Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 18, 1926, p. 4

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v thr qkuruktuwh bkbai a likilnl ihtli 10f h je am dth cre following recant tour of west ern canada w l smith former editor of the fanners sun writes that be will be surprised if the wffretu wheel crop of the pralrlo province feua below 400000000 buihcla it will not be rtrprulnf if the 500000000 mark u near reached atatea mr smith eleven hundred farms will be needed next fear to accommodate the british aetueri who will be brought to western canada ac cording to major e j ashton cwmiaaloner of the soldiers sftl- lera board so far this year 1430 families were placed on farmi in uw prairie provinces by this or- hogato the value of 00 000 wre hipped from the prince ibert dis trict in 19zb this auro was far in advance of that received tbaprevu ous year and the increase waa due to a comlderable eatent to the activi ties of the agricultural society boost ing hog production this year the hog raisers slogan is one million dollars worth of hogs and from present indications this mark is more than jlkely to b attained arrangements for the export of large quantitlerof britijff columbia red potatoes to california are be ing made by a potato grower of that state the british colombia pote- are desired in california for seed purposes because they intro duce new strength into the south ern strain experiments were made with canadian grown seed last year in california and growers were well satisfied with the results a flock of 46 sheep comprising 86 ewes and 11 rams has been pur chased by an official of the domin ion government under instruction from the sdwet government for dis patch to vladivostok as soon a arrangements can be made for tfceir shipment last year quite a num ber of priiewinnmg cattle wera shipped from british columbia to russia and this new order indicates that previous shipments have been satisfactory many valuable shipment of furs from the great trappinhirca of tbe hudson bay company are ar riving through the dominion ex press at montreal these -nnim- poslng bales piled high on the trucks oftenirepresent a total value of 200000 after being collected at the various hudson bay posts lung hudson bay and james bay the furs are brought down by canoe in summer and dog team in winter to the northern terminus of the t and o railway remarkable expansion of passen ger traffic into and out of mont real has been reported during july and august by the passenger de partment of the canadian paclfla bailwey tbe bed wing and the alouette on the boston mo and fra rldeau and york to to ronto four new trains do- luxe placed en these route early in the year nave been running with capa city loads eastward to qnebea there is heavy trafflcfor the an cient capital white trains running north into the lattrentuns it is stated have never been so filled as u tbe case this a muscalunge 86 pounds la weight with a length of 60 inches and a girth of 21 inches was taken from tbe french biter near tbe french biror bungalow camp re cently according to information re ceived by the toorist department of the canadian pacific railway this fine fish was taken by e a fexintpth of new yerk with a 80- lb sdlk test dm and mafag chub minnow bait to date- this u the largest fub eaogfat this year to be entered in the annual french river bungalow camp trophy oosapetl- start abqsi m al guelph out and receive individual instruction baainete experienced in structor through modem courses special facilities for assisting graduates to locate ho waiting list of i graduates ibok uig for position from seven fami ties the flftlivnember has attended skillful tdverstng ma bring one enrolment but cfity quality service brings repeat orders bend in your registration now to jllmwx rttad4u4rrarictar aridsauj l cewtekmi howh meeting ten hall omttwi hmut am an iim al 730 pm 7m- tbe panose of nominal ina candrdat rr ir or ward 1 atrfus in case asora than ib necessary aasaber of caacsdatea are proptswd and a poll iadeamnded said poll w be opened rt9o clock la tbe forenoon ot monday 1 lb tow hab