Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty hhst mlt pc 111 u a i kin georgetown wednesday evening october 27th 1926 i 60 ht an i urn in d die georgetown herald j m moore pfclna ul proscutor maaaw du waaalr n paper asaoslatu icir riaa f 11 faht u askinger 7 am pmieotter aueengor leuriain 12 64 pro mail pd80der mdpm mail a w p ni paasengor a 25 pm puaeager si ulay oorjo vkh1 mail 7 b arn laaaenger 41a vm passenger h14 pin mau 0pm passenger 6 oa p 111 paoatylker 708pm paenanger si ia 10 21 urn q01sunobti1 mail uooam mail 1 65 pm ool no boot uful 11 15ajn mail 7 84p m cauda nauaul oectttc lallways tomu baharau hallwa eastbfltrad westbound daily daily train train no 719atii mol78flam 9 67 h1h 8 b 86 ftro 6 11 67 am sl86am s 1 67 p m 7 1 5 p m 10 8 57 p m fl 3 86 p m 18- 6 57pm 11 85 pm h 7 67 p tn 18 7 86 p m lfl 957 pro 15- 9 86 p m 1811 58 p ru 1712 06 a m special hour service during tin period of the cmadiui lutional hx hi billon dhkemr uaioi m hies vmm westbound 35 am 236pm 805 pin eastboqiul 10 00 a m f 2 00 p m 7 30 p ni waiting room at nomngton s store w j holliugei gen mgr directory milton wallbfltoqe a oali arriatora aqllattara cw toronto and oaonstuwa qacai ilanad olock u box dais inafaargt at ooti oo man barrister solicitor etc olbco mia st georgeiown how uwip b opm wtoily and saturday acog- ntimi hwimikc bmsaaoaauaiokaaonrbnra hoars 9 a otospo opts w4nodr and sat e bju fe t mux mm uwnet to ana i to i oam saalftaajeftnos mala su sfratfc onpoalu pttrrtartaa church morw boh k ftiyaictan and surgeon hll ftut georjatowo phone 21 fizhoam sarnoo grace hospital v toronto 3io v wiixijuw 6c twewhhei street 0ttehoa4 1 i3and6bmn jaobyapyoto tkawaay r i h mn in uua block one door nortt a onallla carrta raetorr ho i a to to 9- dr l lfcivfejlbktu veterinary surgeon rfcaf ham il monn 0kokoktowv opractio t bvmtrtotty asasaaw i ut vhtawftamr w tba mm complete and upto dkte i ocke cwropfaeuwjly in ontario 4miluir t cklramrmotor fahwomawtl jarraprmrtloa oibce oexl to o m4ti garait woaiayfcsaturday3lo9p ro oilier dyi and hoora by aaponl meni tpnihn realden- 160 t muu phone aistuedat and 1r fcrvice iy 2 to 9 pm 3el wh wium ttnertkr end jlilflebaed embalner alttt or ur or pmmmm royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries i fruit in season see our windows lor specials in groceries terms cash forster georgetown slelbalebsy dont forget your wife lihes our candies be ft we have thejthoitest line of fresh built and box chocolates in hatd and soft centres also cherry centres take home a pound of ne1ls0ns broken chocolate special 39o lb fresh tobacco we carry a complete line of cigars cigarettes fine tk coarse cut tobacco and plug tobacco see our new pipes cigarette holders e youngs maim street phowe 161 stainless knives this week we aie offering dinner and dissert knive with white handle equate or round with fiith stainless blades made in sheffield england lirt siip set of six t 5 diuner sia net of n 150 abwillson jeweller next to hotel mcgibbon farm for sale 8500- 200 acres good house and karui good orchard school churclips anil miirket j a aberdeen batata brafcar rkwew georgetown see aod price oar beich jjoekc cook stoves wo sell fine line of tonl electril and coaloil heatera don t fail to nee thu new cotemna fireplace or heater stovepipes 20c each crwl hod from 90c to si w ruraaci wmpnt 20r and 35c package evertliii that will maktyn etsy jm win tm li bt store n ve rpwialiw in shot giiii ami nllis hunter axes pl inter mitts anil glovcs html ami unhued don 1 rraezp jour hamls when joii can git n pair of rnutn at low irwt buj jour kvpitwij rulio bmtpni- nou a iipw rotu plilelint jtiil in mr farmer dun t nutir the wfoki our ham with a shingtp not for ears has gla hern wo li pnf kifu coms of glass just in let us sure joii monej graham clements phone 25 the store where your t goes the htrtheat bond interest when your interest coupons become due or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds deposit them in a sav ings account in the bant of montreal txe money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest fot you j b wallace monag georgetown branch rank of montreal established i8i7 m is good tea tea 9tedslcicolangtmot u vxxsa ocdwctityouiliicttuiumc sell your cream at home mere y u tt he hlglhsl 6rwle j he bwl frice wool wanted for cash optrj every day also wednesday and saturday nteht georgetown creamery co m saxe manager aanta tor main