Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1926, p. 2

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r tlllt qlohuftown llehaii mumnktk r hiilx ttk memorial linda k ilk jirllni okira for nottr born t hakdini in gullph uvnt ral limp talonrnday october 8th 19 tt mr am mrs wilfred hardink l squcstng daughter slltpubltu in eoreiuiwn nlll jrdiaiomr and mm ilunryshn herd a daughter dons elmnur church news baptist huii u itev trustor iwilu vun i he su iimilul pitntor ol 1 in lliyliliiii park ituiilisl hiinh oltimii ml otcupv tin pulpit 111 til htptlsi hukli of jfin1timii lim sutitlii v oct kill morning mi i miiiiib will 1 vkw lit wlllllllllll ii plllll l t til unit mu inui- ire nnlmlli inviud old inn rs iimv rrniimb mr fnili is i itmkiii mpil aim wrvices at 11 i in ind hi special imihii in lit li ir on mnjpdivimii til link n supper lull bt sen id from i ti h fouonl in i inusiiil prut un imtedthunli next himdaj iiioniinn 0 1 uili in the uiledllumh id v li mcgillirn ul r r uii tin lisl modem if of tin sumd i loniiiti ind kindlon in tun tin i mini ot the tliurlis mil insist lr ln ki id inducting tin lii lili rs who in n recenth eleuid i v tin iiigregtiitui to that ihit in lhe euiniitf nlien the unisons mil be pn mill in i ihxi r duk le will pnult un ill miljcil ol vn evcnlj khinvd lift si orkes cliiirfi lsct bund i is tli 74lhiiiniiir sarj of i lie founding of tin thunli there will lie iptx ml strv lies all d ij at 8 rl then h ill lip a dehmtion of the holj communion it 11 im there mil be it mi o nil uklirilioii of otvhojj toiuiiiuuion elioril mtlin sermon bj the hiv c i lmil re tor of n mi tn oki out ut the imr ftltv ousting srvice tht idihup if tin diocest thi right tuv dirwjn tnror owen 01 ill ix tin p lal p rendu r appropriate musii will he rendered in th lioir all vi 1 moitdj uieiung il i 10 p in mens supper m the undi hill speaker mr deo t onplev ur hamilton goll ladv members of the totf utib will hold thlir fill held dio on saturday oi t lglh utmnieuunc ut o clot k flie must important pnzes mil lit litst gross and net scores bent inntut sion on ult hole best exhibition of golf on ind hole moat number 8 h on iard entrance fee 60c mrs miller mil u pre par ed to strvetea ui intinliers ne come the fall banting seasoi mttii fetturei dcilnig mill kiuda of outdoor mport coinbuu moke a verf attnictiic ruagnznu of the october issut of rod and lu the publication ot which fulls m in with the opening of the full hunting seasonin canada a novel means of pursuing game ih dealt with by itayraond thompson in an article hunting aud hishing ia scow the tountrj is the mtinitj of the athabasca river in albtru the intenorof bntudi columbn is the scene of three fialnra wi nt trail ug by robert wabioii a tntitlj ur tide by an old tnnei is an article on methods of duck shooting bj frank j lftraonb whiih ton lai ih i numur of good wrinkles bod and gun is published mm it hi by w j taylor limited ooflstork on tan o duflbells al bramplob joj bombs is tht aptlj des- np- jitb title of the newest dumhtlls n vue whnh will lie seui it tho cpitol theatre u ramp ton tor one night wetlneadaj oct oth from the moment of iu pre in it re mtoronto in august juj boiiiim bauftsilud immediate favdv with tin audiences in utrj nty where tin dnmliells have appc ireil on this tin ir eighth annual tour of inada those of us nho thuughl that capt pluuketl was nfiniig the end of his resounthus n pndmr ufttr tight j earn of slagting two ne n vues a year hai ijetn iirtahlj sur- prwed to hnd just tin opposite joj bombs jn iddition to tiemg eutireb im w astlj different only the anl rrmmnh the im tha onlj change then is in mlilition au the old finnntcs hit i minded in thffiineup the first half of the show is punetu hteu by three remarkubh ilevtr uid distuirtlj aned upesof ski t- lies the