with f l heath dtpetr retnk officer and p b ham- ripum buw otfker bradford roofing in rolls tk surfmd v light weight 35 lbs competitive quality l medium weight 45 lbs fine quality heavy weight 55 lbs extra fine quality i extra heavy weight 65 lbs super fine quality branhordbooflncoltalwj ibrantf old ontario stock carrlad information fiurlbrwa and sanlca on brontfordroofins randarad by georgetown luraber co ltdt georgetown tinsmilliin plumbing heating electric wiring 1 you will find u tne same atandoa usual wilh graham and clemerats estimates gladly given careful attention to repairs j w kennedy prnes shop 25 house 189 fort garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt andefficent service tires gas oils and all ford accessories always h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage real value u dmiwenlt of buying t the dooodion store vernal moled of the best ovelrtr t eoasutently low price new pack cherry io jam hfcja kgpa new pack peas 225 choki qoautt teas ca-ajb- botom 7joi tullkucscm patrioo exttac123 golden gatb mam new pack 0 4kisrrsrssuuului ffc stgemcrs mtu z has 23c cbatu0 loaf cum ft 54c ki6vah heattb uj1i isc h p sauce 28c choice quality tomatoes 2 225 preserving needs clowh jjlu s oi um 4llt una 9151 special bumd coffee49v tanclefoot fly 4f ssray when- you visit the canadian national exhibition be sure and visit our booth i in the pure food building na maak cbaaai faftimalw 235 norr shortcut 29ii jbutter 2 tjaajj lhlllhhlrrrahtelehlftl rlets go- georgetown business mens pic nic at eldorado park on thursday august 19th 1926 list of prizes and events races iri uihwh 1st oiif lb t lux olaiei l n il itruwn value 7 2nd uim lit liixuliiis hi a korrinirioh tali ilk boihlmders lltonhi tim tilullii ij n ij browii ijue 75 2tii oiib ii i hocol ilfs bj a norriiigtuu v line boo oirta onr 8 ami under 10 1st ono lb liikailntte bj a noiniiglou ralut 7bo 2nd one lb ubixohiun j s ii brown vhiuu goc uirb 10 and tinder 12 1st ouu lb cbocoutten by a nurriugtuu auti 75c 2nd one lb chocoiatm by h ii brown value joc boyu 10 and under ut 1st ont lb chocolates by n h brown aluet5c 2nd one lb cbocolates by a nor nngtod valuu 60l girls k anil under 15 1st traj value 1 60 2nd trai vlutt 100 by k h thompeon co boys 12 and under 15 1st boots by c i dayfoot st co value 4j5 0u 2nd boots by bartlett shoo store value 3 00 single kdies 1st silk umbrella by t s wilson value 3 00 2nd silk slip by mcbeaii co value 1 momed jjubes open 1st tdectnc iron value 3 50 by graham clements iud bread tickets vitlou 2 by h hamilton single men 100 yds 1st goods value 3 by a j blackburj 2nd goods value 2 by a b wiuaon married men opeu 1st goods value 3 by d hnll co 2nd bread tickets value 2 by mark clark single men 220 yds 1st flashkgbt by canadian carbon co per j n oneill sou value 5 75 2nd bread tickets value 2 by d liv stone mens 3legged race halfdown pair socks value 5 by mony penny bros re a j blackburn mamed ladies farmers wives only 1st boston bag value 3 by w a bailey 2nd night gown value 1 60 by mcbean co married men farmers only 1st goods value 2 by t w smith 2nd tea ralne 9l25 m clarkson m usical chairs over 21 yearn it rug value 10 by adams bros per w a bailey 2nd rag value c by el y fiamclougb tugowar 6 men a aide 12 pair socks value q by joseph beau mont ladies pop race contestants to sup ply their own pop lat sour table v 3 25 by w b browne co nor val 2nd lux soap value tj 50 by mark dark 21 fat men s race 200 lbs or over lsi pipe vjilue 2 60 k h young jnil goou value 2 clare ulo but k 21 houpruie ladret 20 or oer lat goods vallir2 by a e wnghi 2nd sugar paluo 1 by f ijicey 2 lidies ball throwing pair pillow nlipa value 4 by a bratutiaw son re a j blackburn 23 married womens soap race soip value 6 by a m grandy 24 collar and tie race hnsbaoda and wieu- let 2 soils undenrear value 3 woods underwear co re a j blackburn 2 pair silk hone viilue 42 f keddj 2nd tube value 2 50 c brown nerval 1 pair silk hoae value 1 f beddy 25 menb soft ball game 2 bases of cigars value 5 by wilsons scales and roberts re e e young 26 girls soft ball game individual 27 baby