Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetowa jierald 31xt kll r tlt ob 11 hi u 1kin georgetown wednesday evening october soth 1926 i advance- 1 00 lo u h rbe georgetown herald 4 h moore lbuuhr 4 proprlator wr amiiiu wakly n taper amsolatlo uhh rit goiml jtahl luhbd0r puungr il paasenxer uail passenger paaeeotfar sunday ooino wktft mail passenger mall passenger passenger pmjueuger 8uu lo coin 6 hobth mail blail qoimi booth hail 7 i w in lain iolbam 12 04 pm a 48 pm 0 82 p m a 25 ii pi 7 a 1 i m 7 ho am sia vm a la pm 4 60 pm 0 02 pro 7 08 p in 10 21 am 00 aw 165 pm 11 is am 7 84 pm cauda natlmal eledric railways 1 ijound daily twto litartu kalhk babtboond daily ho 8 719am 4 9x7 k m ltwam 8 ijs7 p m jo 67pm is- vot l m 14 7 67 pm 18 ftb7 p m lblloflptift j185am 1 85 p m 8 85 pm 5 85 p n 7 85 p m 9 85 p in 17 12 06am special hoorlyherice during the period of the canadian nahonal lx jfttctcmr ubm bn uaes umllf d westbound 9 35 am 2 35 pm 8 05 p kait bound lqq0am 200pni 10 p vfaud room at nomngtciis store av j holluiger gen mgr directory hilton jtfalkuidqb oa4c otbc ktanoar bloek la fioy data la oharge ot oor b q hsik t binmn solicitor lie oftc mill st georgclow hows 9aat to 5 p ro opaat welnsaday and saturday evenini ojuuuoioe a irioomb urbtejlowtw lutyy piddle hoars 9 am to 5 pis opafl we and sarurfllt evening uk k i fai7x phjwwan mitt uran 6om hows t te 4 and titipn job c r wtwii physician and surgeon mo slrt georgetown pboua 21 alubbttb mfhbyappmnttotal du huubumd it not and throat spdaliat iaapfef offiea stdtlwja main st hmajhone 107 r 6 omtplm 0 to entr tfcmay f l hth l dbu po oantltt yoao in lauia btoalc am doer at y ag yaptw flour prmj rtmktromrh veterinary surgeon ffeona mo main t- h orth ovokbctowm ohiropbaotio mrnatyonraooi last attwdabtt cjfsw n completo and upio dale nfllc cblropraeiicbily in ontario sluwir tfca okltraotor jjl ib ympraatlm i 0c next u o neill grje ldyfcsturdjjto s7 lo9p r jotk dayi and boon by appoint men i iuoo1w rwdcrtrell k fnt pbone 213 tuesday and fw h willwn uenued embalmer mala iv o i amobtiaxfr hormdramhnne pbnrw meat or day 54w or mp royal city dairy ice cream p full line fresh groceries fruit in season see our windows ior specials in groceries forsters terms cash georeetown phono 29 llelffllisilhl dont fokcet i your wife likes our candies best we have the choiteat lines of freah bulk ard box chocolates inhard and aoft centres aiso cherry centres take home a pound of neilsons broken chocolijg special 3do lb fresh tobacco t we carry a complete line of ciganfj cigaiea fine coarae cut tobacco and plug tobacco see our new pipes cigarette holders e youngs main ititect phone i si amiess fvnives this week wj are ottering dinner and desert knive with white handle aquare or round with firth stainleaa bladea made in sheffield england t5 ixsert 3iw s iless k bit of mix 4u0 abwillson jeweller next to hotel mcgibbon farms for sale 7 000100 acres near acton day lom iplendidfeuitdlnb in fcood road eaiy termj fcoo caah down 111500erin township 200 acres rich loam land good stone bouw large bajnionsood road 3 markets near will sell stock and implement 9 000200 otres acton 3 miles large barns need some repairs splendid soil good terms tan be arranged j a aberdeen rul eatau brokar georgetown boiltj afemarkable stove for summer or winter cosyhome qiuebec it hoau it cooks it imjcm provides hot watar burns any fuol moderata in prica a comunathi heater and noae maifc tn uxea nutablc for any htchen yon caa have the coy home with or wtt with or without water front or tcaeraonr oratri are adjintablo to baoow bntnx for all f uela for aununtr uac a larfc top feed door prinr fud podact takes 21 inch wood the cory home la realty rcmarkabla stove coma m tooay and let ut how you bow wed it can serve yoo happy thousju furoaoti an bet said 8 thompson co phone 46 georgetown jajaflatatbiulmirardciwjuvfn happy thought and while lhe worldbhndlr nlrug gles it k mad rush for what ileal in gold just be fjlad when you think of thai ranclfurnaces r0se is good tea tea uptcvc tun intindmq toffy ladies we specialize in madetomeasuie garments and all kinds of remodelling furs we also make to order remodel repair and leline fur coats stoles etc everything expertly tailored by men sallsfadlm guraatee tr m ckanc consultation free royal ladies readyowearco hai salt o a tea week in order that you too may enjoy the full delight of our quality teas jf you have not as yet tried them these out standing quality tea values will be found in all our stores this week domino blend english breakfast styu batter than moat 7sc ism richmello re 79c ft 75c lb djsubulk tea re- 63c lb 59c lb r 3fe cial 25c sale soups 3 a liixcajtoni or spaghetti 3lu mincemeat 211 dominion corn flakes 3 tif csfm0lassssnaps311 toilet paper vmtum orou ppnts gsj matches st 24 a rtueud flair pju komcuhen l i tbi has lauirlit vimi whi ran hold jnu havp hlai vuur 1 pun rold arrtbp dark ti nutni1 w xptikl d with surahtne jurt because here i aumnjtli to run ft lis fnenohip ihat helps mi 1 1 1 re a battles with ibc courage to do and lo dare ixva tbe wurld still condi mn yuu for nheo you re plannitl