Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1926, p. 3

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orthpphonic victrola v now you con enlpy anil enlcrtnln your friends with ihe self iun music appreciated by kcwynrknnd lundon audiences thc older ftvorltetthechitslcblmaitcrplrclsihe laical hit a wrageltes quality drug store local news items fresh lake i rout this mtliil t tt smith h imii i r tdiop li true bine dinec m tit dm tm iov fltb ket p this dau ipen who lust ltti two i illtjteuih iii he sideruauh at rhi dulf lliikhit saturdaj f the kex theitre attn led largt judieuces last sittird it tu see dong las fairbanks m the kliuk 1irati a joint kink amiimi is ujm where the i us bin d does i it d posit ing and the wift doesjth uithdriu lug keep fndnt ocl li op n for the lug hallowi t u em hre md duiue m the areru i- nil pnrtitulirs next week quite a number of inntomu have been warn is 1 hj the hief re garding the slop iigns during tin week following the ammtrsarj m knox fresh ten in chunhu ihtikeu dinner will be served on mond y etening oct 25 th 3t messrs john mcdonald ami john campbell attended st hoinlierg fair last thursday mr campbell was judging the homes would the part who borrowed the book from or marcellus wnlliu oj napoleon comeau km uj n turubame to mr h r minims a lad j not eltat declares that the would n t be seen in a modem fashion able divas that is just where she is mistaken she would lie ven imu h esquesing w omens instil nn will hold its regular mon tnlt meet nip on friday out 15tli at j til n in u the home of mrs lohn apptll stewarttown pay your hjilro raus on or le fore 4 30 pm on thu loth ol the month and get your discount tin hydro office will not he open in tlie evening after oct 1 5th the days are growing shorter night doses in earlier now ternu e and tennis court and itowhng green are about departed i tfe has turned toward the indoors autumn i rial ly here t will all those who are in arrtars lor their paper kiudlv remit and thus save us the trouble and expense ol sending- out accounts the date on jour label will tell you how your ac count stands the regular monthly meeting of i the local council of women will be held at the home of mrs c it dnj foot charles st on friday after noon oct lrtth at 3 p m all indies i cordially invited the ontario dental health daj to be held on wednesday october 2d j th will include among its activities free examinations and advice to be given by the dentists to all who re quest it at this tune brampton defeated the champ ion weston lacrosse team in bramp ton on saturday by 4 goals to t they also beat them a week ago in weston looks as if brampton should hold the championship those old accounts you are rar- rjing on tour books mr business man an lie collected bj kelly aiken of orangev ille their rates for collection are reasonable and thet have many satisfied clients 2 the winners of the two watclu- in wilsons mjalerj box sale were mr c walter ladies watch drawn at 230 p rty and mr harold bulli vant gent s watch drawn at 9 18 p m don t fail to sec our id thu week nett saturday will be ibigriaj at the km theatre matinee and evening twobig nttrtc lions the first year comedy dmmmtarr ing matt moore and fxmpnet tonne fight pictures direit fmni aqtagea toronto keep in muni tin impromptu spiriting contest to tie held in tji united church ashgrovc on or i 29th at 8 p m two honuvrmuv quilts will be sold bj auction during the evening proceeds of which will be donated toihe sundnv school members and fntwds of hit women s institute who wish to i on tribute to the barrel of fruit being i packed for the sick children i h pital will please leave their jam at livingstone s bakcrj on or liefore wednesday october 20 gwudys jonesmorgan the tal en ted soprano who sang so heauti fully in the united church last sun day and a noted teacher of roiie production and singing in opt nmg n studio in town at miss jean adam resident see announcement in uu issue oddtuow attantloa ntxt moudiit etiimu t ituh tlrst