Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 3, 1926, p. 4

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illy orlhr lows hhiai ii notes and comments once of iirpi ui11 rumu thereto ror days and lotui conipnricl with ill palionh mi 1 vmor i fmlti vurut of 1 whirr wmth r i- th m tin pliysieal uthmicy of liny he rid the the tiufuiikrn n ha rewind i inn wd irnivl il iiutuii in ih i tum rinr iin niinnmi uiul un nitiiiiiribli solaie or thi bit r thun wtutliii in jrry l froty khls uri 1 uli human frnmi in mi lo tiike in w strength uml lif frum the hi utiiit now ami biting ioll man upint flourishes on lombiil mul n mstunci it is- the long wuiti r night that puis iron bnck into northini souls und n cues thim from i hi uppiilluik posil blhliub of eternal summer it ih only during hm periods of mdokneu thut the dwiller in ihi timperute zom sighs frfr thi yiur of u mtigle s aaon and dreads tin nppruuch of the urgent frost the bhak winds of winter the drifting iow nnl the ici covered t rivers but whin ihi find blast of winter straightens hm shoulders sends thi wnrm blood coursing through his body end quickuis his puce momoriu of the summer huh unish before un tieipntions of snug overcoats blaxing hearts sound slumber under coty comforts roast turkey pumpkin pita whole evenings for reading or noose and complete contenment fuel bills and shortages anti frtcec concoctions snow covered walks stalled uutomo biles and uncertain eonthtions over head and underfoot art surely more than i om pp mated for to th many hlesuiigx the tempi rate zone holds for wrnlni lo truck own the ontario government la issuing an appeal to ull motor users oveiload on he highways fn often the subgrade and h loading the short road to bumps the roam users are asked to exercise judgment in the loading 1 operating of trucks for a few heavy trucks can undo the work of days and do thousands of dollars worth of damage repaired roada are never as good as the original roads and then the cost n lot of money for the fix ing and that fixing comes out of the pockets of th ratepayers s the idea is to save the nuids and sum money the highway traffic act fixeh the limilof the weight of loads in fall and spring and heavy penal ties ar extracted for the violation of section haitian national railway earnings the gross enrniiigs of llie nruidian national railway for the 10tlrvj period ending beptetnber 30th 192c ware 8 238 7d as compared uitli 37 814 072 for the sime period of 1925 an men aw ol 5 124 6w five per teiit- crop kepui following is uiu bunk of montrt il crop report under date of oet 7tli the oat erop hits been luidlj tlani aged bj wet nenther anil will lw2fi percent below iverage corn liar vesting in general the t rop w good root crops are good with the excep tion of turnips which iro i failure there is considerable rot in potatoes winter apples are scune but fall apples are good gnptsare heavj hut are ripening slow i j plums art plentiful and of good quality three quarters of the tobacco crop has cen harvested but balance has 1hoii hit by frost and is of little value bvans are a poor crop pastures are exrel lent p hurts uiyoa to 1 butlt luvlua a mm kaok there 8 a practical side to the politeness found in tlim shop wa hnd that it pajs in dollars iml canta to render a courteous servn e along with the high grade laeats hrv coal beat d l w scanlon coal in all sizes alio smilhina and steam coal mrs j walkins nora station phone bi r 42 business is good at gnelph business college guelph out establisliwl 1h44 ovtr 5000 men and women refer to the training received at the codpb baslaess- cttkflc aa their start on the roal l a mieady demand for our graduate you can atari on monday pergonal infraction given each etudent buiinett experienced in- mtructors who have the abil ity to impart knowledge be successful enrol now h l much prldrfu4 prtftldtr that 1 a dihn bl lr fncjort in 1 25 inc rrantd th ir output bj id pt cent over m iht- he cana lln fir in mktii tlwa whels re all n ontario a decision wnvremhed at a rawt ln of the diirclora th burux of the ivpnrtmdil of ttillway held rntl to undrrtuk lb construe li n of u auburn rme tunnel under the shimuikmki mjl straits at an eitl ilmud cost of 10 000100 this will connect the main uland of japan ithkjushu tb southern island alber a has one of the must won derf ul v ltd gune hinterland in north america iccord ng to adolph muller of nomttown pa game commisiioner of the state he ex pressed thli opinion after spending a month in the interior of the prov irfoe exploring and taking motion pictures including some of caribou on the trek two brothers geprge and edward hume of manor