Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1926, p. 3

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f tub okohqptown hkiiald oitnnei joth iggo a 1 lihliiiin md fcrr urceing a host of h them at tli selecumi i ihej form iids w h- jirihlimn ill nnjot ipprt i pri lu it u ippremi j i tun i hrgi n i ir hi 1 wraggettes drug store personal greeting cards nmmurlik gr ling lo 200 per dozen and up the nyal quality store local news items r ilfrfati hike tr ut t smith provincial hectioni iht 1st softball ul anii i unmurim night the son ul i sheftiy it ilex theatre on saturday rernembea sheriff salt of heal estate in nort il saturdat ot t 2 inl at 3 pm anniversart lervices i presbyterian chun h georgi sunday october 24th oolf the held dy fi wllllh huh llollpolu unlat hill u htltli ill lttl golfws 1 in hi lust i tlinrsiluj u j o luck k i lu milk i udt imniursui elf rt 1 1 in pn rt attention wo uill uu sutherland h prorltihioinl i ltd in this issue dr sutherland has hud jeiirs ixpeneiue in eye tar md throat work work anil during three jcars overseas he was lu chnrgi of this specialty in the orpingtui ind hiiraahott military hospit ls ohlceat mibs matthew k main st softball m the areuatlmrsday m edhy d saturday teiiings evefihg get 21st norvaivs argoa and lumjhouse to glen eatronsof tiietk l bus ser- vtae ate requested to now the change m time table in this issue it is not necessary to be a weather expert to obserm thit the eludes of fall am falling fast lol no 68stwnrttown will bold an invitation dance on friday nov 12th in the town hall stewart town ja number of member of ulcb road united church toronto spent saturday with mr and mrs leslie wmggette j h grtbara will hold an aut hon sale of cattle and horses on fn day october 29tlu ben petch auctioneer our empire and how we got it tuesday evening oct 26th under the auspicee of the public school board dont fail to see rudolph valen two in the sou of a sheik at the- bex theatre on saturday afwruoon and evening secure your tickets for the illnst rated lecture onr empire and how we got it from any pupil of the pnhhctschocl following the anniversary in knox predbytenan church a chicken dinner will be served ou monday evening oct 26th jt btanett leslie will hold a credit miction bale of registered and grade holsteinfl also 75 pigs on lot 22 con 10 west chinguacousy on saturday oct 30th the womens ajyyhary of st johns churoh stewarttown intend holding a bazaar the afternoon and vening of nov 18th further par ticulars later mr j l clark will hold an auction sale of horses cattle sheep and pigs at hts premises near norval station on nov 4th full particu bus in next issue a number of our lacrosse en thnaiaatb wen present at the braxdp- too wsston game at brampton on sttnidi when wjuton w defeat ed by a score of 8 to 2 two games will be played at the tool oa thursday night norval vs aigoa and glen vs limehouse ad miptwn 10c children over 10 years 10c children under 10 years free rxsp in mind the public speak ing competition at ashgrove oct 29tb opan to the county a silver jmp donated by the township of es- quesing ft to be awarded for highest prollaiency those old accounts you are car rying on your books mr business han can be collected by kelly aikens of orangenlle their rates for collection are reasonable and they bare many satisfied clients 2t despite advene weather more than 2000 persona attended the streetanlie fair on saturday the showing of outside exhibits was well nigh precluded by the rain and the officials were more than satisfied by mhe number and quality or the entries a social will be held in the dpited church glenwilhams next tuesday evening oct 26th at 8 pm a good program will be arranged after which refreshments will served in the basement of the church admission 15 and 25c kadi attemtlo a sale of hats and dresses for fn day and saturdaj oct 2nd and 21 announced li jean adams a discount of 10 per cent will lie allowed ou an hat that i hare stock the dresses are smart in style and the materials are flannel del wool crepe and potret twills sues 10 yearn to 40 bust im es 3 b0 to j18 fio storp opposite dominion store rwldeao dtnvd by fir on sunday evening alut 8 o clock the frame house in norval owned by 1 campbell and occupied by imttrllmmut tsikn t1 dont forget the novelty dance and eoobre to be held in the arena on fnday evening oct 38th under the auspice of verdun rehekmh lodge tickets 4to plus 3c tax oy wmr rmf aj wt the orpheus dance orchestra ts sow open or engagements addi bonalpieoea added if required old tune dances if requested for terms etc writs if us dons cash mayfield jftr1 brampton phone 3s6 j2 u ofbknim bhkmrtusy mrs wm mdoartney queen st celebrated her sfitttbirtnday on sun day oct 17th very quietly ou ac count of lunesa bhe received many birthday greetings and also many beaotuul flowers among which was a beantifal booquet of 86 mums given to ber by hsf family which were all present fsospt one daughter mrs