Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1926, p. 2

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pack i tlik lkohoktowh bkhaid all rust lhlti 1020 births marriages and deaths are now chaigad for at the following rates- births 60e marriages 60r deaths 60e memorial cards 50c 10c per line extra for poetry- born jacksonln toronto on august a 1928 to mr and mrs gordon jack son nee edna shearer a ton- vernon william gordon married edgehossat hamilton on aug 6th 11bb by kev sa wilson potra lillan youngest daughter of mm melinna itoss of georgetown to sun- business men s community picnic talllsmy ik m day i of mn of hamilton- died p01leln georgetown on saturday aug hth 1926 william james poilc aged 66 years 6 month knottai the residence of her son 026 sherboumest toronto on wed nesday aug 11th 1926 martha knott aged 93 years nicklinat st louis mo on mon day aug 2nd 1926 edward b nicklin formerly of acton in hnr 67th year notes and comments any yoditg rnnn who is dissatis fied with the farm and in beuking ar opportunity to get away would do well to take a look at the long list of teachers who graduated recently from tie normal schools of the province in atldilion to this is the lint of new lawyers doctors dentists druggists engineers and other professional trants that have qualified to these callings tltere are many more of them than there are openings the same in industry the country is full of them and many of them are fated to a hard row interest ih i wing taken in the big community pw nio u 1 lield at kldorado parku morrow thursdav afternoon the picnic ih new nlieme of our retail nier eliunut ilh u w u entertain their fnends and customers of the town mid district there will de mission charge as every ouu w the guests of the business men georgetown band will be in attend ance and a fine program of enter tainment has been arranged for during the afternoon tliere will ih races for hoys and girls men and women novelty evdnts 4 an ainuit- ing character special prizes for larg est family oldest lad- oldest gentle- man fines baby and jong list other events published elsewhere in this issue l on returning from eldorado there will be big doings in town time fiddlers content commnnity bong pest aud u commnnitj sireet danoeare amoug the atlrari htriidivds of dollars worth o prizes will lie given for the various contests some of which may tie seen in w a baileys windows it is hoped all our cituens will heartily join in this big event bring their baskets and make it a real pic- free tea coffee milk and sugar will be provided special radial can leave gcorge- wd at 130 pm when judge gauld declares that the bootleg traffic has grown from an insidious unseen menace to a defi ant barefaced danger he is voicing the thought that has arisen it the minds of all cituens who save a pro per sense of rcsponsibilty the public conscience has been aroused by many cases of vice and violence that have defamed the fair name of our cities and which culminated in shocking tragedies every fairmind ed person realizes the need of amend ments designed to remove the vicious- nees which enables bootleggers to pay income tax and brazenly flaunt their wares o u plmmr day her mrs martha knott widow of the late lewis knott who died yesterday at the home of hor son john a knott 526 sherbourne street at the age of 93 came to this country from ohio as a child and remembered vivid ly many of the early historic incidents of both canada and the united states her husband came of one of the pioneer stocks of the toronto district his people settling here about 1790 all her lifehrs knott had been an active church worker in the method ist church she is spoken of by those who knew her as leaving be hind a remarkable legacy of sympathy and endurance mrs knotts life had been spent in western ontario winnipeg and the last two years in toronto her son john a of tor onto survives her the funeral was held on friday with interment at glen williams ftresl fires your respmsl- mllty u i norval tlif iiiiiition unses am wo to luve our regular moo firm in cana da this year it remains ttith you up to date we have inula good fire record m hasten canada our fire losses an- relatively imall one 1011 h wet weather anil anotlrtr tow cam on the part nf the puli- tlirough edmuitiuiiul campaigns w may we make the most 11 it in factor fire year in our history by little thought in preventing fire from occurring or h 10- ope rating with the fire fighting service when fires break out by warning the ranger or district forester