Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1926, p. 2

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iite3msjhll 111 man in turf town on falur day oct klh iwrl u mi intmn a e toinsn a daughter died llakhhl at hi home 5711 sprite street i ortlanj oregon ontuosdei october sit hw krrderich willlaia barber formerly f nirgotown beggsal lut 1 ion 5 wei ltunguacamy onlrltay uct loth 1926 margery utifira widow uf the i ale jnme mchane tn her wh y in mtmortam armbttlonllnoverlovinif mm uf our dear muthor mrs tliui a strong who puacd away u 19th 19hj no one heard the fooiau pa of the angil drawing u who took from earth to lltavcn our molhur klqvui no lew the pearly gates wire open a gentle voice hid come and with farewill unspokcrf she camly entered home thihumily lollinsln avir luwig memory of william alfred nomr and mm alfred collfru jr who prsscd away october 19th 1926 aged 6 month god baa taken home oispdarling placed our bud among his flowers tor nlpmf peacefully on hia bosom it the bud that once was ount mother father grandma grandad st georges anniversary impresseve services in united church 74ln anilverwiy ibc bail ing ol fee parish lh h il ml rich uiunli lint smilij m of u think glsliih i liiruitir ui il wirv ill ml i l lurvft mhivrn tfnli in in ill in ruing llll i k111iik lh lu ixtrun with llit tl lit i uonul thi holj t tiiiimuuioii ut uk mil il llolok thin wi i inn u limtion tin holy torn imiiilim with i spit nihil ntnuonh tlu he- i iainl kisfor of lidadtu tl emen crctfll u4r af ft am men divuw scrvlc li ike eveilif obituary htfdlhilk lukitrh many of lilt ulitur n si i nu geurgotovri iillrviul with ngrvt ol uie deutli o r redtncii illium barber wl tinl it lw lion portland onkun on oil slh n twth jeir ri hia been ailing bo wo tn uio from a suneus throat troubk iml ins beta n liable to v his voice for lnnuj weeks the deceased was the second s of the late joseph bnrlxrof willi batik georgetown and was bom the home of i is late father on mini 8t south he iivul in town till the jmir 1900 whenhe renuvedto selkirk man n manager of tic farm mttresia of the late sir illiato nn home clun lltie conditions compelled inm to leave thi post and fek the milder pacific co ist mi in the j inr 1902 he removed to portland w ht n hi has since re ik was wed and fiwourat ly known in all his iuii uriuiuces in town mil surrounding terrntorj 4lid wiii si man or sterling north in munli 1889 he m irned mi teua gordon daughter of thi paatoi of the baptist churchin townut that time whojurvives him together with a son and daughter dr fred bar be i and mrs geraldine khcn lioth of portland ilso by a brother mr w alt erll barber and a sister mrs v fraser both of toronto bum 1 took place in port hud on oct 7th i uk out tun si mntll mr u ll stewarllown an old tyme halloween social will be held tn stewarttown hall on thaisdajr evenmg oct 26th under the anspiccs of eaquesing women a institute admission 35 and 16c watch for further particular next week the esquesmg women lnttituu held their regular meeting at the home of mrs lohn appelbe on friday oct 15th there was a good attend anceand after a auccessful buniness meeting a dainty lunch was served by thehostea ash grove duiled church oliierred the 66th annitersary on sunday oct 17th large congregations were present rooming and evening and greatly enjoyed the messages of rev w n waddell of balhnafad who conducted the services special musical numlera were ably assisted by mrs m guy wilson norval and mr john hitching who rendered solos in their usual pleasing manner the ofcureh which has received sev era improvements recently was also beautifully decorated for thu occasion with plants emu and autumn flow ers the ladiea provided a bountiful sapper on monday evening after a hist class programme by toronto talent miss cook gold medal vio- lintstand mr fransfelliot violinist contributed several solos atid duetts miss olga gregg soprano and miss valpie eastad palermo elocution ist gave selections which were well rendered and heartily appuuded the pro gramme also included an address by rev mr caldwell a for mer pastor the services throughout