j o bsrnqnet of plumas man who riaiti hsr thiaiummer personals it d nell rori l lo quilt villi fniiu l in linu larkiol iukeriiig i villi mm hamilton 1 yons l i uuil mm kithhcn i h nik ix nt sunilin in lh uotxlxlok 1 iiouiicihi thill hh i nau it til held in wlul irittiuin ultkrwl uit tin biijn and guln who brought in flit unial milk bottlch not m urnuit um no leas than il boltleswire lian ded in ilia miijorilj if thrm wn found king in i hint mid mil s i lamu and fnany ok sjhiit anil mr i h six nt sun hit villi wraggt hi kiv mid mrs dnughur huanoi sumlin ul mv denisoii mr george 1 it id lio lias beci uhiidinglhi past few mouths will i brother mr i p reid retunied h burnt in seattle w ashingtt ilrtlii moning 11 th pi till 1 1 ronto for 1 lie piul 10 week hh tin retult of a motor atiiikiun retunied i bit to be church news mapt ht church next sundu october j4th there mil be no morning service oil account of the anniversary services in knox presbjtemiii church sundaj school ut i 4ft anv and eteuing teniae ai usual at 7 p m st deorges cliuxh 8 a ni hol communion 11 am children s service with un address by the rector 7 pin evensong and senjon bj the rector all welcome united church next sun da j morning ocl 24th in the united church rev r turkoftoronto will assist dr dickie in the inbtallation of 12 stewards owing to knoi church anmverary the evening service it ill be withdrawn at the meeting of tjie y p s league on monday evening miss maiaie mcdonald was chosen as mr j king was totally destrojed the offiual delewite to attend the b hre the origin of the fire is convention of tho hamilton coufer- unknown and in twenty minutes the enceyouhg people of the united building was a total loss the alarm church in guelph on oct 21st aud was sounded in town and the ling 22nd rev dr dickie mrs arol nde responded but could render little 0 neill miss ibabell modemud and assistance beyond sating a fen ar a there will also attend lome of the tides of furniture sessions abmivaimit sarvlom the anniversary services will be viwii isltst held in knox presbyterian chuich i the women s institute will hold a georgetown sunday oct 24th quilting at the home of mrs j bal rev dr j kelt eraser of gait lautine jr queen st on the after will conduct both serlcos at 11 amteraoon and evening of tuesday oct and 8 pm special music by the 26th as the bale of clothing for the choir a chicken supper will be children e bhelter at milton will also served in the basement of the church be packed at this time members and on monday evening october 25th friends wi thing to contribute to its from 6 to 8 p m a splendid musi contents will kindly keep this date m cal program has been arranged ad mind mission 60 cents i tkukadvut dr nv 8ti on epii amd how w dot it tlianksgivmg and armistice day an illustrated let ture on our em will be observed on monday nov 8 pire and how we got it will be the recent statute fixes this joint given in the town- hall georgetown celebration on the monday of the on tuesday evening oct 26th at 8 week in which not 11 occurs but p in by the rev w j 8 pence of a upecial observance has been reques- tdronto this is an educational ted for the actual daj of annmtice feature and will benefit both young hon james a robb acting prime and old over 200 beautiful hand j minister stated today that in accor- painted sbdea will be shown during dance with the arrangements for ar the lecture which will portray both post and present events in the rank ing of the dominion admission chddren 16c provlasul busuoaa the revising officers will hold sit tings in the different municipalities of theoountyonor about the 11th 12th and 13th of november to hear appeals and complete lista the bst of 1926 whether as printed or already revised by the judge will be used all qualified voters should examine these lists and if their names are not on either part 1 or 3 thereof an ap peal v duplicate should be handed to the clerk of the municipality for time to do this see large posters or advertisement m next week s issue isinn d pmmtauh a delightful event of last week as a party given in honour of miss edna mcdonald a bridle to be by the officers and about eighty members of verdun rebckoh lodge after the members hod enjoyed a pleasant game of cards which was won by mrs h goldham a delicious lunch was served immediately after lunch an address was read by mrs p f blackburn n g and a tray of com inanity fiat ware was presented by miss lyla armstrong b 8 v g to miss mcdonald who with a few words etpreised her sincere apprecia qon of the beautiful gift a social hour was then spent in garner and dancing and the evening teas brought to a close by singing for she s a jollt good fellow jftas twtn wednesday oii hi blind god dess drama starring jack holt er nest torre nee and mane dresser chapter 6 of wdd west comedy love and kisses fnday october 22- wild oate lane a remarkable story of down trodden hnmanitj starring viola dance and robert agnew coined mr