Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1926, p. 3

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this iwtmla muilc to you with that eiactfie and purity bo often datired for miicrtatiiing your friends it rtlgne supreme local headuuarleis lot individual service convenient lor you hear it at wraggeltes nya quality hm store miliii i ill 1m 1 1k hi mil i i mm uillr 1 die ki i detroit sptittle w tk i i it ll i uiiudtlimliparoiigt idmour ei i u k i r a iv m f mug of chi ngout mid 1 tlio fun ml of mm d ii ii ng ol cto n ml apt i i ll u i lltvhwitl i is hlmcttm in town miss heiti i iv so 1h iltei ling it iittli yifthf txulivi torn iiite il l he n illoliitt c ujiul of until of canada ut st ilium 7 church news local news hems observe tl i stop sigi nomination nov hi armistice 1 iy 1 ov 11th thanksgiving day net monday prohioition meeting at milton nov 11th our burlier thops return to irlv cloning next wetk please note the lecture i the library on fnditv evenii g nov flth ou the league of nan rm ja bazaar will bt held at st pauls rector norval un kr iiuspl eea of the w a on fnd iv dm m orion lodge i 0 0 will hoi 1 a euchre and dunce in in arena on friday nov 26th keep the due open the cos lass of ki ox pres bytenan ohurtli will hoi 1 i tea and sale of hoim mad kilo t i suur day dec 4th edward cdam pruente i the herald with i bouinn t of clematis bloom which lie i icked ip his garden on nov 1st the postpontd am hon sale of clarence wmheld mil be held on tuesday no 9th see particulars in this issue a meeting in the interests of temperance will be held m the h in sist church on tuesday nov 9lh it hpn all interested plea ittt ml the women of the b i p 1 1 s t church will hold a sale of baking and homemade goods on novemlicr 20th watch for farther p irti ulara the woman s auxiliary of st john 8 church stewaruouu i i n 1 holding a bazaar the afternoon m 1 evening of nov 18th furthi rpir ticulara later all barber shops in town will close on and after nov 8th at 6 o clock on monday 8 o clock on tues day thursday and friday and 11 o slock on wednesday and saturday tea and saje of homemade bak ing in the united church on bator- day afternoon nov 6th from 3 to 7 inder the auspices of the i w 0 8 and c g i t classes everybody invited concert and supper in the unit ed church norval on thanksgiving night nov 8th the program will be given by the salvation array band of brampton admission 36c and 200 2t the annual meeting of george town and esquesing humane soc iety will baheldwtbecouncilcuam ber at 8 o cloak on wednesday nov 10th election of office- a good attendance 1m requested a travellers complete trunk of sample dresses will be on display at bulls store an friday and saturday these being from one of ontario s loading firms thestf lesand materials will be fashions latest a bazaar and pancakt supper will be held at the parsonage lime- house under tbe auspices of the i ad ies aid on wednesday nov 24th bazaar open at 4 p m supper rnd program to follow admission 36 and is cents have your eyes examined bj drot walker r 0 who will be at watson a drug store georgetown wednesday nov 10th the best glasses at moderate prices make on appointment with mr wats phone 76 mrs j a wilson of ottawa president of the national council of woman will apeak inhhe public lib rary friday evening not sth at 8 pm her subject is the league of nations everyone is oordially vited to attend silver collect o oh monday evening of this week the guild of kno preabjter- lanchureh georgetown visited tbe godd of the presbyterian church acton the evening s program which consisted of two parts devot ional and social was both profitable and enjoyable miss adams has some smart hats for matrons which she u selling at greatly reduced prices also several pretty drosses at wonder- rally low paces for example a smart blaeksilk dress henna trimmed sue 36 reduced from 12 60 to 10 00 come in and get a bargain a larpe number or tbe members of the w m s of knox presbyterian church attended the wms rally of the toronto presbytena held last thursday in cooke s presbyterian church toronto during the after noon setuoh a memorial service was held when an address on a challenge to oor women based on mrs r f cameron a bfe of service was given by her pastor rst k mclean ballon profclfcltion union the i ijounied nueting of llu to i prohibition union a ill be in st pauls tlmnli milton riiuradaj no t ruber 11th at 2 u fntntls of prohibition are inv p gibbon preaiduit i h t seoretarj rt maw en rord iajing an egg each day hiiiu wednesday wl en she had tin ad roken the worh s record for yeirlv production he no 6 of tie ut ivei sity of british columbia hit 1 eg bom entry h id itkblwheda n wit ord with 361 1 ggs to hi r red for 3c5 das al hlobtar kaiti s i haugh wh inr loini