saikatchewao carried off the canadian pacific hallway and the dominion livestock board awards in the recent pic cluba competition conducted by th ex tension department of the unu venity of saakatchewan at saska toon teams from all parts of sai katchtwan competed frederieion new brunswick a mooae with antlera spreading 64 inches was shot in the new bruns wick woods by william proudfoot of dobbs ferry new york while a companion of hn f c chesbrough of new york city brought down a lordly animal with an antler spread of 67 inches mr proudloots trophy creates a record forfhe season vlceadmlral sjr walter cowan kcb of two visiting british cruisers to philadelphia navy yards recently was one of the most in flluiil as tic passengers on the cana dian pacifics miniature train at treasure island the c p rs exhibit at the sesquicenunuial exposition in philadelphia the admiral thor oughly enjoyed the ten minute transcontinental journey from quebec to vancouver in an effor to increase the num ber of ducks and mnskrats in tha northern part of the province of manitoba by providing additional sustenance the provincial depart ment of agriculture has sent north sacks of wild rice to be sown by aeroplane over taa vast duck marsh known aa moose and cedar lakes this constitutes an area 20 miles wide and 80 miles ongiuuj is the largest duck msrsh and tnuskrat harborage on tha continent an attempt is being made by the canadian railroad companies to have the construction of baggage receptabies standardised in order to facilitate lu handling a meeting between representatives of the rail road companies and of canadian hagaga manufacturers was called recently in toronto by w e alli son general baggage agent of the canadian pacific railway and it was generally conceded that mini mum specifications for baggage construction should be adopted reports of recklessness on the part of motorists continue to be re ccived at the headquarters of the canadian pacific railway in the majority of cases tha accidents are reported to have been the result of negligence on tn part of the car owners two accidents at public crossmjts were reported recently me near wingham when a ford coupe ran into the aide ef a tram which was proceeding slowly over a crossing the second accident oc curred hen a truck was dm en in front ot a cpu train at a cron inn r chatham the train was hsckinr oer the cronxmg at three ili sn hour in each rate cross- irr and trie me ilgnels were given coal best anthracite coal always on hand not and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown ladies siamnm1n nucuujw m cuius fkjzzinc am sinw1nc try as otu prices are reasonable mr a mrs jbullieo sffslatpnt twna j78w 1 178 a school on wheels ma slltnk iwi standard anthracite scranton coal in all slrea esquesino council gwladys jonesmorgan coal wood bkltxl lump for douiiihtiti j- nid throhlhtlk piirihiud sniiltiidr and chmiili gout i in fiiol it any oor tliriif lo bo found in mn up lo date coal nod wood yurd ii riikuiiml teacher tl voice production and singing i 11 iihlmu mlhixl studio iss jean adams residence 1011 r7temlll ul 9 pp 4h 1 jlrttl ll spring cutk j totnl j5i hill milium co 4r3i l 74 joill ii 74 total jj48 is i killxl ijj hi n i win ii shoitill uiu 111 jii ia 00 n thu hi i appro iclni clrtun iiurnldod b ilizxlliu id milirfnl ndinnci po urn 1ms mr iniiiwl ii nnirli jd i tit the rmiin r in infldlnn i t i clfic schoil i ruin into tin blnli r hnd of northern ontario j ihpte art tnon mum flfll cliillr i in jui one mii illxlxliiii of uil hull ay ho me lit i loin ii ltlo lo hciukii for the simple unm ihili dn hin the loo iiiiki t tllp l ichool nllli j bundli t uiu- hooks undi r their irm a little furor of xi in mi nl ptmi1 over thlh dtstrlit ft fi d i- when the procl mi tlon went fori that the irhnal tnl i una tomlint i the middle or s ptnihtr si bin jupi ttlnk of it- u io- tli un or mhool that hie en lid dl um town kids h peirn one ilni r but n nchool and op- and con o oiintlon willi tbo c rdcluua tf hrr itcptas rinj3cnool car k so fasclnutlni tlinl it would nuke anyone no mat ter how old want to o to school art in about onebalf the car in devotrd to die school room which h filled will desks ffr little bojh and jjrln and big odls too a desk for li iihir n blbckhoird hookcnseb with school books and tood ftc ion und inn a real hull to summon the niholtirn ilehlnd the ncbool room is the bedroom of the teacher ind in tin ruir or thin ugnln comes i kllilitn to llioroiirlily equipped lili npivlhlni from btove lo ite 1 ox ii lo linj on into the- heart ot in tun mile chi tejcbora iiuk ik waller ii mcnilly i the f ill niithm ilur in a brlpf ihll ix d iyn 1 