dgt mil la xuiipltlil ii i n is lioptil ttrt iiimiur itillmaki ii t jh ml to 1 piisfiit li at toronto list rridiu etmnq m nilurs f 1 milt 1 nlgi ariui in tin uiiiti it ilxmt forh ihiii1 iarkdale itidgi turniito al tin k of imlgi tlnj win uittrluueil in i tntiiiu lfouinvmllj it lihist list md tphndiri musical prognuu those vho spokt front ntlit i udgi in w urn 1 ijorrtnilml hm fong ft m iijuubli ex piling throughout viltd hauoaal dairy shaw iust wtck denim ittf vi 1 i lcsln iiid mr timhius dolion or i lsquesing mouintl to ii trait and tkik in the big vittotiul itin show lx nig held in th tt i ilj tin hwi most liijojahlt trip reluming hoint ijirongli kingille tnd tin tolia o xnnung illstntl mr dolsoti wis anled seiolid prti un ins juir old lit in bull nudum htrd wleited from caiuidmn exhibit stwk mis minted nd pn ltslli rejktrt- tin of rop still through tin romitn bird suotaur the iuslich iike improimu ill in lety has liei n sui essful i fti r sn ral ejiro of effort in lining u bird san tunry gunrantetd tin munu of wtlluigton an ontario orderin ulliiwjnst imnii passed which makes it illegal fontnj one to wound kill a bird or unimul of anj kind u ik hillun im hnmlrcd jards of the shonlim of tint lakp the legis ttion also estilblisheh the territory as i rrown game preservi hut provides i hut tin n nt r of properties i onhlitii tljigthc present mai shoot hares rabluls foxes groundhogs and crows unless otherwlse forbidden ritkwtr wednesdn oi toiler h grind duchess and waiter comedy drama with adolpho meigou cliapler fi if wild west coined shoot in injuns with our oinge charles urn contest 10 00 m prizes 1st 5 ind hrd 2 fndaj oct lfi bed hot r ires with monte blue and palsj kuth miller eomedj the feud fox news saturday octolwr 16 maliuet ut ipm the first year tomedy dnma the storj of a young murrit d life cloverl told htamng malt moore dempsey tunney fight pic tures direct from pantages toronto felix cartoon felix in blunder land prices matinee 16c and 2flc night 25c and vh- coming the son of a sheik with rudolph valentino aia not 0knur owund itistlearly evident tliat drivers of vehicles lie either ignorant of the law respecting overhanging loads or thej culpably careless as to its olwer- vaiioc section h4 cf the highway traffic ait says htery vehicle car- rj ingi load whnh overhangs the rear of the vehicle to the extent of live feet or more ahull iltsplaj upon suih erhaugiug load at the extreme rear endihereof at 11 times between iiuhk anddawn a red light and at all other times a red hig or a red wooden or metal sign sutlli lent to mdiiute the projection of such load anj person lolaung thisl iw shall tin nr penalti of irol lisw than j ml nor mow than 10 fur a hrst offem i 11 tj2 for nd offence jiotijfto for third ut and inudiliiirm mij line hi license suspended fur4da this is for tin pmus lion of other e hnlesor ikmhisand w ml ilitheult if observance cacrcuomu mrtui at tt i ongn gallon il iiuvlmg h id in the united chun h on ttmrsdaj temng oct 7th it tias detided that hie nunilier of memliers const i luting tlie session be 15 that the term of office be fate vears and to provn for the retirement of three each jeiri so as to renew the membership and it the same tunc preserve thpcontinu ity that ihree 1 elected for hve yean three for four ears three for uireeftarh three fortwo jtars and three for one year the election whn h w ih in ballot resulted as fol uniionrj memlierk rt t dr mi coll win tjndill mtmlters j w kenneth feo idiej i 0lfrc b lajfn dr mial isler thin bird dr reid tt t fcvins a m gran1 p b harnhrin alex melaren im van natr martin near w ll wilson lames cleat e the ileition for 12 steardn to inndle the fimnces resulted is fol lows lohn mclermid matter an thorn ami 0 veil lim moore- h g meir ieslie w raggi tie dr heath tt a battf r l adiihs wm deaus hector bird h b min mis tt ii i i jr mil son ihllu of mjiim h nh i ix m ilmg t mr tt h losls m hs am i knixlol legt 1 r ill u is m ii in imm l siliinliv mr unl mug i n f th rr iinlu iiuhit funs m it