tune lias been n ihargt of tht p irisli of non al hut found it i essurj to i ulcouut of ill health tune his recent iic ident he has not ueeu 1 le to do tlio work of tlib three hinhes hell sunday vo- rilllh- mr baigl 1 wt smid i popalva tar amblln dy girls under the iiiutpnes of the omens limtitute hill again call ir citizena on saturday ov 6l ith poppies for armistice day and hope for a generous response in patronizing th cause ou ire assist u g the disabled soldiers who make the poppies an t 11 at the 1 h il insti tute eyj wtaur rlr honor lieuu rnor he irj cockshutt has kindly t oi tod to oihciau at the opening ceremo- if tie rojal winter fair fn da evening nov li in the roal coliseum this being the fifth birthday partj of the boal fair now said to be the biggest indoor exhibition the continent star eauuiafcm euoord dnvinga star six si ock tounugiar under strict observation clyde hod nott testing engineer for the south em branch ol the pacific coast star factory establuhed an economy cord for fuel ind oil consumption that probably will stand for some time to come- hodnott drove his star 646 2 miles and averaged miles per gallon of gas and one quart of oil for the entire trp aat dastcwotlom it in to be hoped that the latk res ponsible for tbe destruction of mrs h p lawson fence pjn liallowe en may be apprehended and punished for their wanton actipn there is a vast difference between having u little fun and the destruction of pro perty we understand the chief has the matter in hand and that the guilty parties will be brought before the magistrate shortly kail oidar jatlo a backwoods justi e of tbe peace used to consult what looked like a law book bat was really a mail ordei catalogue one diy a negro was haled before the squire oi a charge of drunk enuess the squire heard the ei dencc and then after opening the book and gl memg at it fined the ne gro 4 49 to be worked oat on the road 26 lent a tin as the negro aas mg led an ay he said to the marsh al 1 aho is a uuluck nigger unlucky nothing replied the marshall if the mjuire had happen ed to open that book at automobiles inscad of pniits oud be working on the road for the rest of your life aidrwwl mtalitrul aamiutt tbe mmihtnal awiooiauoii kitaheimr gall and guelph melon honda nov 1st at 11 30 the y m c a kitchener and after the fifty ministers who were present had dinuer together rev dr dickie of georgetown read a scholarly paper on biblical diffn ulties he treat ed the subject undei three heads the moral difficulties of the bible the scientific difficulties and tbe literary difficulties an interesting discussion followed closing with a hearty vote of thanks to dr dickie coupled with the request that the paper be published for yjebenefit of others em tkmts wednesday nov 1 wjuspenng smith railroad melodrama chap ter 8 of wild west comedy- what the world coming to friday jibv 5 let s get mar- ried comedy drama with richard dix oomedv till we eat again fox newn saturday nor 6 druscilla with a million a hoart- interest picture with mary cart comedy salty sap hodge podge merry go round of travel thanksgiving day m6n nov 8 matinee at 3 pm the bat ray- tery urania from the stage pla7nf the same name by marj robert rine hart comedy isn t lovecnckoo pncee mat 16c arid 26c night 25cmd36c personals tlik okohuftown hftltail ntt rii in lui n it ii i ktn it mill 11 it i i l 1 r i l it h i m i 11 i in i mr il d m it hlhllt ll i 1 mi h dr ii h t it il lc or 1 w k ei 1 mil m mr b nk c si icorge s church ri ea iiexf sunday will le of ll auksgiving liaractcr and will 1c in follotts h a m h9i communion fliim holy communion choral id sennoi ly the rector 7 loril ivtiiioig ind sermon b tlie uitelchtmh rev dr dickies subjects in ll united church next sunday nov will be morning why uphold prohibition evening luanksgiv hecttoo motes bain tirter prominently identified th the temperance movemenl guelph for many joars uid a foiraer memlwr of the legislature wuu unam nously chosen to oppose hon l111 oln g oldie provincial secretary at a joint convention ofthe liberals pro- grtwswes and prohibition unions of south n ellmgton held at the city ii ill on saturday afternoon the meeting was largely attended fifteen being nominated all of whom with ilrew but sam carter and t e bis- sell elora secretary of the protubi lion umon le of the greatest demonstrations of confidence 111 a member was ev meed last saturday when 460 dulej gates from every polling subdivision peel county met 111 oddfellows hall brampton to express the unan imous desire to have col t l kenu cdy again represent peel in the com ing provincial election there was a shout of no when the president of the ieel liberal conservative afwocin mrs emily uniuhart asked whether there were any other uomina lions the audience started to