of fire inspector by lending a hand when the fire is small and easily controlled etc a utile cure lor the next two months v ill make a record for canada why not tie 011 the firing line your self and lend a helping hand to con servation or a national rekource which involves 600000000 annual ly in our national income make sure you- do not start a fire by careless matches cigarette butts cigar stubs or pipe heel make sure in locating your camp fire that y make it suidl near water on rock wide clttiraiicsr from brush pile or debris make sure that when e your fire is dead 01 half a dozen pails- instead of one if your tire is not em rock carefully trench and see that there are no root- els or faggots to earrj fire across our tire and always puddle your fire before leaving it remember one little ember is enough to cause thou- sajidt of dollars of damage- do not leave it to the other fellow do it yourself t opportunity knocks- l but once miss ashcroft of torouto was a guest or miss smellie over the holi day mrs wallace of brantfonl is visit ing her sister mrs j mcpheruon mr geo gollop of windsor spent last weekat his home here the norval branch of women institute will hold their august meet ing on thursday aug 16th at 230 pm at the home of mrs lewis laird sr an interesting program is being prepared and a cordial in vita tion is extended to all ladies to at tend on sunday morning august 1st last dr win a kyle who hassince july 1923 faithfully ministered to the congregations of st paula church norval st johns church stewart- towu and sl stephens church hornby took charge qf the commun ion services for the last time as rec tor of this parish and left with his family on monday to motor tojarvis ontario to which point he has been transferred by the lord bishop of the diocese of niagara dr and mrs kyle with their family will be much missed throughout the parisbi prior to their departure dr kyle was waited npon by the wardens from three congregations and pre sented with the following address to our well beloved rector dr wm- a kyle- the congregationaof sl pants church norval st stephens church hornby johns church sbswarttcwn corr many farmers are thinking of sow ing fall wheat on the ground on which the turnip crop has been de stroyed by the aphis the question has arisen regardiug the moat econo mical fertilizer to apply- assuming that the ground was msnurea for the to mips we would advise the use of acid phosphate alone at the rate of 300 to 400 lbs per acre this fertu- irer should be applied at the time of sowing the wheat preferably by means of the fertilizer attachment to the grain drill where such an at tainment is not available the acid phosphate should be sown broadcast and worked into the soil previous to sowing the wheat in our experimental work with phosphatis on fall wheat in 24 counties of this province we obtain ed 40 per cent- more wheat per acre where acid phosphate u used than from the check plot in as much as the turnip ground was manured and well cultivated and hence probably contains sufficient available nitrogen we think it would he more economic al to use btzaight acid phosphate than the more expensive mixture contain ing nitrogen depl of chemistry o a c guelph midst are ctam with your removal from the pariah w nana that is a large extent impaired health over an extended period baa forced yon to reonest this transfer to a point where tba territ to be covered will not be ao urge and we tin- otrely trust that you may rapidly win your way to renewed health and daring oar three years as toxtor of the united parish yon have endear- tennis 1 the draw for the annual trophy tournament of the georgetown ten nis club is as follows 1 tournament for old members mens singles j farmer rs c wiuson g wyndam vs a bean- moot a creig vs dr c v wil liams t bingham vs r cameron a greelmsji vs l r dale h o melr vs j r barber t imhtoau vb j thompson j crichtonva w ford ladies singles mrs cleave vs m treanor b mimras vs mrs wil liams mrs creelman vs i thomp son s owens vs j wiuson e beaumont vs mm kelly bye mary lawson 2 tournament for new member mens single h marshall vs l r atkins v norrington vs tyndall ladies singles m j kennedy rs mrs atkins m k pettit vs r evans a whitmee vs m mcdonald m mckay vs m c kennedy h lane vs l moderafd d frampton vs l e kennedy y adams h erwin bye jean allen rules pint round to begin mon aug 23rd and to be completed by wednesday sept 1st sets to be best in twoout of three players to arrange themselves for a referee for each game entry fee