iil rt 111v tin t uon lu in dr ml mrs tt ijsili miv 1 lunl ul mr hugh it i k m spending u itcck m musk kl ms kii a no i or a inn 3 rsimdit null lit r ptrvnls mr mil vlrn i a ihuii mrs i ks irti i si i mint i irl i truaicr rloridi hu sh ill spmdtlx mtei mr s llimrdaiul master urn 1 1 ilh i in of ishimt i apt m t he week nd wuh mr uifd mrs uwi tjudall mrs mil miss kiulii man arnold mrs alltu md i in allen ipent mi wetk ml with mi md mrs ttlward rmltit ajtuffilti s mrs ii ii null on who under tutu in imraiiiiat duolph en ral llos ital on mondij is i mgntsuig is lull ant in ih expelled mr lurlesmwk of tt ilisli hid retiiriitsl hinin on montlaj aft r spending the pist im ueks nth irajtii of his son mr i b klrk mrs i- mest nilnpt n of topsham deiontihire tngland rtmte1 lasi veiling m uijj smt for ume m r sisler mrs du kie it the pinumigt ttonl was nvinetiiu town this liionnng or the dueth on mondav 01 11th of mrs p a harleja ittther mr 1a- rrannois of montreal mr and mrs ired martin of ham lltou tisilcd during the week with thtir aunt mrs win mrcaitne who has been st ush ill forieveral inths levsie hend rson left satur daj for in r new home in tt mm peg and miss miltnd for her home in toronto tin liesi wis lies of a host of friends follow them mr and mrs samuel mi dowel 1 10th hue trafalgar tnnoniioe the tngigamentof their elder daughter mar hannah to mr john devlin won of the late lames h vm of omagh the marriage i u take plat e the middle of oitober personals m liirvdl 1 ii t m iiiiii mi ml mr i ltl f aknll n m mi g n mrs k ilnk dr i till s i i 11 ill ml t 1 l it ntg tub ikokuktown hkiiai t o mr id mr v 11 1 tnnt ifpl il d will mi sliiinlii- im it imiplxli i ullm i dr imlrst folb luiuil mil u an i miss mh u ii t tt k mr ml mrs lfnil 1 nnl mr ml mrs rnd luml n d hil lru md mr and mn m silol pdmtrs ion tisit1 fmid n iiinh i mr 1 mrs ln 1 i j ilanglikr ul hi unpl n mr utiil mrs iuns ly u tlnlh mr mid mrs i in and i llnl h kikkshi sju sin 1 u it mrs d miull the vpw york timih has publiah1 u bouklit livini the rmrmes of dmt unit wieklj news pa pen m cxistnnce 75 yi it uj0 at that time thin wtro only id newspapers in the whole of ontario anil the streets ilte rivlew was one of them it having been s id in 1844 just 82 cars atro shirley was so surprised to hear my voice you know i hate read a good deal about long distance ser vice so this afternoon i called my married daughter do you mean shirley who moved up to morgan vi lie last spring ies and do ou know f could lear her toke as dlbtinco as i hear yours shirley was so rurprised and delighted that i he wants me to call her every week constant improvement in tele- cne equipment and sentee wrtunlh abolished dis- l tter day friends in cities hundreds of miles apart are reunited by the modem magic long distance have you ever visited a dfs unt friend by telephone if not why not ghe someone a pleasant surprise call her by long distance ladies wc specialize in mndctomeaauie gatment and ail kindi of remodelling furs we also make to order remodel repair and rcline fur coats stoles etc everything expertly tailored by men siusikhm curuleed r it curflc consultation free royal ladies readylowear co dot am to itblilm store station ca a ge all kinds of auto repairing all classes of boiler repairs prompt service and firttcla workmanhip gasoline and oils we guarantee all work to be haft factory doc chase proprietory qihi car kls a quti sbraau qastawb now is the time to choose your christmas presents take advantage of our layaway sale any article in stock may be picked out and put away till xmas now is the time while our stock is large a small deposit only needed to hold it s willsow t jeuellrytore oneill block georgetown st georges church will celebrate its 74th anniversary on sunday october 1 7th 1 926 pin ii lit i mi i lb id i f ihe du kikhi ket ikiti li ii 11 mill liethi 3 puit 1 x hydro electric system 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo r guaranteed lamps 25 ivntt a 10 watt 32 hi watt r s7 kh watt tunghten