Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 6, 1926, p. 3

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tptp lkoitlhtoln ilku r r 0 mum jibm imjlbutfmppcjmmmwr t i wragge s drug sto fc announcing special sale ol victor red seal records urtt s lkmiutl i iuifi 11 llhl itlulll lorlh i 11 111 flmllltlll i tartf putin n 17 t j w it ui h 4 m k fill h tl 77ie jvya quality store local news items llixkti meeting r ml it iul j ml ovirlook u ur tarns list acta -r- united hurth sitiimrsiiii suudaj s some mutunrit it gi nig tn gel pinched for pnvung l host slop signs lliv win kiuinawin of hannl ton prow lied in knox i lmnli tjuudai daughters or si or uiunb dunce in the anua uiib fri da night oct 8th on ire invited t w smtth butcher w an i omfortably located in tinein premises next door tn his oldshop keep friday oct iili open for the big hallowe rn euelijv tid dmce in the arena full parti ulars week those stop sigiih an not mng vtry well observed on our street inter sections tiuess mime out- will have to be pinched the scieutiti palmist now at mcgibbon house room 9 will i here for a fgw dais mlj hue your hands rejfe it following the aimmrsary in knox presbyterian chftrcha thicken dinner will be served on mondni evening oct 25th jl the womens socicti ol thu baptist church will hold a sale of work in november wati h for date and further particulars all interested in hockej art n quested to attend a meeting m th council chamber on friday evening of this week at 8 o clock the full meeting of the hum one society will be held in thecoun cil chamber georgetown on wed nesday oct 13th at 6 pm robert cole balliunfid mil hold a clearing sale of his hmwhntd effects on tuesday oct 12th ul 1 tu oclock b j kerr auctioneer at david j howell s sale on the norral road on thursday oct 14th there will be 6 per ccm off for cash read full particulars in thifl issue mrs gladys jonesmorgan who sang so acceptably in the united church last sunday morning will sing at the anniversary unices on sunday the solos by mrsi ones- morgan in the united church last suuday monnng were beautifully rendered and ranch enjoyed bj the large ton gregation mrs morgan had charge of the choir in the ibsence of mr barwell there witl be special music al the anniversary services in the united church next sunday mrs glsdysjones morgan will assist the choir the preacher of the day will be rev d n mclachlan b d of toronto amu m a mil i lilt rtilmuhnrdmn s 7lli uh n ki u dtll of llillimiiid mil mndn i mhhn it 11 lin in i 7 ii sptsiu miimf mil he rtmltnd h rhuir on l lie follt mug mum tuning 01 lhlh th it rtlm- pni id o hi i l o l omh at ohi i in initial lime of 1 0 i ub h ill u in ul in tin town hull lnuilliauis on hidn timing sua batten- tku etw t the womens auxiliary of si qeerges church will hold their an una bazaar on november 25th watch for further particular have your tiands read know yourself has read for hospitals and specialists mcgibbon hotel room 9 hours 10 to 10 terms 1 00 here for a few days onlj li laft billliimi hw it is about time to get busy and organiie a soft ball league for the fall season the arena company art- putting the largfe ice space in the building in shape for indoor lall and a good season of sport is looked for get your teams organized and get off to a good start doc chase late of the a o a oarage georgetown wishes to an nonnoe that he is opening up a ga rage at the station hotel where he will be pleased to sop all lus old customers and any new ones who maj need his services firaulass work manship guaranteed and charges reasonable- tbpitoku at the fall pair held in george town last wwk the rarn prints were awarded as follows prettiest babj loin daughter of dr and mrs niel son georgetown bonniest bahy daughter of mrs edge terra cotta a euchre and dance will be giicn on friday evening oct fit h by t he daughters of st george scuunhin the arena harmony orchestra will supply the music ticket 50c all are cordiall invitt come and bring your fnends ualtaa muurn all members or the lultnn rifl are requested to parade on monday bfening next for the purpose of i ing in all clothing and equipment it 41 absolutely neoessarj that ail equipment be titrtied in as there is to bean inspection on tueadaj oi l 16th ten utl pii will nrmide ill while i cain will lie floor mauagtir admission 75t j roiiple i adit i protuli txtri huh not iirumdnik 25 tarnr w l c iilmrlg hec s ajudtariary srvio annivlrsuri bmueimll hi held in limehouse preibjlerian him h sunday out 10th at t0 p m and 7 do pin uev chtis ii mcdonald of i ucknow ml midint both wru ees annual six wl uil i w held m the church nn momliy r enmg 8 