Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 27, 1926, p. 3

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c 9 wmggettes ww stqe build strength personals illml uifii ill- nyal creophos hho n m i prepared ti lu n lu ji- mid ti nlum itrimliim ml otitis ltboimos mill mm r 1 00 per bottle tkemyaluality store locil news hems bee t lllrthlltmdowsroi shoe bargain 1 in big hi k rrtlui mg aale v read tht pjrtu ului- of j i clarks big aunt n snh of firm it out i this i boll ouh at anu double bultit r tih bill git willbeplued imik aruiiloiuorm tlmroltj tvniiug the four i it i ompt ting will id- nortal i 1 house fimiwn s itllsmi is l atluitimi will- 1 liilii- overllljears lth our kellj aiken of oratigt ville will collect thrw kid mounts of yours rite tin m for full partuu lars michael c niiellj presented the herald with some i ln bloom which he picked in his garden this morning j l clark h having i ing sale of horses cattle sheep and pigs on nov 4th on his farm at s o r i i i station yfru h for partlcul-ir- regarding the sale of baking and homemade goods to bt held bj the women or the baptist church t w gnei propnitor of the georgetown taxi servue wwhes his patrons to note hw new residence md phne number church si reet phone xrtf rev w j spence of toronto delinired his illustrated le n empire uul ho we git it large and appreciative audiem the town hall laut ei emng the reguhr monthly meeting or the womenh institute will be held on wed nov 3rd at the home of mrs b campbell factorj 6l a foil attendance is requested a buoceasful hifli sthool field jj held in the park on ocl 16 dptodate we have been unable f- igeta list ot the winners of the sherent events for publication concert and supper in the uniu ed church norval on thanksgiving night nor th the program will be given by the salvation army band of brampton admission 35c and 20c 2 mrs e e biuooti liaughirr or sir john gibson raieiischitt- hamilton will address the pupils of georgetown puhlic school on hum ane work for juniors on thnrsdaj afternoon at three o clock please note mrs j a willson of ottawa president of the national coaooil of women will lecture the pdbhc library on friday evening november 5th her subject wilt be the league of nations the excelsiors of brampton senior 0 ala champions were given a tine reception saturday night an their return from weston where they wrested canadian lacrosse hon ore from their rivals weston big stock reducing sale of boots and shorn at w c bartletts- mens good year welt reg 800 boots pointed toes 99c ladies crocodile leather pomps new stock reg 4 50 for 295 ladies luxite hosier new stock reg 125 for 79c j l clark will hold a credit auction sale of horses flattie sheep and pigs at lot 16 6th line west chinguacooay i nuie north of nor- val btatioa cjjr on good gravel road on thursday nov 4th at 2 pn in case of unfavorable weath er sals will bt bald under cover dr leannontb veterinary bur geon now practising in georgetown and vicinity is ajjraduate of ontario veterinary college he had 4 years veterinary experience with the cf a 2 jnin mtirtint to the state vetenn aqfiiowa and 6 yean general prac ticfl in wisconsin phone 340 2 main st n georgetown fresh lake trout at t smith batcher shop ifsrnl wbbsui on 1 u ut hold theimgiik itthehoiui of m huwa tnui oldetyme halloween social will be held under the auspices of the esquenng women s institute town hall stewarttown thurs oct 28th commencing at 8 pm prow will bb given for couple doing old tune wltx best dressed couple fancy costume best dressed conpli conuo costume best dressed junior boy or girl in costume a good mus ical ptograinwill be given followed by sapper and dance come and bring your friends admission 35c children 15c imtswim wednesday oct 27th homes starring jack holt and flo- tsnoe vidor chapter 7 of twild wet comedy charley my boy friday oct 29th yaukeotten or itamng tom mu and tony with aoms of the aoenes done in nature ioolow