first 11 prewar militin the second clerar satirt hiiiii ilu tlnnl s ehuracteniation plus atmosphen the tj pica london lister being jm rayed the enlm omnanj is re itmred tor this arone winch w the most colorful of the whole boa the wxtorid part of ihe program jumps straight into the reilms f modern musioal comedj one netting the promenade deck of un net in liner provides the necptsnn bat k ground for the action during the major part or this art apum ilonk etts orchestra under the ifltrtcnt leadershtpf honard fogg is slit ion ed on stage and provides the iuuhii necessary to the song tiumht rs as well as contributing a midget of the newest dance songs plus a fttw of the standard and olassir w lections tint always find soh faor aith the mus ic lotbrj who make op a largt part of runtjurttage audience anniversary services choose new leader hrst anniversary ol be unllh ctiurcb celebrated on sunday bodinfh marie cawsed cobservallve leader third ballot to i ml u hi in it 1 1 1 dtjmrtmn i til nmitlhd i h nigtlwn r ii hi vn hi hi h ismtrn1 r i b l li 1 itikhi tlil rt dr f r l iil sik i tpld hlth 111 llllll slnti il si miitlie- huiimlt n w is thlrvlj il un lilnl- immn i iiiiikm1ki mrhtpi- ninniil ii u t nuk th jin it ih mil iul i hiiwtiim h bt0 capitol theatre uwy wednesday oct 20 thedumbells co lti1 prebrnlff ca piunkets eighth annual revue joy bombs with 4 piunhett ron hamilton red newman pat hafferty stan bennett jock holland qhn allen morley ptunket jtmmy doran and capt plunfntta famout orchettra thif ahovihjwih y drrarntcd exactly as nt ihr royal alfxanderttotonlo plan is now open phone 61 i biamptonny night and reserve your seats l prices 75c 100 150 200 plus tax pj 000 rj o 0 i 4u nd i mj limehouse th ii i 1- lin- itliplistl 1 in bring ni in i ik tt u lungs uf jesiit t in lit tin gsj in1 nun ill in liffr- entli iiithiftitul nun tht unrltl proi tuigtlie jtsiwstml tin ii mulled ill intikt 1 ii i 1 ii vif njiiil lb pluidid miiiiiiir ki v ihlru ii m imlihl 1 liukimw hi in ir itssisti 1 li iiiimiliers of kiuit ilnmli ihoir eiirgetiiuii pro- iiltd tvi ii nt musii dunng tin da tli hi ineliiig in ihe liurli un mindiv nmiig s larglj ntten led i hi pn grain prowded is f x n pi inn ill good and the i ening proted i iiiiist i njimibl one fur all ixstsof hituiu mil lief on irml not iftdiih iilintilithl linn stlf mtli ihe pour the si k and the netih when on earth mam mil lions of our kind tnda go mind mtliont linad uid bultvr tim should not ik mil mtioiis an res purmhli fr tht solution of the uu iiiplomiint sit initio n as wtll is in t lltttuul mid spiritual fiilightt nun tit mum hunger for god ind there is no out togie3pinttiiileiihghtuiueiit and instruction ot onlj boots mil shotn to uuir but no must he i lolhe1 ght iniiiil tht n w uorld must bt built on mural uid spiritual things the proportion of in one sptiit bi nations for spiritual things is small iv lit u i oinpurt d to tht niotiej spent on minor things of life a grt it m lss or pt ople do not attend 1 hun h ititl we must uirrj the gospel to thuu tht hurt ht visuonk to extttul tin word- of itsu1 ohnst i mis ui itriugtr ind je took uu i ut in h t should ret ogmt our rts poi ii in hty to nt a ciliw ns from other lands and build them into our hits i u os in prison and jt uime unto nit isit the fallen m our prisons is christ s tt aching buk wlut of i nation that builds prisons uid puts mm behind the liars for ml iiistd b i innsed irahh i god is tailing us off the purulu grounds into or lion and i ommands each one to do his part el the spirit of jtsus christ and press for ward until tin daj shall lireik u hen hind shall ihi his from on an ta otein permeauid bj hisspint at the cieiiiiig servn kei mr meljttblan pnachtid another splen did sermon i hoosuig as lus text part of the 18th ii or the 19th i hapt urof 2nd