pin program will consist of read ingx vocal and irihtrumcnul tions bj orchestra having nnioiig its artitts mr john iiia of a ion lo cal told medallat at the exhibition admission 25i 15 toaac popi eajoy evnhl there was a large attendant e of the ioung people at the united churcli on monda evening for the opening meeting of the season hi mr kmglbn of trinity church guolph gju u highly interesting talk on his trip through frame ger mau belgium and ltalj from u inch he has just returned at tht close light refreshments were serveil and a pleasant sih lal hour uh games was enjoed saruh pritu during the past f months se eral cant liavu iweu dnvt n fretiucnllj ucrosh the sidewiik at mr dmd iawaon s comer endangering tin lives of pedestrians if allowed to continue someone mil be serious injured as the i lew is obstrutted bj trees one lad recentlj had i verj narrow escape at this corner then is a iieij hue for this offtuu and if the offending parties caunol lie aught a post should be placed at this spot to prevent cars crossing dud at a af 104 at the remarkahlt age of 104 j ears mrs catherine coventrj the oldast resident of this section of the pro- is dead at oakvdle she of a familj noted for its long evity her father the lau john cole uveovto the age of 110 her sister mja jane bond with whom she lived since the death of her bus band is now at the century mark one of her brothers lived to the age of 102 there is one surviving brother william cole of niagara falle on tano iu vkktr wednesday oct gth saj it again with ruhard dix chapter 4 of wild west corned danger ous curves behind yndai0tt8 steel prefimtd tain of strong men and steel with v era re nolds and herliert rlns orth corned j light housekeeping fox news saturday oct 0 matinee at t p a the black pirate douglas fairbanks latest pi clurt done id nat- ral colors direct from a fne week un at the regent toronto com cdj don t miss cartoon- all star freaks oakulh orthestra prices mat 15v 25c night 25c 16 charlosloii contest wed ott ltth 10 00 in pnxes 1st 5 00 2nd 100 3rd 2 00 oming dempse tunnel fighi pic tnrcs goll notes tiro h ill mixed fmirwnnt t oihm ti n hunnlnj nfti tiioihi toiler 9th at 2 o clot k speci il prue fo i don itfil for t he follow ing best gross 8or best net soon hidden score it is requested that all memlwrs in tending to pin lieat the i lub house sharp at 2 o m k hen the draw le made norval the vhool fair lield lier lasi wwk is ns nsual a sue ess om peiltlo wis ken and the exhiliit s credit to the w hool set lion vorial ha intm of iht anil ninth iiiteresi is thnplajed lioth bj exhibilnr and patron a full list of the prw winners mil i pub lithed in our next ksui owing to theillniss of mrs kc nixon the october meeting of nor vnl women s institute will be held si the home of miss smellie on dij afternoon oci 8ih instead of thursdaj as innounted lant week good program a lalk on flower and bulbs for fall planting music y personals u m- l i k erean jth ere irs ii w i 1 w k in ixl i r lb mrs ii iiold win l tl 1 1 u ml tbibl hll iii iii hunt hi i urn tluii4 mr utv it w unii tr lorniitti uun tin gull t liauiiikin lup irnl prcl luil s tup douat llt tin h id oi tht liihimtmoiimirilnii willi b pl rilterlllgtiin smith of si ik mi mth mr mil mr tire ben unli diugbtt mr ams ashford mil mrs i t- miirnagi to i tkt i inilli i lit nuiiont uktkfmtiit ol the itiungfr son of mr aslrford lutiford pliite tins 11101111 pldd hallon cbildrens aid society rotlfiuiug is report for siptemljtr applications for tlnldnit cbiltlrtu lirouglil to b belt not wards hildnn w turned 10 p in n not wards tluldren involved diirik tli 1011th com plain us rectnetl iiiiestigations madi mail matter retucil mail matter snttiut mileige ippkixunitlj court attendaiut ils wardtpund mil irdsrt limed to the milt shelter t urds 1 isiu i nomlmr of 1 hililren shelter ifjou would like it gucii isind alneiidliss hiltl 1 iiv is jour opporliiinij w h si mlltm dong whips thugs by ifaesiiipload a long awaited attraction at thi itex theatre is douglas fmrbanks m the black pirate 011 saiunhn otl 9th matinee anil evemug mr gregorj feels that he hna liecn e iptionally fortuuatt in obuining tins screen classic aad urges all his patrons not to overlook this oppor tunity of seeing it the black pir ate isa rousing talc of the i witk fairbanks romping with high enthp lasm on adventures amid buried trea- plank walking and pirate battles tao ships are sunk in the picturt doug does manj atljetic stunts lome distinctly appe tling love making billie doio is the iuadine lauj and the star whips a wboli ihipload of pirates to wm her glenwilliams the harvest homo services 111 tht