lmtl nil rip ihi i mork to ke when hih winds wow you are fe ram financial loss- only when folly protected with fire insurance sumptiviu wiaton out mn of i iilliiikhum bipt i to bupt io tin hi bii at tl 50 p day 4t bilbo t iiiniluir lolitlnit for munirijiul hull i roof jij0 cumiion ltubbn- imlimn i of nulury postum und wiiipi biamp laj0 curnul iow1 ulmvt that thi iriutur j puy bl michail a hokpitui loiun lart of miilunl uomihtr aug i to hepl 25 hj60 bulunu of bill i ibpulid curnul i tlowdj burton thut lw fri is nr puy atkilois of juroia us ful iowa w b appttbt 44 m lamp hill 4 huim buint jl g u brown s4 burrlid curton that uuve m kranuil to mtroiluil u by luu to ap point lolkclois of tin ratts for th township of tsiiuisinj for tht vtar ijtti untl that haul riy law bt now read for tht firpt timi barntd carton ltblie that tht by luw appoint collectors of tht itatts foi l lownahip o heiiulaing for thi ytar ljb having bttn nud u first timt bt now nail tht atcond and third timts and pussid and tht cor porutt seal bt atluthul und that th blanks bt filltd in us follows ward o 1 1ttcr mtbibbon ward no 2ah mu ward no 3 h dobbit ward no 4 j crawaham ward no 6 i lindsuy wurd no ba mclay go wily cltavt that icuvi bt grunted to introdutt a by law to tm i powtr the collectors of tht kutis lo collect additional amounts for non payment of taxes on or before dcitm i btr 11 in tnch yiar and thut said b i rind the first timt cai i j sanforu ste war tto wn insurance service ne 119w getrgeuwn 1 heat 6 roomed homse ou murdock sire electric lirbt water nude nevrly rno ted i mined ul posaeiiinn apply to t arwh ukfor modd u sbtgu did station sjtcter quo stwtln with astmflfi turn afmstneuknob well loan you this radio tomormw night right in your own home urell let you prove to yourself that king radio is simplified radio easy to operate built for the whole family to enjoy this picture gives you but a faint idea cf the king 62 ips a beauty in looks and a beauty in performance too six tubes fullyshielded stabilized circuit a single knob picks up the parade of stations on the air and gives you volume and real musical quality yte know radio and every set you buy here gets service our experienced men depend upon that from the time it la installed come in today get a deroonstration1 or merely phone us and well send a man to install this set for three nights tnay right in your own home small down payment balance monthly you can pay for this set as you enjoy it a small down payment puts it in your home including all battenes aenal or other accessories you may need come in or phone us today femem- ber if you havent a goodradio half the world is passing you by j n oneill son ceorcetown ontario king ram most radio per dollar sf esllsules cswrlsllj gives flmemri iieorgeltwi w u as 1 wood linl niu s per single oonl 1 1 i unit for ulso hardwood il i71 dilimred in george- j h- smitfi imne 84 r li qeorgorotri ckbdit auction sale busts callk siteea ami ftp i the undermknrd hasretrlved nutmrliona i j l clark in sell by public suction al lot 16 6th i 1 1 up weil ch nguarousy 14 mile north i if norval station cnr on good m thuraday nov 4th 1998 ckave bowdy thut by law to at 1 p m tie followmgi empower collectors of the kattb to ilorwa black mare 5 ycara agncul collect additional umountu for noil 1 lusl by mare 5 yra eheihlf or isffe payments of taxes having bttn read irmoii clyde bay mart syr h d bay the first unit be now read tht second mrp 2 vrs h d bay nvre z yri h d and thlnl tinus and passed and thi corporate seal uttaihtd carntil carton cleave that this council o now adjourn to meet ut tht tull f tht itecve curried november rod and gun a fiahing department of more than usual interest with a good aggregation of other sporting articles seerns to feature the november ibsuc of hod and gun which- is just published two good fiction atones arc also included in the aggregation of outdoor reading matter mclean of the hudson a hay by william c millar and the blue buoy by b g robbing an eventful snipe shooting trip is a good yarn of shooting on the 1 1 dnl flats of the st lawrence bonny castle dale writes of buit fishes of the bay de chaleur white j w winsops article is this month on cuckoo owls and cuckoos among the writers in fishing notes this month are f mcrrett a well known angler ozark ripley and it h moore whose articles are supplemented by a number of others aa well as a good lartraent has also an interesting col action of special contributions w c motley in outdoor talk this month deals with the woodcraft sign lan gunge mrs jno w griffin of nelson township fell down the cellar steps in her home lost week breaking her