samuel vi and then wtnt oer ferrj boat to tjirrj over thtfkings household ami to do what he thought good itei dr djki of tin baptist liujh issisled lit tin nioriiiiig str tht solos bj mrs jones mnrgan at both serwtis nere t xreptionallj nil mil much npprtti i1h1 a duetl i b mrs block nnd mnw adams md tilt organ voluntaries by miss bulk nt rt tno appretiilled r dr diikm pastor of tin tluinh took part at both sirvins prttnt ri dr unumrs monti of vx bridge sjhjii tht week end at the liunit of hissislir mm k l brown dr mo ire pn itlied i verv impre sue senuoii in tht united gliunh in tht morning on the heavenl lou mi wore pit id to hai him mth us aguu whil does il prolil i mat gnu the wholt world md then shuffle oft hh it is the r imiking great pile of mone uml m tl poner to eiijoj it norval a foil 1 supper under the auspices of tin irthbjurian association of tht lrtltj unnti oliurch will lie held in ihe soli oo i room of the church un fndij the tneiitj ninth of o tolr thi re u ill also u i good program mi don i forglthe ditn inrtii ulars later a lijrgi i atu ndtxl meeting of tht womiti s itistituu was held al tin houit of miss sintlhe on fnd ij of listhetik afur a abort business met hug there was a good programmi miss llutt of georgetown gav an interesting talk on honers the bt st kinds for bloom and tin ir itmmi fuort 1 ilhsoh mort truinrntal and mis lib i n futuni al id inn heun v mth ml in donith watson hring apprm in s sne1 it the iph e hi hopikil for the past t hu idih improving miss a noble and mrs lml ol toronloiunl miss 1 1virk of breel toiitaleed on fnuids the pasi week bott ol toronto spent thi weekend nthtr horn t we arc sorrj to lose ourguiitl donald ruswll who is entering or m duties in toronto the iniiuil thank offtnng meeting of ih w ms r the ireshvtem chun li mil u held triursttii th of odtlxr goll competilion there was a keen tompetition in e two kill mixed foursome placed i ihe links her last silurdij after kin for the speual pruea of fowl ni4d by messrs r r foul h r herbert md h mackenne tlie winners in the different events hidden score t u thompron and miss munel thompson lowetivftscim b mncken le and miss gladvs hjknt xwest gross scoref r le- catroeil and mass lyale milton every issue of united bonds is secured by a property the value of ft hich is nearly twtca the total of all bonds againat it at the time they are issued moreover as certain of these bonds mature year by year and are paidoff the margin of aecun ty value behind those that remain outstanding grows gradually greater during- the entire lifetime of the issue ii rite us for details of tssucs united bond company limited 297 bay st toronto ont phone htm i imperial bank bidg windsor local representative h r mimms georgetown untano gwladys jonesmorgan uf london knghuffl teacher ol voice production and old italian method studio miss jean adams residence pbooc ftirs4ty allermm tor itfhmtmul auction sale -of- cattle hohsjes the untlrrmnned kn been ructl by john h oraham kisrllb puhl c sdcikiu nt his prcmri liu1 emi s esquei k fur athrote friday oct 39th 1986 il one oclocklhe ftillamne horusj heavy team bimhii ij even year old 1 wagon ko vi b grade uillle jersey u m ik inn 3 mos holmr mlkmx 2 n calf iilkuij w bef ayr i homein tmfer lredl ooncii jertcy fd belfer due jan 7 ralsen jerwry bull rnitprd i year old pirnl rrjiilcred odcihire ow with i 2mi ihrce weeka old graniv bun oal wo bun gpose pboard quebec fumilnrek termii mnnlhs credl on approved ben fetch auclooeer ere insurance j n tmm tdwi ajrrt tor some ot the itroegeit com pse wnltng iniraca are you protected fall millinery we are showing a complete range of all tljje latest styles id fplt velours velvet and satin hats f new adverliseraenls j flannel j dres v from 150 up just arrived i w xy- riave n on display a j i a fine