Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1926, p. 2

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paok l dirt hi mniriuhi an i ilinthi nn now chnrkul tar al un followinu raua lllrths qc innrrlnj n 60c death 60c immorlrl curu or id per line extra for poetry tllb qkobofitow ilfhaiti ni r married v llhavbmcuonaid al slmcm on vt edneaday oct 27th 1j26 byth rv wray l davdvm edna ii ideal daughter of mr john mcdon aid queen street to w harold ckave both of gcontet wn died rot in tjcurttotuwn onsiinluj i tour lilt 19a1 jconct rnutrlcli foal aged s3 yen obituary cln mikint i t mi after mh u f ds illmw iii dfith outirntl itt oikwlli on situr iluy morning t mm murg int ton vtr widow ol ilej cunovir tin lat mrs tohintr y u i inu ol the lute mr mil mr- iomjiii purtlu r stout iinl mils burn 78 jam ngt oi tho seventh i im of htilton gmnlj tor the pant 15 earn sin lind rthiuul mi oak v jlu previously living in tliu eount on tb 111111111 higbwny she wan nn iiitivt worker for tin pditedobimh mitt won nuny ruiiii bj her genu i nut ure irtdfieaioil bj her hiuituiiid ik tuuntlii ag is inrvnprl by nilmighkr mrs 1 grill ml ol icurgelowii ml i hertieti conow r of oukvilu i w liuutc hi h ton ugtd tjjfirs one of the old em hi tiv iiubiih v iik ii of sarnia w is tumid dwd tn hn store uti front slrw t on sat until morning hiving ii i irtuitl suflvml a siizurt lute fnduv 1ught hui he had lieui working at the stoa hi had beui in business lie rt vi jours and foun ded the sarnin v oolleti mills stori which in operated at the tirai of hi death m uujuintioii with his in phew j auk and james newton the former being tht mil knotfu formerqiii jiugbjloiuli j mr mew ton w bat helor he waa chairman of the city parka iwird and only last week omciallp turned- o vtr the new athletic grounds to the imperial club was also a meraher of the bo in i of education aud very active in all matters pertaining to the welfare of tht schools mr new tun w m lorn in li inch oust a brother john m newton samia aud a sister mrs u nickell sarnia jmptiih t urgelfreuenck tost after a short illness gt orge j red enuk xwt head machinist at the provincial paper mills on the credit passed away at his home on queen st on sundii hil decewjod was n son of the lute ileury tost ami was bom in st wart tow n fiftj three jeora ago he has been a faithful employee at the paper milk tpj nearlj 40 jeare and a good citiztii eatemtd and respected by all who knew him besides ins widow who was formerly josephine thompson of glenwillinrat he leaves a family of five sons fred prank hem- jack and duncan three brothers and throe bisters also survive viz william duncan al bert and mwa alice georgetown mrs robt neil new libkenrd kirs john bell london the funeral took place on tues day afternoon to greenwood genu tery when the service vas tonducted be rev k p wase rector of fat georges church of which deceased was a member the pll bearers were john bingham e mcwhirter w v grant angus duncan s kirk charles watson glenwilliams mrs j mareden s many friends are p hear of her recent illness and t a speedy recoverj are our boys going to organize hookey xcam this winter we are not waiting for the coining election it is wet in the glen already the brotherhood took charge of the service in the united church sunday last mr hlythe being the speaker ourntjw factor cominenud oper ations last thursday and will soon bi going full swing halloween di nut itlchrated in the glen this j car mrs jos slarohinent n ho has been ill for teveral weeks is improving nicely the ladies aid of the u n i church will hold asale of work and homemade baking on saturday nov oth particulars later nuesm hall boies town council dr williams ajlale4 medical health olllcermeel again saturday night hn i omul rt mtkn pud bi linn mr lit l willi mi mulaal ht ilth offii iliij ol otorgvto ii itdiliewutl the uuhou sl plbholh illrthh s liuaiiit is rts t ury iowt r ml is m t mr ed co mill rt plan ins w is ippointpd for lie m it i sjiliirv o tljil ilunilnd doll umwi bj k hi rtoidtnl lj sej i t dllibotii 1 gi it bu of js itusintsstiht jmud formkti in nihtik ljrrittl monti dniiian sif niltiti lij i oug that tlieolerk lc nutiuu 1 to stud i ihshil r 101 25 math in fnor of i align itinkkj vorwith to d 0 cameron in ordtr iti settlt up tulur constriittion cm ippeal arnttl olimolioi of long and htlh tht passed farewell lo mr aiii mrs win mclotob i pi following aiu unt ilelirtlephonco ikllttleph in co town halt hell tclt phoui co imin mtnt llailej bhh witerworks municipal world supplies h h minims iireuiiuiu j p keul