united church werelargoly attended the church was besuufully deconted for the xciision mr robertson ol ouilpb ot tupied the pulpit m the morning in theevenmg thespeakor rei mr mi kinnon the choir rendered seieral sela tions which neri moth appreciated the glun is to have smw nidus in a jim fnetorj locating here and work is now 111 progress nnova ting tin whit mill for th it purpose anotion sale of surplus stock ov hokses cattle iider ned h twen nslnntci john l bdie b irll bv publ c ituction m tin prnn lot 14 ron ii near nnrvml t r wehneidy october 20th si one o clock ihfe mlowml 4 bo sen uuleholtcm row cb 01 ii ten cow 4 hi loot holmcin r ill ul font houem con 1i it f h lmo ihlfxltn moisten ill it tool hnlrlcn en cull m lo jr calf 1 f vi j w c 1 i wi jfrsc i o cull 11 f wi ciw due unic of mlc jrrnrj bull pi rr iwm i i 2yrrm old u houtem lielet i in 2 rer old the nbovr are all h gt trail e and 1 hrrdofctitlf k torr tlnonlha old term 10 inoniti ctrtlit 01 annr fire insurance j w kennebt gwiefwi a lor omeo the treo r pni wrlingtn are you protected the final ml mil canadian isilfl hmlwiiy jiaunl nt moutrl tur b wih inmnlhi f ld2u endimi jul ail nhavs uw larfe lcrrokt in the net proiti uf tl gdi 101 f2 uver the not pruflu fur the first ih veil months of uiib iron srnnitii rn ll hjfl j cnminrv i ith m n i mf 7 7b fur tho first ntn mui tha uf ijij unuffirml tntimnte pn srl by the nuthinllrtt uf iho dejiirtmcnt f lonrik r vahlnton mtimatl tht am n mi- vlilllni ania this yrar would peml nipn xiinutvly 190tuiu00 thin si i mute wa in tlmausi to be v ry cnincrrntive mid that it won mure than likely inst the nmiunt would cnwd the 200 0000 mark announcemtnl was mndo recently over thi b of h n todd freight traffic mnnjigtr canndtin pacific railway of he appointment ofd a winikljnaa industrial cum minshmr of the railway with off ens 111 mnntrcol mr wanklyn replaces graham w curtis who has resigned to fill the position of genorsl numir for montreal rail ad watltr terminals limited otto h kshn chnirman of tho boarj of direiiorn of the mctropoli ipanied lly known ilted the national fxhibition at toronto re cently mr kuhn who is perhaps the leodiru art and music patron of the unlusi states addressed a lunch on of the dhwetora of the fxhlbl tion on beftmiber 2nd the day of the exhllauoa which was set aside a music day you should try salada green tea when you want a change its delicious hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for loq guaraplred lamps tan opera company accom hy a pijky of internationally i finanrievs of new york visit it is mdersttw that purchases in canada of 5 0qo tadway cars may result from the visit of tht o ing expert mr valfderirrilcht and the rraaaport commissariats rep reaentative mr baron sky who hsve been delegated by the soviet re public to invbstlifate the possibility of sr unng this number m canada the have alao been instructed to make a stufryof the organisation of the cimidion railway shops and the repair methods in general three wolf cubs were caught re cently near lake doucelle in north ern ontario by arthur beau van well known driver of the chi fronktiuc dog team at quebec and will be trained by beiuvais for the narneis he is confident that by mingling the wolves with huskie puppies for several months they will lose some of their wolfish nature and make an attractive addition to the chateau team beauvais states that while wolves have endurance they have not the heart of a buskie dog two worlds swimming records were established at the crystal gardens swimming pool at vjctona recently when ethel mcgarryf new york 10 yards in 12 minutes and 41 seconds or nine seconds better than the previous womans record for this event and when agues gerahty also of new york dipped five and two fifths seconds off the prevlbua record for 200 yard by completion the distance in three minutes and 12 and threefifths a celebrating the change in name of the hiatonc dominion fxpreas company to that of the canadian pacific express company a street parade in montreal was held sep tegiber first the day of the change in name consisting of every dencrlp tion of express vehicle new and old sam nightingale a driver of 30 years service headed the parade seated in a wagon of 18sj0 vintage and hauled by babe a horse that has been in constant service with the company for id jein simihr parades were held at t nto win rnipcg tnd vanccuicr j a canadian owned ayrshire cow nellie osbome of elmshade the 16th owned by w c wylie of howick has displaced the american owned ayrshire for the worlds re cord ratlk and butter production lor breed in a 306day official test she seduced 21241 