than lodlm keep the li jur ckan if there is hiuiorrhagt soak clean stirlle absorbent cotton will iodine auplj over the wound md bandage early attention to nouuds will save your horse much net ill as suffering and make 11 taster for the eturluarlan to complete the treat men don t be afraid lo pour up the tincture of iodine keep your lingers off the wound and see that everything that toucl lb it is eterile a supply of lodliie and absorbent cot ton should be at hand on overy farm where live stock is part of the farm equipment l stevenson o a c keep the pigs c00l the pig that is comfortable all the time is a pro at maker the pig thai is uncomfortable from any cause particularly overheating will not do well gains in weight cannot be made while he is using up energy looking for comfort pigs kept in open lots with no shelter from the hot sun other then that afforded by the fence cannot mske the same rains as are made by pigs thst enjoy the shelter of trees or a sunshade sunshsde can be easily made by ting fonr fence posts in a square eight tet apart on each aide to sup port a roof frame of 1 1 1 or is which la covered over with hay straw or boards hay or straw roof ing is cooler than boards dust can be kept down by the use of oil or stock dip olve the pig comfort or 1 e will sweat walk and squeal there in no prnqt in euch actions and you won i get three cents out of terr pound of grain that he eats if sou let him do it the sunshade 111 help l stevenson dept of ritension 0 a college jj smith sle wart town wire kncipouii k nrla lancy ei i n alra and posts i all kin la iceilce we hnvc a liitre quan lily of ice stored or cus lomera and will deliver doily p phone yonr arder and ar raige for service n0 w wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right j hsmith phone 84rl3 we will stake our okftaoe of wlaalaa your patremace 01 mall erdar tkat uuad fair dees t it t wot o e j o tu 1 of steak not ui 1 l li turorn slice of liaioii 1 iv vt this shop un leshilisin j roper loudiuoti and propcrl pn ed wmarket ithfrtfome of chjnjty meats i l phone a8w i watch cultlnr down farm expenses the farmer must meet his own problems in s masterful way fall lug to do so all efforts bj the de partment ot agriculture in his behalf vlll avail no progress to keep up l lie desired standard of living on on tarlo farms the labor income most be increased should the farm be earn ing all that it can then the posstbll it or increased income must come from saving effected on operating can teed bills be eliminated by grow ing better feeds on the farmt some ontario farmers have done bo can waste of labor stable space and teeds be avoided by getting rid ot poor pro ducer cowst many ontario farmers i ave done so and now use the ma chine wherever possible they also plan their work so that they are al trays bus themselves and everything la done in its proper time btery dollar saved in operations is a dollar added to the labor income minerals for swine 1 part common salt thoy are to develop a bony frame work and make the best uo of the feeds given minerals are necessary at all times winter and summer in doors and out on pasture or in the the following mixture baa given good results all ingredients weight 10 parts wood ashea 10 parts ground limestone 10 parts acid phosphate 1 part eommen salt ptics should have access to such a mixture and also to rock salt the blood of a normal pig contains nearly one por cent of salt this supply must b kept up snd i e man lhat carries th feed to tho plk in the one to do it hy the pig cough thumping cough unthrlftlneas and digestive disturbances in pigs from oaf to six weeks old are usual ij sn ploras of the presence of lun worms treatment of the affected ones is of little value if the number at ascarlds present in the lung is urge the little pig will soon turn up his toes it the numbers are limited tho pg may outgrow the malady proper sanitation coupled with pro per cleansing of the sow prior to fir- rowing effectively prevents the thumpy condition caused by the young worms is the lungs and bron c hi ties of ihe little pig l- steven son dwpt extension o a- college benj fetch licensed auctioneer for halloo and peal qlenwllllsjna poet office bale conduatsd satlataotbrlry and at eonabte rates orders left at georgetown herald offloe will r ladies siampooins marcelling andcuiurtc mnm and sincein- xry us our prices are reasonable mf mrsjhuluco affehatstettb rtw278w aw windwfor wekend candy specials and do not foiget to get youi share our baking la still selling well and remember that it is all the real home made kind give ua a trial pecketts bum bate cart uri sakerjr coal best anihraeite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown fish chip cafe all kinds of pieah fish phone orders delivered good meal or 25 cents t h hewitt phwc is gwgttowi collections we handle collections only 36 veers experience speaks for itself assunng efficiency and re lish ity kelly aiken collectors orugevlll exd owu bemad ret standard bank ot canada norml station phone 82 r 24 w coal best d l w scranton coal in allsitet also smithing and steam coal mrs j walking c

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