slaved lo siccted fc it a mwl lo know oom nirry fur you la your need liw suoress and adiievtmlftt m nt through thi toronto nil i ol kru li coming 11 john kliiivu r uiihliinijnint georl wuolwillk hill m j olht a yu when you know what st nieana jmut f nend ft so fcwd u rnow mirncuni belli soowme whj ii t i lo the end wbo haa taught joti what fnendtihl an appreciation rgttovn mi ih aurrounilinj countrj for the onffik ration lift thtn lbnic tie call ot his cliruor tin rial slipping htoili fortwiikh hia ytunroi outdoor lift atttlihis aurvcy ing oiid roo i hiiildluit had bun fittmj him john fcgnii that fuinous railway jnan at tht aitilnrun and anadiun 1 north wmt unlir whom ht hl vorkid with tli c 1 it ha1 lift thul s roa 1 and hicoin dtncrul uanuglr o hk chicofio nn i st paul liuiluuy tin 1 asked our friiml to a with him ui kimrul torikiipir h di i ho il siihnj iblinneupohs then com th rail to th bn it orthtrn llnilwuy this road waa buililinjots tninacontincntal rodti and konct van nndjd and anawlrcd tht ctt i or somt years until rhi oad whs built to tht coubi he ilid is general atorcknptr durint thi onhtruction mr j j hill the well known hock wood boy trans fern i him to st paul after construction wan fin uhul and gave him chargl of tht htorth of tht whole nystemi which no aition hi ably filltd for home yiird when the amirican oovlrnmcnt took over thi building of thi panama can al from thi coiitraaors mid put it on u military basis the subject of this sketch was nsked by col dotthali the chief in chergi lo assume the du of general storekeeper a ery important and well paid pbmtion to his new position he earned the same skill and faithfulness that had chur acttrned hla work with the railways and he built up a system of stores keeping mounting into a turnover of many millions of do i or a an he could at any moment tell the quantity alue and whereabouts of every government owned piece of property whether it a paper of pins or a locomotive gmtx tbty an old ceorsetown boy the following from w ii unswortli also an om georgetown boy will be read with interest by many of our subscribers lorn in acton our setenty jearh i there passeii away in seattle wash4 on september 25u walter george tubby the son of mr and lira charles tubby he was one of a family of four who id early life lost both parents and mrs thomas swam of georgetown aunt of thi bereaved children tool charge and gave them a home until she too pass george was the second of the four jat this vjwrlt he epent four years was a stirring lad full of boyishj t and with an inborn love for the outside world when school wfii over for the day the chores done george was happy he would slip out of the back door which opened on barbers commons doing every thing that a normally healthy boy loves to do or he would cross the road and enter thompson s bush pick beechnuts or perhaps drop down the west branch and fish or swim but his greatest delight was the asession and use of an antiquatetf gun barrel this he would fill with u charge of powder and shot if he coald get it if not stones and gravel served as well priming the touch hole hewould set it off after retir ng to a safe distance and groat would be the resultant explosion nor did he always come out acratchless more than once did he have his face blackened not to speak of the time when he was struck by the recoiling barrel lfter when he had a real gun he roamed the woods about georgetown and woe to the squirrel groundhog weasel or other game that crossed his path can you wonder that such a bov would not be content with a small not larger fields called him he wanted to get into the beg bnsh where he could shoot ime such as deer bear hts undo and aunt were quite in sympathy with his restless for the outside but felt that george was a bit young to go from home not so with george when about thirteen years old he packed his few things the old gun barrel among them in an old carpet bag and quietly disappeared ran away in fact and only one who has been in his fix wql not be surprised at his nctmn i mean any red blooded boy bat he waa not destined to go far hut older brother austin knew fairly well where to find him and find him he did in guelph and george had to return to school and his chores the following spring l the wander lust overcame turn again and he made another abortive attempt to see the world again he was brought back by i more atatd motherj when be was fifteen he made up his mind he would make a sure thing of il so without breathing a hint to any one he laid plana to make a sue cessfnl get away all at orlec he dis- npeared and for eighteen months nothing waa heard of him austin and others followed up possible ave ape but george was not at the end of any of them he hoc at lasf socceeded what wonderful stones he had u tell the rest of us boys when he re tamed how he made hts get away walking riding when he could get lift choosing unfrequented roads for finally coming to a lumber camp in the then forested bruce peninsula how he did a man s work m the woods chopping togging skidding raft rag his hunting adventures his long trips on foot out to the frontier for