cinderella fox news satuiday oct 23- matinee aj 3 p m the son of a shiek with rudolph valentino aided by vilma banky in the best picture of his career comedy fools luck cartoon felix in the gym gems oak vi lie orchestra pnces miu 15c and 26c night 26c and 35c coming steele of the rojai mounted by jamei oliver cur- wood the yankee senor tom mix justice day sanctioned by his majes ty the king the people of canada are invited to mark the occasion by two minutes of silence at 11 o clock thursday morning nov 11 this is ipecial observance suggested by his majesty and is in addition to the reg ularnoliday recognized by the par liament of canada for the monday previous t 16a sf tk llmlk long will this picture remain in the memory of those fortunate enough to bee it the bon of the sheik was rudolph valontino s but effort before the silver screen he was the dd rudy again and his work with out question ranked at the top of the best performances of the month rudy b old desert rudy s old fire his old love agnes ayrea his new vilma banky his horses and his tents are all here and howl ro mance fills the air every second rudy is visible the plot if you insist the child of that marriage between the sheik and the lady diana and what a child he grew up to be he rides like the wind fights like doug fairbanks on a busy rooming and his lovemaking is more tomdthaajln august afternoon in an accounting department in a troupe of french players tounng the desert he iteholds his love she is fan s eyas at night beneath the desert stirs he woos her and she erj verj hnppj to bo won but her father wants thi y oung sheik s monej her fathers onfederate wunu the girl so drama hen kudj i captured tortured and held for ransom freed by his own men he believes the girl has betrayed bim he vows revenge and captures the girl ndmg off to his tents with her frail and sobbing in his arms the rest is what makes this picture an forgettable rudj plays both father and son ideallj vdma banky is perfectly lovely as the girl and we expect every fan in the country to be saying it was rudy s best can never forget him tfc milk bouim oo tt khlblmk ii n uirtiu g i iiilod t liu i forublt nnoan ant of iiih liottlti ml anniversary pluo jkri vidor orlbwpboir otter idijs i iii t scale henry herbert v signs made in mason ruuh i td h uiid bt liter free nfl finish 1 ou choose ut fin torj cost 39fi00 pay onl 10 00 do n and 30 00 cry itjni months till pmd a vie tr oillmiihoix mu intuition with u icleuioiis ot new 1- jti onu ol i our ow n loiic fur 1 19 51 mg nult 10 hi i ish and liulance 8 00 lltjitllt tllhikclll of furs as wt 11 hh bargains in used puuos 1lajefv phoi ogrupha exungitl should bo taken advantage of ut r fifty j ears of satisfactory ileali 1 canada s largest piai our guuruntw pay direct to our factory branch at huulph and the middle man s proht now wrlli today for t uts and order fonus addresb mason riadi ltd guelph of court of revision of voters lists notice u hereby given that a court will be held pursuant to the ontario voters list act by bis honor the judge of the county court of thecoun ty of hal ton at the council chamber georgetown on the 3rd day of november 192 oclock in the morning to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the voters list of the municipality of georgetown for 1926 ited this 19th day of october 1926 f l ueath clerk ot ibetown of georgetown notice of court of revision of voters list notice ti hertby given tbat a court will be hetd pursuant to tbe onlanoi voter lul act ny mil ffooor the judge o urn county court of ihe county of hull en at tbe township hall on llw stb dat of hovemqea i9ge at two o clack lo hear and dot ermine comptainii of error and ommlnloni in tbe voten liil of ihe muoicipality of eiuueaiiig for 192fi dated fith day of october 1926 g o brown clerk of esqueiiog auction sale cattle implements tho undersigned baa been instructed by olabekox b wmnsld o sell by public auction at lot 22 con 10 baqueeing on txrarcday october asm at one o clock he following csttte holstelo cow due feb mlh mi h ing well i holsteio cow due march 2 milking wall holatekcow due march 13 milklnii wetli holttetocow due uarch21 mtlklak wellt rolangua cow due feb 19 milking hourtrfn cow mllldng 2 mo uaifaam cow milking 3 dim houteio cow mltkinf 3 1 2 noi bred aug i9t holitem cow milking 8 mo bred aug 26 holitela cow fretb 2 mot i houieio cow dun dec 29hlstera beiferduedec 24 holsuln bull pure bred 3 yesre old not refrlstsmli implements- ummj karri 12 boe drill in good repslr sltatsyharrm 13 loatb cultivator lo good repair set diamond looth barrowi 4 sections ckatbain fan nmg mill with bagger bay rack 1 w yd tim isnui offered b a in a direct drat claim agninut the properly whfch secures it b is secured by a property which has a large surplus of value above the amount of the entire bond nwue c is surrounded by every safeguard which legal skill can devise d is trusteed by a responsible camuh an trust company and