ttactvaai sap oraf tewatw r vrji ta4i bothrantte fr heater cosyhome quebec it heats it cooks it baks rprtmd hot water burns any fuol is reasonably priced laade fat three atacv suitable foe any khchoi two hole direct over the ttre issurta rapid oooldag large top feed door and extmatoo fuel pocket permit teerfing31 tnch wood grate are adjust able to ahallow firebox for all fueu for aoppbea plenty of hot water at all tunes one of tli neat flexible stove ever de- brfdcd and exceptionally well adapted t the canadian ettmate omtaini the aame fine tnrkmanship and roatciiala at an found in the lawom happy tbought r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown mabtar amhtrono canam bv harw trhmjght ramsjjrnaces tk two cotr had wib u ul puram il ttii ir whj inlil un hf hh lu rlli in wnn m r lt limit hinuntmh w v tth m will iitikht ii y w i i tilt ami full wuri wi ir llumiiilj nal 1 ifourwj rtwanltd hut ot cuatd unm ltleti p m ami iidw this fact to us n plum wi ni haw twinmort ktiarditl wnpliihant ihkiih wiwuultl not lnrh and wullwc kiuw lliataclivi wurk v mild uiir iwat ilekmkr itut now this lo uur mlndh la cltar to ran tit mm of faith sine n we mighl imvi hpui mort tendi r wf yield ourselvlm ihito the swuy of hint uhb laktilur sins awiy and saves un fnim liur btindntus itut though hirfrratx within us niktit un painful ctrlainly rpmains wi might huvc shown nion kindniss alwayx claim ihro wc miglii in puliinci gentknesa and iovl likl ihose who souk the thing ubove we might havl bren more praytrful t wauson thi tntcrtammtnt given by the boys from the armenian farm georgetown ul tht capitol theatre brampton on thursday evening last afforded deep and lasting pleasure to several hundred people and gave a very clear idea of what is being done with these proteges from a land that not long ago reeked with massacre and death it was through the initiative of the local bay scouts that this visit wait paid to brampton and it was certainly a very happy method of executing mark of appreciation pur of gold hy bolar church ii mi mbi rs und udhiriiitu of tin on 1ristiytt nan chunh k 1 1 i if orshi n widnihiln mu 01 uth with thur puator it i w mulnmii in ihi diuir umuli llonibj win will ripnuut i tin lurg- thunh wu wtll ftlkil afkr tin huirmim s r marks ihi fol ng nunibcm wim tiillnl off on tin ipkmlid prikrunini hulu mr harold miohn smtih un 1 irihh sungs mr hannahon milton dud thi mibso humt unth m by mini beru of iht choir of omugh irisby tiriun church nuding jtnn irvink ncilutmti mury phiiik duit hur lott turmr und marj ftjichii the chanmun thin iullcil thi kci hi ih mat l oil 114 goigtuwn to mi forwurl lutemr t muhit ad an uddri a ftntl mr 1 douglm prtsinu i mr mutljun with u will filled puisl usiti mark of upuncm lion for his aiwuii iia inttrim mod ir of the thne tliarjis during the long vucilliiy riv muclian ripiml tn a viry muiire way und after call inj for wlunteera for thi christian ministry hi thunkiil oil iongngu ttoiia for ihur kind cxpnssion to him this time jamls peacock then i u few worilb on behalf of omagh congregation unil w h henry for hornby while messrs- turner and h amps tun spoke on behalf of the boston charge mr turn bull of the omagh session pasaaxl on kindly greetings ufter which thi ehairman called tor the nutionul anthim thi ladies of the three congregations then served a duinty luneh und the even ing was well enjoyed by all creating a splendid church community spirit the visit of the boys themselves will reflect in add it tonal help and gifts of various kinds to the home no one seeing the fifteen lads who took part in the performance and the wonder ful progress they have made in bo- coming good and worthy citnens for boy is as much a citizen of canada i a man could fail to be struck by the worthiness of such an object or to be moved by a desire to be an in dividual helper in the good work the lads came over from george town as guests ot the boy scouts and the latter took them around town in the time available and showed them the sights then entertained thm at the wellington cafe for supper this function took some time for they- found ground on which to talk mu tually and it was a real gettogether rov 1 w pierce and mr a alojt under were in charge of the party and responsible for the training of the lads and the program given in brampton the young visitors must be congratulated on the precision and promptness with which they ran off the different numbers