comedy heavy swelk fox new saturday oct 30th maunee at 3 pn suele of the royal moon tad by james oliver curwood with bart ljtell and stuart holmes coohdy whoa knuaa fehx cartoon felix muses his swiss ccnmg the calgary stampede with uootbsoo aimed at calgary tjtr one of the pest mys- uuttu i list hum nil nimilt nietiii harold funis i agin disim aikui dinim it address the meet iidanit lsrtiideilil 4th mr preudnt hiiomi a good ckiuroms t gaala- sunday last it si deorges chun li ltolnered is clnldnn h dhj it ml lesemeeahqlh inoniniif and imii ig were olkirn ed iik snt h sfh 1 1 il rauail ii4 funiushetl bj tht i lioir and the htaw en for tht hildren the rector ttei f awtm dehur hne admhes to llii s luldn u it both uer ices rawl sapper at hsrvaj dont forget the ton 1 supp r mult r the auspices uf tin 1idies smoia tion of the normal prealnurnn churui to 1m laid m the diurth fnday etinmg october 29th the committee have secured mini outside artists who n dl rendir a lira lass program admission 50t children 25t bars mmi crap dmtrayd the fine kint barn ind season grain of jameu hyatt near llutton vdle was totilh destrojed bj hn oi saturday the loss being ektimatcd st 7000 the fire was caused bj spoil taneoua combust kin neighbors wlto iponded quickly u the alarm man aged to save the live stock mr hyatt earned 2 000 insurance oh tliebani and 900 on the tontents mis i i k n i mi u i mrs k mi mil mrs r wiii lit l lr kuin h hr ml m 1 1 luil i simu ul msh i tlli i ml mis it i ml en in in lst misvs i illun in i viu mrshll 1 li i- 1 loi uilb mr tk ikoitlkttwn hrllal l l attend lodge at slreetsville i visitors iron drtrgclowa adorns brdkrci 111 ij i 1 1vh iisl mlwiirs ni i knr tark i l a r a a m sirvlsull tin itwt iu-i- ill lors li kr h 1- kni in ih i t ml xiiajiliti lli third l-k- v i iuuiitf lb u in in til i iii il i im in 1 forn ln jhllt ml m w alt n wtlmrs liis uiin iltiulpli i ii li 11 t uiri i luitmn sulu mil mi mi mis i ml mis i h hik wii in uw umk nt i iiik nnfih liiim iiiui i ut mlk mu nl i t iiipn ilii s w imior ngili tor i in id tl h mis viihii itis furin rh us n ml din ill spuit s dm llli i ii nil at trom chutigi her liomi in iliintmgdoiii qnbt- mr kmi who ins iki sp itlnik tin sum i r in cinial i left ill niln ri m m real mr m mr kjnn mil laugliur tail on satunlij frii s ork fur tht ir hot u rio 1 in iru ii nmgtht ir ihr h us 1 1 st ioiii hi mont nil conveiitioii of the progrttsslvus of halton will be held m the pnu iwss theatre milton on october 28 1926 at 8 p m for uie purpose uf selecting a candidate to contest tht county mthe approaching provtn cial election a public meeting 11 be held afterwards whith mil le addressed bj aithur roebuuk tor onto and others the public gen r lli are cord mill invnetl to attend this meeting ptoh mcolallan a prellj autuinii willing took plal in st johns 1iitil cliunli stntfonl on tiavlaj oil istli then dora i elder diughu r of mr nil mis ii b midllaii wits unit d in mirnim to frink r onlj wn f mr unit mrs ft lu chlun urn out k sluilej on n itth luting f1r limit hio is gi in hi liertnlitr won i prttt kohitofrom orthid t npt sitiu with esle of gold metallic black pi i to re hat blond siichs and fitockitigs she iirnetl i boutitut oi sunburst rosen ind lilj of tin mi lit and wore the groonih gift i wlnu gold wnat win h blie w is itttiyled by her sister mi hdith mikllin weanng i 1 iret halt crepe gnwii kith bhu k chet hjt md cirrjing butterflj roses little miss marone davis ousiu uf the hndt in ielowahot laffeui caie frock and poke hat of gold withrunbow streamer larrjmg a liasket of sweetliuirt roseh madi a rharnung hower girl the groom was wp ported by hwouoin mr allic graham of ingle wood mr mcclellan brother and mr russell durq cuukui of the bride at ted as ushers during the signing of the register mr c ii w ilkor organist of tla church plajed m organ solo following lie ion iminy il wedding iniuheoii wis served it tho iioihl or thi hndef parenta mr and mrs