of 26c to be paid to the refer4rinf first round r trust that you will carry away wfth you many pleasant memories of rector of the parish prtwkttu its haugeneit having purchased all the irturn cod ordere and uncalled or oidcra of flic wellknown higliclasa tailoring firms of leishmans aud the house of stone you are now able toobroin a hand made suit the regular valur of which is from 4000 to 7500 foi 2475 the in from 36 to 42 and all are of the latest patterns if any of thebe wuita will fit yoa this t your opportunity to secure one at this extraor dinary price call in and look them aver i4 d brill co main street georgetown u ta great opportunities too good to miss a re you getting yourshare of the good bargains offered at our august stock- reduction sale dependable merchandise of quality style and value at prices thai speak for themselves ll nothing keep you awaj from seeing this splendid slock of desirable goods you gel price re ductions on all lines whether or not sale ticket on goods great variety of mer- tou i three years of st pauls st stephens and st johns in bidding yoa farewell we cannot but express to mrs kyle oor appreciation of her work in the parish and the manner in which the rectory has been thrown open at all times for vestry and other nteetiags as a more tangible opresrlon of our good rill we ask you to accept this purse and assure you that tt is present ed to you with the good wishes of all three coocrforationa ones more we give expressions to the keen regret with which we approach the time of your departure we wish god speed to job and to your family and we assure yoa of the pleasure with which yoo will at all times be welcomed in any part of the pariah signed on behalf of the three contte- l f greenwood for sl paul church norval barry robertson and gordon chis- bolm for st stephens church hornby john bird and j sanford for st johns church stewa tba address was read by mr john jtird and the presentation made ny mr harry robertson rev en- kyle made a most fitting reply asking the wardens to convey the warm thanks of mrs kyle and himself to the congregations which they represented he regretted their departure from the parish and trust ed that the same hearty cooperation would be extended to the incoming rector as at all times characterised his relationship with each member of the three congregations the rectory in norval will he va cant and the services in the three churches conducted by relief arrang ed by his lordship the bishop of niagara until the first sunday in sep tember when the rev w j bangh will take charge of the parish com ing here from palmerston ontario mr and mrs thos mc in tyre and daughter miss doris of windsor are visiting at r watsons announcement r watson reopen his store in norval on satur day aug 21st with a full stock of fresh highclass groceries confection ery fruits vegetables etc also school 1 supplies goods delivered he solicits the patronage ol old and new customers the recent european war and its aftermath brought home to the world multitude of strange economic facts many of them nit old as hjha but up hat time wholly unrecognid of the outstanding lessons taught mankind was that there is absolutely no limit to the amount of work to be done in thlsnvvorld or to the amount of business to be developed the truth is that overproduotion is incon ceivable the purcliasing power of every country lies in its own power of production and the more each country produces the greater may be its trade with other countries and the more they all produce together the great er the variety of comfortt anctnecessi- ries available for the worlds popula tion we have not even approached within measurable distance of satis fying reasonable human wants leave alone over supplying them what canada and many other countries has suffered from during recent years and what has giveu rise to generaf unemployment is not over- prod notion but unbalanced produc tion while canadas population has been unequally distributed our aggregate working force has been and still is vastly below our minimum national requirements with mil lions of acres of the worlds richest agricultural lauds lying idle and un developed and the world clamouring for food it is paradoxical to harbour an unemployment problem wide spread- unemployment under such conditions w prima facie evidence qf bankrupt statesmanship in so far as sufficient intelligence and energy has not been foenssed on the solution of a problem which obviously lends it self to correction by well known and proven