these consist ed of choruses sung in english and in their native tongue folk dances and some athletics in the form of pyramid building i wonderful voices have these boys from a foreign land robust slvcct and tinging and especially fineih the higher registers they sing english songs however with the same rhythm as that which marks their native songs ami the effect iff peculiar and attractive their national anthem aailatad ag of thm of family 1 2s9 yart a huppy family gathered at lcbo lands the home of mr und mrs j d hcott 10th line lnn on satur day october lglh to ttlebrute witi mrs margaret scott her 90th birth day among the fortj present were only her four daughters three ten grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren but also her sis ter mrs christina gibson aged sb id her brother mr john sinclair aged 81 it was a pleasure to the family to have thesis three guests able to participate in the enjoyment of the afternoon despite her advanced age of ninety years mother scott has remarkable health and possesses to a marked de gree all her faculties with the excep tion of failing eyesight during the afternoon mrs scott with one of thi guests performed the scotch red to the delight of those present the living room was prettily deco rated with roses mums and other autumnal flowers mother scott the recipient of many good wish cs useful gifts and beautiful floral offerings the birthday cake was decorated with ninety candles after a dainty supper the guests departed for their various homes at george- toronto guelph preston and bclfountain and rhythmic to a degree their fine sturdy boaies carry them with ease and lightness through drills and dances which they do with a light lilting manner that is certain proof of health and vigor the flag drill was a happy combination of quick and slow movements and dis plays how keen arc their cars for musical phrases and time nothing appealed to the audience like the specuu flag number in which one of the boys gave the apostrophe to the flag and a small bugler sound ed the salute the remainder of the boys standing at attention when the brown skinned lad with the big faith ful eyes waved the union jack and said that it stood for freedom no one in the audience was ashamed to choke little at the thought of what the nion jack means to these lads cer tainly they have cause to be thankful for freedom and for the warm can a dian hearts which have helped them to the enjoyment of it the clever young lads are master ing the mouth organ and it was most apparent that over there in their homo on the georgetown farm they arc missing little that goes to make a real home the only one poor lads thot they will ever know until they light hearth fires of their own thej show every mark of well tended be loved boys and when they appeared after the program in their natty can adian suits thiy would be a proud asset for any community in canada at the close of trie program they sold calendars assisted by the boy scouts and hope to return to the town for a further opportunity of dis posing of more calendars in the near future thej will give their enter tainment before a packed house next time for the advertisement they have been receiving since last thursday night from those who saw their con cert was of the heartiest most gen kind con senator november rod and gun a fishing department of mon than usual interest with a good aggregation of other sporting articles seems to feature the november issue of rod and gun which is just published two good fiction stones are also included in the aggregation of outdoor reading matter mclean of the hudson hay by william c millar and thi blue buoy by b g robbinx an eventful snipe shooting trip is a good yarn of shooting on the ti da flats of the st lawrence bonayj castle dale writes of bait fishes of the bay de chaleur while j w win h article is this month on ckoo owl nnd cuckoos anion the writers in fishint notes this month are f merrett a well known angler owrk ripley and r h moor whose articles are supplemented by number of others as well as a good quenes and answers section c s land it guns and ammunition de partment has also an intacesting col lection of special contributions w c motley in outdoor talk this month deals with the woodcraft sign lan guage told to impreva same thetown council of orangcville on friday instructed h b church town solicitor to notify the caledon electric company formerly the cat