pounds of milk and 90s pounds of butterfat the previous record production for lame number of days was 18266 pounds of milk and 7s9 of butter- fat immigration to canada for the first two months of the fiscal year amounted to 58113 according to an off idsl statement issued by the de partment of immigration and colon itation this u an increase of 11 791 over the same two months a year ago immigration for may which is the latest month included in the statement was ib 620 this year as compared with 13 318 last year british immigration has in creased from 6 bsd in may 1625 to 7w6 in may 19z8 for the same months immigration from the united states has increased from 1 757 to 2083 and from other countries 5 022 to 8 571 announcement was made from the headquarters of the canadian pi dfic railway at montreal recently of the retirement of w b lanlgan general freight traffic manager frem th services of the company which he has served for fortj two continuous year mr lamgan is retarded as ene of the outstanding authorttlea on rail rates and al though relieved from active official duties at tu own request be will be twtatnad in the cenrjtaayi service in wrder that tils special knowledge and lonf experience in traffic jnstters nay w arananle in connection with enquiries before the beard ol rail- sjy cealbalaalodvar i he pi ford car wins out ul thi ill ili it units om in i lift tunc uimi to hundreds tht u tnil ur i on ion on st pi lhlli when t hi m nil nt ti tnim liipinl md clieirolel mietitors in the s nub n oiiqmii iik tn k hit honl tmisheil tu irli six th d nils tin i ol llit dili i i mtt int- ttiiktiiglh tut tuih grind in i the ini lis tijxiiil t itii oliht i in progrmi resulting from a llng ihsud in tin ttlnppe rcprimiit ilnt- to all outiersof light cars th sjhuitirssiu i thrilling ric ili spili tin fatthittht ford led tin uhol nai r or tin lnm lour null s ill ttnltst u is x plloiillli keil htlhmii i lie u inpptt initial id hut llie cbuoll his i isili lapl tlhiiet mode good tune on tin tirni rs but un the straight thi port loomed alieil like i ruing ir ford cars are sold by h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage knitting machine business for sale established over 54 years the entire business of creelmans limited is for sale en reasonable terms luk ol capn il nd tnlit l utility of i lie founder mil uh lilted uariiniki tin ihtngi mtissiri it t mi lie pur lias d is un uititi iuisiiicss or in 1 pirts to be tin is in impendent hmsnf liusiniss uz latch needle business family knitting machines power knitting machines and hosierymill specialties i iillrti ifpu1 sh lilt tt k shuts mil s othir- w i i ul n rill n creelmans limited georgetown ont canada bramfbrd roofsk make your home beautiful with a brintford rool of asphalt slates you can hae toned roof o any color or combination of colors that pleases your taste thet ad d permanent beauty and value to any kind of home and give years of weather protection and are retlitance b braiatfbrd poofllvgcoxfadik branford ontario stock carried information furniihed and service on brantford roofing rendered by georgetown kumbar co ltd georgetown thursday j bargain day i olkn aii day i specials r 2 mcbeanco georgetown p erwingoldhams meat market while fish salmon snacks fillets baddies all innate kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 norringtons saturday treat ilpjicjinint humbug- will he in exception il ire u lor hat ur tlij ihij nr jbst in froth for the im isnm unii while lhci last wt mill haiul ihcmout jl a vtr ion in res to saturday treat 20c lb weekrend chocolates this ivsortmuil ofthmtlitsuillaunssil mil mil om lias ititt to litu ih in the hrst mek mil iroui then on tin j an niklj lustomtirs fur them hard and soft mitres weekend chocolates 32c lb kindly i t im i our unit is lor suurduj if joii require i tuffs or crumpets ut also luiiillc tleishm urn s jei i md tnjoi gooil health arthur norrington maia it phone 89 baking day is a real pleasure i iiiili id of i day of prokiblc dis appointment to the woman who knows hut kind ol hour tu use for hi r hn id mil uk making j etreidj for lour next baking j itikiiigli md order a ling of t hour nun t norval flour mills w b browne co proprlelors norval phone8- oeorketown 90r2 101r22 brampton 327rs 4 i it grandys the pure rood store soap and cleanser specials 11 p w nipt hi snip j i in- 1 11 x f jlkl ohi dutch i un itnhoc h uisti 1 tin drno tin ishing so1 1 l u itiiiiq i jikfr- 11 kui t i sili rtlos 1it i k smimhipsjii si ir vimmiiii i pke cillv larpkk ll n nn ik j ki hr a m grandy phone 75 iitisasasbwbaiabsi3assiss

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