mail all the incidents in the life of the frontier to youth with his predcliction for the outdoor life this was meat and drink and he thrived on it returning at the end of a year and a half rug ged strong a young man for a uim he went to school but such a nature could not stand the con flneroent of four walla and those walls surrounding a boy s bugbesr al j him there were school he got ajob on the purvey ory denny joth liit nettl i u unng that time it waa his privilege to entertain prominent americans chief of whom was the lute president koosevclt owing to the delimit health of hu wife he resigned and went north to san frrancisco where he took up the duties of marine superintendent foi the union oil this position took him to england at different times in con ncction with the purchase of ships for transporting oil iiylj14 he retired from active busi new anil devoted himself to the care of his invalil wife mrs tubby was the daughter of the late mr and mra walter mackaj of ceorgetown a sweet saintly a oman the worthy daughter of ijfrthy parents she died in may 1936 and licr passing win such a souryi of grief to george that recovered his bright genial spirits in fact grieving over her pass ing undermined his rugged constitu that when illness attacked him lmcr betost his powers of re sistance in jiilyof this year he went to se attle to visit his son charles w dur ing this visit he made a side trip to vancouver and while there was sciicd pkacticr public speaking young in practice think over what you want to nay and eay it aloud to your self alone study it lo see if you sind all that you want to say said it elcarly then sec if you say it in fewer words and if jou du it at last when the occasion is speak clearly and loud enough for everyone to hear then sit down little while you will have a repu tat ion us a wonderfully effective peuker now that tht schools have reopened and the young people a so utties are n organizing the young folk may profitably consider this mat io important to their future home and at times seemed to be proving but he passed away scpti ber 21st and was burild on the 24th beside the body of his late partner in fe at san francisco he was a 33rd degree mason and knight templar thus passes a friend of mine since boyhood days a staunch friend a genial companion a hospitable host a keen successful business man a cap tain of industry who did his bit in the way that was opened t him a man of strong upright character well informed with an amaung membory for the details of his business a ajm esthetic father an i a devoted hus and is significant that remembering boyhood he gave his two sons every opportunity to follow their in hen ted love for the outdoors he taught them to fish and shoot and en gage in other sports and was ever their companion in all kinds of out ings he told me not long ago my boys ore going to have the chances at were deniol me he leaves two sons charles w seattle wash and oliver g of san francisco his brother charles aus in toronto and a sister emma los angeles cal george never lost his loe for the unipn jack always remained a can adiah though a great portion of his life was spent in the united stales dunne the world war he offered his ces to the qonadtan government w b unsworth lob anitelcs calif september 24th 1926 robert danny death came somewhat suddenly last thursday to robert denny at his home on the fourth line esq u using mr denny ha 1 been suftcnng from form of internal trouble and he up work during the haying time i few days before his death he 1 to be some better and hit death on thursday came unexpected ty mr denny was a son of the late robert denny sr and was bom on the homestead lot 1 3rd line lnn he rnarncd miss mary sahll who childrc and sleeping ixhtif pricsr in agact far w h fraai jala al uua p am the railway ime about to be built from hamilton and allandale this suited his active nature he was outdoors the following spring hr joined surveying party going to the north shore of lake superior to survey for haekenths projected land and wa ter route a companion went with him from litnchousc one arthuydi no who was drowned in the course of thrsammer george weril back for another summer his duties be axeman for the leveller and in such he had many opportunities to in lulge n shooting fishing canoeing out of doom all the t i think it was the following year he joined a surveying party going to the french 4uertt take soundings for a proposed canal to connect lake nipis sing at this he spent two summers returning to georgetown each winter think it waa at this time he was 1 am not quite sure of the of events in any case he drifted to the west and engaged with a contractor for a portion of the can adian pacific this was at oak lodge west of brandon he had to do with the supplies for building the track such as ties rails bridge timber spikes bolts etc and handled hi work so well that by the time wy built to calgary he had numerous promotions and dtarge of and responsible for the pro per karfling of that deparuoer i this was spent community he was of a rather quiet ftscned disposition he attended the church at swackhsmir