show bonniest baby cup value 5 by georgetown bnainess mens association prettiest baby cup value 5 by georgetown bum n ess mens association 28 largest family on grounds lt 24 lb flour by thos nolle 24 lb flour by mark clark 48 lb four by lake of the woods milbng co re mark clark 2nd pic mc ham by erwin coldham 29 oldest man on grounds 1st rag value 6 by y barraclougli 2nd flour value 2 by w 0 bessey jo mystery man radio battery value 5 26 by j m oneul sou il myntery woman scarf value 0 00 by houldiug coleman re a j blackburn ladies walking race 150 yards 1st vanity set value 5 00 by see- ly co per w r watson 2nd j pails lard value 2 mens walking race 1st muffler value 5 00 by wilkinson paper co perw c mullen 2nd shirt value 3 60 poraythe co per a j black burn mens fleichman yeast health race 1st shirt value 2 00 2nd socks value 1 26 3rd tie value 76c oldest lady on grounds 1st 21b chocolates by w l peckett 2nd pr silk hose value 125 supper presentation of prizes dance on main st at night old ttmejflddlers contest first prisesilver cup no one person allowed to lake more llan one brsl prize special radial cars leave georgetown at 130 pm old time fiddlers contest and street dance on man st at night for further particular see poster r fl th co hardware plunlbmg tinsmithing and electrical wiring if you want a new furfiace or bath room install ed let us quote you our prices on same we do all kinds of electrical wiring new services for electric ranges we also install moffats elec trie ranges all kinds of repair work promptly attended to see our stock of screen doors and windows black wire cloth perfection gil stoves and ovens flor ence automatic oil stoves electric hot plates we have a complete stock of pure manilla rope for jlrip ropes and hay fork ropes see our samson rfay forks before you buy lawn mowers sharpened and adjusted on short notice impresspyb woodyatt and star lawn mowers are the bestr l r ft thompson co phone 46 reorgctown how to kill weds common ball au more eipensll aemlcalii may be heed itut you should undonuuid proper oomtu- rtkidilcals act co asr burl hi u ifujr summer frequent reach hits oflica asking or mvhns of autllnt obnoxious planti without applylas the general luauioda ol toll tulsfe poisoning poison oak poison sumac and poison hemlock art the most frequently mun- tloned plants uaufulnesa of chemicals as weed killers is linilled to the follow ing cmis when the ubnoilous weed oc- lc llmlttd area mid l to bo destroyed regard lcm of tho effects of leal on the soil or nearby plants when it fa deilrsd to render tba soil sterile as on tcnoja courts paths roadways or gutters 3 when the plant that it is de sired lo kill is more aenaltlte to chemicals than the other plants oc cupying the same ground as in the case of mustard in oats or orange hawk weed in grass how obcnucajs act some pneparatlonsllm arsenic and carbolic acid used in wtd killing act directly andwlckly as plant poisons others such a common salt may draw the water from the tender green growth or by holding the soil mois ture so that it cannot be used by tbe plant roots young and under plants in active growth succumb to the plant poison much more readily than do the older plants chemical used common salt if applied in quan uly in dry hot weather in ver strong solution or dry is affective and not expensive most suited against road way or path weeds copper sulphate used in solu tions from 2 lo lftjper cent u la ssctlve against rough leaf plants as ths mustards mora powerful in its action than salt it u expensive a i per cent solution is used against mustard in grain such a solution can be made by dissolving 10 pounds of copper sulphate in 40 gallons or water and 40 to 60 gallons of this spray are rermlred for each acre treated sulphurlo acid this weed killer is rather dangerous to handle it is destructive to all vegetation to which it mayjbo applied it must be ban died in glass as it destroys meultt owing to risks in handling it is not generally recommended caustic soda a strong solution t caustic soda while rendering the soil sterile is very effective as a weed killer and la