supplies h meir legid tees lolm tost gt 28 00 harrj fraikis sw 7 60 henr marohrocmt stt 18 00 ld vans sts 6 00 henrj marehmmt w w 18 00 henry marclimcnt w w 18 00 henrj mnrcliirii nt ww gtorgetowii flonl cv n m hjtlro llwtr- r hjl eietlni ww powtr bs 70 ajdrohleetril fire hall hjdro electm town hall 2 bh hjdro electric lanv 1 r h tliompson o w u 06 rmperial oil co oil ww 4 64 carried moved lij lit sttcj iet on 1 d by bi claj tint we do now uljoum to meet satird ij night no 6th it 8 i m carneil mrs lohn mekni of toronto u mstmg with mrs sleightliulnit softball wsln nditv g f u k lie prtsbhtnun on n g luiltl ut at tin hint nf mm a i icohinsoi to bid knit wt ii to mr ind mrs mulu lnh win w r ill 1 leiing f in home in ilaunlimi a musnal tttil litt mrj prtgrani mix proiidetl followed i gullies mill n frcsliun uts duniik tin program in iddrttw wfis i id to mn matlntimh l kv k m i i- an and ah x ftw r prcsid nl ol tin duild prestnutl mrs matin losh with an nmbrtllu tht aildrusa and gift won grit fully rtstimd and mrx mi lnlosli x prtsmsl iiir rvgrcti at leading inr frit mis in teorgutowh and till uork of the guild whnhsht u mutli en joyed tht follow tug is tht utldress dvur mm mcintosh the world tonstantl moes and thi in n v e nients of the world affects tiurlnus souit for iklttrjiiiri some lor worse that iiiottmtnt in tilt world whitili inakt s ii ntt cmsirv lor juu to leme us will ut hopt btulur hiryou but it is surely worse tor us ills bad foi us im tust it tills tin htorj ut indulml depression in the town ami it is worau for as bcuiust wc ar not tiihat jqur ompaiiioiwhlp and y our iisinstaiiui vs m past dujs this is still in some iiieasure a new laudtojeu mil mr mutlntosh and perhaps jou ttt1 that jou are yet blringi rs ami pilgrims llh alft a s a far iiwit look atross m my miles of n utt r n i rand that was out t home aud which refuses lo i to j ou- inj thing other than home we had hoped that georgetown would be come hnnil to you that as long as yon luedyou might live hen but if you are not to live htni al was wi liaegatlured lute tonight to tell i on that y on hive made our home town and our church and peel at ly our guild much brighter and happier and better while you did live here you have worked heart and head and hand to accomplish the good work in which we an interested we i an not forget how willingly you have ucpmlgd wnrhare or the work r utiiiti though we all kupw that many duties constantly clnimed your attention at home and that often these duties were fated with very limited strength we desire to ux prejisour sympathy with you m the disappointments of life during the time that mr mcintosh was laid ide from work we trust that your new home may not tie too far distant f rom us and that it may prove to he a yery happy as a murk of our ap preciation we ask you to accept thu gift uud trust that it may ott remind ou of your man friends in the guild of knox presbyterian church george tew a alex kraser president clarence keith secretary tno fast ind exciting games of softball were played at the aren thnrsdai evening last whiili drew urge and enthusiastic crowd in the hrst game 1 imehouse detailed n lal by the score of 22 t 19 t second gnme between the huh mess mm ind the firemtn wnlteieii i exciting at hit end of the g um the score was a tie c an extra innings mm played in w lmlt the business mtn si ortil tht n inning on tuesday evening the k c k c class defeated the glen ifi to 11 in the first game the wcond game be tween the argonauts and the ico c class wis in t is mitotr for the former rin ligu btanluig 11 ay ed won argonauts 1 1 limchouki i kckc 1 i busnuss men j 1 n oi val 1 1cuc 1 0 firemen 2 i glen 2 0 on thursday night horval vs glen i c l l vs lnnebeuse next tuesday night kckc business hen firemeti is i c c ashgrove farmers would do the travelling public a service if they would see tht their names are printed plainly on their mail boxes or better still in a prominent plaee ou or beside their road gates if una were general the practice it would be much easier for travellera to find the places they wished to visit either sot tally or for business purposes it is not the easi est matter m the world for the way fkrer to hnd the farm tliat he wished to reach directions are often fully inaccurate and even when ii in the immediate neighborhood of a place it is sometimes necessary to walk a considerable distance to some house in order to make inquiries and obtain explicit direction much qf this inconvenience could be ivoided if the names of the owners of farms were printed either on their