methods in a vast country like canada containing within its boundaries so great a wealth of natural resources there should be only two major prob lems in public policy first to provide for the gradual development of these resources by the introduction of new capital and by promoting a healthy increase in the working population and secondly to so direct the quest for and distribution of such new population as to insure as far as possible that their energies shall be devoted to such occupations as will ensure a fairly balanced national pro duction canadas present primary need is an increased rural producing and consuming population with this need supplied our industrial and transportation plants would be work ing overtime farm and ranch re- girli heard at cheltenham cheltenham womens institute gave the school girls of the district a chance to sir their talents at the regu lar meeting wednesday afternoon held at the home of mrs margaret lyons with mrs john trooghton in the chair miss elisabeth lyons told of the runsway grandmother miss miriam haines gave an organ solo while mrs bert taylor told how to wallop worry mrs garnet wilkin sons demonstration on cookies and that of miss lizsie campbell on a summer drink provided part of an appctixliur luncheon the detoar opvno 7 highway between norval anal brampton has increased traffic greatly down the 7th line motorists- prefer the eight miles of trasj gar cement highway to dundas btreet rather than the rough road and nmneroua level crossings by way of oentreviue real estate 6 room houxe all conveniences 8 lota tennis court and garage 1 south miin su price reasonable easy trinb too stores it mile from georgetown in good farming district brick j house new barn and good creek price 11000 would change for tov11 property wanted house 111 georgetown to exchange for city property houses to rent unfurnished see or caul e a benham phone 164 georgetown box 4s used cars 1 923 dodge roadster studebaker light six touring j n oneill son georgetown mmsm alllle sell your cream at home wbere tm cm w ttre blikcsl crate at bk ttd mce wool wanted for cash open every day also wednesday and saturday nights georgetown creamery co m saxe manager i standard anthracite scranton coal in ad sizes coal wood beleot lamp for dosoestio and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal id fact icarry everything to be found in any uptodate coal ana wood yard john mcdonald phone it georgetown erwingoldhaiiis meat market prime steer beef milk fatted veal choice spring lamb and pork all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 a few items from o chandiac some genuine snap liedroom chairs cane seats up to 10o for sfi 95 ann chairs mill rockers some leather and home tapestry uphulsurwl up to 28 for 10 00 rlabj cribs 7j0 tor fi 9 baby yards 300 for 1 95 foldiugcamp stools 69 plate racks 1 25 child chairs 135 for 98 white enamel kitchen tables 1495 for 11 43 reed rockers 1045 for 7 95 mattresses extra quality pure white felt 1095 8 95 rugt tt exoeationsu iiow prioee folding bed spring ami mattress 1000 carpet sweepers 500 for x 95 an offer too good to miss fine china cups and saucers value 240 for 119 mens sand boys tnr- iiiabiiiga at m big out in prloea wsvu psipepb artistic designs rich color com binations most effective ui up pea ranee if you value your vou will buy these now jledriing klanketi 950 for 6 95 blankets 690 for h 95 blankets 350 for j 89 bed spreads 300 2 29 sheets anil sheeting pillow cases and pillow cottons at big reductions towels and towelling at a substantial savings- hoae it is seldom you will find hosiery of this quality at prices so low a good 125 silk stocking for 98c 2 pure thread silk stockings for j 159 other stockings for children and women from 5c up children ostnnents att m ssuiriflae of prioe new advertisements cash with orolrl ll lofukolg kill pil ol ihcn a k vannallcr mr kk no i ii lmi calber ihjie purse be- lkii k li 1 herald ufticemildttd flmk l enl 1honc trucking w piepared lo do all kind if u v- hernngto kauo biidire uleiiwillami ia dod duty rejuira me being nude w march hint coiilraciot wwd tor sals hardwood apln r lor ttijve 9400 a male cucdi miud wood k75 aragla cord rail j7s ingle cord slabs bard- wood 350 single cord slabs sod wom 250 single cord cedar vtocd 9100 aim i cord all orders cash on delivery rbona ixj win emmoii georgetown see the goods see hie values jacksons georgetown h4r4hvtfftft boads debentures government municipal and mortgage bonds bought or sold insurance life fire auto