b hill from his youth up the funeral on saturday afternoon was private the sen was conducted by rev henry ci veil assisted by rev a c stew ami interment was made at fuin cemetery acton the relatives and friends who attended from a distance were mr james sahll and son of younghtown ohio mr and mrs jack sahli buffalo n v mr and mrs w sahli and son of toronto mrs pror ter mcllwalne of toronto mr and mrs robert hoare and dmightir of guelph whafhind qt a ohap a he you you grin al your w rk in wiieii the job seems hard t re vou then with thu grll lo is jour r with nulling asiou punch the clock each night when you leuva the job do your pulses throb with ihe llioughi of a task du le right is il a pleasure ur dread when you pit low your head rid i tnnk of ihe coming day prayer fur slnnglh lu yuu bruit fie job mea impl pay i- rank a lollli n notes and commenls avada ii to issue a serica of l mo rial stamps this year honoring re statesmen sir john a mucdon aid liir wilfrid launor idarcy mc gee l h lafontaine and robert baldwin with the exception of tin ntenury stamps with the por of wolfe and montcalm and an other with portraits of early discover tnc first time that the heads incrti h appeared upon stamps cunudln clrlmony and homely words ex prcssive of deep sentiment character izcd the assumption of office at que bee last week of lord willingdon i governor general of canada and thu to him and lady willing don the roar of guns military dm pln flash of uniform and in all the dignity of a country s statesmen re ctivuik the kings representative at ttnded their excellencies landing in cunaila then followed the proces sion u the parliament buildings where lord willingdon took the oath of his high office the council cham ber of the quebec legislature made a perfect setting for a scene of hril liancy it was not however until the banquet in the afternoon given by the government of canadajhat opportun ity came for expression of the feel ings that were fiflingul hearts prem king and lopd willingdon alone ada of today and that to come it was the simple expressions of a wel coming people to a new governor eneral and his response that threw distinguished assemblage into bursts of applause and cheers ballinafad mrs peter ferguson spent last week with friends in kitchener mrs thomas mitchell eighth line has returned home after spending a uple of weeks at elklake mr robert cole has sold hit house held an n tubs mr peter cole of burlington call d on friends in this part on erin ihow day acton ontractors are al work on offices and band stand at th park and will now push it forward to completion mr and mrs a t mann and mr and mrs w g murray and vclma motored to richmond hill on sunday md mrs j a moffat x hey also attended the consummation service of the united church mrs john boomer miss lettie boomer and mrs joseph armstrong of georgetown visited in the home of mr james scott last wednesday mr wliham robertson returned last week team- an enjoyable trip to manitoba where he visited numbers of friends who were former residents mm dr gray who has been in poor health for some time is now re covering nicely she was out to en io a motor drive with her daughter llrs n saturday free press l1mehouse taacbar convantion the annual twoda contention of the teachers institute of the halton and wentworth inspectorate held ot burlington last week concluded with period conducted b inspector j m dcntcs of milton who hell a con fcrence on special child survey this of vast importance and help to the many teachers present officers for the ensuing tear were elected as follows honorary president tnspee tor j m dcnjei b a of milton president miss m f irton of cart isle vied president a g green of mm m z miss death removed a choice spirit from the limchouae community when mrs richard marshall passed away on sat unlay oct 9th at the general hoi eital guelph mn marshall had not een strong for some tame but she was able to be about until a fortnight before hpr death she had a weak spell late in september the family physician was called in but she gradu ally grew worse and in order that the best attention ant enre might b given her she was taken to the hospi lai this however did not avail and at the close of the week her spirit look its hight mrs marshall vns margaret lawson ol l 1 m ilaughtcr of the lute wni lawsou c waa joined in wedlock to her sor iving husband on christmas da 7h thev were looking forward to pleasure of celebrating their gold welding in two years from the coming christmas the death of this jetotcd and beloved wife and mother was the find break in the- happy fam ily of five sons and two laughters as follows william in toronto john sudbury olive in toronto rob in california baric in acton alfred at connor and edwins in toronto the floral tributes were numerous and beautiful and testified to the populant of this good woman and true mrs marshall was a life long member of the presbyterian church and the funeral was conduct cd by ret mr mclean pastor of the limjhoune and georgetown churches interment was made in fairview cem ejery acton

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