right collar bone fracturing her right shoulder bone and eustaining interim injuries county council all the members of the county council were present ut tuesday s meeting of the county council one hundred and fifty dollars was granted to school fairs a proposal to amend the hawkers and peddlers by lav bj general reduction in the license fics likely to mcil on the jhird tuts lay in november it is cxpoctc i that hy that time juil mliott will ha lompletcd the h arinfr n thi appeal upuinbt the equalisation of the uls nitnt will hac given his judg minl un i i hi council will be in u pom lion lo fix thi county rati bit iinrc 2rj g p bay mare t yrs k p l isik gelding 5 yrs b d brown gelding y hd filly 6 mos- or k hie to register lslllc holttnni pure bred and gnuln cow ijrs lrrsh cau at ude cow 7 s due oct 13 heirer 1 yrs fresh call tide row 7 r due nov lib cow 6 n due no 111 cow 4 yrs doa no is s yrs due nev sih better 2 1 2 jn fiii calf al side heifer 3 yrs fresh llr al de heifer 18 month frsttb cifct 19 months duo nov 2od heifer 20 io it resb cow s years due dec 1 dw t yrs due feb lal i hutm is bum ot bred 2 bedcrs 18 mo not bred heifer 10 mo not bred bull 14 moi eligible to register jerseys pure bred and grades cow 6 yrs fresh heifer 2 t 2 yn due nov 8 heifer j yrs due nov isthj heifer k nionlhs due dec idb cow 7 yra due dec 23rd cow 8 yrs due jan ih oow it yrs due mar lai low yra due feb 1 si cow idrs due nov ioih belter j yn due nov 2lot heifer 2 yn due mar jnd heifer 212 yn due feb lit trafer yrs supposed lo be in calf beifer 2 yra due jan 24 2 hetfora 18 moa not bred heifers 16 mo not brcdinetlor 12 moi hlfer 10 mos bull 3 yrs registered bju 15 moa eligible lo regislor grade shorthorns cow 5 yrs fresh calf al side cow yr fresh cow 7 yr fresh calf al side cow 6 yrs due dec 9th cow 8 yrs due jan 6th cow 4 yn due nov 27 2bcifcra 22 moa not brad 2 heifers 20 mos not bred bull is raoa- pigs yorkshire sow due nov 10th 8 tamworlhpigl 10 weeks oldt yorkshire sow mth inter ii pigs 3 i 3 mo old sheei 1 1 ixccdmg eves black faced icttekaiba 3ramlaiob8 sn to commence al pm rain or ah nc if stormy will sell uudcr cover termsall luma of 25 00 and under caili ovcrthil amount il monlh credu nn spprovedijoml notes a wilson ben petch clerh auctio ullwshtttfjlec4virtl hk oatrwiutm in t mattar of mtite c jw hia hadraaaai laic of the town of georgetown in the county of helton spinster deceased notice is hereby given punaant to the revised statues of ontario chapter 121 section58 tha tall persons havjug clairas aguinit the estate of tha asja jane hdcn huffman who died on or i about the 21st day of september 1328 at the aid town of georgetown w re quired lownil by postur todelirerjtathe uixkrikniil wi11 ilor for the ebeeatora of the eitale of the jane helen huff nun un or before t 13lh day of not- imber vjb the r names simrsbi full pii uculan al their diiiuaod th nature of the vcunty iranyhfjdby hum all dun vended by statuury de claration afurthe aaiddate the ex ecu torn will p o ved to dlstnbnta the a acta of lh deeeaaeti among the par ties entitled thereto having regard only to ihe tlainis of which they ahall4ben iuvi noliei and they shall not be liable for tht assets or any part of them to rnij person of whose rlaim notice assail n il hni been reirivtd by ihem it tha time ol tuch dibtnoution diled l miliun tht nine teonth day of o tobcr 19zt u i dltk milton ont solicitor for the f buy shoes that are built by men who hive tpent almoit qstrler of a century in the study of scientific ihoc deiign- ing these men have crested a ihoc that protects tile health of your child no wrinkled linings to create callouses no tacks but a cuihion sole that increases the natural springiness of the foot i shoe that can be enlarged a full lire whenitlioutgrown wc tell and recommend them d brill eorge towns shoe specialist i carry full line of hurlbuts little girls game causes heartache to lonely mother m ihey shut thlr w until ahe icm hopn c ill ur the on tbay nc lo sre thr flrmlr b11ve that mr true hothar know or this i me nd she i dolor her bt is ike 11 come out rlaht bat jturt at runt she li having la ssiall atra r lo itar on tht aarth at all bh is taklnr the cur at th mu- sk hnspltal but had law4 br if to brrnme ac srvatlr ran dam itt thrt iin t much utt of hu ft e kindly nurse and honor to balli son the wondrrful qui at of tba rsst hnanital and tha car aha la avotblng id her worried tmpm tfauamar contributions may bt tant w a chirlton pruldant 111 filrtitt toronto 1 ontario fire insurance j w women ctwttnm agml for toaie of the piole wrilmg in areypu protootad

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