guaranteed as to payment of principal aa they write u tor ortnla united bond companyjltd h r muvims windsor ont georgetown now is the time to choose your christmas presents take advantage of our lay away sale any article in stock may be picked out and put away till xmas now is the time while our stock is large a small deposit only needed to hold it wilsons jewellry store oneill block georgetown credit on approved joint note w a wilson bfn petch clerv auctioneer card of thanks and also neighbors for their which destroyed m j w campbell jard of thanks asehttanc and kindness c8aadajvsningsstwbei th house occupied by tbtm wudtitreyedby fir wentworth and peel counties is esti mated at 70 per cent of but year or 57000 barrel the spy crop along the lake shore u now promising a geld of 60 per cant of but year olorpnupecta are fair while six is norms it is forecasted that the feuewtef number of care will be ship- ad oakvfllrso burlington 100 ironts sojtnd dundee 16 credit auction sale of leclstere ucrae mitdii i s rii ttie under xned bas received loilrucltona itatutt lhui to sell by public auction at oak grov frtm lot 20 6tb con vteal cbngua couay on good motoi rosd en satordaty ootolwr soth at 1 p tbe follow njc rrgiilered houtetni walker queen de boer no 64437 de dec jothi joee- phnetenaengano mb3i620 full how i loute abbekefk de ka no 91964 full flewi ponliac anlagano no 91919 full aowitenaeo mane sfvu no 120912 due lime nfulf pontine sylvia walker 209111 due dee u 8 rrade holatema- liolltein cow due oet 20 houueio cow due nov 1st hot atem cow due no s holtten cow due nov 15 black holetem due nov 15 red hotaura calf ot aide helhein be fer calf at vde holitfb cow calf holtten cow full flotii tttue hetbem due dee 10 hotitein cow due jan 12 bloe cow due nov 20 panjrney due time of tale durham due not h 2 well bsed jeney heifers one freth one due dec dec mi 6 boutemheifciii to frsahrn in feb j holmain beifer calve 1 year 3 boutein heifer calve pij- 3 otmtbtrt mi w ih tm pp 1 week ok 2 ork shire wi wllb i pig 2 week old vorkah re low due lime of eat 16 pigs weaned 2 wsck 14 pig iital weened fore bred tamvtonh boar 1 2 year this slockw ii be eold withwt reserve a tbe proprietor hts been forced through 111 fceskfa to give up ike dairy business term all unl of 20 and under lo be cash over that emouol 12 mootha approved lotnt notes 6 prr hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the best prices i office town hall ford car wins out thursday bargain day olkn aii day specials ii mil itt hlm 111 i boltll umiii r igl- br ul jrili t i jon lenst tder i t 1 milk silfl d i um pi is lur kippoi s lor chicken a iihlu hulk ibittti lbs for king oscar brand snniii j mcbeanco geortiettlwn erwingoldhams meat market while fish salmon snaeks fillets baddies all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 norrhmctoims saturday treat a lovely white manhmallow fur o at i very low pnee while it lasts saturday treat 25c lb weekend chocolates md soft teutre and vanoui 32c lb untoi weekend chocolates halloween special a nice i beit j chocolate carimel urth 40c per pound special 29o lb ureai kindly leav i puffs ami crumpets ou wi lussday and saturday tour order if you reintrc any ou those days arthur norrington malh it phone 89 the perfect loaf is uked from the perfw t flour buy our whole wheat flour and jour mone h uurcliasing the finest grade that the market af fords from the golden wheat fields of the west it is milled into i health building nutritious food norval flour mills w b browne co proprietors norval phones municipal s43rsl georgetown 90r2 101r22 brampton 83tr8 il ii irrfflinc grandys the pure rood 1tobe i soap and cleanser i 1 specials b trlflm nfftl i the proterbial thrill thit comes once ina life lime came to hundreds of ford owners at the etm riir i ondon on sept 18th when they saw a standard ford romp iway from hippct and chi vrolet conipetitorri special five mile race on ijnwn s park trat k the ford finished near hundred jurds aheid of the other contestants making the live mile 7j7 the race was a epeeial feature of the fair program rpiultiig from a challenge issued bj lh hippet represcntatnes ui nil owners of light cars the spectators aw a thrilling race despite the fact that tho ford led the whole way for the fint four miles the rontesl mas exception iflj keen between tbe whippet and the ford but the chet rolel was easilt tapped thewhppet made good time on the conn n hut on the straight iht ford ooroed ahead like a rat ing ctr r ford cars are sold by ben fetch auctioneer ha main st north formerly brown garage lomfort petri hue napthi ind somnie 10 iwrt bnap 2 tins lux 3 pkg old dutch i 11111 bob0 clennsier i tint drano per tin w ashing sod 1 1 pks kinso pkgs doltl dusl for silver glokrt start h 2 pkgs sdap chips lbs star ammonia pkgs gillex per pkg lion ami aki or n b 1 1 a m grandy 1 phone 7b sshsudiis tmtrulth rtsbsl dtuvtrj

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