showing of womens 1 a misses and childrens flannel i a dresses newest styles and t i a seasons bestshades well repre t i u sented j prices j w girls dresses 8 to 14 years j 375 and 395 y misses and women dresses m to size 46 495 and 565 cjogj0o dbrillco georgetown a o a garage repairing on all makes of cars sur jd daumt brvlo ftrmtaava ttm 1 line secured the xclusi vo igencj for the well known make of wijllard batteries ir and itodio bnttenas earned m stock see the vet stdngi b untie rv all makes of i ir and radio imltenes rtpiired and ihnrgod bpeickt oarac w f ivlllflls omlyh atmat brafjhbrd koofsv the roof of your oarage put a roofoa your carafe thaf will harmdie wml p nntfnrd bnofll i i brantford ontario stock cawrlad inforoatloit furnlahad and sntlc t pn branrford roor raadarad by georgetown lumber co ltd georstown 9 sell yoir cream at home an vm ch stl llkiltsl mini ttettslfrtet woolwanted for cash upon over dnj nlo wcdnesda and batudn nigbls georgetown creamery co m saxe manager fwwwwkwwawwwwrwuiwrwwctr misses claridge herald block georgetown i girls fall and winter pantcc drosses from 2 to 6 yrs drcascs for older girls fall and winter coats sweater coats and pullovers stockings and underwear a belert lin of m and infants wool jackets boys boys twopiece suits 2 to 6 yra knickers or older boys jerseys and jackets fall and winter coats stockings and underwear a special valoe id flaaneletle beav iloe soft weave a special value al 19c oxford rum jamba shropshire ram lainba aiaj i hripshin aherling rams ull elilb r ngistration a n mark phone jfi r ijeorgetuwn 2tp in alftn iwkjjrilii of i t o on murduck sire waier mide newly rcio hi besi clover honcv isu per lb anbec lloiily 12 1 2c per lb a r vnllei- iiqsi eor h r no i i wuud t apply at herat 1 it man old for bala about inns ot maindd or sale pl iporseluwn flottfcn totuat xrllr located m geocrc 10 geo dobton phone 22ft v iroa vuud all grades of crap iron wanted bjf orgetown foundry co if applm wuud will pay li a fhiund for hand picked ulverts delivired in barrels or boxea lo i vv herrinfctjn georgetown if office for sala i touring cr apply i bedding- bed wool blankets flannelette blankets spreads sheets pillow cases special values in bed sets bed mattress and spring also springs and mattresses cots and cribs see be goods see the values jacksons i georgetown lllfcgflfc fatil fbfl wood far sala hardwood split reidv for atove 4 00 a n lord rail sits mingle cord alaba hardwood s3 50 ogle envd ilabs aofl wood 52 50 singtocord cedar word si bnjflccord aji orders caab on delivery phone 3jq w emmtrnon georgiioii wood far sala 1 have ltd ured attrfc qilannljr of dtj deeli ani mjplo delivered anywhere in town or glenwithanu at 4 00 per load iboul a cord of 12 in h wood alan cut ra is a 3 00 per loid and mixed weod at s3j0 per load j u mid ford box 490 geortce4owi phone 135 t 4 ladies smhpoome wutcaiwc and anion fbizznw aw siike1ik try us our prices aie reasouable mr mrsjbllillico aimilneal nncs 278w178j mrsft7ou got throuh quicker than ithought you woulmf moore mrmycs rruarn will last we endorse srmett n g easytolay means easy-on-your- pn8e heres a roofing that can be laid quickljeasilyandconveniently think of the saving in labor costs f were talking about barrett asphalt roll roofing either smooth or mineral- surfaced heres a roofing that were glad to recommend weve found it 100 reliable it cant rust rot or catch fire will stay tight against all weather for many years pnces very reasonable come in and see orse aylaf rpofinqij your requirements for fall hardware will o well taken care of at this mtore wind dfs h 10 h r lor windnrguv 111 xli ppr di hindoo ulss 11 u pr1 tmiilci slxl of nil si il pru 1 aluli 1 hnvr mi t k pr i n si me npis jter 1 klh illwiblm

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