q 100 watt nitro lifi 1g0 watt nitro h 200 watt nitio 1 is iroft8 guaranteed v year 475 hydro irons guaranteed 5 years 575 orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall while fish salmon snaeks fillets baddies all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 ford car wins out the proverbial thrill that conn i out e in n jife time chug to hundrul of kuril owners at tht stem fair luutttwi on sept 18th whtnthej san a standard ton rompawuj from hluripu and i hetrolot competitors in th special hie mie mu on queen s pirk tm k the ford fininhed nutrlj six hundred jards ahead of tin other lonustauts miikingtht hte mite grind in 7 27 the nr tuts a ipet i il fe ilure of tlu fair program renilling from a ehaltengt issued lij the luppet n prest 11uu1 1 s lu ttl oh tiers of light eirs tlie spin tators taw a thrilling n i detpite tin fm t that tht rord led the whole l for the first four mil i the mn tut was uxeejitiuuatly keen between thu muppet and tin turd hut tin chetrokt ttas t isirj lapped thewhppel made good bine on the eoruers but on the straight tht rord oomed ahsad like a rating t ir ford cars are sold by h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage provision week the most exacting care u taken to see that only the finest prorl- loni are supplied through our stores strict examination of all pttrdusaa frequent deliveries constant supervision of the stores to see that only absolute fresh quality merchandise is sold in addition to this is the enormous savings to be made and personal enrlcs a all our stores smoked picnic hams 19 c0ttage rolls 25 maple leaf pure pork sausage 30c bacon mayftold brand machine siloed braajtfsut 45c pure lard 3lbpall nat weight 59c count ha1i0wi pates 219c domino blend tea 73c n new seaaona fruits raisins tdonpsolsced1ess 2a 29cf is oz seeded 17c krivpeel 29c lb redeued odtibis 2 a 27c fey prunes 2 ll 29c i 3lb pail shortening easifdtsto domestic 49c cheese finest nw 21 telfers waveruf shortcake bi 33 ib christies gold medal soda wafers 1 5 tkaia frica la at far mi w fraai if tut yayar 47 c thtirsday bargain day opkn aii day specials ii ill it 1 it i rn simp i i ik til isiip jirt h ill hsilji 1 1 ii ml 1 il u ii s 1 n lip ll n h hntl iilh ptwdr lit y hih hrrnddmhiisel milk i i tun ilfsj f r it kipii si ks i itr jt hi ki ilht tt knlk l1 ii f r 2u king ov ir hr hit s irtiitit 1 t ju mcbeanco georgetown ervvingoldhains meat market norrinctons saturday treat ihisuitktt hat i fruit drops for uitr spetial wlm h usu ilh 311 it 4hr lb they art fresh put trntd jou mil x delighted hill til 111 saturday treat 2sc lb weekend chocolates liitludt on t our list of diunpiiii fur si turd tj i pound or two of th st i hot ol itts llityarealwaii fresh mid tie feel ton 1 that jou will in ilelightnl with tht in assorted fiators hard nod soft entns week end chocolates 32c lb rt mi iulfiand c rum pels on n edneidit i tnd silurdajn kiiidlj httc j our tirdtr if tou nipiin 11113 m thosu htjs r it 1 st lima im s j 1 1st fert td in t our milk dnitks or j ou uu tiki theiuhmne tilth uu gtl tlu habit of eating them and jou mill mij01 gootl hi ill ill arthur norrington malh at phone 89 when housewives confer i nil nh other mer a baking pnihsition jou 1 an alwatt rest wired that thet have big thing 11 lummon and that 11 the t tleiin t 11st our pun wheat hour t fxpintti has taught them that our produti hnngn tht highest uiknig results t- oil or their t xainuk md use nut- hour it uitkes lukilig simph f norval flour mills w b browne co proprietors nerval f phones- j oeorsetown 90r3 101r22 brampton 327r8 t nti 1 1 iir mnrinir irffniniirt igrandyss tux pure food store soap and cleanser specials eomfrl 1 ill 1 md suuiin snipitms 1 uk t pkgs old duti 1 i tins hpl0 leans r drino p r 1111 tt ashing soil 1 t 1 kmso i pkgs old dusl i for sitrw si nil smp hips jibs si r a mn mi tllhv ptrpkt 11 i a m grandy f 8 phone 7s i siujuctiti curateta preaial mlitrt 9 s9aaasbaae12gbbthuaaamaassn

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