aract electric company either to re move their poles ami wires from the streets here or to improve the service in the public interests the council maintains that the concern s franchise hat expired noles and comments miumr how tin chap who ilaims no oni rtnln the local pnpur lots not inline in ulwrtlsing s iirtuin thnt un item he feola will psr i print eoncernlng him is lorr it n mail wt ihi like to know whv ull tin ttcn i is ii man kl or does he iaally mi n 1 to knock thi medium hint n witlmi to till th world his good tuiali funtions jrrnliv magistrair bkuntofv of york county announces thul he wilt dial with eaeh individual euse of ipiilint on ha merits that seems to be u sensible decision there are tmies whin the legal speid limit may be cxcieded without risk there an imus hen nuedmg of any kind as hit eharacter of criminal care e s people who nd not to be limited to show knod judgmmt should be promptly lisiouraged from the hnn ii n k of motor iiira during the course of an address to the ftrilegiate institute pupils or brantford recently premier hon g h tergton declared thul he had m his possession the skeleton of the his tory that would bt supplied to ontario schools after 19kb when the contract expires for the present one refer ring specifically to thoseathing de nunciation of the history text books now in use by principal carroichael or kitchener he agreed that the hla tones of todoy were simply dianes of dates and tvents and full of the moat uninteresting staff ever put together it should be written ho said as a ro nance telling of the gradual moulding f the country s dofitiny many good items of news arf lost to the newspaper by the modesty of the people who hesitate to tell the re porters of matters concerning them selves not that they do not want it to appear m print but that they ore afraid they will be pushing themselves forward thm is the wrong idea from the reporters standpoint the man who will stop a newspaper re porter on the street and inform him that he has been away to some other town that he u goiiu to get married or his wife entertainad friends or pre ucnted him with twins is the beat man alive may his likeness increase throughout the earth if you haw done anything mean or disreputable it isn t necessary to tell it for there are always plenty of people who will do that for you it m the good things about yourself nnd your neighborhood that the newspaper man wants you to give him thi rev g w tcbbs rector of st luke s anglican church burling was unanimously nominated by the clergy of the deanery to occupy the post of rural dean for the sec ond full term at the annual session of the halton deanery held in bur lington last fndu the nqmination iw before the bishop for ratlfica ven archdeacon scovil of guelph presided at the nomination the fifth annual choral festival of the deanery was set to be held at oak ville on ascension day ma 6 1027 with the choirmaster of st judos church in charge of the musical pro gram an exchange of pulpits among the clergy of the deanery was arrang ed to be held the second sunday in november it was rttso decided to hold a siries of laymen s missionary banquets in various parts of the dean the bishop s annual visitation to the deanery vnis arranged to take place during the first part of decern ber in each year the rev canon naftel of milton was reelicted retary treasurer of the chapter the deanery chanter and the li ery women a auxiliary held a joint meeting at the close of the session mrs t e leather diocesan president of the w a presided and reports of the various branches of the work of the w a throughout the deanery were received addresses were given by several members of the diocesan board of the w a a very inspiring address was given by rev r m mill in of japan delegates and visitors to the meet js were present from oakville ham dton georgetown acton rockwood miltoni palermo campbcllville low ville and burlington beach business report ontario wholesale and retail tnidi shows improvement agricul tural implement manufacturers an i the finished iron and steel industries continue busy in the boot and shot indostry there is a marked improve ment in business and furniture fac lories continue actie tire com pan ire doing 4 satisfactory business with prices holding well and the out look bright motor car production while showing seasonal decline con rinues at record figures for this penod it th yuir pulp and paper com panics