Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 13, 1926, p. 4

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wtm tlir ukohrrous elkltmt oilolxr i 111 1021 m sfcovelllna bllr- i standard j anthracite 1 scranton t coal in all sizes automatically horucned unit 1 lrtuioj i coal i wood ybalect lump tor danicmtic and thnbm yurpows bniithiuy and cnunci coal in fuil iuiny nirthniur be found in un up to date coal mil wood yard john mcdonald v phone 12 georgetofwn hereandtkre inspect your furnace flues andyour fire insurance before cold weairher sets in in sunt with elmer c thompson insurance service 1 119w ceornelowb ft a never hart aayese t ho eulgiatlt lavltaa a back thhrtrsi iirniticil sidfl 10 tin polilcnew found in -thi- shop we find llial il pajsin dull in and cents to reinkr i lollrteoua sirwn along ftitii tiic high grade uieit s wt wm arret thr home of quality mea georqetown 3 coal best d l fit w scianton coal in all size also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkjns noral sution phone 62 r41 coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coat delivered to any part of the town auo coke phone iso t rogers co georgetown ilorm tvrnlv hind of grade oxfcrl eei two jer 1 11 fn rt juyne ihlnnl have been si id to diparlurt in ihr hfi industry of til ishmil i c nit the lr1 il thf nl tint oulhern uril will imluci iirooft pb ihii sruim this i i adi j a ngular nmil mini service ha i bcn established beuicn osaka in i jupnn and banen iff south man churla two japancn built kawani shi plahis being nwd this w vim is daily and being sponsored by the osaka mamichi one of the largest newspopcrs in japan whose aviators recently ft w to berlin mooso jaw one thousand head of western canadian light horses puribascd for tm soviet jivern mint were assembled her the horii which arc all lights ore being bought for the hut iiu n goernment with kuisitin funds placed in cnna dian bank for that purpose a slm liar purchase wn madi inst year and thi repenting of the order in dicales satisfaction with the cana dun stuck the increase in the net profits of the canadian pacific railway for tne first eight months of the year ending august 31 bt is 6 814 835 76 according to n financial statement issued at the headquarters of the canadian pacific at montreal this is thi men mi in profits as com pnred w ith the profits for thf sama pi nod in ij25 the increase in the gros earnings oier the sums- period in 1925 is stated at 12gj1364 57 hell soaring canyon the scene of a dramatic incident in john mur ray gibbons new nocl eyes of 0 gypiy in thi actual num of a re mote vailiy in the canadian pacific rockies us known to the guides and hnnten although the geographic board of the canadian government has just changed it to a less romon tic name niunn creek tb- rea ion ftir the change in numv hat thirc is another hell roaring can yn in the rockies which claims a prior right to the name the ancient and honorable ar tillery contpony of bostun one of the oldest military organizations in the unjtcd states being founded ai an offshoot of the famous artillery company of london in 1630 held tbeir 289th annual field day anil march past at montreal arriving at the canadian pacific place 0 station on october 2nd about 250 members of this organization rep resenting the oldest families in the state of massac husettes took part a this event dean inge has a very imperfect appreciation of tile feeling of india towards england when he prop he eles that indias attitude to the mother country in the event of a future crisis is doubtful declared diwan bahadur sir t vijayaraj bavacharya indian potentate who bailed for england on the canadian pacutic liner empress of france re cently after a lengthy tour of the dominion the diwan discounted the gloomy prophecies contained in dean inges new book entitled en land for the third consecutive year the first aid team of the canadian pacific police constabulary at the windsor street station montreal earned off the gutelius cup aym bollc of the highest marks obtained in the quebec district cpr first atd competition the examination were conducted at the place vigcr hotel in montreal september 29th by lr beatty chief turgion of thv canadian pacific tour ot icr teams were in the field including two from the angus shops m montreal and en from ottawa and quebec start on monday at guelph business college itlalptl out individual nstracfion m by bdiimii experienced n- ttructotm graduates in demand at good salaries dont nvy your iriendm suc- cm be a success