mail boxes oron their gateways apart from all this the traveller is often interested to know who lives m a place that has for sornereason oi other made a special appeal to his interest perhaps the farm is well kept the buildings particularly at tractive or there may be something about an orchard a lawn or a well kept fit wer garden that excites in terest i nd the passerby naturally feels tl t he would like to know who lives m that particular place card of thanh we hereby convey to friends and misbbori our very uncere thanks for the many kiodneatet and sympathy ex tended tominoursad beiwrement by tba dalb of a beloved husband and fathar mr frd tort and family georgetown the ashgrove impror mi league held a most tuiloesafitl inmcnt in the sunday school room of tt u united church on friday oct 29th a firstclam program gitu to n full house by the fo lowing talent minx dorothy parson clwutioiiisl toronto- miss phyllis ieirli a oa m toronto mrs iniui soloist toronto i n i t cburtli quartette miltoi m partridge soloist milton mrs miss stephens bethel mr john bird pianist georgetown addres- sesbj reeve t l lesliejiuf uoun cillor m j carton of liiiutsing the fust of a series of pnhln speak ing ontesls ilso tk pis t elgin contestants wen allow from twn to five minutes i ich th judges were messrs m l monsbb kuildell and f morrittoti prizes were awardpdus follow s tin municipal trophy donated by hsqucsing council ns airardeu to miss peart krownrnlge ti d present ed by reeve t i ieslie the tie clock ttoriited by the t lub m com petition open to thu county awarded ta miss kvehne hayward of hornby and was ptxjtiitcd by the leader mrs h wilson tht trophu must be won three times before bo- coming the propt rt of tht w inner net proceeds in aid of shgrom cemetery a special meeting of ashgrovi improvement league wig held on oct 26th at the home of the leader mrs rl wilson aflvrthe trtnsac- tion of hust nuts games and bpeech were injoyed followed bj a 1 lows en festival celebrated by weiner roast nut craekig com pop ping and apple eating it proved pleasant and profitable evening cmiftrtas am sodejy fall millinery i dresses and flowers felt velvet and silk hats all at greatly reduced prices patricia selfperfuming flowers for dresses and furs dresses silwul mixture of wool and silk and jersey knit for dresses in one or two piece made to order misses claridge herald block georgetown upstairs mmmhb new advertisements just what you need now apex records why pay more latest tong and dance hit come in and hear them wilsons oneill block georgetown station c ah ace follow ing is the report for oct applications for thildreu 1 children brought to the shelter children returned to parents not wards i children involved during the month 7 complaints received 3 investigations made 6 mad matter received 88 mail matter sent out 86 mileage approximately 524 office interviews 12 court attend anee 4 wards placed out 4 wards returned to the shelter 3 wards visited 2 no of children in tiu shelter 10 w h stewart auction sale of household furniture the uoderttgrki bai been imlrucled by a hti sleiehtholme eell by public auctiun nl her rtsidenc- qiktn si reel georgetown on friday november 13th i 7p 2 bedroom suite iilte pnrlor cook slave 2 rockcrt 2 tabln rower igoteumrug new 3 burner coal oil move kiicheti rarike cupboard book auction sale -ol- uvc stock fnlt7 mi crali tbe undnaijrned bai received inmrucllnoii from o 0 emi to sll i y pubttc aujl nn ii crofiotivyll lot ii 4ttlme- tiqttcsiiiir on wadneahiay hovember 11 1 mmojucii ibe ollowlrik hortbtay horse 8 jp bay horse jm bay herie lt yr dik rey per rberon coll 3 y prlly broken entile jersey cow frcah jmey grade cow due limp of aalr holnletn rr-nt- he1ir fmh holtneln rrade cow due ucc 25 holitnn grade cow due dec 30 hcl alcio xrada heifer due dec 4 durham heifer doe lime of aale durtntm cow due feb 19 durham htrfwdo 1eb 3 dur ham cow due april 19 diuham cow due may 2j ajrafaire cow due april 5 hoi iran grade torr due march 14 hoi it em grade cow milk ijr well 3 hotmiein heifen nog 2 yr pirayorli and 9 pir 6 weehi al time at time cf sale dung york tow tu hoe 0w due jan 20 9 nfb isolba 10 puja moot hi g n 3 gramaboul 2001ut o a c no 11 ottla aboax 200 bua o a t no 21 bar slmep 10 oxford grade run 4 ewe lambs pure bred oxford ram 3 stirop- tbtre ewe lamba shi opt h re ram lamb eligible for regialnllion these kheep hate a tl been dipped jpoohry 25 leghorn hena 25 karred rock beai 2 rock roomeri s ge ererylbiog odered will be told at i be owner it roojf to bngtaod for ibe winter tertdf