were very successful uci torjbcfl of wn 1h iii to ill huuh niuiilwrt to iim worth ufthe otiitliii win nwilli tht j wen imir 4mg mautulit settliib of iwllol i owimiiiuji klt ii imi tlurtng tin offertory nutkr il smirti rhmkngniitg anthem 0 giv tluuks unto tti urtl t fa lively indittl i mrs s kirk flpltml 11 j taking tin wilo part the lluy stouts and jirl duldis of tin piinahwire prewnti ni iindir ill it ttllrship a mi llffortl bliu moiiluuattr all im fnuiitm fciiltltr rt3tilhtlj jatllhoiig it 7 ultk w is full loril and m inspiring lermoi i u tied i the biihop of tin st tin might hu ixmjn t qwui i i from hpheaiuni i 19 flu hiahup reminded the con grtgation ilut 74 jeanpin cunda i history nus a trj long unit on uino then is mostly forest with just little iloanugs here mid then made by those womlurfnl pioneers of ours the lirlj settlers hardships di loumgements and dithcultics wen laeed by thnni ith undaunled hrv orj and patience anil we their de- cetidants should take courugt for tht future not giing way to pessimism and doubt hut going forward filth ind itopt to greiter and bettor thingi the churtli in this place had been witnessing to their faith in god ind the lord lusus chnst right from those early diys before confederation was formedj ind we should think god for giving us such a goodly licnugc under lour hed nigs tht bishop spoke of 1 canida our countn i the huaeh founded hy chnst m the uppt r room at w usaleni 1 the branch of the church hwhieh ue belong the church of tingbind in canailn 4ourelves m relation to god ind the church he pihuled outtteit people outside canada mm very optiiuistn about her future and tht great place she is destined to phy in the life of the world and we her children must see lo it that ui live up to the heroism and faith as displayed by our fore bears with regard lo the second the church founded by chnst al though individuals in the church may fail although her friends betray her although men and women of the church do not always live up to their high calling in chnst yet nevertheless the i hurrb cannot fail she lias i wen persecuted and scomedjet tlio prqmjoe of h e r founder reuulna truo the gates of hell shall not prevail against her the bishop then spoke of the church of england in canada and explained how the church functions through the general synod the provincial synod and thei diocesen synod the latter having to do with the assessing of the stronger churches order to help to support the weaker churches m the diocese and also to support the missionaries working m our overseas mission fields in india china and japan and in our own dominion amongst the indians uskiratf and- white oettlers he asked the congregation to get to kno this work information being always available because i person an only give in tell i gently whan they know the needs of the situation and under stand something of the task wliich it is trying to accomplish in con elusion the bishop spoke of the in dlviduals rotation to god to jesua chnst and the church and eloquent ly pleaded for a more personal con sec rati on of the life to god he quoted unsold darkle hymn which though not good poetry perhaps ex pressed the souls attitude to its maker it s me lorl i m the one thit needs the prayers its not my brother nor my sister its mfc lord its me the hrst lesson was read by m joseph beaumont lay reader and the second one by the rev c lamb the bishop taking some of the pray en and pronouncing the blessing at this service the choir sang very ably marks setting of the magnificat and nunc dimittlsand also the a them oh worship the king mi s kirk again taking the nolo in very artistic and efficient mann the choir were under th capable leadership of mr wm bradley and rim okohuetovin lzz afternoon at the home of mrs c day foot after a discussion of tl temperence situation in our province at the present time every member present pledged herself to use her vote and influence to safe guard the ontario temperence act putting pto- hibition uforo paltry polities mrs dayfoot introduced and led in a discussion on the league of nations allowing how important it is that all should