graduate from jllwoci flldhlmrrlfffefr d brill i georgetown shne specialist i 1arry a full line of hurlbuls 6rymned hoite on murdoch streri eldnnc ltit water nude iwntr renova ted immeduta iwtsenon apply o pednpilpness s u and chevrolrl vttstf i ikevrrt art ipccdlng up r hla onful oonir namb bow that chevrolet paya tor ttvdf many lutmt tmr in krr apcraun road in freedom ran paup and in longer cfe thrsa nconfa pnm beyond doubt that cbfirrobt can and truclu pro- vidt lha utma wwtny ot trampoctkloa m coonnckial uh aa your dtnrolrl dialer to asow ynu tke renoru ol klua they nay ingkwf way id which chmoln canaptadui tba soiuliiit caatrslat in chavrolol t ik lawait prlea far which cbavralal hat ai old in caaada alt al let hittary is lalllng rrnlal hat avar baan gmac plan of deferred payments sport sitoit 640 conxucbl cbkfsu 715 utility xapram alt fricmm at fmctoty fmi extra s v king dealer georgetown australian natioi for the first time in history the 1 on tour for the past ten months iieoplo of australia have sent out the canadian tour opened se0- a rppreiontrtlve band to can ember 25th nt quebec where the ado selected from evcy stme muejcians arrived orar the canadian in tbn i ommonweailh or auslpacjtic stcamsbtn lines tho re- tralia this group of 15 expert mu- coption given to the band at the an tic in a will make a coniprchnnsivc clcnt capital was excellent com tour or the dominion under the pi to arrangements for concerts name of the australian national across the dominion bad been made band glvingcon certs at the prln hy ueut ii gladstone hill director cliil cities along tho way they or publicity ind manager of the cao- ciune to canada directly- from eng ndlan tour in mpnlreal the aus- lind where they competed in the trallan band waa caturod in tho mc- fnmoub english dand conlem at rjlll unlvemlly reunion celeora mnn chester thin completed a i tlons on october tb to which func- knthy engagement in england i hon the band had been invited as previous to this the band spent all gupsts in the afternoon or lha weeks fn sonth atrlcj and in nil in nmo dij be band played for the eluding engagements in aualralln march past ol the ancient and hon- ond now zealand the band has been orabli artillery ompany ol boston upon their visit to montreal one of tho most noticeable fe turea of the band la its versatility grand opera church music and jm all being rendered with equal auccen and ni ill when they ctobb canad on the canadian pacific lines an sal for australia from vancouve tbey wilt have circled the globe hays lit in an i wind does mot smoke w smp beacoh tanterns sold lvervwherf get this radio winter eveninp auction sale or m hi 1 1 smock ok horses a cattu3 him koi nutnkird by john l bdik mxill st lotcr tly mnj he i rll in mll m l ti jnniitp iounou l lrtm iik 1 11 rwj v r s tantributd iy en tri itrtm t t wohnoadmy ootobsrsotk ui v unlhrorlm1 w onl ar loxt thnutli antlirni surh rt w m lt huuleln cow jnaa aan lot otdlnan iimmh an mitn iyll lioi hdr- al looti 11k yum iu h lillim tli king ra1dio most radio per douar vvhbn daddy comes borne and the vv evening meal is over then a new day of delight begins from a hundred broadcasting stations comes that jtarade of great tilings on the air music or stories for the children the tantalizing strains of famous dance orches tras lectures from noted educators at your invitation half the world comes in your radio door nothing makes long evenings short like atgng radio and the kmgiyoa see here is so uuatpensive that youtl never miss the money we will install it for yon co with everything you need show you in a few minutes just how easy it is to operate it and ask you for only a small payment down the balance to be taken care of in convenient amounts as yoo enjoy the set j n oneill son georgetown ontajuo cpnw m today jffou can or y toufrer phone iu nd tm unit uufaq ttaa or any kw f btfmt iii hulrn c calf at loot th1 l j- ow m- ow nm i fx jcttay tiiiii imun j in nit itaijumi wi inlult rrey hall im i lb u tl ku or lu tin i ixr iwtout belc lr li i1i grade an1 gnr lull ltloti ii wu uf lin ulghtive i k upk i aonlfaa okj k- lait tliruiiili takliik luod and water uh bniu cdtmliiirid llju hiosl coin j u or iotinlrcll btmeioh aimtawr lh host huraa flli ind a wilson clerk uuction sale of farm3tock implements furn1t0re7 etc lib bi lut luiiiimm uirrlera a sniatl kin uouud tuuy provl u source ot ihu wiure of utbras vnilirin 1h euui d by baclhue an ibraclx it i un unit i fibrlk dlarbbr uiricliiik parti nliirly milk horses ulid nlu p doh and