peuli left bj tram for afontreal cornwall and ottawa thu bride travelling in i freiu h haudmadi gonn of rust crepe kith suede and uequtii tmnming with liat to mauh and furtnminedcoat rtohlbluaa heellig friday od 2mta i hallm couitti prohilmioii lilioii kill hold a s miel ti the u pauls luited chunli uudaj vi10i uoui miltia on frnuv ui iih isi at k p in all llitercsltil 111 tin success of the ota rvfueiutl lu be prcsunt a 1 gibbons president 1 h ruruir ijrrttin su albanschurchglen williams was the scene uf a quiet wedding on wednwday last when beatrice mm erva daughter of mr and mrs lin ley beaumont became the bnde of lee ashford son of mr and mrs j e ashford glanford rev fh wase officiated and miss olive iogan presided at the 01 gau the bnde who given away bj her father wore a becoming gown of copper brown sat in with hat and shoes to match and earned a shower bouquet of roses aud hlhes of the valley her cousin miss amy beaumont as bndesnuud wore a frock of ashes of rosea crepe with small black hat and carried pink rosea tho bridegroom was at tended b mr arthur beaumont immediately after the ceremom mr and mrs ashford left on a short motor trip card of thanks mrjlobert fry wishes to thank the true blue lodge for their service and beautiful floral tribute sent in his sad bereavement by the death of his beloved the home of mr and mrs robert erwin john street was the scene of a very happy event on fn lay oveu mg last when mrs harrj qoldliam tendered a miscellaneous shower to miss edna modouatd who becomes the bnde of mr harold cleave to day- the house was verj prettily decorated for the occasion a large white parasol was suspended from chandeliar ui the dining room and bows jnd streamers of pale pink blue and maun were tastilj arranged around the tahlic the regard and esteem in whuh miss mcdonald is heldbj a large urcli of frnnds wax evidenced h the numemui ind be m lifnl gifts she received on this oeiamon and whirh w n mi placel tenuth thelargepirasil after flu bnli to be bad opened up the gifts a diiiiu lunch avs wrvetl bi the hosles and a very bappj ecniug ws brought to a close aulvcrsvy tsmm hmi victor 5ht onlariw hedlm coilesl the family herald and weeklj stirif montreal are offering an elec hun contest for the province of on tario in which they offer a total of 5000 in prizes for the best estimates to the total number of votes cast the forthcoming ontario election this contest is open onlj to readers if the family herald in the province of ontario the annual sulscnption price of the family herald and weekly star 1b 1 one years subscription entitles subscri hers to in ike five oatimatea in this election contest pnsent who reheu their sulio nption for 1927 now are entitled tn ui 1 mate providing the rt newal is sent in ilurtug the contest all previous familj ilcrd1 con testa hae been well conduct i and i ave proved verj popular the contest will 1 lost seiuil days lie fore the 1 lection aotuillj takes place r an annual rubscnptiou tee of 1 00 the reader reoenes not only the greatest family and farm paper for one j ear but also the opportunity to win a cash prize of 2 500 bj entering this contest readers well as new u bee rulers have 1 hung to lose et possible mu h dim t dcla tin time 1 1 isit rs iei i rfrt1 pr i hy slnstsmll t i f piihllh i hi ii 1 111 mwiliur h n 1 it sl iki 11 hs i ulilli r lisls wll mdlrnir llriiithi i u lli im ln uid sins l mil lol lwiiuasiaillmrg p i nil ii ii n- w ihjli it hmp nil 1111 m l 1 hrininon is ml 1 i ii itiilisl ilie m tmu inn s ii i i ink 1 in and miil- ui piwu iiti hinl in the tun 1 kit i it u itn rltrpiitl k ill- right md tn nil ol liorgetn v w urn insiisiwird ot nnnil faioied lhsurtlidiig well ntidire1 1 uli met her it v i 1 eri eiijivuhle mug in hn idlnss hru tniut spoke nmisieiitli 11i sntfitvilli when is lru 111 ib t in thomditys card of thank tirs lhsrltuworth and mr and mrs mcdermott hen by wish lo thank jr many friends nd neigh tw re ur