cheer iter voicing its desire uid it was fully 10 mm u tea before the able to make himself heard great years la natiws history interesting things have happened in 1926 commander byrdln a bok ker airplane circled the north pole photograplis taken 111 europe were transmitted on radio waves to amen ca and published in newspapers a few hours later gertrude ederle daughter of a new york butcher swam the eugbsh channel one hour faster than any of the five men who had swum it before her is any thing interesting going to happen in 1927 for one thing the outh a com pinion on april 16th will celebrate its hundredth birthday during 1927 the companion will contain more interesting leading than ever be fore during its century of successful life consider what you will get for 2 00 52 issues containing 0 book length serials 260 short stories by the most popular authors more than 100 special articles a weekly section for ingenious boys called tlie yc lab a thorough girls department mid 62 pages for children abo in 1 ten is sue an extensive survey of current events making it easy for y ou to fol low the affairs of this busy v orld don t miss the greatest year of a great magazine subscribe now and receive 1 the youths companion 62 issues in 1927 and 2 the remaining issues of 1926 all for only 2 00 3 or induce mccalls magazine the monthly authority n fashions both pubbcations only 250 the youths companion 8 n depl bos- toa mass anrtnllaa matfeml smu pon t fail tobear tbe australian national basdiufeagoelph armor ies thanksgivinjpsy nov 8th 116 pm it a woriaerfitl jt is w rth travelling miles to loar one of the outs ii ding band 01gan1zit one of tie world tickets 60 75 si 00 ou struck finn ijrd ronald sinclair a farmer of the ltsgar district was seriously injured early saturday afternoon when a mo- jt oar he was driving was struck by acp r light engine on a level sing near lugar sinclair now in peel memorial hospital suffering from several bad cuts about his head and extreme shock sinclair was alone in his car at the time of the accident a west bouqp freight train had just passed and thinking the tracks were clear he proceeded across to be struck by the light en gmf winch was travelling east he was thrown several feet and was unconsrious when picked up thrmotor wrecked fr 01 i 1 irnll 4 i i n k tl hlflti school teacher takes on big job a lie in ly two r oi tt h 0 i ir iki bu i ifllt 1 urd fr llfr ilm ll foot ins 2h ukauv vu k d of hjjtt m tw ulnrrt ar he jjtn n ihiiiku oka hoplll mid ni ly yu h d caue l will i 1 yr plll 1 rlnii alter a j uil er 1 nllu li ti l lflll co 1 i tlo may be t vfon w a c atlun prmtdant tl colltg blrcbt loronto i o wrlo promise and fulfilment uhitbd aohd cohpany ltd any bond is simply a promiue to pay its value lies in the moral and financial intekiy of itsisaurr and the bond house which sells it and the physical security by which it ih backed every united f rot mortgage bona is the obligation of a mort gagor whose moral and flnanc ol responblblhty are known to be sound it is secured by nearly double the amount of the entire issue in selected ct ntral income bearing city prope ty it it guar later t arfprlnolp whan du h rite mor dffaiu 0 issues united bond company lirniled 27bay3l toronto dot phone 6079 4 imperial bank bldg windsor local represen ative h r mimms georgetown ontario auction sale of valuable real estate in georgetown therewlldc ofttred for rule by pubic auction on wednesday nov 10 1928 ma n st soutb georgetown belong j 10 ibe taleof ihe ute john r bar ber the property wii the home of the dtreated sod lb nno of the mod hand ode aod valuable retidencet n th 1 do irki i terms- 10 per cent of ihe purchase monay at time of sale balance in v dyt wv l tie w i be given hen petch auuoneer test it yourself salada greek tea lvrte sal ad a tovsito for free sample hydro electric system 4444 orders taken for ranges -ajsd- appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the bsr fricea office town hall enameled ware cookii utensils tsmpi clean as china rsgpl v strong as steel sold in best stares aetyahere 3ht mint proawcrs ca t ford car wins out auction sale cattle implements the underaigned hubeen iniuacted lj olaaeiroe a wraraxd ell by publ c auction at lot 22 co 10 esoucabtt 0 tneaday november 6th at one o clock be following caitleholstcd cow due feb 14 iking welli holile n cow d e march 2j milking welliholmeln cow due mar 13 milking wellt houte n cow duo mar 21 milking weu polanaui cow due feb 19 mil a ing i houtein cow milk nit 2 mon durham cow milking 3 mot houtein cow milking 3 1 2 monlhi bred aug 19 hi tern cow milkidg 3 months bred aug 26 holiteln cow freih smonthn holtteb cow due dec 29 hoist ein heifer due dec 24 holateinbull pnro bred 3 yet geeie 2 old geeae gander and ilx of 1926 hatch