be more fully in formed about the work of this great peace tnbunal she suggested asking whether it were taught id connec tion with modern history in the high school also that the young people s societies of the vonous churches he ashed to make it the subject of study at one of their meetings dnnng the year and that the library board he asked to put material on tie subject in the library where the oung people will have access to it with permission olthe library hoard the bulletin of the league of nations will be placed on the library tables for one year by the loa1 council women arrangements are being made lo haw mrs j a wilson of ottawa president of the national council of women speak on the league of rations at a public meeting in the library in the near future i ik mtmi ii lln i mutl lnr li sniidii in iimig otf 17ib inn wof hi 16 mini who hatt ihtii h l e itign gal urn wi it midtii tl ititb lh oill of tht y mi rnbin tunlhghh interrsiiig ami lit pi v iiiuressn at m f m ibe ut pre iiiled mt null laing pre lit nut illkllfin kijit tin illrriiwii hil dr a m mfilhtmy iiftornli iuj iistttl ii mitor kit dr dufel lijlhi servkt thi latter ut the jut stums pntunbttl by tin iliunh tht fuli melit i uid it tin o igrt gatloli and alter prayer ly the form formally mdui let them into olllcf mcgilliray then preauhed very pnwaifelj from 1 connthuuis 11 ve arc lalhiun n toget her with god art 11 a huskuulry e an gotl a building the points wlm h lie 1 1 1 bomted were lit orgin izntiiin jml tiopei ill- ii li 1 l oust i nit u tiui 4th glonliijiliuti ohii g in llib ludispohitiou if m ins buck mr 1iaiiiiore of toroi hi pre miled skilfulu it tin organ mil tht choir limit r the ihli dint tion f m rs gladys it ms morgan uf tut on to rtlidtrtd ury t family two lutlicms whilt mre j lit fillowttl up the message of the st ruiuii w it li i smgn larly api ropnatt solo credit lodge no 1 a 1- a m worshipped in a body on sunday evening ott 17lh in the united chun h me dr dickie the mints ter of the cbuah preached an exi el lent sermon from matthew 0 33 seek hrst the kingdom of god comparing tht game of living to that of football he showed that just as the coach endeavours to arrange his play ers so as to produce an evenly bol meed line so every man must ar range hisannsand ideal b in such a way as to produce an eveufy balanced life hoot ball rules require seven men on the linn of scrimmage and in gnat game which we all must play thtre are seven osstntiils needed produte m iti a well rounded per sonality which will ultimtily bring us victory these he took to be luon ey hualth education pleasure home hnd others and- diameter but in the line- up of these essentials wi must place hrst a lofty character if character calls the signals and di recta the team play others will he served home will neer tie neglected money will be made pleasures will be engiged education will be secur ed health will be developed but none of these will be allowed to wreck the life or to be so overem phasized as to prod nee an unbalanced line and as chnst and character are fuiipamen tally the same i he thing or us to do is to in corporate his tear hi ng in our lives and to be dominated by his spirit then when the final whistle blows the great referee shall declare us victors for we have fought the game of life and fought it squarely unselfishly and intelligently with our evenly balanced line a very interesting program was given at the regular meeting of tre jmrs bradley very effectively pre- local council of w omen last fndfiy aided at the organ bein assisted both loming and evening by mr jack iompson violin the charth look fid very pretty indeed thanks to the efforts of miss young mrs atkins and mr s kirk on monday evening ii rtry hi fill men b banquet was held sunday school room when a large numbotof bur men of the rongregu tion were present and partook of the very sumptuous dinner provided by daughter of the church mr geo coppley of hamilton chairman uf thi national i ay mens committee was the speaker of the cvmingand very abh dealt with the admims trutinn of the church of england in flnadi jl earnestly appealed for support