thair kindness and sympathy extended to them in their recent md bereavement by the death of their beloved husband and father tbclaidaidchartawirth credit auction sale htrses cattle sheep ud pigs the underwit i his reenved miilrucli 11s j l clark ell by puhl ml il lot l 6lh e west chink n norval sialion cnr on rood k roj o 1 thnwdsty now 4th 1928 mil p m thcfolwrng horses black marc 5 yrars ttfm i tural bvmre5yrh digim lor lecu cljrde bf mare 3 yrs h d wy nlre 2 vn h d ty inure 2 yni ii d br mre ft yn k p bay oure 2 jn black geididr 5 yn h d brown 1 d nlly 6 mos old geld in y s ir rrh due dec u he pure bred nnd grde if at dr frb t 7n d yn due nov til cow 4 yr due ne ig cow5yrduo nov 5ih hciter 2 1 2 rs freih calf at aide heifer 3 jrn freth rslf t tide heifer 18 nionth freth liefer 19 monib due nov 2ik1 heller h monuin fresb cowttjein due dec 1 ow7 ym due feb im iheitnsi 6 moi iiolbredi2 heifer it moa not bred h tiler 20 mm no bred bul 14 mo elirible toregiiier jersey puro bred and gradea cow yn freth heifer i 2 yra due nov 8 belter 3 jr due nov isih heifer 21 monlha due dee lolb cow 7 yra due dec 23rdiconrbyr doe jan 5th cow 8 yra due hat lati cow f yra due feb 11 cow 10 yra due nov 20ih heer 3 jn due nov 2lbt heifer 2 yra due hit ind heifer 2 1 lyra due feb id heifer 2 yra supposed lo be in call heifer 2 yra due jan 24 2 heifers 18 mos noi bred 2 heifers 16 mot nol bred heiler 12 halloween euchre and dance in the arena friday october 29ui 1926 by the robekaut irfdco mosic by harold p mcnamara toronto kl hhk8 w1045 lacigtl everybody welcome admission 47c 1c tax 1 thursday bargain day kn a ii day specials i hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the best prices office town hall ford car wins out 10 t ii 3 jr eligible to rerhl i gmde shonhnracow s yra freth call al aide cow 4 yra fresh enw 7 tr fresh calf al side cow 6 yrs due dec thi cow 8 yrs due jan 6h c yrs due nov 27 2 heifer 2i mo nol bred 2 heifers 20 mot not bred bull 15 mot registered pikavorkahire sow due nov 10th 8 tamworlhpura to week ou yorkshire sow wth inters 1 1 pt 3 1 3 mos old sheep ii txesding evves black faced 7 ec is is bat 3 nun lambs sale to commence al 2 pm rain w ihine ifitonoj will sell uuder cover term all stunt of 25 00 and under iashi over lb u amouot 12 month credit no approved joint notes iv a wilson pen petch clerk auctioneer for ten days ou can buj a scale henry ilerbek piano nen sigrui made by mason dt bisph ltd bench and beltrery free any finish j on ehooseat factory cost 395 00 pay onl 10 00 downuidw 00 every three months till paid a tor qrthophonic new invention with 12 selections of hew v k rec ords of your own choice for 119 50 paying only 10 00 cash and balance at 800 monthly these special or fers as welt as bargains in used pianos players phonographs ei changed should be taken advantage of at once over fifty yean of sat isfactory deajtitfe bj canada s largest piano house yonr guarantee pay direct to our factory branch at goelph and save the middleman s profit now write today for cnts and order forms address mason ktsch ltd goelph uiaksmftlecnruf the only haftm i t asattr it eatavu of j sua halsa uaanasgs late of the town of georgetown in the county t halton spinster deceased notice is hereby given pursuanvto the revised statue of ontario chapter in section 66 that all persons having claims against the estate of the said jane helen huffman who died on or about the 21st day of september 1926 at the sajd town of georgetown are re quired to send by post or to deuvetfto the undersigned solicitor for the executors of the ettateof the jane helen huff roan on or before the 13th day of nov ember 1926 their names addresses full particulars ot their chums and the nature of the security if any held by them all duly vended by statutory de claration after the said date the ex ecutors will proceed to distribute the suets of the deceaaedamong the par ties entitled thereto having regard only to