chlckuin aocui to li iniitium tht dietane is charac t rlzid by tilinorrbaglc inqltrauona of sub cutaneous tlisuu and engorge- uii tit of tht spleen 3 ni plum thu worm forms n met lth tn cattle and nhopp in tlireu the attackn ara ser and sudden tbero is u low of appulti hnatlittik is rapid aud dllllcult uhua1l a dim barge iroin ihi mouth and uosi affected aultiiitls trcuibi vldenil utntgtr and full in convulsions passlu uul etc tin in i in i i hi i k app laci or the bod tin st uri oui nialpub at flrst but in conn duuui in lex turi bi fore bi coinlni jutijr nous with horats th sinptuuih art oliin qultt obscure aim are manifest only by so trv attacks of colic and drop sical swellings about tho chest or postmortem di careful more than one human king has lost his life nlitsink with an anthrax carcass let the veter inarlan do the pout morti in hi unihr stands the don t era and pruteita him self against i u fiction control tniitiiient is not successful owing to the rapid fntai course or the dis ease in anthrax localltus as soon as a case ol anthrax in stmpectid all remaining animals should be trans fead to another pun lure or stable and vaccinated or i r tiled ultb an thras airiihtn th we trial menu- can ix appll d b modi rn tralnid veterinarians th an qciv and give a good inniiir or linniiinllj at small cost l slevmaon dipt or extension o a college poisoning of lai tip bj hurt florer hay all bwtet clovei bay does not have polsououk proptrtii s as inuu firm rs hae led it o stock for years without loss the question nnturajly arises wh is some sweet eloerhai rcsponsibln for tin dlb ase there is much eldenc that certain moulds that may grow on or within the sweet clover ntalh are r hponalbte for the formation of this poisonous prtn clpie which apparently delays the clotting time of the blood dirtroya red blood eells injures tho vital tis sues of the body to mi eh an extent that hemorrhages result feeding experiment feeding trials with sunt cloter hay that was credited with polaonoua properties have bei n conducted to determine the cours of thi disease tbena trials indicate hint a period of si days la tht usual amu that lapses between the comnicnci nient of feed log and the death or the jnlmal the animals remain apparently normal ahowlng no symptoms whatever until about the 28 th da after com men ce ment qt feeding once sjmptoms are shown the course rapid and the victim usually passes out in from one i thrc days bymptot animal bt comes stiff nod later very lame if urged to raoi larm swell inge- may develop edematous in ehar acter on any part of the body blood freouenuy passed in discharges from the body no appetite visible mu coua membranes pale blood does nol olot and difficulty experienced in arresting hemorrhage lr small teasel la severed tempi rat urt remains about normal poat mortem gene rail shows extensive hemor rhages in tho subciiiuuiotii tissue tho rait a and i abdominal cavities blood la palo- in color and does not olot readily muscles dark colored and infiltrated with blood hemor rhages arc invarlabt ptiiert on the eplcardiuni and pi tiro- in all rapes i prevention do not use mouldy sett clover ha if htmptoius appear following the consumption of mould net i closer ha then changi f rd ut once i and kip cattle quiet and call the veterinarian to admin liter tho blood i serum triatment tseonl lh pne green icrowtli of sweet elm r for any i and handle it lr auih a way that moulds cannot d iclop kuji tt dry moulds must hat inolitjre for i growtn l uvenson ht of li tension o a collet dont don t teed dust hay or 111 smelling toads just before milking don t expert ho milk or rreai be cooler than tlie surround where it la kept don t skim tootbm cream don t expert to get top price lor eream unless cowa stable utec separator and milk rt are kept clean don t fi rgt that there is gnod money lu dajijing it u la properly done j sanford stewrarttown plambing tinsmitnirir esllmiles ivalilly glvci plwu 81 r 2 feorgeuwo k r ito wood miitltiiikt per single iort or wnl for i lurdwotxl tt us ililivertil in jeorp- j h smith phaa 84 r 18 georgetown ikraigniht has recelted in- iruiliolieit from david j howell o mil by public auction at walnut arm torontosum la highway bc- ween georgetown tn norral on thursday october 14th it one oclock in the afternoon tba lollowing holtbls heavy horse 10 years jftht driving mart aged cattle limilc jersey cow call il suli jersey cow believed to be in alf jersey cow 2 years due inapr lersev cow due irf dec jersey cow tue ot time of sole grade