already actie find their mar ket still expanding while manufac urcrs of pulp anil paper machinery ire operating day and night and manufacturers of electrical equipment llso feel the stimulus of enlarging ic mands milling companies are opt rat ng on a more fnroi-abli- basis and lose to capacit agricultural con i it ions hae not improw 1 mnri last month continued rams an 1 oica nonal frorts have dnmaged field crop rti1t unhanestid root crop hnve llso suffered from otccssm moisture ikewisc tobacco in home sections this has been a good jear for fruits with the exception of peachis which are below awrngr- both in quantity- and a colhngwood man who ntttfmpln o hang on to 50 which was given him in error- by h hank teller was lummoneittlpforc the police magis rate of the town after paying tht ourt costs returning the fifty dollars and listening to a lecture from thi bench the offender feat let go hli followed his state ment when asked to return the payment that the mistake wu not hit terns of news art it obituary mrs jamas mckans the- funeral look place monday of temoon to union cemetiryot mar jorie bcggs widow of the site james mckane of union who passed away unexpectedly on friday lost from heart trouble deceased was the daughter of the late alexander bcggs of linwooel qnl where she was bom 7b years ago and where she spent the earlier years of her married life coming to union with her husband about 45 years ago her husband who predeceased her nine years ago was a member of the lyons family pioneers of the cheltenham district and the homettead on which mrs me kane passed away woe one of tha first farms to be cleared in west chingua one sister mrs mcllwain of cale don east and one brother william linwood are the only surviving mem bora of her own family she leaves one son james a mcksnc union and seven daughters mrs w a rcn- nie glen allen mrs j clarke georgetown urs timothy reld at home mrs ben pctch mrs tom an derson union mm gibson hamil ton mre george fraser ham lota man during her reel de nee at union mrs mckane was an active worker in union presbyterian church mrs elltabatk spraat in the death of elixabeth jane cross widow of john sproat who passed away at her residence on main street milton on tuesday last after an illness of one wecks duration milton mourns the loas of a highly esteemed citnen the decedent who is in her seventyeighth year was member of st pauls united church milton before taking up her residence in milton mrs sproat with her late husband resided on a farm in ksqucsing township where she was greatly esteemed and beloved in the district she is survived by three sons murray of esqucsing township adam of milton and john who re sided at home with his mother the funeral took place wednesday after noon interment taking place in ever green cemetery milton find skull in flour sack under building at acton workmen employed on the main street pavement at acton when clearing out the rubbish from the building formerly used by ross alex- ider of milton as a garage to maki jom for a car of cement came across paper flour sack containing a mans ikull buried there a few years at the appearance gives the impres jtrthat the skull may have belonged an indian been exhumed and re- buried how the skull eama to the place where it was discovered is a mystery a wonderful machine o home you nn a wonderful thing jio buttons to push no horns honk you start yourself no clutch iu slip no spark to mirs no gears to rtrip no license buyinc every year with plates to screw on front and rear no gns bills climbing up each daj stealing the joy of life away no ipceii cops chugging in jour raj veiling nummon in j our n- vn 1 bnir tuhs srv all o k 1 i 1 still thej rtae that wu jour spark plugs ntvor miss and fuss ur rnot ner makis us cuss vour frame good for mant n mile your body r rhnnfea in ityk vour wants few an i ras met jou le some thing on tht auto yet our dumb animals to b mamed jail on o 6 next bert d angelo of hamilton will be married in the hal ton countyjail at milton to a streets ville girl the approaching wedding i kl tne conscnt 0 attorney general given through in spector spooncr will be the first to be celebrated in the county jail here for 2fl years d angelo is awaiting tnal at the fall assizes here on nov lft on n rhajjre of manslaughter ana ing out of the senei of deaths in july from the effects of poison bootleg alcohol

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