the dsima of which they shall then have notice and they shall not be liable for the assets or any part ot them to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of sucb distribution dated at hdhm the nineteenth day of october 1926 w i dick hilton ont solicitor for the executors l half lot 18 coo 5 e- afohiableflook free to every honschouct 32 par pscw ml oi splendu adw oa bekcnna meats fowl sod fab p of snt lor luasbna bow to rnist gmn tfane sod method how 0 tmnr and full desoripooo oi lb sew rfp covered roaster this book it profuse wwh uhnmaoaa sod easner theres a off free for youi snnply writ your mm brandi cj 1ms smrt hrtsl psoodcts co of caoa ltd scdtt ouuf smp covtea r0astrs the proi erbinl thrill that comes once in a life time came to hundreds of ford owners at the w titem puir london on sept 18th when they a standard ford romp away from w hippet and cfiei rolet lompetiton in special five mile race on queen s park tra k tht ford finished nearly hundretl y irds ahead of the other contestants making the five mde gnnd in 7 27 the race an n epe tal feature or the fair program resulting frgm a rhallhiigi isnued iy the hippet ivpreseutatives to all owners of light cars the spct i itors saw a thrilling race despite the fact that the ford led the whole waj for the first four miles the luntestwas exceptionally keen between the whippet and the ford hut the chevrolet was easilj lapped thevhppet made good time on tin com rs but on the straight the ford oomed ahead like a racing car ford cars are sold by h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage baking specials for halloween 2s pastry flour 2 domino brand baking powder 21 pure lard 59 sbt pineapple 2 tins 27 teas vfcan qui csamt si 695 ricfanllo 79 dslbik59 mixed nuts 25 lb freah muled rolled oats 4ib 2 5 fruits and candy thompson seedlem raisins 2 lbs 29c valencia raisins 15 u peel 2 aaorted cjj wines dates2ibs234j49l j 2flf 3 lb qq1 zftz msma ju sweetheart chest 5c queen olives 39c hallo jelly beans 00 or gum drops ji canned pumpkin large tina 2 for 25c telfer cream r biscuits 3gj ricoa in ffoatjee o wsoh frosa eats at tab st j 49c guirl llnl lalup 4 i a i t ml f sim p 4 1i jf ll 1 hixo k an lur itnnl lelli r f 1 it ljigl ltranit nl hmj llk i si t jim r is j fr o hipjkr s k4 lor in ken iddi hulk i ii lor 2 king dm ir hniil sitrdims 1 mcbeanco georgetown s i slflr erwingoldhanis meat marke special for ibis week pure lard 1 9c red salmon sliced or in pieces while iish baddie and fillets all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 vovgtovs saturday treat rudge will be our treat thiv neek a loieh treatm fudge in ihixolate nnd arnlbi saturday treat weekend chocolates a lodj isminniliit of hanl jnd soft imstitnta aud mi haionufunmraniks week end chocolate 32c lb halloween special a nice uhewj chocolate turiiuel north loc per pound spociau 29o lb oream puffsand crumpets un wwlussdaya and saturday kmdlj kaveour order if ou rthiuire anj on those days arthur norrington malh st phone 89 v fresh from the golden wheal fields our hour is milled from tin finest i kind uf whole wheat and its i nourishing and tiodj building i luulities an uiihurpasstd for all j linad inikntg purpoa h and fancj j lukiug il ia tin first eliotci of 4 liousewnes who demand the heat t hour norval flour mills 4 t w b browne co pntrlcten nerval f phoheshnnlolpal s48r31 f oeorcetowstsora 101r23 brampton 3a7r3 f igrandysi the pure food ito g grocery specials large washed bmul nuti per hi french rludded walnuts pi r lb minhmallows per lb tins of leis i tins of mm 2 tins campbell tomato mjup 2 tins of hi mi tomato soup squirrel rriml peanut llutt r yer ih 2 lb dabs t 2 in largicookink righ nu i ii dellv pcrwder i for rhiuxeormacjwns uth powder s f i totlliuntrfi fomona eoffeejx btaek tea m bulk per ih japan tea per lb a m grandy phone 7b ssllstklifs cssnsttca xsosibbbbbsksibbszsi rrssl idlterr

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