jersey ow due in march jersey cow yr 4lf at sidi 1 year old jersey fteifer fui march 15th 2 jersey heifers 1 nonths old 2 jersey heifers b papa id 1 6weeks old calf pure bred yorksbiru aow due in ihcember 2 yorkshire nun s tnoa implements deennjmowcr l lorsc 3 1 2 it wilkinson plow po nto digger attachment diamond bar- ows 3 sections scuifler punker a jams one horse wagon with box 1 icavj pair bobsleighs ops hone i mir bolster springs bay k to fit vogon and bobaleighi dump eart with harness light pair of bobslteba ooff iry double sprmss rubber tires bar- ow cutter barrel iprayer for power jo frame to fit wagon knapsack prayer success spray pump power aw root pulper straw cutter for kiwtr platform and scoop scale com heller fence stretcher screw jack rane with block and tackle extension bditer 14 ft ladder 2 step bidders diabolo cream separator bar chumr butter worker 260 egg buckeye stan- ard incubator sod chick budt- ijc brooder 4 poultry crates wheel hoe cultivator and seed drill lawn mower garden tools disc emery wheel and polisher saws axes mania j ml wedges and many other article to mention 1 set light single collars grain a quantity of o a c no 72 oats furmture dining room table oak 6 leaves chain and other tables desk invalids chair arm chairs easy chair rocking chairs 5 verandah chairs sewing machine brass and enamel betlsteatls single double and threequarter springs and mattresses oatermoor bureaus wash stands small tables toilet sets baking cabi net refrigerator 1900 washing ma chine kitchen tables sanitary crtset with pipes tubs wash boiler wrbujeti happy thought range hall stow quebec heater and other stoves dish- eu pots gem jars crock and numer ous other articles wool tapestry and brussels squares book shelves cup boards tfrms all sums of s20 00 and under cash over that amount is month credit on approved joint nuus grain and furniture cash ben petch auctioneer notice to creditors in the eiuta of caerga ckraitsaibar campbell lata of tka towa f georgetown in lha couaty of hal- ton gentleman deceased of the above named george christo pher campbell who died on or about the twentyeighth day of july 1920 st the town of georgetown in th county of halton are required to send by prepaid post or otherwise de liver to the undersigned solicitor for the administrators of the sak de ceased on or before the sixteenth day of october 1926 their namesaddress- cs full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their account and the nature of their security if any all duly verified by statutory declaration and notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date tho said administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de ceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the they shall then have and they will not be liable for th mg iich ny part thereof to or pemona of whose claim nonce ni not lin received at the jim or luch ill j r i but ion dated this twenty second day of vplrmber a d 1926 ci altrncl ii wiggins it solfeitor tor the administrators al county of i n lir and by virtue of a writ of sxitiition ismied out of the supremo ourtof ontario and to mc illrected in i delivered igaind the lands and icmmcnts of thomas hewson in a crtaio action wherein the bmsst hani ware company limited is plain tiff snd thomas hewson is defen dant i havb seised and taken in exe cution and will offer for sale by pub lic auction in norval ontario in sse counti of halton at the hour of three oclock pnu on saturday the 2snl day of october 1926 au the right title interest and equity of retlcnfplion of the abovenamed de fendant in to and out of the follow n elands and tenements vit rirsuyt lot no 1 on the sooth sue of green street and having a frmf tage of 62 feet on green street and 102 feet on adatnson street secondly lot no x on the sooth uric of green street lot ho s on the north side of isabella street thirdly lot no 1 on the west skle of a damson street and on the north aide of isabella street fourthly lot no 3 and 4 ohthe south side of green street and lota no 3 and 4 on the north side of isa bel la street on the said lota there la said to be a large stable fifthly part of lot no 11 bt the eleventh concession of the township of esqnesing in the village of norral known as dst no 2 on the north sida ot green street on the ssjd lot there is said to be erected a twostorey roughcast dwelling bouse terms cash samuel webster sheriff of the county of haftotf sheriffs office milton sept 23n imt

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