accident etc h r minims j phone 114 georgetown liters apply tost bros slrycted rr bis houw ui ulcnw ill lama net ami 1 ichmr tburman jip uvc fch rr in fort vastafcu far sal pcai new potaluei railsb ruts mnd beds delivered jivr phooe 1 35 r j j li tet any and- tf aled apply aketli x electric light ted immedis t arnold to alut bojse qn murdoch streal water inside newly nmova e boibcssioa apply to 11 we jhrlala i have secured a large quantity of dry ncbni msnla delivered anywhere ui wo ofgleo willuuns at 9400 per load mut a cord of 12 tnvb woodt also cut ill a 300 per load and mlied wood si 3j0 per toad j brandford box b0 geoncrtown phone 135 r 4 wasd fur sjsja hardwood tisoocord 1315 per aingle cord 601 per ltd summer wood s0o r load delivered hurrays pboo warnmg a reward will be paid for the conviction of any oerson eoilt of bre iking- afreet lights or taiuperldi ig any way with lh hydro electric systam in goonretown i hydro commission esqneslng ratepayers will you hslp to abate the weed usance by iramediately cuitinb the eeds on ths roadside in front of your roperty failure to do this means special levy by tba coondl for that pur- w g appelbe reevs roofing tenders wanted tenders for various kinds of raosng usterial to be placed on the uunlipal hall stewarttown wit be received by clerk unill sepi lai 1926 for turtber in formation apply lo w g appelbe recva g o brown clerk eaqueahisi township notice lo creditors in the hatter of the ertars of ouva binnje late of ihe township of erin in i be county of wellington infant de- notice is hereby given pursuant it section 56 of tba trustees art rso 1914 chapter 121 that all creditors or otbers bavins- claims or demands against the estate of said olive minnie bionk who died on or abnnt ihe thirtieth dly m by post sdarskgiitd day of september 1926 1 prepaid or deliver to tb solicitor bcrein tor henry alexander bionie the administrator ujf the batata of tbe said olivo minnie bionie deceased ibeir cbristun nwnesaod surnaroea ad dresses and description the full particu lars in writloe of their claims a statement of their accounts and he nature of ihe securitt if any held by ibem and take notice that after such last mentioned date the said admioistratov will proceed to distribute the assets of tba deceased amang ihe parls eatltlad iberetn having regard only in lbs claims of which he than then have node and thattie said utminlstrator witj not be liable for the said aaetaor aaypart there- ol lo any person or peraoni of what claim nolice shall not have been received by him at the tins of such distribution ltrov dal solicitor for the said administrator dated at georgetown this tenth day ol august 1926 3i sosmooth from bt ta ef ssauaaiisanst tht eswhsst canraltt la cbtmss umsct sas vtomuw wrw tnrn br uv isnrt hirsiwt of its swift sns tffsrtlsa wnfenuh us mrfuaa dsea lu u wulhat wawtr tas isienitisst cwmotk la cbn hwun la i srlew ear in ta nm whk bwb k iwnr 1 s ckmltl t lil usk or economical transportation chevrolet see ike sinseel istalss csusu itoswal etsnism smdsal ot itt wtmsb si 3v king gaorgetown executors sale ol real estate la tha saattar f the esaat wf saaraw waaelat late of tbe town hip of esquesink in ihe ccwnlr of hat- ton gentleman deceased i there will be oftered lor sale by th exerutora of ibc said estate by public auction to be beld on the premises ol thomas hills hotel in ibe village of glen williams on saturday tbe fourth day of september 1926 at two oclock in tbe afternoon tbe following proper- lies- firstly village lot number seven on tba eastaide of main street and ihe west side of the river credit in tbe village of glen wrtiam in thrjcoealypf halloa containing onefifth of an sue more or less on the premises is a cne atony frame bouse on the south west side of tbe ninfb line in ihe aa- village of glen williams con timing th oefifihi of an acre more- or less tbidtjpsnof tbe east blf of lot number twenty in the ninth roocessjlon of ibe township of esquesing contaminf urnfifth of mi acre more or less terms of sale ten per cent of ibe purchase money to be paid st the time of lb sale the balance to be paid within is days of the isle the said properties will be sold subject lo reserve tad and con ditions of mle for further particulars and condition olsslcfepptr lo lerov da1e georgetown ontario solicitor for ihe executor ben petch auctioneer coal best d l fit w scranton coal in all sixes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watubs nonl statin phomas r

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