of the miabjonsboth at home and abroad and gave a very instuct- ie report of what the church nf england was doing for the indians and eflkimau in the matter of edu cation and religious teaching kev j c lamb of nantieoka made an earnest appeal for mi n for tht ministry and spoke of the hfthi ships endured hy the clergy and lay men in the western provinces at the present time during the evening the program was interspersed with community singing violin solos lij mr lack thompson and humorous sketches mr greenwood softball league scktme 4rwi dfflnl e iiakmm tkarsfcy eveahi at i very enthusiastic meeting held at the arena on monday even ing a georgetown and district soft ball league was formed office re elec ted and schedule drawn up ail games will be played in the arena on tuesday and thursday evenings of each week when two games staged the arena company bate gone to considerable trouble and ex pence in making the lloor suitable for this purpose having put a coat of heavy clay over the entire skating surface and in consideration of thu it is deemed advisable to charge the amah admission fee of 15o for adults or2 for 26c 10c for children over 10 yt am and children under ten free two games will lie played each even ing and a good seasons a port is ui tlcipated eight teams have lieen entered as follows nona lime- house glenwilhams k c k c class of presbytenao church 1 c u c class of the united church firemen argonauts and business men the officers were elected as follows prfcddentmr n ii took 1st vice pros mr chas brown 2nd viccpreamr jos scott sei treas mr m long schedule octobtr 21 norval limehouse vs glen october u bus meu vs argns liorvnl vs firemen october 28norval vh i minimus firemen vn husincrs men nov 2 k c k c vs glen i cuc vs argos nov 4norvaus glfti i cuc vs i imehouse nov 9kck vs hut men firemen vs i cu c nov llglen vs firemen i c uc urorc nov 16 icu c vi bus men- firemen vikcrc no 18thbui men v ine house norval vs k k nov 23k c k jflen vs kus men nov 2h firemen k 1 imehouse icuc vs sorval nov j0i cuc vs leu fin- men xs argns dec 2 argon vs i mi hmise nerval v bus men dot 7 glen vs argos nnt house vs kck no players will j allowed on the diamond unless he is wearing the softeoled running shoes thin rule will be ngidly enforced so as to pre- wrvt the surface our empire and how we of it an illustrated lecture in thf lown hall on tuesday evening october 26 th admission 25c children 15c flannel dresses just arrived w ye have now on display a a fine showing of womens a misses and childrens flannel a- dresses newest styles and a seasons best shades well reprc ii sented dresses 8 to 4 years 375 and 395 misses and women dresses to size 46 495 and 565 mens wear ie5i uk dbrillcoj georgetown o a garage late speight garage hepairiig on all malf qa of oars batteries repairm and charged machine work wluard baturiaa riutou tlr fall slock of wet radio aib batteries w hav m bat tat for nolurstab radio a battarlm en- qnir akout u wfmills oi sell your cream at home wtert yn cm gttltt highest 6rat a lat m prlte wool wanted for cash open every day also wednesday and saturday mgbti georgetown creamery co m saxe manager just a little girl who loved to sing you have a young daughter tins story is for you illltiu kotv of an onuno girl i utile girl who mivg jut btouk ht wu htppr wkkout knownif he duld had ai 1 ulcni tht putnu bought- puno and tagaged a tht gnl vat m rur tcttu and had abmswl ht fuiubuncncab of munc playing with omudanblc skill befort ahc ralmd hat piaao arudy in her caat wai to bt mppog anew to vocal arudy sim had a votaa vaa makt othtn luppr ai wao a htntlf it wat a manx at rach mat kd hrr along d path n tucam today and iln u all a jroun girl wm a ttduatd m bm of cadaoai puati dnuraac our daughter may halt lattnl tauntto play ik ptano luptrbly to img to 6 a grtat violin ii whattvrr kr nwifesf ability it tan but bt dueovertd through piano tliidy tht ohm of all mittto otvt htr th advantage of tun up atr tar to tht purr tmu of a maton a rh th piarw with a soul the mmtc ttacher masonpslsch 105 wyndham st- tnelph cold water always joints beef mutton pork ana ham ar