lomonlui credit or tpproved j mil dtxet grain poultry and flttjni of 20 sod odd rr cash straight 5 per cent w a wilson ben fetch clerk auctlootwr all kinds of auto repairing ah classes of boiler repairs prompt service and firstclaes workmanship gaboune and oils we guarantee all work to be aatufactory doc chase proprietor qanaa coraar slag ft qiaaaa strtata gtmrgatown pup re 843 a remarkable stove for summer or winter cosyhome quebec it hmta it cooks it balua providm hot water burna any fuel modarata in prlca with or without water front or raatrvcir orate are adjuatama to abauow anto far all fuck tor suntmcr nat a large top tmheor batcoaknludpodeat takes 31 tncfa wood the goay home la a realty irmaricable atova ctae in today and ltuadiowytiubowwartcaaarrayjj happy tbaugfat fumaow area foal and r h thompson co happythought bed outfitsbed mattress and spring from 595 springs mattresses bed couches cribs comforters blankets pillows bed spreads sheets pdlow cases we have a splendid showing of these at very reasonable prices new lines of the newest styles in sweater coats windbreakers pull overs hosiery gloves and mitts turnbulis highgrade under wear reliable goods exceptional good value serviceable garments in a de- pendable quality 2 piece suites 4 piece suites dresses coats sweater coats jerseys stockings gloves mitts cap and underwear t many new lines of mens wear windbreakers jackets pullovers dress pants the best value we have ever shown 350 to 5 we have added to our line of high quality shirts the newest styles of forsyths with obdir rr 81 f i rj 1 p11i iei kuxt hri t wir p wml k utte ur htfcre n vl ii turnip for sl iu1i nil rt i r irs l k i t l ii r ji 2t far flmla k id jt he l i ii h 2 j x ljii pi ii i- it r jjj lip tor sale otjll- kl it jlx eei xtrii ej sir 00 ii i uk jr w mi i8 00 lpml mdyt j lmoi arlelu f t lof i lip to rant 6 rliniel i ie on itytdock street id r l waier i de newly reitova d mmd lepwic- apply t h batjlt iar bala arrelm sn mble w pplet pnuu fbr sla eat i arpty d l itei ho ezii georgelow bert maple ave pig far sale t au r malcolm m ntbb georyolow ijihone 91 r 4 woa for taim it dd wood 2 75 per cord dry hard wood 4 00 er cord alio halt ion ford initk fur ul- n nood runn tig order wm tm ncreon phono 330 georgetown horaa fbr sal kaingolda fbr bala ai out io tona of mangold i ppl lo georgetown floral co for flo vcutt bjrgy road wagon act ait glir less collar and hames also dulch jr hand cjlling 1x apply ura imch- phone 61 r 4 georgetown how to tumt 7 rooms son room electr c i hl ualer ma du ganute on queen sireel ap ly lo jnmei mckecbn e phone 9lr3 geoigetown r b no 3 jt colt fbnleja jark lark i hones 229 or 264 -ffeorge- hony for mala beat clover honev 15c per lb amlw boney 12 1 2c per lb a r vanailer annw gcorjrciown k r no i tf see the goods see the values jacksons georgetown xi klt elcclnc i ght plant with new nj hour batlerv price 9100 jual the plain to i glit your country home and i thr power walter t evan if iron wasted ll grades of acrap iron wanted by georgetown foundry co if wood for sal 1 hae secured a latro quantity of dry beech anj mple delivered anywhere town or glenwilliami al 4 00 per load about a cord o 12 rich wood alio cut raili a s3 00 per load and mixed wood al 1m per load j brand lord box 490 georgetown phone 135 r 4 r fbrbu tin al h alf lot ib con 5 et k nicxll ii vallon bank bain k k 31 fire insurance j w iennedi gurgettki agmt or aoroe of the atrongeit cow palea writing rnaurance are you protected a o a garage lfttesp-alch- gmrmce repairing on all makes of carri battriea ibepadred and chaxsed usoblne work tllaird luturla rirlon tlraa pall stock or wet radio a a b bittern wa kava a flat rata far twelaarfrug bdlo a battariac en- qalra ahawt aaaaa paam0w ivf mills aaaltat your own chimney may prove a firebug sparks from your own chimney an inflammable roof fire thousands of such incidents occur every year but not when buildings are protected by barrett mineralsurfaced roll roofing sparks fizzle out blazing embers die helpless harmless for this is a proved firesafe roofing are you considering a new roof for barn garage or house then come in lets talk it over today endorse jf- you will always find a full line of seasonable hardware here lj stem pines joi iditith rubber stair raati 20t m black or pi fit em 1 plj nulling 1 2 hliub jackuife vio ronn shot 2j short irtriilgim zu 4f mil f0 att tungmtrn limps horaa cltnplng aataefclaa ajid plataa l taak ksgnpni ih we iihm i jujlieo cook iloio or georgetown o

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