implement mrucy hartu 12 hoc dnii firal claw renalri maacyhmi 13 taoth cultivator in goo rep n sat diamond harrown 4 ae tlons chatham fanning miluwith baggar hay rack 1 1 2 yard gravel box too bnggr good new should the weather prove nntavoraole ulfl will or held intde tern geea and aliumi ofs20 id under rah over lhat amount 12 month o ed l on approved o n nolea a wilson bes petch the proverbial thrill tliit comes once iti a life time came to hundreds of ford owners at the western lair i ondon ou sept 18th when they saw a standard ford romp iway from w hippet and chevrolet competitors in the special five mile race on queen i park track the ford finished nearly six hundred yards ahead of the otl i r iiu tauta making tbe five mile gnnd in 7 27 the race was a special fuilua of the fair program resulting from a challenge issued by the hippet repn suitativn lo all owners of light cars the spectators saw a tl nlling run despite tlil fact that the ford led the whole way for the first loir miles the contest was exceptionally keen between the whippet aiid th f rd but the chevrolet was lasily lapped thewhppet made good time oi tin torners i ut on the straight the ford oomed ahead like a racing ar ford cars are oold by h a coxe dr learrponth veterinary sur geon now practising m georgetown and vicinity u a graduate of ontario vetennary college he had 4 years veterinary eipenence with the c f a 2 years assistant to the state vrter- inary iowa and r vears general ptae tics in wisconsin phone 340 main st n georgbown father and soft fightside by side kor la a handsome lad or mean ho very proud a naw lul of bead cho at aolne friend t to him now a tn 1 car aa far m uoalun bl radio i he wlrei com rlcl t in by hi col where he nuti moil of loo lima lou aac hay la in tt a mutkok una pllal for lonaumpiivaa and la ty no cm r aa well ma ha inoka allhoujrl hd aata ha la reluns aloni ana he can vi1t hla dad too which la an other aourca of comfort to htm dad la in thaaam inatltutlon alao maklna tha never caln atruiblc aaalnat the fall dlaaasa so otttn t b jtrlpa more than on in a family oolh ara raallr makloc food irocraaa however tba eotuplata raat he dticlpuna anff tba care or kindly uaua aood airpct in thlt efficient lualllutlon the uuakoka koavltaj la urgently in need of fund what can rou epaie to halpt contribution may ba aant lo hon w a charlton praeldaot lit couasa strvai toronto 1 ontario collections w handle collection kelly aiken couectws onasatlua u4 om sonad re sundird bank of cnadk main st north formerly browns garage miuraand children flannel dmsca in all ihe latent coloia chtlda bannd uanlee suits sizea i 4 am 6 2 2t 250 misses hunnel dies sea 8 10 12 mvtat3 50 sweaters ladicst windbresdvcni j3 60 and 4 50 la die a brush wool sweatees 3 95 m 25 ladies heavy jumbo knit arweatetsi 4 95 5 95 colors sand while and caidina und erwear just arrived ladies and children union and wool vesta drawers and corobinationa including tuinbulls and stannelds no better made mcbeanco georgetown iisesss enifingoldliains meat marke special for this week pure lard 19c red satam slice ar is pieces while fish haalie asi ruds au meata kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 no rringtons saturday treat k jelly fingers will be oau tmi tfai- week long pieies i f r d4t iuus flavored oaimly in diftrrvnl barors and colors saturday treat 29c lb weekend chocolates quality t ngfat ihctr with tins line of chocolates do nol be misled in taking cheaper linn dac valor is here and you v ill be convinced after voo batt- bought some of iberu hard and soft centres wmekead chocolate 32c lb assorted taffimt peanut cma cocosnut hock peanut bar and butter scotebr spcwtau 3o lb lvindly leave yonr order for cream polls and crumpets for thanksgiving arthur norrington ama i7 phone 89 fresh traa he gamea wheal relds oar hoar is muled irom the finest kind of wool wheat and its nairisliittg and i tody building qualities an- unsurpassed for all bread making purposes and fancy baking it ti the first choice or rmmtscwive who demand the bast soar norval flour mills t wb browne cxllrmannarval t phowes hamioirajauiav oaraton sriebaa brmaapton ssrir8 t aaaia i setseiaabisciaiicessa sgrandysi b rams roon mtomve 1 grocery specials b stock carriex information furnlahtrd and sth on bran tf ord roofins randarwd by gsrorgetown lumber co ltd georgetown large washed brazil nuts per ih french biw wadnnu per ik jlanhmallows per lb 2 una of peas 2 tins of com 2 tins campbeffs tomatd soort 2 tuts of helm toenato sonp squirrel brand peanin boitrr err lb 2 ik dates 2 lb large coofane tigs nujeu jellv powiit tor delhte or maclareifc jehr pow kw 4 fnr todhcnt rtttottv roffft- per lb 1 black tea m balk per ik japan wxbet ik a

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