used with success- agalnst poison ivy and other hardy deb rooted plants for best effect it is applied during hot dry weather carbolic add crude carbolic acid diluted with ie to 30 parts of water makes a cheap and effective weed ulter it can be handled with safety and will not injure the spray pump it is best applied by spraying on the plants or saturating the surface solt- arsnate of sotu arsenate or soda used at the rate of 1 pound to 3 to 6 gallons of water la very effec tive as a killer of obnoxious plants it tnay be applied as a spray to the plants or soil it is very durable in ibat it la not readily washed from the soil host useful on roads and paths white arsenic and washing soda these two substances mixed in the following pro pot uons white arsenic 1 pound and washing soda 2 pounds with g or i gallons of water make s very effective herbicide lawn weeds such as chick weed or orange hawk weed or other julcr leaved weeds can beat be combntted by heavy applications of salt such should be applied on a hot bright day in july broadcasting at tba rate of two or even four quarts of one salt per square rod try it out on a square yard flrat to hod out what your soil and grass will stand rake out the dead weeds sprinkle on some mora grass seed and water well oloudy weather aprnnlna watering and feftulaen for roaea summer pruning of roses is essen tial for best results says prof a h tomllnaon of tbe ontario agricul tural college old dowers should be cut away and dead growth or weak boots should be treated likewise old flowering shoots immediately after tbe dowers have done should be cut back especially early in tbe season to a strong prominent bud with teas and possibly hybrid perpetuals new flowering wood will develop very quickly when pruning is done a quick acting fertiliser should be dls trlbuted over the surface nitrate or hda acid phosphate or bipod meah- after fertilising mould the season bf dry water the plants well early morning or early afternoon are k best periods for the watering of re never water late at night except in very hot weather mildew and fun gus diseases spread rapidly under cold moist conditions so do not cre ate neb by watering during cool cloudy weather dept of extension o a college chicks doing well four thousand o a c chicks on range are doing well their dry mash la as follows 700 pounds yellow corn meal too wheat middlings j00 oat chop tt bone meal 4f one oyster shell 10 alfalfa meal 1 pint of cod llvrr oil to each 100 pounds of mash dept of exten sion o a college benj jtetxh licensed auctioneer for helton and paid qlenwuuaxna post offloa balw eodduatad aatlaxaetorur and at eonebla rataa orders left at georgetown herald osloa will m cresset ettentlan ladies smmrmiiw makceluik urn amine nizhfts aw sin6ew6 try na oar prices are reasonable mr mrs jh ulueo hfplataats it j h smith stewarttown wire fencing of all kinds fancy and plain gates and poatu of all kinds id ice yc have a large quan tity of ice stored for cua- tomcra and will deliver daily pboie your trier ui ar- raage far servlct n0w wood of all kinds delivered in town kindling a special ty prices right jhsmilh phone 84rl3 we will stake oar due df wtnaibg- your patreuaje u ea uaall order that meads fair totona pound of steak not onfl ounce of butter ora she of baron can leave thu shop un less it ism proper condition aud properly priced im arret qrorglbwisrl watch our windowfor weekend candy specials and do not forget to get your share our baking is still selling well and remember that it is all the real home made kind give us a tnal pecketts neanfc cerfy ml bakery coal best anthracite coal always on hand afar and stove coal small egg coal large sited pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown j sanford stewarttown plnmbingttesbllmng esttbaes ukomjt civea plnchrl cewsenwi kjt 2 collections sswe handle 35 years x itself aaiunng efndencv and re- liabilitj kelly aiken 0uectoks ref standanc bank of canada coal best d l at w scnnton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nonl button phoo 63 r 44

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