perfected by the ting of maiurd should be cold to give the bett effect and the mustard should nixed 10 minutes before the meal eerisflastari aids digestion peabody overalls the overall thai gives service overalls and woik punts pants th lalest styles new material the best val in diesa pints we have yet shown i w to 5 shirls new plain and blnpo efecls 98c to 3 ml work shirtu qualily goods 90c to 2 vi underwear exceptional values in menu fleece lined shuts coats drawers yid combinations from 98c pyjaroatfand gowns a new line ol windbreokeu from 3 95 lo 6 so sweater coats the newest effects in fancy and plain 2 25 to 6 50 soeks new lines of ball and winter sox in plain and fancy caahmereb wool silk and wool romi25c to 100 gloves and mills work gloven and mitts dress gloves 35c up see the goods jacksons georgetown station garage all kinds of auto repairing ah classes of boiler repairs seryfce ant firttclat workmanuhip gasoline and oils we guarantee all work to be satttfactory doc chase proprietor qavxaa coraar king qoaaa btroata otoriittin phoke 343 see ibe values brantfordak fob your barn roof tjse branrtord arrclock slates ncither galei rain now nor frost can budge thorn and they last for years the low price and small laving cot make them the most teoaqmlcal toot uf exceptional value you can lay them over the old shingles is brcudford trfrpflnc ltttj brantford ontario stock carried t information furnished and service on brantford roofing rendered by georgetown lumber co ltd georgetown fetbeu dtfoteil crowley 2 bulb iwiie hotre and batteriea com plete jo 00 omikde foreal croaa- icy 1 bulb torn pi tie with musiccme ami batleiei 75 00 w n browne ft co norval 2i colt tot bvavu s lo veara about 15 blni apoly to vm mckinoon care of hon 229 or 26 george fnlale oxford ram uunbt ahropihire ram lamba also zahrapihlre berling rams all eligible for registration a n stark phone 99 r 21 georgetown 2tp pfinne j30 wasted aim 100 cords of hardwood m lmowraoo georkmown te kamt 6 roomed bouse on murdock street clecinc i jhi waier nude newly renova led immediate possession apply to ii t arnold it hoa7 for sale beat clover honey 15c por lb amber honey 12 l2c per lb a r vanatter ann si georjtelowo r r no 1 tf flrdo sleel range with reservoir and irmidg oven m 6tsl class condition irs r c cleave phone 96 r 4 geonta far bale 1000 wnti electric light plant with new 80 amp hour battery once 200 just the plant to hgbl your country borne and lot light power walter t evans tf teremt garage celrly located i rage centrally located in george- apply lo geo dobeon phone 126 ire1 as ofa ferbeu ford tour ng car apply al herald office wee for sale i bave mrcured a large quantity of dry beech and maple delivered anywhere w lownorglenwitliani at 91 00 per load about a cord of 12 inch woqdi also cut rails i jjoo per load and mixed weod ai 350 per load j brandford box 490 georariokn phone 135 r 4 apple waste will pa v lc a pound for hand picked culvert i delivered in barrets nr boaea to g w hemngtjd georgetown if ndgribwkwosrnermyctirdoftmltsutt legs whheyowloolagoorfmcmr rormertaty it nold of some stuff t hart puts new rfc into roof barrett liquid elastigum save what youve got is sound advice- if you can keep your old roof tight against the weather its poor economy to lay a new one coat your roof with barrett liquid elastigum make it leak- proof for a long time to come we recommend barrett elasttgum be cause we know how good it is a layer of this compound of asbestos fibre and high- grade waterproofing material gives a new protective coating seals up every crack well be glad to talk over roofupkeep with you today fffe endorse your requirements for fall hardware w will be well taken care of at thit mtore window lisssjtlo per do u inilow gins utx u per din u h1 v this 1014 pei df7 muli 1 fiiiip r mills per i idve pij per h n th h fctrit yil r h thompson co elastigum h unlmi globes 3 for cold ma iantorn encli 1 plj rooting psr luftre huilmiig piper per roll 411 ind 60 win tungsten lamps 12 ringe shot gun shell per box ftoe umrnnlfed floor wai per ik tin 3ftj

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